God of Fishing

Chapter 2828: Brother Qinglong's true combat power

Chapter 2828 Brother Qinglong's real combat power

Dragon Palace.

The Dragon God's horn sounded, and millions of dragons chanted their dragons.

The dragons, who were already ready, were restless and eager to kill the dragons in an instant.

The four divine dragons, when they heard the Dragon God's horn, looked at each other and saw that the four divine dragons spewed dragon balls, where the Dragon Palace was located, and the space changed, and a spiral channel was opened.

"Let's go, boys, go to the dragon battlefield"



Those little dragons below the Kaitian realm were not qualified to participate in the war, but many of them uttered the sound of dragon roars, as if wishing to bless the dragon army.

"The dragon clan has won."

"The dragons are invincible."

"Long live the Dragon Emperor."

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

On the battlefield of the giant dragon, the white dragon and the god-killer level on the opposite side were ominous and did not make a move.

At the beginning of the war, the strong is a check and balance.

Only when there is a clear tendency in the war situation, will it be shot.

In addition to the white dragon, the seven dragons, the dragon's roar, have already been killed.

23 doomsday-level, even if it is a three-on-one on the Dragon Clan side, there are still two more.

Beside Han Fei, Senior Brother Qinglong looked serious: "Little Junior Brother, this battle is for my brother.

You cooperate with me, and when necessary, use the power of refining the demon pot to make a strong shot.

If nothing else, the demon refining pot with eight vines is enough to clean up all the doomsdays in the room. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, but did not speak.

If Senior Brother Qinglong wants to break through, it is not as simple as a god. You must know that Senior Brother Qinglong is ranked fourth in the Void Temple. If he does not break through to the God-killing level, Senior Brother Qinglong may be embarrassed himself.

However, when he saw Senior Brother Qinglong, he was walking on the void, and by the way, he told Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, there are three realms of gods, gods, gods, and masters.

Ordinary gods breed godheads. It cannot be said that godheads are not good, but gods with godheads have fatal weaknesses, and that is godhead itself.

At that time, you will find that the Godhead becomes a bondage"

Han Fei followed Senior Brother Qinglong and soon met the three Doomsday powerhouses.

On the opposite side of the three doomsday grades, three black beams of light were exhaled.

Everywhere along the way, surrounded by various methods, the tip of the spear became sharper and sharper. In the end, the spear shredded the space all the way, wrapped in the turbulent flow of space, and smashed to Brother Qinglong and himself together.

Senior Brother Qinglong, with a calm expression, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void, and a long spear glowing with golden light appeared in his hand.


When Senior Brother Qinglong raised his hand, an ancient dragon roar roared in the Xinghai.

As soon as Han Feimeng turned his head, he saw nine long dragons of 100,000 li behind him.

Senior Brother Qinglong: "This is the unique skill of the Dragon Clan, the Nine Dragons Crossing the Demon, I think my brother's current ability can only be used once.

It used to be used as a trump card, but today, it is no longer needed. "


With a straight shot, Han Fei saw nine long dragons, roaring away.

At the time of Dragon Soaring, thousands of miles of void behind him collapsed at the same time.

From the endless void, there are myriad laws transformed into mysterious law patterns, all of which converge on the long dragon.

When the dragon travels, the law is swallowed along the way, and the scene is like a collapse of the sky.

Han Fei couldn't understand how Senior Brother Qinglong hit this blow.

If it is calculated according to the strength of the Great Emperor Realm, even if Senior Brother Qinglong is much stronger than himself, even if his basic combat power reaches 400,000, even if he can explode several times of combat power.

How could such a terrifying shot be fired.

At the moment when this shot broke out, the god-killing ominous man opposite the white dragon tried to shoot, but was repelled by the white dragon waving his tail.

Only listening to the ominous voice of the god-killing level was cold and cold: "I didn't expect that the Jiulongdu magic spear is still in the dragon family."

Bai Long's voice was calm: "How can you guess the background of the dragon family?

The ancient dragon gods can kill the end of the sea of ​​​​stars, and today's dragon clan can still. "

I only saw that the Nine Divine Dragon Laws only divided one to counter the ominous spear.

That divine dragon law, the body circled in the void, wrapped around the ominous spear, and the ancient dragon rhyme forcibly restrained the ominous spear.

An aura of destruction was born from the Law of Shenlong.


Han Fei's heart was turbulent, and the three doomsday-level creatures, with a combined attack, were only on par with the Law of the Dragon God?

It was too late, but it was fast, Senior Brother Qinglong stopped, and Han Fei followed.

I saw the remaining eight laws of the Dragon God, and instantly collided with the three doomsday-level ominous creatures.

I saw the three doomsday levels, the body bursting one after another, and the ominous scattered, annihilated by the power of destruction revealed in the law of the Dragon God.

In a round of indiscriminate bombing, there was no chance for Han Fei to make a move, and the three doomsday classes fell on the spot.

Han Fei was dumbfounded. Three Doomsdays, one shot?

He suspected that he had built a fake emperor.

Senior Brother Qinglong said calmly: "Don't think of it as a brother, this spear is a high-quality fortune-telling spiritual treasure, called the Jiulongdu Divine Spear.

In ancient times, the nine dragon gods were created with one thought.

Only with the willingness of the dragon race can it be used, not for the brother's own strength.

If not, this spear can be listed as a treasure of good fortune. "

Han Fei opened his mouth, but didn't speak. The best fortune-telling spirit treasure killed three Doomsday grades with one shot. I also want one, and my human race is willing to do more.

On the ominous side, Senior Brother Qinglong has actually been taken seriously enough.

After all, Senior Brother Qinglong at this moment is only in the Great Emperor Realm. I thought that sending the three major Doomsdays would not be able to kill Senior Brother Qinglong, but there should be no problem in trapping him in the battle situation.

But who knows, the other dragons have just started to fight, and these three doomsdays were beaten before they had time to explode.

Senior Brother Han Fei, reached out and picked up three Level 7 energy crystals, then looked at Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, lend your Level 7 energy crystal to my brother!"

"Oh, brother, you can take it."

Han Fei felt that with the character of Senior Brother Qinglong, it is estimated that he would rarely ask for something from others! But he asked for it from himself, indicating that these seventh-level energy crystals must be of great use to him.

Thinking about it, it should be the soul power source in the seventh-level energy crystal. Although Han Fei is also curious about what it is, he will have the opportunity to get it in the future.

Today is the big day for Senior Brother Qinglong to break through, let alone a seventh-level energy crystal.

Even if he asked for all the refining stars on his body, he would give it without hesitation.

After taking the seventh-level energy crystal from Han Fei, Senior Brother Qinglong did not move on, but said, "Before the prehistoric era, the cultivation of the strong did not aim at the gods.

At that time, in the sea of ​​stars, there were many treasures, and it was not difficult to reach the peak of the emperor.

And transcending the divine tribulation is not that difficult, it is just some waste treasures.

Therefore, for a period of time, a large number of gods appeared.

At the beginning, people who became gods felt that they were standing on the ceiling of their cultivation. It was not until the ominous outbreak broke out again and the gods fell in large numbers that they realized that there was a higher realm above the gods.

But when they wanted to break through that realm, they found that they were bound by the godhead and could not break free from the shackles.”

"God-killing level?"

Han Fei couldn't help but ask: "Once you break free from the shackles, will you be at the level of killing gods?"

Senior Brother Qinglong: "Yes, only by breaking free from the shackles of the godhead can you advance to the god-killing level.

Or, when in the Great Emperor Realm, don't break through easily.

To become a **** does not necessarily require a godhead. "

Han Fei couldn't help but ask, "What level is the ancient **** Leiyin?"

Senior Brother Qinglong: "The ancient **** Leiyin condensed the godhead and broke the godhead. In its heyday, it reached the pinnacle of killing gods. You can understand it as the **** of Zhenhai.

In his later years, he became the master of Lei Dao, but unfortunately he realized it too late.

Not long after becoming the master, he encountered the strongest ominous counterattack. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows, just as he was about to speak, he heard Senior Brother Qinglong say again: "Brother Wei said that to advance to the God-killing rank, one must break free from the shackles of the godhead, although most people can't break free.

But there are naturally exceptions. Some amazing and brilliant people have taken a path to the extreme of the extreme, reached the strongest in the Xinghai, broke the **** of the godhead, and achieved the Zhenhai deity.

The ancient **** Leiyin is here, and the shadow is now at the stage of breaking the shackles.”

"Sister Shadow?"

Han Fei couldn't help but be moved. During the recent Void Temple gatherings, Senior Sister Kagura did not ask about Senior Sister Shadow.

It turned out to be the case.

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "If Senior Sister Shadow breaks free from the shackles, will she be directly promoted to the Zhenhai Spiritual Rank?"

Senior Brother Qinglong shook his head slightly: "I don't know.

However, she is strong and I think it should be fine.

The premise is that she can break free from the shackles. "

Senior Brother Qinglong, taking advantage of the absence of battles, spread knowledge of the gods to Han Fei, and told Han Fei more intuitively about the understanding of the gods and how to advance.

While speaking, Han Fei suddenly saw that the black dragon had become so huge that it swallowed a doomsday ominous creature.

Han Fei's eyes were straight. This was the first time he had seen someone swallow an ominous person, and even the Emperor Que had not swallowed it directly.

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong explain: "Dragon clan divides some innate abilities because of color.

The black dragon, born to awaken to the darkest body, is the only one of the dragon family who can break into the ominous fog and swallow the ominous without being eroded by the ominous. "

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "What a perverted talent."

Han Fei couldn't help but think that the black dragon that fled to the sea at the beginning seemed to be a very special kind, but it seemed that he stole the dragon **** orb because he wanted to break through the gods.

Perhaps the performance of Senior Brother Qinglong was too shocking to the world, so these Doomsdays were a little distracted. It may also be that the Black Dragon was too strong, so it was not long before the war started, and the fourth Doomsday class fell like this.

At this speed, and the perverted combat power of the dragon powerhouse, it seems like twenty doomsday levels, which is not a problem at all.

No, I saw Senior Brother Qinglong looking at the god-killing level ominous, and said lightly: "Call someone! You can't win with just this number of people.

Or, in fact, you have already called someone, but they haven't arrived yet, right? "

The god-killer level ominously tilted his head and looked at Senior Brother Qinglong, not knowing what to think.

Because the body is a fog, so there is no expression.

However, from the scene when he was about to start, it could be seen that he was in a hurry.

Only then did Han Fei understand that maybe he didn't care about losing one Doomsday rank, and he could accept the loss of three or four.

But in just a few hours, seven doomsdays have already fallen.

If the Doomsday level is so easy to cultivate, where did the endless horror level, the destruction level, and the world extinction level come from?

So, so far, at least on the dragon battlefield, Ominous suffered a big loss.

It seems that in order to confirm the words of Senior Brother Qinglong, in addition to the white dragon, the seven great dragons uttered shocking dragons, and Han Fei could feel their sudden surge in strength.

Originally, these seven divine dragons would not be defeated at all in the case of one against three.

At this moment, it seems that Qi Qi is using the secret method, and the strength is naturally more exaggerated.

At the same time, at the back of the giant dragon battlefield, a void passage was opened, and countless giant dragons rushed out of the void passage.

"Brush brush"

The first to rush out are the four dragons.

One white, one red, two gold.

Han Fei has already discovered some clues about the strength of these dragons.

The red dragon, also known as the red dragon, that is, the fire dragon, should be innately in charge of the fire technique.

The golden dragon looks more noble, but it has the largest number, and it seems that the combat power is not as strong as the black dragon and the white dragon. Compared with the fire dragon and the blue dragon, there seems to be nothing particularly outstanding.

The strongest species should be the white dragon and the black dragon.

For example, that god-killing white dragon, the opponent's god-killing level did not dare to shoot.

And that black dragon is so abnormal that it can swallow the doomsday ominous in one bite.

Therefore, among the four later divine dragons, the white dragon should be the strongest.

As for the other giant dragons rushing out of the void passage, their strength is relatively weaker.

There are a small number of Emperor Senior Realm, most of which are Open Heaven Realm.

In a total war, it is impossible to release only ominous creatures above the degenerate level in the ominous fog. The most numerous ones are low-level ominous creatures.

Therefore, these giant dragons came to the giant dragon battlefield, and they did fight.

However, the core battlefield is not something that ordinary dragons can set foot on.

At least, the battle of gods has broken out in the core battlefield.

Not to mention that ordinary emperors are not qualified to participate, even the dragons of the great emperor are not qualified to participate in the war for the time being.

No, the four dragons later rushed to the core battlefield.

"Dragon Emperor, I will come to help you."

"How can the battle of gods lack me?"

In addition to the white dragon, the other three dragons have already rushed into the battle of gods.

And that Bailong flew to Senior Brother Qinglong first, and shouted softly, "Brother Longdi, I'm here to fight with you."

Inadvertently, Han Fei saw Senior Brother Qinglong's mouth twitching slightly, and he couldn't help but look at the white dragon, thinking that it was a little strange for a dragon to call a big brother to an emperor.

However, when you think about it, it doesn't seem strange.

Because if Senior Brother Qinglong really wanted to transcend tribulation and become a god, he might have become a **** in eight lifetimes, and he wouldn't have to wait until now.

Therefore, the dragon after him does not necessarily have his lofty aspirations, so it is possible to become a **** before him.

Senior Brother Qinglong: "This is the little white dragon, Zhu Bainian.

If your brother can successfully break through today, Bai Nian will guide you to be baptized in Longchi. "

"Little, White Dragon?"

Han Fei looked at the giant dragon whose body length was less than three thousand miles long, and said in his heart that it was really "small"!

Zhu Bainian came to the front of the two of them and turned into a human shape with a "swipe". He was wearing a white scale battle uniform, the length was the same, the playful Qi bangs looked lively and lovely, and there was a faint blush on his slightly chubby cheeks. His mouth was "creaky" as if he was chewing something.

Zhu Bai Nian looked at Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, hello! My name is Zhu Bai Nian, you can call me Bai Bai or Nian Nian.

But don't call me white. "

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: "Why?"

"Thinking in vain, reciting in vain.

I don't know how my mother named me. "


The next moment, above the sky, the god-killing white dragon immediately gave a "hmm", as if blaming Zhu Bai for complaining about her name whenever she met anyone.


Han Feixin said, this Zhu Bainian turned out to be the god-killing girl?

Good guy, how heroic and valiant that god-killing white dragon is.

When I get to Zhubainian, there is only cuteness and cuteness, and there is nothing like a dragon at all!

However, of course, Han Fei couldn't show it on his face, and immediately nodded: "Bai Bai, Senior Brother Qinglong, shouldn't we also join the war?

Before there are more doomsday ominous arrivals. "

"Well! What the younger brother said is good, Bai Nian, kill the enemy with me."

"Call Nian Nian"

"Well, Bai Nian."

Han Fei: ""

At this moment, the battlefield situation has been completely reversed. Originally, the dragons were one to three, but now there are only 19 Doomsdays on the field.

On the Dragon Clan side, there are as many as 11 god-level powerhouses, except for the god-killing white dragon, plus Senior Brother Qinglong and Han Fei, that is equivalent to 13.

In terms of numbers, it's almost equal.

Therefore, in addition to the fact that the dragons all used secret techniques, the situation on the core battlefield immediately presented a one-sided situation.

Although the fall has not yet appeared, but this posture, it is fast.

And Senior Brother Qinglong, Bai Nian, and Han Fei, mainly under the leadership of Senior Brother Qinglong, began to defeat them one by one.

For example, on the side of the fire dragon at the beginning, the battle was the most powerful. In the sea of ​​​​fire, the dragon scales flew in the sky, trapping the two doomsdays between the heaven and the earth.

And that side of the world, as if turned into a flame furnace, is constantly heating up, and there is a charm that envelopes this place.

The power of the fire dragon's law is against the suppressed two doomsday grades. If there is no help from others, perhaps this battle will continue for a while.

However, Zhu Bainian arrived first, the white dragon purifying the world, the holy light shrouded, and the flame melting pot was filled with the holy light of the world, causing the two doomsday-level bodies to decay rapidly, and they were frantically attacking those blocking the Their dragon scales.

The next moment, Senior Brother Qinglong rushed in with a gun. The gun was shining brightly, and there was a sacred light in his body that gathered on the gun, and instantly killed him with a doomsday class.

"clang clang"

With every blow, Han Fei could see that there was an ominous aura on Doomsday's body that was dispelled.

And another doomsday, seeing two dragons besieging them.

But Senior Brother Qinglong came in from a Great Emperor Realm, and was about to help, but saw a figure standing in front of him.

Although Han Fei is temporarily tougher than the doomsday level, but because of the natural restraint of the law of life, he can also fight on a par.

At least he thought so.

The demon refining pot has been used, so there is no need to hide the immortal sword. When Han Fei slashed out with all his strength, he felt stronger than the doomsday level he killed.

This doomsday grade is obviously not just promoted, and his control of the law is much more than the previous one.

Han Fei was defeated in one blow, and his whole body was blown away.

However, at the Doomsday level, a paw was also chopped off by the Immortal Slaying Sword.

But the Doomsday class didn't take it seriously. He knew that Han Fei had killed Doomsday class, but Doomsday class also had strengths and weaknesses.

However, just as he was about to continue his shot, all of a sudden, he felt that his body was pierced, but he saw eight small vines pierced through his ominous body from behind him at some point.

"Isn't this man shot by himself?

How could he appear behind him? "

This doomsday level, if he wants to struggle again, how can he be shaken by refining the demon pot?

The fire dragon saw that the doomsday level was penetrated by the refining demon pot, and immediately removed the flame furnace.



When Han Fei's side ended, Qinglong brother's side ended just as well.

After all, that is equivalent to the three dragons dealing with a doomsday level at the same time.

Among them, Senior Brother Qinglong is the Dragon Emperor, which is inherently tyrannical, and the White Dragon is also a naturally restrained and ominous existence, and the Fire Dragon's combat power is inherently terrifying.

In this case, where is there any way to survive in Doomsday?

After killing the doomsday level, Zhu Bainian couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this the legendary demon refining pot?

Really strong.

Only the three of us can kill a Doomsday so quickly.

As a result, the refining demon pot sucked one to death in just two breaths. "

Han Fei said with a smile: "This is because of the burning power of Senior Fire Dragon and your purification power. With multiple effects, plus my sneak attack, it can be achieved."

Senior Brother Qinglong said lightly: "Young junior brother doesn't need to be humble, although the demon pot is strong, you still need to be close enough to kill him.

Therefore, your strength is actually very strong.

Go, the next battlefield. "

Here, Senior Brother Qinglong, Zhu Bainian, and Han Fei all cooperated perfectly.

Everywhere, Brother Qinglong raided, cooperating with the dragon who was already fighting to suppress the doomsday.

Zhu Bainian shot with the power of the pure world, and did not use all his strength, nor did he need to use all his strength.

As for Han Fei, it was naturally a sneak attack. At the moment when the doomsday level was ominously suppressed by some, Han Fei would sneak up, and he no longer went to fight by himself, but handed it all over to the refining demon pot.

With the ability to refine the demon pot, even if it is the doomsday level, it will only **** one to death after two or three breaths.

The war situation has fundamentally reversed.

In just a short time, the opponent's 23 doomsday-level people were directly killed to 11, but the number was less than the gods on the dragon side.

All of a sudden, the one who had never made a move, even indifferently watched the ominous ominous shots of the godslayer who were killed in the doomsday class.

On the Dragon Clan's side, the god-killing white dragon said, "Dragon Emperor, hurry up, their reinforcements will be here soon."

God-killing level ominous shot, naturally waiting.

Originally, on the dragon battlefield, there were nearly 30 Doom-level and one God-killing level. With such a strong strength, they did not expect that the Dragon Clan would dare to take the initiative to attack, and it was such a comprehensive attack.

Now it seems that it is careless. After all, the dragon clan is a strong clan, and its combat power is in the forefront of all clans in the sea world.

Just these people, they are indeed not qualified to start a full-scale war with the Dragon Clan.

I saw that although the god-killing level was blocked, at this moment, in the ominous fog, bursts of roars were emitted.

When a group of divine dragons saw this, they couldn't help roaring and roaring with all their might.

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong shouting: "You uncles and ancestors, don't suppress one-on-one, join hands, you can destroy as many as a few."

Immediately, the 10 dragons fighting on the field, plus Han Fei and the other three, almost formed a three-on-one situation.

Only four battlefields were opened.

It's not bad to be able to kill four before the other side's reinforcements arrive.

"bang bang bang"

However, in the core battlefield, just after killing another Doomsday class, I saw two figures rushing out of the ominous fog.

To be honest, Han Fei didn't react at all.

However, in this core battlefield, an old dragon jumping from the void suddenly appeared.

This old dragon, even the dragon's beard is a little white, and the body length is thousands of miles away.

Of the two figures rushing out of the ominous fog, one was blocked by the old dragon's breath, and the other was swept away by a tail.

But even so, there is still a figure that escaped from the range of Laolong's shot and shot out of the endless void.

But he saw that he grabbed Senior Brother Qinglong with one claw.


After Zhu Bainian realized that someone had attacked, he knew that the person who came was a god-killer.

Although she knew that the Dragon Emperor would be very strong after the breakthrough, but now it is only the Great Emperor Realm, how could it be a god-killing opponent?

Therefore, on Zhu Bainian's body, the holy light of the world formed a barrier, and in the blink of an eye, Brother Qinglong and Han Fei were wrapped together.

However, the god-killing level is the god-killing level after all. Under a sneak attack, it is not something that Zhu Bainian can block if he wants to.

No, the holy light of purification was directly corroded into a hole, and the god-killing level was going to kill Senior Brother Qinglong and Han Fei directly.

After all, it has already arrived.

This little white dragon is naturally restrained and ominous, and it is very difficult to kill her if he shoots at her.

But Han Fei is different from Senior Brother Qinglong. Just two great emperors can tear them apart with one claw.

When Han Fei discovered this scene, he was about to use the avenue for death.

However, just listening to the sound of "clang", the god-killer level was directly knocked out.

When Han Fei took a closer look, it was a black orb, quietly suspended here, blocking the God-killing blow.

Only listening to the ominous god-killing level, the voice contained a cold meaning: "The treasure of creation, the Dragon God Orb?"

Senior Brother Qinglong carried his hands on his back and calmly looked at the god-killing ominous: "I finally caught one."

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