God of Fishing

Chapter 2829: I'm just fishing

Chapter 2829 I'm just fishing

Han Fei was stunned, and when he heard Senior Brother Qinglong say these words, he suddenly realized.

It turned out that in all the battles just now, Senior Brother Qinglong was just fishing with himself as bait.

Obviously, Senior Brother Qinglong's real goal is not the Doomsday level at all, but the God-killing level.

Han Fei was surprised. Although he didn't know how big the gap was between Doomsday and God-killing, Senior Brother Qinglong was in the Great Emperor Realm! Is this going to kill a god?

As for the Dragon God Orb in front of me, isn't it the one that was stolen by the black dragon and brought to the sea world?

This is the treasure of the ancient dragon god, but Han Fei did not expect that this thing turned out to be a treasure of good fortune.

In Han Fei's eyes, information immediately emerged:

Name Dragon God Orb

Introduction The Dragon God Orb is an offense and defense integrated type of fortune-telling treasure. It is a fortune-treasure-level dragon ball made by refining the dragon **** of thirteen ancient dragon gods.

This orb is engraved with the dragon vein brand of the ancient dragon god, which can devour the source of the dragon clan, and explode the power of the ancient dragon god.

The treasure of quality creation

Effect 1 Dragon God Body Protection: The will of the ancient dragon god, in order to protect the inheritance of the dragon family, can absorb the law between heaven and earth every day, trigger the dragon **** body protection, and can resist the breath below the master level.

Effect 2 Void Ball: Every three thousand years, it can be activated once, refining the void, and instantly releasing three thousand Void Balls, each blow is comparable to that of a god.

Effect 3 Dragon God Reappears: Every 130,000 years, it can be triggered once, summoning the projection of the ancient dragon god, which can explode the dominant-level combat power.

Effect 4 Supreme Inheritance: Merge the Dragon God Orb to obtain the ancient Dragon God Inheritance, after which the Dragon God Orb disappears.

not reforgeable


Remarks Dragon God Orb, entrusted with the obsession of the ancient dragon god.

Non-Dragon leaders, unable to control.


Han Fei thought that the Fortune Chessboard was invincible in the world. In terms of attack power, he could even kill many Fortune Treasures he had seen.

However, when he saw the Dragon God Orb, the whole person was shocked.

This thing can actually explode the power of the master level?

That is the master class! The existence of the same level as the big brother.

If that kind of power erupts, Han Fei doesn't even know how many people can stop this vast sea of ​​stars?

Fortunately, although the Dragon God Orb is powerful, his most commonly used power is the Dragon God body protection.

Whether it is Void Ball or Dragon God Reappearance, it takes a long time to accumulate power after using it once, otherwise it will not be able to surge again.

Even if the Dragon God reappears, it will take 130,000 years to use it once.

130,000 years of vicissitudes, enough time for too many things to happen.

Otherwise, if this Dragon God reappears once a day, oh no, if it can be done once a year, then the Dragon God Orb may surpass the level of the treasure of creation.

No wonder, at the beginning, Senior Brother Qinglong was always thinking about the Black Dragon who defected from the sea world.

However, Han Fei was also curious. How could He De, the black dragon, stole such a treasure of good fortune from the dragon clan?

At the beginning, I thought that the black dragon was just a powerhouse at the level of longevity.

However, now that he has seen the real combat power of Senior Brother Qinglong and so many god-level powerhouses from the Dragon Clan, he instinctively felt that this matter was not easy.

Perhaps, the black dragon at the time was not really a longevity class.

He was only part of the escape, he could only retain the strength of the immortal realm, and then hibernated, trying to control the Dragon God Orb.

It's a pity that he was bumped into by himself, ruining his good deeds.

Of course, even without him, it would be difficult for the black dragon to control the Dragon God Orb. After all, this Dragon God Orb is not a leader of the Dragon Clan and cannot be controlled.

As for the last supreme inheritance effect of the Dragon God Orb, since it is listed as the last ability, it is estimated that it is also the strongest ability.

Han Fei didn't know how strong it would be if Senior Brother Qinglong merged with the Dragon God Orb.

At this moment, the god-killing level was ominous, and the moment he saw the appearance of the Dragon God Orb, he would immediately retreat.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong worked hard for a long time, just waiting for the moment he made his move, how could he let him go?

I saw that the void here was blocked, and one after another void **** appeared around.

Han Fei and Zhu Bainian became two melon eaters at this moment, because it was never their turn to take action.

Above his head, the old dragon **** laughed "haha": "Today, this giant dragon battlefield, my dragon clan has decided."

The other three god-killing levels had to avoid the battle for the first time, and it was not a good time to start at this moment, because they all knew that the god-killing level was doomed.

But since Senior Brother Qinglong sacrificed the Dragon God Orb, he obviously had already made some decisions.

Except for the ominous god-killing level that was blocked by the three thousand void balls.

However, I saw a strange light in the Dragon God Orb reflecting the sky, and that strange light quickly condensed into an ancient, terrifying dragon shadow that was hundreds of thousands of miles long.

When they saw this terrifying dragon shadow, of course the three god-killers were going to flee like crazy.

However, the god-killing white dragon on the Dragon Clan's side, under the holy light of the pure world, forcibly entangled one.

Although it can't be completely delayed, it can at least reduce the time for him to escape.

On the other hand, the old dragon **** is an old-fashioned god-killing powerhouse, unless he thinks that he will fly away, he instantly motivates the heaven and earth here, the divine power sweeps across the sea of ​​​​stars, and drills out countless connections here. A big hole facing the endless sea of ​​stars.

There are energy storms formed in those holes, completely blocking a god-killing ominous in them.

At that moment, in the ominous fog, there were more than 30 Doomsday rankers who had just emerged, but after seeing this battle, good guy, he hurriedly turned back and drilled into the ominous fog.

However, no one cared about them.

With a slight smile on his lips, Senior Brother Qinglong said softly, "Enough is enough, no loss."


Three thousand void **** slammed into the god-killing ominous creature one after another.

No matter how he wanted to break through the barrier of the endless void, or break out, he was powerless, because the divine light of the Dragon God Orb had already enveloped him.

"Bang bang bang!"

The god-killing level may be very strong, but each of these void **** is comparable to a blow of a god, that is, it will make him eat 3,000 rounds of a blow of a **** in an instant.

Even at the god-killing level, he could not escape the fate of being violently killed.

This has nothing to do with strength. This is simply the Dragon God Orb, the treasure of good fortune, which is too overbearing.

Today, unless it is the Zhenhai God who is trapped, I am afraid that anyone who comes will have to die.

Han Fei and Zhu Bainian looked at the ominous god-killing **** being pierced by the naked eye. In the end, the ominous **** became more and more faded, and finally completely disappeared, leaving only an eighth-level energy crystal, suspended here.

On the other side, the projection of the ancient dragon **** has already taken action.

Han Fei saw that the ancient dragon **** was breathing dragon breath with his mouth open, aiming at the god-killer level controlled by the current old dragon god.

That god-killer-level body radiated a massive amount of ominous aura, and even the power to cut half of his body, forcibly hit an ominous pillar in the form of falling into the realm, as if he wanted to take the dragon's breath forcibly, because he had already There is nowhere to hide.


The explosion that destroyed the heavens and the earth bloomed in the sea of ​​​​stars. Even the contemporary dragon gods were shocked and retreated, and they had to stay away from the center of the battlefield.

However, where the dragon breath touched, the void barrier disappeared, and the entire star field seemed to be smoothed out by some kind of force.

The void is broken, or it cannot be broken, but the void is annihilated and becomes part of the endless void.

And in the same place, there is still a big hole, which is connected to the endless void, so that the endless void cannot heal at all.

It is so connected to the outside world.

As for the god-killing level, in this terrifying and unparalleled attack, it has disappeared.

Han Fei didn't know where he went, as if he was annihilated with the whole void, and even the scum was not left behind.

And the god-killing ominous one that was entangled by the white dragon blew up its ominous body the moment the ancient dragon **** took action, barely knocking back the white dragon, trying to seek a chance to escape.

However, no matter how he escaped, he fled in place.

Han Fei saw that the void began to flow, and it was still retrograde, and he took the initiative to drag the god-killing level back.


The next moment, the roar of the ancient dragon **** spread all over the dragon battlefield.

I saw it opened its mouth, and directly swallowed the god-killing level and the star field space.

I saw that the projection of the ancient dragon was detonated in the body, and the body that blew the projection of the ancient dragon was bulging.

After all, Xu is this ancient dragon, just a projection, so it could not fully bear the explosion of such power.

The body of the law was bombed with holes.

But no matter what, the swallowed god-killing level was ominous and could not escape.

It's not just that Han Fei is stunned, Zhu Bainian, and the countless dragons who are fighting, are all stunned at this moment.

"Is this the power of the master class?"

The projection of an ancient dragon **** destroyed two god-killing levels?

This combat power is too shocking.

After all, it is also a god-killing level, don't you even have a chance to compete for a little bit?


At this moment, Senior Brother Qinglong sighed slightly: "It's a pity, I ran away.

This ancient dragon **** projected two attacks, consuming too much power.

There is no way to clean up these doomsday grades left in the field. "

Han Fei rolled his eyes directly: "Senior brother, this is already powerful enough, this is the three god-killing level!"

Senior Brother Qinglong was noncommittal: "After killing these three god-killing levels, you will not be able to use them again for a long time.

Therefore, this treasure of good fortune is considered a waste. "

Han Fei is speechless, is this still a waste?

Dragon God's body protection is also an ability. Just because everyone's strongest power has been used up, it can't be said that this treasure of good fortune is useless!

At this moment, I saw that the old Shenlong found an eighth-level energy crystal from the void and threw it to Senior Brother Qinglong, exclaiming: "Dragon Emperor, chance."

The god-killing white dragon also forcibly rushed into the annihilation of the ancient dragon god, and threw out an eighth-level energy crystal.

Just listen to her: "Dragon Emperor, don't delay, take advantage of the ominous failure to react, you can break through."

Senior Brother Qinglong nodded slightly, and then said: "Little Junior Brother, Bai Nian, stay away from me and protect me."

At this moment, the ten remaining doomsday ominous creatures in the field took the opportunity to escape.

Because the dragons wanted to protect Senior Brother Qinglong, they didn't chase after him.

You can kill Doomsday at any time, but Senior Brother Qinglong's chance to become a **** is only this time.

But I saw that the Dragon God Orb was quietly suspended in front of Senior Brother Qinglong.

Senior Brother Qinglong carried his hands on his back and looked up at the sky.

I saw him step into the endless void that was penetrated by the ancient dragon and could not be closed at this moment.



With the cry of Senior Brother Qinglong, the giant dragon battlefield, the clouds of robbery quickly gathered, rolling thunder waves, intertwined in the sky, and gathered towards the place where Senior Brother Qinglong was.

Suddenly, Han Fei looked at the core area of ​​the ominous fog, where there were more than 40 doomsday-level ominous creatures standing, as well as the god-killing ominous creature that escaped before.

These ominous creatures have died 3 godslayers and 17 doomsdays, but they still haven't given up.

Appearing at this moment, obviously to see if there is a chance to stop Senior Brother Qinglong from crossing the calamity.

Han Fei frowned slightly. Although there are many strong people on the Dragon Clan side, there are two god-killing rank leaders.

But it was ominous just now that there were four god-killing levels. God knows if they have any reinforcements?

Therefore, at this moment, Han Fei is not sure whether Brother Qinglong's calamity will be survived.

The Nine Dragons Crossing Spear has also been used, and the Dragon God Orb has also been used up. Perhaps the Dragon Clan still has treasures, but Han Fei estimates that it is unlikely to surpass the Dragon God Orb.

After all, there are not many offensive treasures of good fortune.

There may be some treasures of good fortune that have the ability to fight, but the treasures of good fortune are mainly about functionality, not combat.

At this moment, the rest of the giant dragon battlefield was fighting, but the core battlefield suddenly stopped fighting.

Han Fei said that Senior Brother Qinglong has a big heart?

Breakthrough directly in this place?

Not right! Why is he breaking through here?

You have to fight a battle of gods to break through.

Is there any inevitable relationship between his breakthrough and the battle of gods?

At least, Han Fei doesn't know whether there are still god-killing powerhouses after the ominous fog.

But Senior Brother Qinglong doesn't seem to care about this, so he has absolute confidence?

However, if the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, no matter how confident he is, Senior Brother Qinglong will return to the Dragon Palace to make a breakthrough, right?

Suddenly, Han Fei was shocked, no, Senior Brother Qinglong was still using himself as bait, otherwise he couldn't explain why he had to stay here to break through.

If it is for the ancient dragon **** to penetrate this endless void, he can be anywhere, and there is no need to take risks.


Thunder intertwined, but Senior Brother Qinglong didn't care.

After waiting for a stick of incense, all of a sudden, when a purple-black thunder came down, the thick thunder column slammed straight towards Senior Brother Qinglong.

The beginning is a purple-black catastrophe, and many people are all focused.

Zhu Bainian clenched his hands tightly with a nervous expression on his face.


I saw that at the foot of Senior Brother Qinglong, the whole person turned into a blue dragon, just soaring into the sky, and swallowed the purple-black thunder column in one bite, not even a trace of thunder **** was left.

The next moment, on the entire dragon body of Senior Brother Qinglong, there are lightning arcs flashing and jumping.

But none of these seemed to hurt Senior Brother Qinglong in the slightest.

After about ten breaths, the second thunder roared, still purple-black, but the purple part was also purple-black, as if it was about to become black.

Senior Brother Qinglong hovered in the void, and when the thunder crashed down, he opened his mouth to swallow it again.

Just like swallowing rain and dew, it is free and natural.

The third Heavenly Tribulation was the same, but the Heavenly Tribulation completely turned black, but it was still swallowed by Senior Brother Qinglong.

Han Fei originally thought that this was the same as the calamity he had experienced before, but it was more powerful.

But when the fourth heavenly tribulation appeared, Han Fei knew that he had underestimated the calamity of the gods.

That thing can no longer be called a robbery. Han Fei saw that above the sea of ​​​​stars, in the robbery cloud, there is a black thunderball with a diameter of thousands of miles, surrounded by cyan thunder, red thunder, purple thunder and so on. There are thunder arcs of different colors.

It was the first time that Han Fei saw the spherical catastrophe.

And it's so big, like a small star.

What made Han Fei speechless was that Senior Brother Qinglong was even ready to swallow this.

Yes, Senior Brother Qinglong has already opened his mouth wide and headed towards the sky.

In the same way, this spherical thunder calamity was suffocated by Senior Brother Qinglong.

The next moment, I saw blood mist spurting out of the gaps between the scales on Senior Brother Qinglong's body, and the whole body was covered with a piece of thunder and dao patterns. The power of thunder seemed to be destroying Senior Brother Qinglong's fleshly body.

After more than ten breaths had passed, the thunderbolts exploded from the gaps in Brother Qinglong's scales and sprayed in all directions.

So far, this thunder has been completely digested.

At this time, beside Senior Brother Qinglong, millions of refining stars appeared.

After seeing this scene, Han Fei knew that Senior Brother Qinglong's body had begun to mutate, and he already needed a huge amount of energy to meet his growth.

The fifth thunder, the same is true, is more powerful, but there is not much change.

However, after the fifth thunder burst, the power of millions of refining stars was absorbed by Senior Brother Qinglong.

This speed is simply unbelievable, a moment of effort is actually worth the one hundred thousand years of retreat?

But this is not the time to care about this, all the dragons present are nervous at the moment, and it is not easy to listen to Zhu Bainian: "Brother Longdi's fifth heavenly tribulation is almost comparable to my ninth heaven. robbed."

When the sixth heavenly tribulation appeared, Han Fei suddenly discovered that this heavenly tribulation was no longer a thunder ball, but turned into a thunder pool.

Han Fei couldn't help but feel a little dazed, because in the trial of the ancient **** Leiyin, he experienced a similar baptism in the thunder pool, and he almost washed himself out.

I saw that Senior Brother Qinglong's body suddenly turned into a human form, ascended to the sky, and directly submerged into the Thunder Pond.

The next moment, above the sky, countless normal thunders poured down, seeming to inject power into the thunder pool.

This catastrophe lasted as long as 100 breaths. When Han Fei saw that part of Senior Brother Qinglong's body was turning thunder, he was nervous to remind him.

I saw that a full 49 seventh-level energy crystals appeared at the top of the Thunder Pond.

Han Fei's eyes widened, doesn't this mean that the Dragon Clan has killed at least 49 Doomsdays?

But think about it, there are so many strong dragons, 49 doomsday levels, with a little accumulation, it should still be possible.

However, it was quite shocking to take out so many doomsday-level energy crystals at once.


Those energy crystals shattered, and the boundless energy was swallowed into the body by Senior Brother Qinglong, only to see his thundered body recover again.

And the power of this thunder pool finally gradually dissipated in this one.

At this time, Han Fei had already felt the terrifying coercion emanating from Senior Brother Qinglong, which seemed to be the coercion of the gods.

Only heard Shenlong say: "Dragon Emperor's soul power has been completely transformed into a **** level, this is only the sixth heavenly robbery."

"As expected of the Dragon Emperor, the blood of the sacred dragon is indeed too extraordinary."


Senior Brother Qinglong let out a breath of turbid air, his body exuding a faint divine light.

He couldn't help looking in the direction of Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, the sixth robbery of the divine robbery, the soul mutated and turned into a divine source.

This robbery, you should know. "

Han Fei nodded: "Thank you Brother Qinglong for reminding me."

Followed, the seventh catastrophe, thunder and fire came to the world.

When Han Fei saw the karmic fire coming, its turbulent level seemed to be much stronger than the karmic fire of the ancient **** Leiyin.

However, Han Fei was relieved to see Zhu Bainian next to him, and even opened his palms and started to wipe off the sweat.

Han Fei: "You?"

Zhu Bainian said lightly: "Other heavenly tribulations may be dangerous, but this one will not be difficult for Brother Longdi at all.

He is extremely demanding on himself, and since he was proving the Tao, he has never eaten a bite of meat, which surpasses almost all dragon powerhouses. "


As expected by Zhu Bainian, during the thunder and fire robbery, Senior Brother Qinglong remained unmoved and calm, and he took out nearly 500,000 refining stars, frantically accumulating energy.

The thunder and fire robbery burned for three moments, not only failed to seriously injure Senior Brother Qinglong, but even allowed him to breathe. There might have been some minor injuries on his body, but at this moment he has obviously fully recovered.

In the eighth robbery, Han Fei saw a hole opened in Jieyun Cave, but saw a round bead descending from the robbery cloud.

Accompanied by the ball, descending together is a pillar of thunder that is only a few dozen miles thick and is almost entirely composed of laws.

I just listened to Zhu Bai and said, "It's the godhead, the godhead of Brother Longdi has manifested."

Han Fei couldn't help but be surprised: "Is the godhead bestowed by divine tribulation, not born by himself?"

Zhu Bai read: "I was born by myself, this is the prototype of the godhead, and it represents the divinity.

After entering the body, it will be closely combined with its own source law and will to condense into a true godhead. "

At this moment, all the dragons, including the old dragon god, and the god-killing white dragon, were all quite nervous. While vigilant against the ominous fog, they paid attention to the calamity of Senior Brother Qinglong.

However, at this moment, Senior Brother Qinglong's eyes were cold and stern, holding the Jiulongdu Divine Spear, and millions of refining stars appeared under him.


Senior Brother Qinglong turned into a dragon again, and the millions of refining and chemical formations under him were drawn out of infinite energy and injected into his body.

But the answer is, Senior Brother Qinglong, biting the Jiulongdu Divine Spear, surrounded by various methods, facing the godhead, dashed away.

Not wanting to be over the fog, the god-killing level suddenly roared: "I want to cut off the shackles of the godhead directly, but there is no door.

Everyone, let's go. "

At this time, it is not the time for them to take their lives. A total of 42 doomsday-level ominous, one god-killing-level ominous, all attacked and madly killed Brother Qinglong's thunder tribulation.



The god-killing white dragons, including Zhu Bainian, burst out with dragon chants and killed them instantly.

At this critical moment, how could they let people disturb the Dragon Emperor's tribulation?

However, on the Dragon Clan's side, there are a total of 11 Divine Dragons and 2 God-killers.

Although it is one more god-killing level than the other party.

However, there are 31 less people at the **** level than the other party, and the number is seriously insufficient.

Even if the dragons are strong enough to fight one against three, they still have to be willing to fight against you.

At this moment, their targets are Senior Brother Qinglong, and they have no intention of fighting Shenlong.

The old Dragon God stood alone in front of Senior Brother Qinglong's thunder tribulation. In the face of those who wanted to bypass him and snipe at Senior Brother Qinglong, he finally showed the might of the Dragon God.

As the strongest of the Dragon Clan, and dubbed the title of the Dragon God, the strength of the old Dragon God is beyond doubt.

I saw the old dragon spit out a dragon breath, directly incinerating a piece of void, a doomsday class was instantly annihilated by the power of destruction, leaving only a seventh-level energy crystal suspended in the air.

Then, the old dragon **** struck Long Wei, wrapped in a void, reversed the world, and directly forcibly reversed the two doomsday grades that rushed forward.

When the dragon swung its tail, the void completely collapsed, and the two doomsdays were completely shattered in the annihilation storm of the void.


The old dragon **** dragon roared the world, and the rolling dragon roar deterred a doomsday class who was sprinting, causing his body to stop.

The next moment, the sound waves transformed into dragons and thousands of dragon shadows directly bit the doomsday class into pieces.

At the same time, the old dragon **** dragon claws tore the sky, not to shoot at a certain doomsday, but to cut off a void, directly blocking the three doomsdays.

Han Fei's expression was solemn, and the god-killing-level old dragon **** was indeed very strong, even strong enough to kill the doomsday level in one blow.

In the blink of an eye, kill four Doomsdays and block three Doomsdays.

However, no matter how strong the old Shenlong is, his fists are still invincible with four hands, and he cannot control the entire void in an instant.

In the end, there were still eight doomsdays that bypassed the attack range of the old dragon and charged towards Senior Brother Qinglong suicidal.

Han Fei frowned. At this time, Senior Brother Qinglong still doesn't need the Void Mark?

Could it be that Senior Brother Qinglong's Void Mark has been used up?

Han Fei didn't dare to gamble, only to see him take one step forward and the chessboard of good fortune appeared in front of him.

With a wave of his hand, he landed 23 pieces.


I saw that in the void, 23 ghosts of gods appeared one after another.

There is no way, if Senior Brother Qinglong doesn't show his cards, then he must take action.

Anyway, the fortune-telling chessboard has 19 vertical and horizontal paths, with a total of 360 pieces, which can be played by oneself.

The appearance of the phantoms of the 23 gods immediately made all the dragons here heave a sigh of relief.

"bang bang bang"

On the outskirts of the place where Brother Qinglong crossed the calamity, the roar continued, but it was seen that among the 23 dragons, a **** phantom holding a warhammer was the one who gave Han Fei a high-quality fortune-telling treasure in the past. The power in the fortune chessboard has tripled in strength.


With one hammer, the void was shattered, and a doomsday level was directly smashed to annihilation.

Unfortunately, after smashing the hammer, the phantom of the **** dissipated into the sky.

Fortunate chess and cards, if you make 24 moves, you can form a killing game.

Han Fei had already used one in the Tianyin Protoss before, so at this moment, 23 sons fell, and a killing game naturally broke out.

It's a pity that although this killing game is powerful, it can only kill one Doomsday class.

The remaining 22 gods phantoms only stopped the remaining seven doomsdays, but they did not achieve direct instant kills.

After all, what Han Fei used was just the ghost of the gods, and he didn't have the ability to kill the doomsday in one move.

Don't look at the dragon gods and they can kill a doomsday level with their backhands, but that's because the body is there, and it is a super strong family among the ten thousand races, and its strength is extraordinary.

As long as you change to a god, let alone kill the ominous, you may have to fight for a long time.

If you don't use the secret method, you probably won't be able to get rid of the doomsday ominous.

However, this eighth heavenly tribulation came quickly and went slowly.

Senior Brother Qinglong responded with a shot, only to hear a "click".

Ripples exploded in the calamity, and the Heavenly Godhead was smashed by Senior Brother Qinglong with a single shot.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong's condition didn't seem to be good either. The barrel of the Jiulongdu Divine Spear exploded directly, Senior Brother Qinglong was dripping with blood, and the dragon scales were more than half shattered, falling from the sky. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Dragon Emperor."

"Brother Dragon Emperor."

The gods and dragons were shocked, thinking that Qinglong had suffered heavy damage.

At this moment, the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation has passed. If it cannot be recovered in time, facing the ninth Heavenly Tribulation will be extremely dangerous.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong turned to look at Han Fei again and said, "Little Junior Brother, break the Godhead, this is the first shackle."

Han Fei opened his mouth slightly, and finally just nodded.

Suddenly, at this critical moment, for some unknown reason, eight figures suddenly appeared within the scope of the calamity.

Taking a closer look, the eight figures were actually bathed in dragon blood sprinkled by Senior Brother Qinglong.

I just heard the old dragon **** roar: "Eternals, you are courting death."

When Han Fei heard this, his face changed greatly. Is this a person from the Eternal Race?

How could they suddenly appear within the range of Senior Brother Qinglong's Thunder Tribulation?

Almost at the same time, at the moment when the Eternals appeared, outside the bounds of Senior Brother Qinglong's Heavenly Tribulation, three figures in black robes appeared.

Just listening, one of them said, "I am the Immortal Temple, the first Yama of the Ten Temples, and the judge.

Daoist Qinglong, I will help you"

People from the Temple of the Undead?

Han Fei secretly asked when did these people come?

He seems to have underestimated the Ten Temple Yama, and he can quietly appear on the battlefield of the giant dragon without being discovered, which is enough to show his strength.

If nothing else, the judge's side should be the other two of the Ten Temple Yama.

However, before the judge made a move, he saw Senior Brother Qinglong, who was in the calamity, suddenly turned into a human form and stopped the downward trend.

Hearing that, Senior Brother Qinglong was surprisingly calm: "Thanks to the three Yamas for their kindness.

It's just that I, the Void Temple, have never liked to owe others favors.

Also, I'm just fishing. "

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