God of Fishing

Chapter 2827: God war broke out

Chapter 2827 God's war broke out

After a round of battle, Han Fei has roughly judged the strength of this ominous dragon.

First of all, doomsday-level ominous creatures have no godhead, because Han Fei did not feel the divinity.

Moreover, although they also mastered the power of the law, the strength of the law used by the other party, and the strength of the law's control, are weaker than the gods they felt in the Miracle Forest in the past.

Therefore, there should be a fundamental gap between doomsday-level ominous creatures and normal gods of all races.

Secondly, this doomsday class should have just been promoted. If it is a very old-fashioned kind, even if the life law mastered by him naturally restrains them, it is difficult to crush the opponent.

But this point, no matter from the law, from the strength, from the speed, from the physique, nothing can suppress him.

Although after a round of confrontation, the opponent shrunk his body and consolidated his combat strength, but if he continues to fight like this, even if it is grinding, he has the confidence to grind the opponent to death.

Of course, it may take a long time, and in this case, the doomsday level will not escape.

However, Han Fei's purpose of testing his own strength has been achieved.

His current comprehensive combat power should be stronger than that of the High Priest of Miracle Forest, and even slightly better than Chu Hao.

But it must be under the Eastern God Crocodile.

As for the comparison with those of Zhan Nanye, Han Fei recalled the situation of Zhan Nanye's shot, and quickly came to a conclusion that Zhan Nanye was stronger than Dongshen Crocodile.

With such a general position of strength, Han Fei immediately understood that after the extreme path, there should be an invisible realm, or it cannot be regarded as a realm, but a transition period from the peak of the extreme path to the realm of the gods.

During this period, although it is not a god, it has the power to rival weaker gods.

At this time, the doomsday-level ominous creature felt that pushing its strength to the peak should be able to get Han Fei, so it came again.

And this time, Han Fei still chose to be tough.

However, he saw Han Fei's whole body blooming with the light of purification, and the starburst fist blasted out.

Seeing this, many giant dragons could not help but hold their breath.

A giant dragon wondered: "Why did he choose to be tough?"

Even the gods and dragons expressed their confusion. Facts have proved that although Han Fei is strong, he is still a little worse. If he fights forcibly, even if he does not die, he will inevitably put himself in a dangerous place.


There were starbursts and ripples in the field, but this time, contrary to everyone's expectations, Han Fei was not blasted out.

But I saw that in the smoke of the explosion, tens of thousands of life chains were around, clasping this apocalyptic ominous creature.

And from Han Fei's body, eight small vines stretched out at some point, which has penetrated this doomsday ominous.

Han Fei's mouth curled into a faint smile, and in a voice that only he could hear, he muttered to himself, "So, this is how the demon pot should be used.

Ordinary ominous creatures still have to be killed with strength.

The Doomsday level will use the refining demon pot again, so that the record of the Honghuang Pagoda may be broken. "

However, Han Fei also felt a bit of a headache when he remembered the 220,000 Destruction Rank and 3,200 World Destruction Rank that Li Daoyi killed.

Without refining the demon pot, it was actually not as difficult to kill 220,000 Destruction-level monsters as it was imagined.

The key is to destroy the world. He can kill 30 to 50 in a moment, because the world's destroyer was relatively scattered at that time.

However, with more than 3,000 besieged together, the difficulty is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Han Fei sighed slightly, after all, he was still a little weaker in strength.

Sure enough, in this long river of time, there are always some amazing and brilliant people, leaving behind a mountain of insurmountable mountains for future generations.

At this moment, the eight small vines devoured nearly half of the ominous aura of this Doomsday class in an instant.

To Han Fei's slight surprise, this Doomsday class was not sucked to death for the first time.

"Refining Demon Pot"

This doomsday roared and tried to break free.

However, under the control of the refining demon pot, no matter how much he struggled, it was useless.

After a full two breaths, the doomsday level completely fell and turned into a seventh-level energy crystal.

In the distance, all the dragons were dumbfounded.

A Shenlong breathed quickly: "Dragon Emperor, that's really a demon pot, right?"

The golden dragon breathed out white mist: "The demon pot, has it finally been born?

This Han Fei is actually your junior brother of Dragon Emperor? "

The flame on the body of the fire dragon vibrated: "No wonder the Dragon Emperor has such confidence in him, it turns out that he is the owner of the refining demon pot."

However, there is also Qinglong with a solemn expression: "However, how did the owner of the refining demon pot embark on the road of no return?

If he can't break the limit of the Supreme Divine Technique, wouldn't it be abolished? "

The black dragon also echoed: "Dragon Emperor, are you sure he can break the limit of the Supreme Divine Art?"

Senior Brother Qinglong shook his head slightly: "Not sure, no one can be sure about this kind of thing.

However, my little junior brother has great luck, and it may not necessarily be God's will that the demon pot is in his hands.

However, embarking on the path of Supreme Divine Art is definitely a chance encounter.

As for whether he can break the limit of the Supreme Divine Art, he can only see the younger brother himself. "


"Sure enough, the person who gets this pot cannot be carried without atmospheric transport.

He practiced supreme divine art at a young age, I hope he will not be discouraged. "

All the dragons sighed with emotion, and the dragons watching the battle on the dragon battlefield were dumbfounded.

I thought this battle was almost over here.

However, the situation reversed in an instant, and the doomsday-level ominous creature actually died, just because of a few small vines?

A giant dragon sighed: "As expected of the Dragon Emperor's junior brother, so strong!"

A giant dragon swallowed: "Is this the emperor of the human race?

To be able to have this treasure that only exists in legends. "

It's not like they haven't heard of demon pot refining, it has been recorded in the history of the dragon race.

But this is the first time they have seen the refining demon pot take action.

The Great Emperor beheaded the gods. In their impression, there was only one person, and that was the Dragon Emperor.

But today, they met again.

However, there are also giant dragons who said: "Although the emperor's strength is also very strong, after all, he borrowed foreign objects.

Therefore, he is still inferior to our Dragon Emperor. "

There are also giant dragons who retorted: "Having treasures is also a kind of strength. He is at least a peak powerhouse of the extreme way. Even in our dragon family, it is rare!"

A giant dragon turned into a human shape: "With such talent, you said that having a baby dragon with him will give birth to a stronger bloodline?"

"This is possible, but at our level, how can it be so easy to have children?

How many times do you have to do that? "

"Then let him stay in the Dragon Clan for a while, and he will always succeed."

At this moment, Han Fei didn't know that he had been missed by the giant dragons.

At this moment, in Han Fei's eyes, there was a slight difference in the description of the seventh-level energy crystal.

However, in his eyes, information emerged:

Name Level 7 Energy Crystal

Introduce the only pure energy crystal nucleus in the body of the doomsday-level ominous life, with a small amount of soul power source, a large amount of chaotic energy, a large amount of vitality, a large amount of which can directly absorb the soul of the Lord, contains a large number of pure laws of heaven, contains a direct for practice.

Quality Destruction

Contains 200 strands of soul power

Contains 98.2 million strands of chaotic energy

Contains the soul of no master 629 yuan

Contains 1.2 million years of vitality


Remarks 1 The source of soul power can only be absorbed after the source of the **** is born

Remark 2 The soul of the owner in the ominous life body belongs to the state of completely no attributes, which can be directly absorbed without side effects.

Remark 3 The pure law of heaven can be applied to the comprehension and practice of any kind of law

"Spirit power source?

Could it be the power of the gods. "

At this moment, Han Fei didn't have time to explore the source of this soul power, because the doomsday level ominous creature fell, and the ominous mist immediately trembled, and there were successive roars.

At the same time, the horror and destruction levels of the entire dragon battlefield rushed towards Han Fei like crazy.

Of course Han Fei knew what this meant, it was nothing more than using ordinary ominous creatures to consume the power of refining the demon pot.

Although he is the pinnacle of the extreme path, when there are a certain number of ominous creatures coming in, there will always be fish that slip through the net.

Just like the Skynet of the Sea of ​​Watching, it can be said that it blocked 70 to 80% of the ominous creatures on the Xinghai cliff, but there will still be a large number of ominous creatures that cross the Skynet and enter the rear battlefield.

I saw that the chains of the law of life were piercing and killing, and the refining demon pot also began to dance, killing wantonly.

The core battlefield where Han Fei was located was immediately surrounded by water.

Many giant dragons roared and began to actively intercept the ominous creatures heading to the core battlefield.

Long Wanwan also shouted and greeted their group of giant dragons: "Everyone, follow me."

A Shenlong said: "Dragon Emperor, do you want him to keep fighting?

If I'm not mistaken, his demon refining pot doesn't seem to be complete yet. "

Senior Brother Qinglong: "How about taking this opportunity to start a war?"


Senior Brother Qinglong explained: "I've stayed in the Great Emperor Realm for too long, so it's time to break through, and I may sleep for a while.

And this millennium is the craziest time for ominous counterattacks. It is better to take this opportunity to let them put out the fire and not dare to rashly enter the giant dragon battlefield. "

"Are you going to break through?"

All the gods and dragons looked overjoyed, if this is true, then this is definitely a happy event.

Fire Dragon tentatively said: "God-killing realm?"

Qinglong nodded slightly: "It's time too."

All the dragons took a breath: "Okay! You can fight.

when you come"

Senior Brother Qinglong: "When I came, I had already passed the breath with the clan.

In fact, no matter whether my younger brother comes or not, we all need a battle, and by the way, harvest a few seventh-level energy crystals. "

Immediately, the eight divine dragons raised their hearts and provoked a divine battle. This was a big challenge, and they could not afford to slack off.

I just listened to the black dragon's doubts: "In case it comes to the master level"

Senior Brother Qinglong smiled slightly: "How can it be so easy to achieve the master level.

Even if it does come, it's fine.

Killing a ruler will naturally shock the opponent even more. "

"Kill the Lord?"

The dragons were a little stunned when they heard it, and couldn't help but murmured in their hearts. Could it be that the old dragons secretly broke through?

However, they do not doubt that the Dragon Emperor can become the Dragon Emperor, which is the expectation of the entire Dragon Clan. It not only needs to awaken the special Dragon Clan bloodline, but also experience the baptism of the inhuman Dragon Pond, as well as the blessing of the ancient dragon soul and so on. Conditions, this is the achievement of a Dragon Emperor.

Although he is still only the Great Emperor, no one has ever regarded him as the Great Emperor.

Therefore, Senior Brother Qinglong said that he was going to start a war, and none of the eight great dragons would doubt it.

Just listen, Senior Brother Qinglong voice transmission: "Don't use up the power of refining the demon pot, brother needs you to cooperate in the battle."

The demon pot in the field had just penetrated the less than 3,000 ominous creatures when Han Fei heard the voice transmission of Senior Brother Qinglong.

It's just that if you don't allow yourself to use the refining demon pot, you can only beat it hard.

"Pure World."

The purifying mantra broke out, with Han Fei as the center, the light of purification erupted.

It's just that the World Pure Magic has not been deduced to the highest level, and there are too many ominous creatures here, even if the strongest state appears, it will not be able to resist for long.

However, I saw that the light of this pure world appeared without even holding a breath, and was almost extinguished by the ominous aura.

However, Han Fei didn't need the purifying spell to last too long, he just needed to take the opportunity to kill it.


The chains of the rules of life pierced in all directions, and with the sound of "rumbling" thunder, Han Fei barely broke free from the densely packed ominous creatures.

However, he has now become the primary target of all the ominous sieges, the purpose is to consume the power of refining the demon pot, so the ominous creatures from all directions followed closely, biting to death.

If it is just that simple, it is impossible to keep up with him because of the speed of terror and destruction.

However, beyond Han Fei's expectations, thousands of ominous creatures of the world-annihilation level were surrounded and killed together.

"These world-destroying levels are courting death?"

However, Senior Brother Qinglong's voice sounded in Han Fei's ears again: "The demon pot is reserved for the apocalypse level."

This time, Senior Brother Qinglong said it very succinctly, meaning that in dealing with the world destroyer, there is no need to waste the limited power of refining the demon pot.

Hearing this, Han Fei couldn't help laughing bitterly, thinking that Senior Brother Qinglong, don't look at how many ominous creatures I am being chased and killed, hundreds of thousands! Greatly developed to the level of several million.

The next moment, I only heard the voice of Senior Brother Qinglong, which spread throughout the entire giant dragon battlefield: "All dragons in the Dragon Valley, listen to my order and fight."

Senior Brother Qinglong is not just talking to everyone in the current giant dragon battlefield, because he is shouting at a strange dragon horn at the moment, wanting to get a message.

In the Dragon Valley, in addition to the place where Han Fei came, there are dozens of other places where dragon roars pierced through the sky.

"Brush brush"

I saw that the giant dragons that were gnawing wildly on the giant spiritual fruit rose into the sky one after another.


"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

"It's the Dragon God's horn, and the Dragon Emperor has gone to war."

"Don't eat it, hurry up and rush to the dragon battlefield at full speed."

"Roar! The battle is on, rush!"

"Dragon Emperor is calling us"

In the Dragon Valley, there are 100,000 giant dragons, rushing to the dragon battlefield.

In the back of the Dragon Valley, there are many giant palaces that are piled together by countless stars and transformed into incomparably restored giant palaces, floating quietly in the sea of ​​​​stars.

Outside this giant palace, there is a sea of ​​giant monster plants, stretching out for several light-years, where the dragons of the entire dragon family reside.

There may be hundreds of little dragons lying on any fruit.

Outside the Dragon Palace, one giant dragon after another, flying in the sky, forms a long dragon, but most of these giant dragons are not Emperor Venerable Realm, but Open Heaven Realm.

One by one, these giant dragons had high fighting spirit, roaring lowly from time to time, whispering to each other, and their minds were agitated.

"When are you leaving?"

"How come a war is about to break out all of a sudden?"

"I don't know! There was no signal before."

"Could it be that the ominous is crazy, and the counterattack is crazy?"

Just listening, there is a dragon shouting: "All the dragons stay calm and wait for the Dragon Emperor to call."

Dragon Battlefield.

Han Fei's pressure was quickly shared. When he didn't come, he would be able to compete with the ominous creatures, but he just gave himself a battlefield.

Now that the retreating dragons have all returned, his pressure is naturally less.

But at this time, I saw three doomsday-level ominous creatures in the ominous fog at the same time, extending their huge palms.

A roar sounded from the ominous fog: "Dragon Emperor, how dare you take the initiative to fight?

The dragon race is taking its own course. "

Senior Brother Qinglong looked majestic: "Three, are you here to die?"

In an instant, I saw Senior Brother Qinglong, and the eight great dragons shot in unison.

The first to bear the brunt is a sea of ​​fire, covering a small half of the giant dragon battlefield, and the magic fire rushed away against the ominous fog.


Under the violent impact, the ominous mist that spanned billions of miles was burned out by this sea of ​​fire, creating a huge pit of thousands of miles.

Of course, compared to this huge ominous fog, such a pit is nothing.

However, the three doomsday-level ominous creatures who were about to come out first were knocked out by this blow.

These three doomsday-level, I am afraid I did not expect that the eight dragons of the dragon family will suddenly take action, and there are so many gods in the first shot, and there is no room for turning around.

Because this shot was too sudden, if I had known that these dragons would all make their shots, these three doomsdays would not have taken the lead at all.

The reason why they came out was simply for the sake of the market, lest the dragon clan be slaughtered.

But now, it is obvious that something is wrong.

Han Fei was also a little confused, why was there such a big battle all of a sudden?

This posture, is it to fight a battle of gods?

Oh no, to be precise, the battle of gods has already started.

The fire dragon burned ominously, followed by the black dragon. Hundreds of millions of black scales appeared all over the body, swept out, and directly blocked one of the doomsday grades.

Then, each of the billions of black scales burst out with the power of destruction similar to the dragon's breath, cutting the void into a net.

The doomsday level was ominous and was cut into countless ominous fragments.

At that time, the three golden dragons had arrived, the dragon breath breathed out, and the golden halo enveloped the sea of ​​​​stars.

Han Fei couldn't help swallowing his saliva, only to see an incomparably powerful Doomsday-level, being shot by the four dragons in one round, forcibly purified into nothingness, leaving only a seventh-level energy crystal.

On the other side, the other two doom-levels covered by the fire of destruction of the fire dragon were ominous, and the latter's first reaction was to retreat into the ominous fog.

But the eight great dragons have already taken action, how could they still be given a chance?

Two blue dragons, spitting out two dragon balls, actually drilled directly into one of the doomsday-level bodies.

Han Fei saw that the doomsday-level ominous body was melting, and it was no longer able to maintain his shape.

A lot of ominous aura spread out and turned into thousands of ominous snakes like swimming snakes, trying to escape.

"Fire ban, burning dragon fire."

In the sea of ​​​​fire, fire dragons fluttered up and swarmed towards those ominous snakes.

The next moment, the laws collided, and both the fire dragon and the ominous snake were annihilated.

But on the Shenlong side, there are also two blue dragons. The dragon **** slam into the flames at an incredible speed. Any ominous snake touched by the dragon ball will be instantly purified.

In the case of three-on-one, that doomsday-level, no more than ten breaths, I am afraid that it will be purified.

After all, he was unprepared for the challenge.

Moreover, these ominous creatures also have no weapons, relying on their ominous aura.

Once restrained, fall is a matter of time.

If it is said that the battles on both sides are all powerfully bombarded by means of thunder.

On the other side, the White Dragon, one of the Eight Great Dragons, faced a Doomsday alone.

However, there is no other bells and whistles like other dragons. This white dragon blocks the way of the doomsday.

But the latter actually chose to avoid fighting and tried to escape.

But the ominous creature found that the space was locked, and he couldn't even move.

I saw a burst of dragon breath, and the energy burst out in an instant. The power of the impact crushed the millions of miles of void into pieces.

"God-killing level?"

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly. Although the white dragon only made one shot, this shot was too simple. The space confinement and the destruction of the dragon's breath could directly purify a doomsday-level ominous. This is not a god-killing level. What?

Moreover, this lore is simply and neat, which is stronger than Qiu Wanren who had previously shot in the Tianyin Protoss.

If Han Fei still can't judge the realm of the white dragon, then there is a problem with the eye designation.

This is the first time that Han Fei has seen the fighting power of the dragon clan. Three doomsdays are equivalent to three gods, and energy crystals are left in a blink of an eye.

In addition to the one he killed, four doomsday-level ominous have fallen today.

Han Fei doesn't know how many ominous creatures there are, but he knows that the opponent's doomsday level may be more than the ten thousand clan, but the relative number must be very small, otherwise the sea world would not have been penetrated long ago?

It's just that what Han Fei doesn't understand is that he is only here to complete a small task, how did it turn into a battle of gods?

"Little Junior Brother! Since you are here, I am preparing to break through.

It’s better to hit the sun instead of picking a day, just borrow your demon pot to shock the opponent a little. "

Han Fei turned his head and found that Senior Brother Qinglong had come to him at some point.

Han Fei was surprised: "Brother Qinglong, do you want to break through today?"

Senior Brother Qinglong said solemnly, "If everything goes well."

At this moment, in the ominous fog, the roar continued.

I saw that I didn't want the fog to slowly crack open, and the cracks were far more than one place.

"Hula la"

A large number of ominous creatures emerged from the ominous fog, ranging from the pollution level corresponding to the Open Heaven Realm to the extinction level corresponding to the Great Emperor Realm.

And in the core battlefield where Han Fei and the others were, how could there be 23 huge and ominous creatures at the same time, and these are definitely doomsday.

Suddenly, on the top of one of the doomsday-level heads, Han Fei found a small figure and stood quietly on it. The whole person seemed to be covered with a black veil and could not see clearly.

I just heard the ominous humanoid creature speak slowly: "Since the dragon clan has set off a war, let's see where the dragon clan is strong, and who gave you the courage to start the war."

I saw the white dragon who had just shot, also transformed into a human-shaped female, dressed in white, holding a silver-white long spear, his clothes flying curled up, and valiantly, he said flatly: "It doesn't matter who started the battle, the important thing is that at this time the whole Piece of Xinghai, 10-domain battlefield.

You wait for the ominous, can you take care of a few? "

"10 Domain Battlefield?"

Han Fei's heart moved. Are there so many ominous battlefields in this sea of ​​stars?

The ominous creature covered in black veil said calmly: "You can come here regardless, you will know if you try it.

Only eight of you?

If the Dragon God doesn't show up, you are also qualified to fight? "

Han Fei also frowned: "Senior brother, there seems to be not enough manpower on the Dragon Clan side!"

Although he knew that these dragons were very strong, but the opposite of this was a god-killing ominous look, and there were 24 people.

And here with him and Senior Brother Qinglong, there are only 10 people.

I saw that Senior Brother Qinglong raised the horn of the Dragon God.

"The Dragon Palace belongs, listen to my orders, go to the battlefield, fight"

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