God of Fishing

Chapter 2830: Dominate the shot

Chapter 20


Han Feixin said that I scared you away, and you told me you were fishing?

When the three judges heard the words, they were silent for a moment: "It turns out that, Dragon Emperor, please continue."

Of the seven doomsdays that were still fighting against the 23 phantoms of gods released by Han Fei, only five remained, and there were only 9 phantoms left, and they were about to be broken through.

But the form was reversed, and these five doomsdays were in a dilemma for a while when they heard the words of Senior Brother Qinglong.

The old Shenlong regained his senses, and his strength was not overwhelming, so these five doomsdays chose to retreat and leave at the same time.

The three Yamas didn't stop them, because they didn't know if they would destroy the dragon's plan.

The old dragon **** didn't stop him either. At this moment, it is still the key to protect Senior Brother Qinglong. As for the ominous, you can kill at any time, you don't have to rush now.

At this moment, the only one who felt a chill in his heart were the eight powerhouses of the Eternals who appeared in the calamity of Senior Brother Qinglong.

Just listening, Senior Brother Qinglong said in a leisurely voice: "You can use the power of the Bloodline Divine Tree to use my blood to hide the sky and cross the sea, and enter my divine calamity.

But, who gave you the courage to take my way? "

At this moment, the ninth divine calamity has not yet come, the dragon scales that Brother Qinglong exploded all flew back, and the millions of refining stars were still pouring energy into his body.

The eight Eternals knew that they had been fooled, and the Dragon Emperor was actually disguised.

They originally wanted to compete for the Dragon Emperor's divine tribulation fruit at this moment, but who knows, this turned out to be a trap.

However, I heard one of the Eternals speak: "Dragon Emperor, the ninth divine calamity is coming soon, maybe we can't take you down, but if you fight with me at this moment, when the ninth divine calamity comes, you will have nothing to lose. Don't you worry if you're not prepared?"

"Fight with you?"

Senior Brother Qinglong snorted coldly: "Do you think you are qualified to fight me?"

Some Eternals saw that Senior Brother Qinglong seemed to be ready to take action, and hurriedly said: "Since I dare to come, I will not be unprepared.

All eight of us are protected by gods and secret methods. If you want to kill me, it is equivalent to killing seven gods.

Instead of wasting this time, let's go back and stop participating in your divine calamity. "


Mystery magic?

Is there a treasure of good fortune? "

I saw that 24 crystal beads flew directly out of Senior Brother Qinglong's body.

Senior brother Qinglong said leisurely: "My dragon family, since the era of chaos, has stood in the sea of ​​​​stars with three things and will not fall.

First, the bloodline is noble.

Second, there are many strong people.

Third, the whole body is full of treasures, called the twenty-four heavens, the treasure of creation, and possesses the power of the twenty-four regions of the galaxy. "

When these eight people heard the words, their expressions changed greatly. They immediately gave up their condensed bodies and turned into soul bodies, with runes shining all over their bodies, trying to enter the soul sea.

But Senior Brother Qinglong said disdainfully: "This Xinghai belongs to me.

Did I say you can go? "

Outside the scope of the divine calamity, Han Fei saw a grain of sand in the galaxy, which completely covered the scope of the divine calamity, and the eight Eternal Race powerhouses, one after another divine shadows appeared outside the body, and in an instant, the laws of those divine shadows were formed. Collapsed, as if being extracted by these galaxy sand grains.

Seeing this, these eight people were horrified, and they quickly gathered together. They knew that they couldn't compete with the treasure of creation, so at this critical moment of life and death, they looked at each other and seemed to have made an important decision.

Only one of them shouted: "Since you insist on killing us, we can only fight to the death.

Don't forget, my Eternals, control the sea of ​​souls"

I saw these eight people cast some kind of secret technique at the same time, but saw the eight people's bodies dissipate, turning into rivers of soul power, and burrowing into one of them.

And that man had blood droplets floating between his eyebrows and his body swelled rapidly. It seemed that under the power of this treasure of good fortune, he had forcibly opened up the connection with the soul sea.

Han Fei saw the blood drop on his brow, and he seemed familiar, but his face changed slightly, and he shouted: "Senior brother, there is something wrong with that blood drop, it is a dominant blood drop.

They are not here to rob you of your divine calamity, but simply to stop you from transcending the calamity. "

Yes, Han Fei has seen this kind of blood drop on the reincarnation circuit.

However, it was suppressed by the rules of the reincarnation at that time, and then bound by the divine chain of creation, otherwise the remnants of the gods of the two eternal races would have walked across the jasper stone bridge.

As soon as Han Fei opened his mouth, the Eternal Race powerhouse, who had transformed into a huge soul shadow, immediately looked towards Han Fei.

I don't seem to understand, why did Han Fei know the blood of the ruler?

On the other side of the Temple of the Undying, the judge and others also looked at Han Fei.

Heart said, Han Fei has already confronted the power of the Eternal Race master level?

Otherwise, how would you recognize this thing?

The old Dragon God snorted coldly: "The bloodline **** tree has already expired, and the Eternal Race dares to be so arrogant, it's just courting death."

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

A head-to-head dragon broke out with a shocking dragon roar, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring, as if wishing to enter the sea of ​​​​souls.

However, the old Shenlong was only angry, but he didn't have much worry. Obviously, he didn't think that a drop of the blood of the ruler could shake Senior Brother Qinglong.

When Senior Brother Qinglong heard the words, he nodded slightly: "So it is.

The Eternals are really painstakingly trying to stop me from the calamity with only eight peaks of the extreme path and a drop of the blood of the ruler?

Oh, how much do the Eternals underestimate my Void Temple? "


Following a reminder from Han Fei, 23 galaxies appeared one after another around Senior Brother Qinglong, each of which seemed to be composed of hundreds of millions of stars, making Han Fei's eyes a little dazed.

"Is this the twenty-four heavens?

Co-authored, just now it was just a galaxy, forcing these eight people to use the blood of the ruler? "

In the eyes of thousands of eyes, the drop of blood of the ruler seemed to want to manifest, but the eight galaxy pressed on it and directly suppressed it.

Let the infinite law spurt, the body of the soul clan powerhouse is getting weaker and weaker, and the strength is getting weaker and weaker, and in the end the drop of the blood of the ruler failed to manifest.

The annihilation of the Eternal Race powerhouse is a matter of time. He has already been unable to move, and Senior Brother Qinglong has not been concerned about it at all.


At this moment, the ninth divine tribulation in the sky gathers, it is not as simple as thunder, but a thunder of laws.

After that, I heard Senior Brother Qinglong speak: "Little Junior Brother, this robbery, to undertake the ten thousand magic thunder, the test is the control of the law after fusion."


one, two, three

In an instant, thousands of Falei slammed down, and Senior Brother Qinglong also moved all the Dharma all over his body, taking the initiative to welcome Falei.

When the Wan Dao Fa Lei was dropped, the figure of the Eternal Race powerhouse had already disappeared.

Only the drop of the blood of the ruler is left, and the power of the law is still being released.

Xu is because the blood of the ruler is too powerful, so although it is suppressed, for a while, even if it is the treasure of good fortune, it cannot be quickly annihilated.

Looking at it this way, the twenty-four heavens of Senior Brother Qinglong should be far worse than the cycle of reincarnation.

The ninth level of divine calamity is not a thunderbolt at all. Looking at the magic of the sky, it is estimated that as many laws as you master, there will be as many magics.

Senior Brother Qinglong is now full of divinity, and the refining stars under him are drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Han Fei couldn't help but read to Zhu Bai, "Does it take so many resources to break through the God-killing level?"

Zhu Bainian blinked: "I don't know! I haven't tried it yet."

But I heard the old dragon **** say: "It varies from person to person, under normal circumstances, if the **** realm is complete, you can break free from the shackles and make a breakthrough, and you don't even need a million refining stars.

However, it is not normal for the Great Emperor to reach the god-killing level.

Moreover, my dragon clan is huge, and naturally requires countless times more resources than ordinary people. "

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief, saying that, this consumption is still within his acceptable range.

After all, he has already swallowed millions of refining stars.

Compared with Senior Brother Qinglong's Divine Tribulation, his demand for resources seems to be even more outrageous.

At this moment, there are many Fare, and Senior Brother Qinglong's body is finally a bit unbearable, with flesh and blood, scales and armor, cracked inch by inch.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong was also well prepared, and seven eight-level energy crystals appeared around him, which should have been accumulated by the Dragon Clan for many years.

At this moment, eight energy crystals are surrounded, and some mysterious power is drawn into the body of Senior Brother Qinglong.

Quickly mend his body.


Almost when Senior Brother Qinglong completely carried more than 50,000 Fare, seven eight-level crystals and millions of refining stars were exhausted.

There is no shortage of dragons to refine the stars, so Senior Brother Qinglong took out more than 500,000 with his backhand.

In addition to the previous ones, there are almost three million refining stars.

At the same time, the twenty-four heavens of the treasure of good fortune, except for the eight that suppressed and dominate the blood beads, the remaining sixteen, all surrounded by Senior Brother Qinglong.

There are endless laws of heaven and earth, supporting Brother Qinglong.

"Sixty thousand Fares."

"Seventy thousand Fares."

"Eighty thousand Fares."

Even if it is a treasure of good fortune, it is impossible to provide power to Senior Brother Qinglong indefinitely.

By the time of 90,000 fales, nine of the sixteen heavens had already dimmed.

It should be necessary to save energy in order to continue to use it.

But at the same time, the drop of Dominion-level blood suddenly erupted, trying to break free from the suppression of the Eight Great Heavens.

Senior Brother Qinglong frowned slightly, pushed back with his hand, and the only six galaxys left in his body were all pressed.

Only then did the Dominion-level blood bead be suppressed again. Although it trembled occasionally, the thing should not be able to break free for the time being.

After all, it is not the presence of the master level, and a drop of blood can contain the power of the fourteen heavens, which is already very strong.

"Humph! Without the twenty-four heavens, I can survive this calamity as well, so don't waste your efforts."

Senior Brother Qinglong said about you. Obviously, he knew that the eight people just now did not really fall, but were sheltered by this drop of the blood of the ruler.

It's just that he doesn't care.

"boom boom"

One after another Fare bombarded Senior Brother Qinglong, bursting with blood mist. When the last Fare descended, Han Fei counted it, a total of 98,992.

"Almost 100,000 tricks! It seems that the real powerhouse, the way of stacking tricks, has almost reached its limit!"

At this moment, Brother Qinglong had no intact scales on his body, and he still suffered a lot of trauma after all.

I just heard Zhu Bainian shouting: "Success, Brother Longdi has succeeded."

Even the gods and dragons looked happy, but the white dragon, the old dragon god, did not make a sound.

Those ominous things have not receded. Although they did not make a move, this posture seems to be waiting for something.


However, I heard that in the robbery cloud, the thunder boomed, and it seemed that it did not mean to dissipate.

Han Fei was also wondering, only to hear Zhu Bai read: "What's wrong?

Didn't he survive the divine tribulation, why did the robbery cloud still not disperse? "

Just listen to the old dragon god: "The calamity is not over yet."

"It's not over yet?"

Han Fei, Zhu Bainian and some dragons were all stunned.

Zhu Bai read: "How come, isn't there only nine ways of divine robbery?"

The old Dragon God didn't speak, but saw the Dragon God Orb appearing in front of Senior Brother Qinglong.

The next moment, I saw Senior Brother Qinglong swallowing the Dragon God Orb into his body, and then slowly said: "Little Junior Brother, fight against the sky, fight against others, and fight against yourself.

This is the tenth robbery, killing a god.

It is also the second shackle, and it is the self who should have the godhead. "

When Han Fei heard the words, his heart was awe-inspiring.

In this case, Senior Brother Qinglong is still telling himself about the calamity.

However, he also realized that if this calamity is over, Senior Brother Qinglong is a god-killing powerhouse.

Is Senior Brother Qinglong calling him?

Let yourself step directly into the god-killing level?



However, I saw Senior Brother Qinglong's injury recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The scales returned, his strength skyrocketed, and his coercion instantly swept across the sea of ​​stars for hundreds of millions of miles.

Around, Han Fei, including Zhu Bainian and others, retreated one after another. That coercion had already made the divine spirit tremble, and Han Fei only felt that his qi and blood were not running smoothly.

God knows how many times Senior Brother Qinglong has improved.

And within the range covered by the rolling calamity cloud, a beam of light descended vertically, covering millions of miles of void.

But I saw that in the beam, the mighty sky, the endless laws, turned into a thousand-li Qinglong, and went to kill Brother Qinglong.

"bang bang bang"

The two sides fought fiercely together in an instant, and the divine power swept through.

Han Fei saw two identical Qinglong brothers fighting, was that a challenge to his own limits?

No, Senior Brother Qinglong said it.

The calamity of killing the gods is to defeat the self who has a godhead?

That is to say, the fake Qinglong senior brother who is now gathered by all the dharmas is the real god.

"During the robbery, blood splattered and the law collapsed.

Brother Qinglong fought around the drop of the blood of the ruler, the dragon breathed out, the sharp claws ripped the sky, and the fists were all over the world.

Originally, the battle between the two dragons turned into a battle between the two dragons vying for the blood of the ruler, forming a situation of the two dragons playing with the pearls. "

"No! They are competing."

Yes, Han Fei realized that Senior Brother Qinglong and the Qinglong, who had transformed into a god-killer, seemed to want to outsmart each other.

And the blood of the ruler was shaking, and finally a phantom appeared from it.

A humanoid soul, faceless and faceless, snorted coldly: "I'm not too timid, I dare to use this seat as a stepping stone, and I'm not afraid of breaking your feet."

Under the calamity, Senior Brother Qinglong's voice was majestic: "Master of the heavenly soul, stepping stones must have the awareness of stepping stones, even a blood body, want to turn the sky?

Dragon God Orb, let me melt"


The dragons here, their hearts sank, dominate?

Han Fei's eyelids also jumped wildly, the blood body of a dominant powerhouse, that is, a solid clone.

Sure enough, the Eternals came to destroy Senior Brother Qinglong's tribulation.

However, at this time, Senior Brother Qinglong has gone through nine divine tribulations, and is no longer in the Great Emperor Realm.

Because this tenth robbery is God-killing robbery, Senior Brother Qinglong at this moment is obviously not at the level of God-killing.

But even in the realm of the gods, there are still strong and weak points, so it is difficult to judge the strength of Brother Qinglong at this moment.

No, Senior Brother Qinglong is in full bloom at the moment, the Dragon God Orb is shining in his body, and there are thirteen dragon shadows surrounding Senior Brother Qinglong's body.

Han Fei couldn't help but think that the Dragon God Orb is a dragon ball of the highest treasure level of good fortune, which was made by refining the dragon **** of thirteen ancient dragon gods.

By fusing this bead, you can obtain the inheritance of the ancient dragon god.

Obviously, Senior Brother Qinglong is taking this to challenge himself who is the strongest in the divine realm.

Devouring a treasure of good fortune, Senior Brother Qinglong's combat power obviously skyrocketed again.

Moreover, his body swelled rapidly.

There is no need to refine the stars, and there is no need to crystallize energy. Senior Brother Qinglong's blue dragon scales are condensed like jade, like clear water and fat, and they are extraordinary.

Han Fei felt that Senior Brother Qinglong at this moment might be the most handsome dragon in the history of the Dragon Clan, and Zhu Bainian next to him had his eyes bursting with peach blossoms, his heart was thumping, and his heart was beating like thunder.

"Boom boom boom!"

Brother Qinglong, who was transformed by the god-killing robbery, could not break through the protective barriers of the phantoms of the thirteen ancient dragon gods.

In the end, it seems to be trying to prevent Senior Brother Qinglong from crossing the calamity, that slaying the gods and robbing Qinglong gathered all the power and turned it into a dragon's breath.

Brother Qinglong also spit to destroy the dragon's breath, and the phantom formed by the blood of the ruler, because it was suppressed by the fourteen heavens, has not yet broken open, and is in the center of the breath of two dragon breaths.




Han Fei still didn't know what happened to the ghost that dominated the ghost that day, but the huge god-killing calamity Qinglong was dissipating at this moment.


With the dissipation of the Azure Dragon transformed by the God-killing Tribulation, the God-killing Tribulation returned to the God-killing Tribulation, and in the God-killing Tribulation, a large amount of strange substances emerged and rushed into the body of Senior Brother Qinglong.


This time, the old Dragon God, Bai Long, Zhu Bai Nian, and even the three major Yamas breathed a sigh of relief.

The judge smiled and said, "Congratulations to the Dragon Emperor for advancing to the God-killing rank."

Senior Brother Qinglong nodded slightly, and he silently glanced at the phantom of the master who had broken through the six heavens. Just now, the blood of the master broke through the six heavens with that blow, which was a little more difficult to deal with.

It's just that he didn't take it seriously, and immediately, he shot up into the sky again.

However, at this moment, the power of the divine calamity is gradually weakening, and it is obviously a sight to be dissipated.

At this time, Brother Qinglong took the initiative to rush to the gods for what?

The next moment, I just heard Qinglong shout: "Did I let you go?"

The dragons: "?


? "

Han Fei: "?


? "

Three Yamas: "?


? "

A group of people, I don't know why, who is here?

Could it be that there are still people trying to attack and sabotage this divine robbery?

Just listening, Senior Brother Qinglong plunged into the robbery cloud, and the next moment, his body skyrocketed, getting bigger, bigger and bigger.

Han Fei was speechless: "Baibai, can the body of your dragon family grow infinitely bigger?"

Zhu Bainian looked confused: "No, I can't!"

Han Fei saw that the body length might grow to hundreds of thousands of miles long.


Suddenly, I saw that the ghost of the soul master suddenly erupted that day, breaking through the three heavens in an instant.

Then he broke through the fourth level of heavens in just one breath, and the speed was very fast, seeing that the twenty-four heavens could no longer suppress him.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong has not forgotten about this guy, and directly moved the twenty-four heavens, forcibly moved it out of the scope of the gods.

Suddenly, on the side of the Temple of Undying, the judge suddenly said, "As expected, it is indeed the Temple of Void. It turns out that the goal of the Dragon Emperor is not to kill the gods at all, but to Zhen Hai Shenlong."

"Zhenhai Shenlong?"

Han Fei had known before that the God-killer level might not necessarily become a Zhenhai God.

But Zhenhai Divine Spirit must be a super powerful god-killer.

The Zhenhai God-level is closer to the Dominion level than the normal God-killing level.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly understood why Senior Brother Qinglong ranked fourth in the Void Temple.

Because he has this potential and this qualification.


Han Fei swallowed his saliva, and the old dragon **** also reacted, showing ecstasy immediately.


"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The dragon roar spread all over the giant dragon battlefield, and many giant dragons who were fighting also saw this scene, and they all burst into dragon roar, and they were extremely excited.

Although they don't know what Senior Brother Qinglong is doing now, but they know that there is another god-killer level in the dragon family, which is enough for them to celebrate.

There is no legal void, Senior Brother Qinglong is swallowing up the cloud of calamity and the divine calamity that has not dissipated here.

Finally, that day, the ghost master of the soul also broke through the suppression of the twenty-four heavens, but he was already blocked there by the old dragon god.

Maybe he lost to the Dominion class.

But with a **** body, can he still beheaded?

The Heavenly Soul Master shot out with a palm, and the void collapsed, wrapping the old dragon god.

The latter, a giant dragon turned over and shattered the collapsed void turbulence.

The old dragon **** dragon chanted, spit out dragon **** directly, and went straight to the master of the soul of the day: "How can my dragon family be the place of your traitor's arrogance?"

"This generation of dragon gods is like that."

However, I saw that the hand of the Heavenly Soul Master was sealed, the void opened, and the water of the soul sea poured in backwards.

That day, the soul master pulled a piece of water of the soul sea, using the void as the bow and the soul tide as the arrow, burst out.


Centered on the place where the two were fighting, the surrounding tens of millions of miles of void was fragmented.


Suddenly, a crisp sound spread all over the place, but there was a crack in the dragon ball of the old dragon god, and the dragon **** was forced to take back the dragon ball. The next moment, the arrow of the soul wave directly pierced it.

"Lord Dragon God."

The major dragons have changed their colors one after another. The dragon ball is the life of the dragon family. If this thing is broken, the dragon **** will be severely injured.

"Don't come here.

If you want to destroy my Dragon Ball, your blood is not enough, come again. "


The old dragon **** was covered in blood, his life burned, detonated some kind of secret technique, and his strength skyrocketed.

This time, the dragon **** came out with all the scales, turned into a long spear, and once again killed the blood body of the **** of the soul.

"bang bang bang"

The two of them shot out of hundreds of millions of miles of sky in a blink of an eye, and there was no complete void wherever they passed.

At this time, because there is no Dragon God protector.

Suddenly, the mutation resumed.

I saw that a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the ominous fog of UU reading www.uukanshu.com, and instantly entered the calamity of Senior Brother Qinglong.

"Do not"

The old dragon **** groaned sadly, and the white dragon had already left as soon as possible, but she couldn't keep up. The other party came too suddenly and too fast.

"Dominant level ominous."

Everyone had this thought in their hearts. When Han Fei discovered it, the black shadow had already appeared a zhang away from Senior Brother Qinglong, which could be said to be close at hand.

At this time, let alone that Han Fei couldn't keep up, even if he could keep up, he probably wouldn't be able to suppress the ominous power of the master.

The refining of the demon pot is not enough, because the refining of the demon pot with only eight vines is not fast enough.

Everyone saw that the dominion-level ominous reached out and grabbed Brother Qinglong. No one knew how strong the blow was and whether Brother Qinglong could stop it.

However, because the Dominion-level ominous shot was too quick, the result immediately appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

I saw that a dark barrier suddenly stood in front of Senior Brother Qinglong.


This shocking ripple swept the entire core battlefield, and Han Fei had to withstand it with all his strength, so he could barely block the ripple.

The next moment, I only heard Senior Brother Qinglong's voice calm and playful: "I was worried that you would not come, but I couldn't help but take action after all.

I have been waiting for your ninth-level energy crystal for a long time. "

People: "?


? "

The dominion-level ominous also noticed something was wrong, and suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out an ominous pillar, but the next moment, the ominous pillar disappeared into the dark barrier and disappeared without a trace.

And taking this opportunity, the dominion-level ominous retreated hundreds of millions of miles away in a flash, and said in a solemn tone: "Who is it?

Void and Kagura are both in battle, and it is impossible to come over.

Who can protect you?

grim Reaper? "

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