God of Fishing

Chapter 2813: 1 Slash the Great Emperor

Chapter 23 Slaying the Great Emperor

Outside the Valley of the Fierce Gods, there was a sudden war, and many people did not expect it. Except for the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm, others just felt the terrifying murderous intent outside the Valley of the Fierce Gods.

When they looked out, the bandit gods had already taken action, and outside the Valley of the Fierce Gods, it was dark and dark, and they couldn't see anything.

"God made a move?"

"who is it?

Who is worthy of the Bandit God's own shot? "

"What a terrifying power, I just felt like I was about to suffocate."

"Look, who are the three people at the door?"

"Huh! Isn't that Yue Lingke, the proprietress of the tavern waiting for one person?

Did she just join the fight? "

"Hey! That young man, I seem a little familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Nonsense, isn't that Wang Han who is making trouble in the South China Sea?

Oh, it wasn't Han Fei who made a fuss about the South China Sea, or he pretended to be a strong man in the Western Wilderness. His portrait has long been spread all over the Western Wilderness. "

"Ah, doesn't it mean that he is in the immortal realm?

But the movement just now, where can the long-life realm be able to make it? "

"The guardian of the prison, such a perverted powerhouse, how can you and I be able to guess?"

During this time, the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm who saw this battle were moved.

They are not like other people, they only know that the bandit **** has taken action.

They saw with their own eyes that the three of Han Fei shot one after another.

Not to mention that Yue Lingke blocked the projection of the gods alone, and Chu Hao used the projection of the spirits, and just the ultimate explosive power after the sword cut out by Han Fei, many experts in the emperor realm felt chilled when they saw it.

Is this serious?

It is said that the rise of the emperor is rapid, but this growth rate is too fast, right?

On the other side, at the Yanlong auction house, Long Yan was lying on a comfortable reclining chair, drinking spirit fruit wine in her mouth.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound spread throughout the entire Fierce God Valley.

"What's wrong?"

She was about to go out and have a look, but then she realized that she was sensitive now.

I took the emperor for a few days in the Valley of Fierce Gods.

Once someone who has a heart notices him, he will definitely arrest himself and ask questions.

At this moment, the only thing I have to do is to disappear.

No matter what happens outside, you just don't go out.

Long Yan thought, anyway, she has obtained a full 200 refining stars now. When the teacher's auction opens next month, she will divide another one, enough to cultivate herself for hundreds of years.

After a hundred years, who will remember that he once took the emperor to visit the Valley of the Fierce Gods?

However, at this moment, Li Yan rushed in from the outside with a horrified expression on his face.

"Teacher, what's going on outside?

Who is so daring to dare to do something in the Valley of Fierce Gods? "

However, Li Yan was sweating profusely and said nervously: "Little ancestor, this time we have caused trouble, it's over!"

Long Yan looked confused: "Teacher, what happened?"

Li Yan: "Ferocious God Valley is so big, don't you know how fast the news spreads?

Qing, was he fake? "

Long Yan nodded, they just took the rock dragon to the tavern waiting for one person. Of course, this kind of thing can't be hidden from the eyes and ears of the conscientious.

But, was it known so soon?

Li Yan: "Is that person changed by the Emperor?"

Long Yan was stunned: "Teacher, how did you know?

I didn't say anything. "

Li Yan: "You still need to say it?

The emperor Han Fei, the owner of the tavern who was waiting for one person, and another peak emperor, had a big fight with the powerful people in Zhonghai Shenzhou outside the Valley of Fierce Gods.

The projection of the gods, rushing out, and finally Zhonghai Shenzhou dispatched a god-level powerhouse, and the bandit **** was forced to end. "


Long Yan was stunned: "Bandit, the bandit gods have all shot?"

"No, I didn't even dare to look at it. It's too scary. That kind of power, even a ripple, can kill me."

"Well, even then.

It's not like we can't get out of the Valley of Fierce Gods for the rest of our lives, right? "

Li Yan: "You don't know that the emperor Han Fei is related to the ancient gods.

As long as this ancient **** race does not decline, Zhonghai Shenzhou will not stop for a day.

Everyone related to Han Fei will be targeted by those who care.

Maybe the gods don't have the time to stare at us, but if we don't keep it together, other people suspect that we are hooking up with Han Fei.

In fact, Han Fei did sell a lot of things here, and there are still a lot of Lingbao we haven't sold yet?

If this is released, someone will definitely suspect us. "

"Suck Suck"

Long Yan blinked and said, "Teacher, in fact, I don't think you should worry too much.

Didn't you say just now, the bandit **** has shot.

You think, our entire Xihuang is controlled by the bandit gods, and even the bandit gods have to help the emperor Han Fei, which means that we should help! If I say, since we can't go out for the time being, we can make a name for ourselves and earn more refining stars.

The battle between Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou will eventually end, so it should be closed! "

"Well, it seems to make sense, and it can only be like this for now."

At the entrance of Fierce God's Valley, Han Fei's eyes were slightly cold: "Is this the God-killing level?"

Yue Lingke: "This is just the tip of the iceberg of killing a god, the bandit **** and that person are nothing more than a confrontation.

But you can actually crack the Hidden God Seal? "

Han Fei frowned slightly. He was not sure whether the ability of the treasure of good fortune was insufficient, or the original law of life, which contained too comprehensive power.

Han Fei: "I can't tell whether there is a problem with his Hidden God Seal, or whether my laws can just restrain the ability of the Hidden God Seal.

Still, it's always a good thing. "

And the other side.

Jiang Buyi did not expect the shock and panic, but frowned slightly.

Just listen, the god-killing powerhouse who shot just now said: "How does it feel to have fought with this son several times?"

Jiang Buyi thought for a moment: "It's a little reckless, but the luck is too good, and the growth rate is too fast.

He seems to have mastered the laws of life. "


How can you see it? "

Jiang Buyi: "I felt that someone peeped at the river of my life, so I took the time to leave the Valley of the Fierce Gods, and you will know later.

In this era, is there anyone who can master the laws of life?

Even if it is mastered, how can this rule be able to penetrate the Hidden Divine Seal? "

The god-killing powerhouse was silent for a moment, then said indifferently: "The treasure of creation is not absolutely invincible.

Every treasure of good fortune has its own characteristics, and perhaps this law of life is just the flaw of the hidden divine seal.

Well, some things, since they can't be outsmarted, forget it.

Those who have been able to refine the demon pot seem to have infinite scenery, but in history, no one has died in a good way. "

Jiang Buyi narrowed his eyes slightly: "What I can't get, he doesn't even think about it.

Ancestor, I want to give the last demon vine to the Eternals. "

After a few breaths, the god-killing powerhouse said lightly, "Then the Eternals must dare to ask for it."

Jiang Buyi's mouth twitched: "They will want it.

Even if they don't, now that the cycle of reincarnation is reappearing, the Three Gods Temple and the Xinghai Zhuqiang will not let them go in the future, so they don't want this demon vine for nothing.

The owner of the refining demon pot can no longer end well. After all, there are people who want to give it a try. "

"As you please!"

Han Fei still doesn't know that Jiang Buyi has a new plan. He is a little puzzled at the moment, is he not strong enough in the end?

The three joined forces, but they didn't take down Jiang Buyi.

At this moment, his identity is exposed, and there is such a big movement, even if there are still strong people from Zhonghai Shenzhou hiding in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, I am afraid that they have almost run away now.

After all, as long as these people know the existence of the Navigation Vientiane, it is impossible not to be afraid.

At this moment, countless people turned their attention. Han Fei was not a monkey, but he was not interested in being watched.

I saw the three of them "swipe" and disappeared in place, returning to the tavern waiting for one person.

Han Fei was born in the sea of ​​stars outside the stars.

Hong Yue, who was called out by Han Fei, hurriedly exclaimed: "Lord Human Sovereign, you have finally appeared."

Han Fei: "It's like I've been away for a long time."

Hong Yue: "Maybe I'm used to it. Every time you leave for hundreds of years, it always feels like it's been a long time."

Han Fei: "Okay, I called you here because I have a few things to tell you."

Hong Yue immediately looked solemn, Han Fei disappeared for three hundred years, and suddenly appeared and said that he wanted to explain things, which is definitely not a trivial matter.

Han Fei: "The first thing, after you go back later, go to Xie Wukuan immediately and ask him to take you or take Uncle Xuan to visit Yindi City in person.

Find a person named Bai Ze and tell him to protect the human race until the ancient gods and Zhonghai Shenzhou are settled.

That is to say, if the Protoss wins, the human race will flourish. "

"The second thing, tell Han Song to clone himself, go to Dongfang Jiange in person, find Li Tiangan, invite him to the human race for two laps, do whatever he wants, accept disciples, pass by, eat, and visit anyway as long as he goes."

"The third thing, let the people of the Shendu Dynasty bring me a message to Emperor Dongwu"

"The fourth thing, Lao Hong, is desperate to push the human race to procreate more and more, and tell the entire human race that in the next hundred years, countless unicorns will be born."

Han Fei said several things in one breath, and Hong Yue was very nervous, for fear of missing a word.

However, the matter of having more births and more children began as early as when the human race took root in the boundless mining area.

It seems that the emperor is not enough!

After finishing these things, Han Fei said, "By the way, Lao Hong, how is Yiyi now?"

Hong Yue immediately said: "Uh! Miss Yiyi has grown up now, her character"

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Don't tell me her character is like Yi Xiyan."

Hong Yue shook his head again and again: "Of course not, Miss Yiyi's character is still like you, Lord Human Sovereign.

A little noisy. "

"like me?


Am I making a fuss? "

Hong Yue said in his heart that you are noisy or not, do you have no points in your heart?

Hong Yue: "As for Miss Yiyi's strength, when Venerable is at her peak, she will be able to compete with Pihai's peak.

Finally, three years ago, he broke through to the sea-opening realm. "

Han Fei: "Bullshit, no matter how strong your venerable peak is, there are limits, so don't fool me."

Hong Yue: "I really didn't lie to you, Miss Yiyi's talent is too amazing, she has mastered all kinds of avenues, combat skills, and even mastered divine skills in advance.

However, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not."

"If you have something to say, don't hesitate."

Hong Yue: "Lord Human Sovereign, isn't the seal you put on Miss Yiyi too difficult?

As a result, when Miss Yiyi crossed the robbery, the robbery that day was all purple and black, which made me tremble with fear.

Fortunately, there is your incarnation outside the body and the support of senior thank you, otherwise I would not dare to think about it. "

Han Fei frowned slightly: "It's okay, being able to break the barrier I set up shows that her strength is enough to survive the calamity.

By the way, like who? "

Hong Yue: "It's naturally a little more like the little girl."

Han Fei was speechless: "Not like me at all?"

Hong Yue glanced at Han Fei: "It would be bad if you were like you."


Han Fei's old face darkened immediately: "What's the matter, do you think I'm not as handsome as Henry Zhang?"

Hong Yue didn't say a word, but this attitude is 80% tacit.

I just listened to him changing the subject and said, "Lord Human Sovereign, do you want to see Miss Yiyi?

Although she didn't say it, she really wanted to see her parents. "

Han Fei was silent for a moment: "I'm gone, I don't want to see him like this, like a thief.

You tell her that her father and her mother will appear in front of her in the most solemn way.

but not now. "

Hong Yue sighed slightly in his heart: "Okay, I will tell her."

After a pause, Han Fei took out a red headband and handed it to Hong Yue: "Tell her, it was given to her by her mother. I don't care what method you use, it must be tied to her head."

Hong Yue immediately became serious, is his mind already dangerous to this extent?

In the boundless mining area, it is still necessary for the emperor to deliver the life-saving things in person.

Hong Yue immediately said: "Hong Yue will not be humiliated."

a month later.

Han Fei frowned tightly. Although the time chain has been upgraded to 1024 times the time flow rate, the consumption is still far beyond his estimate.

He did not expect that the resource consumption this time was 200 times more than the last time.

A full 130,000 refining stars were consumed due to the promotion of the Time Chain, which made Han Fei feel a little fortunate. It was a blessing that he had not tried to upgrade the Time Chain before, otherwise he would have been drained.

However, he is also a little distressed at the moment. This is only the eighth vine. If the ninth vine returns, would he dare to upgrade the time chain?

After more than a month, the time chain finally upgraded, and Han Fei finally continued to retreat.

Zhong Hai Shenzhou is not peaceful for a day, and his heart is not at peace for a day.

Now, he must continue to retreat and practice. If he wants to break the strongest achievement of the prehistoric pagoda, he is not qualified by his current self.

At this moment, the boundless mining area, somewhere in the mine.

A young girl in green clothes, with a delicate face and a slightly round face, her bright eyes are showing a hint of melancholy at the moment.

In between, she was holding a long knife in her hand, and a red tie was tied around her head.

On the opposite side of her is a mine monster stone man at the peak of the sea, who is waving his fist and smashing at the girl at the moment.

But I saw that the girl held the hand of the knife and raised it above her head.


The dull roaring sound suddenly sounded here, and the billowing waves swept the surrounding area for nearly a thousand miles.

However, the girl stood there, without moving a single trace, she just raised her hand slightly, and the long knife turned in circles in her hand.

With just this slight turn, the mine demon stone man became unstable and leaned forward.

At this moment, the girl raised her leg and kicked it out.


I saw that the huge mine monster stone man, like a rolling stone ball, was directly kicked away, smashing six hills one after another like a meteor, and finally crushed a long ravine on the ground.

The ore monster stone man tossed for a long time before he got up, roared, clenched his fists, and sprinted towards the girl at the fastest speed.

The girl, with a calm expression, raised her hand, inhaled, and the spiritual energy behind her was surging like a tide, and the blood and energy on her body continued to evaporate.

She also squeezed her fist marks and struck with a bang, smashing at the ore monster golem.


I saw the rippling halo, scattered and exploded, and the gravel flew all over the sky. This mine monster at the peak of the sea was actually bombarded by this girl with a bare hand and a single fist.

And this girl's strength is only in the early stage of opening up the sea.

"Yiyi, you sneaked out again.

Even my mother told you, don't run outside recently, it's not peaceful.

Don't you know my mother's temperament?

Even if she is careful, you have to be more careful. "

This girl is naturally Han Chanyi, the daughter of Han Fei.

However, Han Chanyi curled her lips slightly, and then pulled her mouth: "Sister Panpan, you are here!"

Zhang Panpan looked at the concentrated ore all over the ground and shook his head slightly: "If you have this skill, don't waste your time with it! Go to Old Ancestor Xie, some of you will fight."

Han Chanyi pouted: "I won't go, he has to throw out his clone and fight me every time, it's very tiring."

Zhang Panpan giggled: "You know you're tired too?

Well, don't be mad, go back! "

Han Chanyi was dragged by Zhang Panpan reluctantly, and muttered, "I'm not angry, but he has come out to see Uncle Hong Yue, why doesn't he want to see me?

I gave him a hair tie. I heard from the principal's grandfather that she used a hair tie to coax my mother, and now she wants to coax me. "

Zhang Panpan rolled his eyes: "You are content! Your father also gave you something, and your father is still here incarnate.

Look at my father, I can't even see the shadows of ghosts, and I don't leave incarnations outside my body. People don't know about it.

I don't know if there is a vixen outside, and we leave our orphans and widows in the boundless mining area, and he is alive. "

Han Chanyi hurriedly said: "It's definitely not, my father must be watching him."

Zhang Panpan hummed: "Who knows then.

However, Uncle Renhuang didn't see you, mostly because he was afraid of seeing you and felt fetters in his heart.

The principal's grandfather said that they were actually lazy when they were lazy. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't come back, they would have come back sooner. "


Han Chanyi didn't speak, but it was considered a tacit consent, and was about to follow Zhang Panpan back when suddenly, a piece of mist appeared around him, and there were vines and monster plants under his feet.

Zhang Panpan's face changed greatly: "Not good, trapped."

Han Chanyi drew his sword in an instant, the dazzling light of the sword skipped the vines, but he couldn't even shake a blade of grass.

"God Demon Forest?"

Zhang Panpan and Han Chanyi looked at each other. If it was a human race controller, they would be too familiar with each other. Instead of appearing in the whole film as it is now, there will be the necessary manipulation of Lingzhi.

"Tsk tsk! In the early days of opening up the sea, there was such combat power. Han Fei's daughter is really good."

I saw a man in a purple robe came out of the smoke, and the pressure on his body directly suppressed Zhang Panpan and Han Chanyi.

Zhang Panpan: "Boldly, this is the territory of my human race. In the middle there is the city of freedom of my human race, in the south there is a line of fierce beasts, in the west there is the hidden emperor city, and in the north there is the demigod strong grandfather Xie Wukian.

You dare to take action against us here, don't you die? "

But I heard the purple-robed man tut a smile: "So, I have been here for a long time, and I just shot today.

Little girl, if you don't understand anything, don't shout half-godly.

There is no such realm in this world, it is only the Great Emperor, who is not. "

His eyes swept over Han Chanyi and Zhang Panpan, and he wasn't prepared to delay time.

I saw that this person grabbed the two of them with one hand, and at the same time realized the world of the stars and wanted to bring them in.

However, at the moment when the other party shot, a burst of blood rushed to the sky, which instantly tore apart the many restrictions here.

I saw Han Chanyi's hair tie voluntarily detached, and the time collapsed straight. The ten thousand methods in this place were instantly pulled away and turned into a powerful sword.

"how is this possible?

How can a mere treasure of good fortune control all magic? "


An extremely dazzling sword light rolled over the entire mining area, and the endless vines here turned into powder in an instant.

On the opposite side of the Emperor Realm powerhouse, countless formation barriers around the ruins were shattered, and finally was crushed by this knife, and his body disintegrated, but his soul was barely supported by a mirror.

Han Chanyi and Zhang Panpan were stabbed to tears by the brilliance of this extreme sword, unable to look directly at them.

When they could see it clearly, they saw a stalwart body standing in front of them.

"You are not from the Shen Yao Lin, but you can disguise yourself as the Shen Yao Lin Tianyin Protoss. I will go to Zhonghai Shenzhou to find you."

The Great Emperor was horrified, he planned for a long time before waiting for this opportunity, but in the end he couldn't stop the might of the Emperor?

Is the emperor so powerful?

However, at this moment, he was no longer allowed to think too much. He had to escape immediately and disguised himself as someone else to escape this disaster.

However, just as he was trying to escape, a sharp claw pierced the ray of soul directly.

But seeing the body of a big crab appearing in the void, Xie Wukuan chuckled lightly: "Wait for you for a long time, who would have known that you were so grumpy, dormant for hundreds of years, and only shot now."


One after another figure came quickly.

Han Chanyi, on the other hand, stared at the stalwart figure standing in front of him, Han Fei's ray of spiritual thought, turned around, and the two looked at each other.

However, Han Fei's spiritual sense ~www.readwn.com~ is enough to cut out the power of this blow. At this moment, it has faded, disappeared between heaven and earth, and turned into a red tie again.


Han Song's avatar appeared, holding the red tie, with a lot of divine soul power pouring into the tie.

Yes, Han Song's incarnation is equivalent to the body.

Although not as strong as the main body, it can supplement the power of the tie.

When he came to Han Chanyi's side, he stroked her hair naturally: "See?

People like Zhonghai Shenzhou are bad, don't want to run around alone in the future. "

"Humph! Who told you not to come back."

Han Song turned into a smile and said, "I said this, haven't I always been like this?"


Han Chanyi was stubborn, but in her eyes, she was staring at the scene in front of her.

However, I saw that the ore veins within tens of thousands of miles were directly crushed to the ground, and in addition, hundreds of thousands of miles, a great abyss appeared, in which the sword gas was vertical and horizontal.

At this time, Han Xuan, who came slowly, looked a little ugly: "Have those people in Zhonghai Shenzhou already done everything they can?"

Xie Wukuan tutted: "It's a pity, boy Han Fei, you beat him to death, or else he wouldn't be able to have a full meal."

Han Song: "Senior Xie, when I return someday, how much and what kind of food do you want to eat, you can choose?"

Immediately, I saw Han Song's incarnation sprinkled a seed around the abyss and began to grow vigorously.

"Uncle Xuan, this place can only be reduced to a restricted area."

Han Xuan nodded slightly, then looked at Han Chanyi and Zhang Panpan and said, "Yiyi, in a few days, Li Tiangan, the first sword god, will be a guest in my city of freedom in the future, he said that he can accept a few disciples.

What, are you interested?

That is a real god, stronger than your father. "

Han Chanyi pouted slightly: "Look at that time."

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