God of Fishing

Chapter 2831: Breakthrough, Zhenhai Shenlong

Chapter 21 Breakthrough, Zhenhai Shenlong

Don't say that this dominant level is ominous and curious, who is not curious at the scene.

Han Fei and the others couldn't help looking at the judges, but the judge shook his head slightly: "Death is very busy and has no time."

Not the **** of death?

Is it

Although Han Fei couldn't believe it, there was only one answer.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Senior Brother Qinglong said in a relaxed tone, "Third Senior Brother, I'm sorry."


A dull sound came from the void. There was no source of the sound, and the sound seemed to be everywhere.

Han Fei immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and it really was the undead brother.

This is simply too challenging for people's hearts. He said that Senior Brother Qinglong was in such a big battle, how could he allow mistakes?

No matter how strong Senior Brother Qinglong was before, he was still in the Great Emperor Realm, so he should keep the Void Mark once.

Sure enough, the Void Temple's own brothers and sisters are reliable.

However, Han Fei was also extremely shocked. The third senior brother is a master class?

This was completely beyond his expectations.

He thought that only the elder brother was the master of the Void Temple.

Even Senior Sister Kagura, he had guessed that he was only at the level of Zhenhai Divine Spirit, and he might be infinitely close to the master, but he was not the master.

But now, it seems that is not the case at all.

Everyone's eyes turned to the void in front of Senior Brother Qinglong.

I saw that a humanoid figure was gradually outlined in the void.

The height of its shape is feared to be nearly a million miles huge.

When this figure was completely outlined, everyone was stunned to discover that it was actually a huge skeleton shrouded in darkness and mist.

The reason why it is called a skeleton is because his bones are too dry and thin compared to the height of this figure, as if there is no meat at all.

Those two eyeballs are like two black holes, empty.

"Impossible, the third child of the Void Temple has already fallen, how could it be here?"

The dominion level was ominous, and the words were full of shock.

However, Senior Brother Qinglong started to devour Jieyun on his own, ignoring him at all.

And the undead senior brother, who has always talked less, has no intention of answering at all.

I saw that the undead brother first turned his head and looked at the Heavenly Soul Master who had temporarily truce with the Dragon God. The latter seemed to be surprised when the Void Temple had such a character.

However, he just glanced at the undead brother, and found that his soul involuntarily oscillated, and the surrounding hundreds of millions of miles of void seemed to be suppressed by the invisible aura, and there was a void enchantment in all directions.

Immediately following, a pair of large skeleton hands appeared in the void out of thin air, forming a palm-like shape.

"Your Excellency is a little too big, even if I am bloody, can it be your palms?"

Brother Undead did not respond to him at all. As the palms squeezed the void, Han Fei saw with his own eyes that the entire space was crushed like a piece of marshmallow.

At first, the blood body of the Soul Master tried to resist that day, but when the void was squeezed by 80%, his body began to tremble.

Seeing this scene, the dominion-level ominous attempt to retreat quietly.

But when he stepped back, he found a black barrier that blocked the void. When he triggered the barrier, the entire barrier was activated.

Only then did I see that it was a square ball cage, like black glass, trapping the Dominion ominously inside.

And the God-killing-level ominous in front of the ominous fog and a group of up to 42 doom-level ominous, at that time, they had to turn back and get into the fog of unwillingness.

But when they turned around, they found that behind them, black skeletons rose up one after another, like a row of pillars, directly blocking their way back.

At this time, Zhu Bainian touched Han Fei with his elbow, and whispered, "Why does this senior brother of your Void Temple look more terrifying than ominous?"

Han Fei said, is it scary?

The three brothers have always been like this.

At every gathering, the elder brother is the biggest, sitting there like a mountain.

The third senior is the second largest, they are all standing on the top of the mountain, and the third senior is standing at the bottom of the mountain, but it is higher than the peak they are standing on.

But to say it's scary, if there is fear of giants, it's really scary. Han Fei never thought that there would be such a big person in this world.

The god-killing white dragon coughed lightly: "Nian Nian, don't be ridiculous."

Everyone, just watching with their own eyes, the skeleton's palms were closed, and the void was completely crushed into the palms.


The next moment, the palms trembled, and then some smoke came out from the gap between the palms, as if something exploded in the palms.




In the blink of an eye, eight cracks in the avenues, crisscrossing each other.

Obviously, it was the eight Eternals who were going to attack Senior Brother Qinglong before, and they fell at the same time.

It doesn't work if you don't fall! Even the blood of the ruler has been crushed. If these so-called geniuses who are trying to steal the fruit are still alive, isn't this a slap in the face of the undead senior brother?

Han Fei sighed, strong! Brother Undead is really strong!

In the past, Han Fei felt that Senior Brother Qinglong and Senior Brother were his idols.

Senior Brother Qinglong took action in front of him, and Senior Brother is omnipotent.

Now, he feels that the undead senior brother is also unbelievably strong, and the key is also very handsome.

He simply killed a blood-dominant body.

And the others, including the Dragon God, looked straight.

The dragons who could witness this battle on the entire dragon battlefield felt that their hearts were trembling at this moment.

When have they seen such an outrageous powerhouse, Lord! Was crushed to death.

These giant dragons don't care whether the Heavenly Soul Master is blood or not. They only know that the strongest dragon **** of the dragon clan, even the dragon **** were cracked, and they were unable to suppress the Heavenly Soul Master, and now they are slapped to death. .

Everyone thought that Brother Undead's next target would be the ominous Dominator.

I saw the undead brother spread his arms, and the mere act of spreading his arms caused thousands of miles of void to vibrate.

However, the undead senior brother ignored the ominous dominance, but stepped forward, opened his hands, and his arms spanned a million miles.

His five fingers swiped across the void, tearing the void apart in ten scratches, connecting the endless void.

Everyone thought that the undead brother needed to draw power from the endless void, but in the endless void, no power was drawn out.

On the contrary, on the battlefield of the giant dragon, the void was suddenly torn apart by the ominous side of the major world destroyers, and then a finger ran over them.

Yes, in Feng Xingliu's words, it's as simple as crushing an ant. In the blink of an eye, on the battlefield of the giant dragon, thousands of World Destroyers were inexplicably crushed to death by the sudden appearance of a dark finger. .


Han Fei's whole person is not well, how far does this have to control the laws of space?

It is clear that the fingers of the undead brothers tore the void in the core battlefield, but the fingers appeared beside the thousands of world destroyers.

One step, two steps, three steps

The undead brother took only seven steps, and the giant dragon battlefield, all the world-destroying levels, were crushed by hundreds, and they all died.

After that, there were nearly two thousand six-level energy crystals that flew from all over the giant dragon battlefield to the tribulation cloud where Senior Brother Qinglong was located.


Zhu Bainian reached Han Fei again: "Look, me, do I still have a chance to join the Void Temple?"

Han Fei: ""

The giant dragon battlefield, those giant dragons who were originally fighting against these world-destroying levels, are now stunned.

what happened?

How did those huge fingers come out?

Why is the enemy gone?

core battlefield.

The god-killer dashed ominously through the void, trying to find a way out.

And those doom-level ominous are scattered, trying to find a way out.

However, no matter how they ran, they were shocked to find that they were struggling and couldn't run far.

At that time, I saw an incomparably huge palm emerging in the void. At this moment, the palm was facing upwards and was slowly raised.

At this moment, the god-killing level ominous and a group of doomsday-level ominous people were shocked to find that they had always been in the palm of others.

And at this moment, that palm is slowly grasping.


Don't say that Zhu Bainian and the others are stupid, Han Fei is also stupid, it seems that the third senior brother is too strong.

It's so strong that he can't understand the strength at all, ranking third in the Void Temple?

At this time, Han Fei felt that he couldn't guess the strength of Senior Sister Kagura and Senior Brother at all, because he couldn't understand it at all.

At the same time, Han Fei couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure.

Third Senior Brother is so strong, then Senior Senior Brother must be stronger than Third Senior Brother, right?

However, even the eldest brother can't beat that real ominous, what kind of existence is that?

At this moment, as the huge palm slowly clenched, one God-killer and 42 Doomsdays finally disappeared into the skeleton fist.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

In the fist of the skeleton, explosions rang out one after another, and the surrounding void oscillated endlessly, and accompanied by powerful ripples, swept the core battlefield.

In the end, the skeleton palm disappeared, leaving only one level eight energy crystal and 42 level seven energy crystals.

These energy crystals also flew to the tribulation cloud where Senior Brother Qinglong was.

At this moment, Jieyun has been swallowed up by Senior Brother Qinglong, and everyone is looking forward to it.

But right now, everyone is looking forward to another thing, that is, watching the undead brother kill this dominance-level ominous.

The master level is ominous, and he sees the power of the undead brother in his eyes.

He already knew how strong the person in front of him was, or in other words, he couldn't be called a person at all.

But some kind of strange, never-before-seen creature of all races.

In the end, the undead senior brother put down his arms, looked at the ominous dominion in the dark enchantment, and said solemnly: "You, there is only one chance, if you are strong enough."

Han Fei and the others don't know what the chance is that the undead senior brother said, but the ominous master seems to understand.

Just listen to the ominous response from the master level: "Then try."

But I saw the ominous body of the master suddenly burst open, turning into an ominous mist, filling the entire dark enchantment.

The undead brother, on the other hand, stood in place and did not move.

Suddenly, the ominous mist filled with the dark enchantment turned into a fist mark, rubbing against the dark enchantment to make a "sizzling" sound.


I don't know what price the Dominion-level ominous paid, but he did successfully break the dark barrier.

That ominous fist mark, coming incessantly, blasted towards the direction of Jieyun.

How did he do it, because he knew that even if he did his best, he would not be able to kill him, and even beat the undead brother.

Therefore, there is this trick to surround Wei and save Zhao.

And he also left a figure, trying to withdraw from the dragon battlefield and rushing in the direction of the ominous fog.

It's just that this master level is ominous, and he may overestimate himself and underestimate the undead brother.

I saw countless square enchantment spaces, or strange matrices, suddenly appeared around the huge ominous fist mark.

These square enchantments appear densely, and even overlap each other, interlaced with each other, just like this sea of ​​​​stars has been marked with mosaics.

Before the fist mark hit the robbery cloud, it was divided by countless square enchantments. In each enchantment, it seemed that some ominous aura was forcibly sealed.

Then, I saw these square enchantments, and they began to annihilate quickly, quickly nibbling away those ominous auras.

I only heard the voice of the undead brother sounded again: "Unfortunately, you wasted this opportunity.

If you strike with all your strength, leave no room, and do not want to escape, there may be a chance of survival.

But now, no more. "

The square barrier began to cover the dominance-level ominous escape route. The void collapsed, but instead of collapsing into an endless void, it collapsed into countless square barriers.

Like a beautiful building block, it fell apart in an instant, and it fell into pieces.

And the ominous dominance level is precisely one of these building blocks.

The undead brother probed into the void, grabbed into the broken square barrier, grabbed one, and grabbed it abruptly with his palm, and then his palm exploded several times, as if to shake the undead brother's palm away.


In the end, one of the phalanx of the undead brother was broken, and the ominous master level was completely annihilated from the center of the undead brother.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the undead brother slowly stretched out his other hand, grabbed the broken phalanx, pressed it on the broken finger, and threw it back.

People: ""

When it was over, a brilliance of the ninth-level energy crystal flew into the robbery cloud.

At this time, Senior Brother Undead turned to look at Han Fei, and said kindly: "Little Junior Brother, Qinglong's breakthrough should be of great reference value to you.

But don't follow blindly, the Supreme Divine Art will definitely form your own breakthrough method. "

Han Fei nodded: "Thank you Third Senior Brother for reminding me."

Han Fei did not mention the undead senior brother, but only called the third senior brother.

Because, judging from the ominous reaction of the master, they didn't know the existence of the third senior brother at all.

Moreover, the dominion level ominously mentioned one thing, that is, he said that the third child of the Void Temple has long since fallen.

Looking at the style of the undead senior brother, it is very similar to the undead. Will there be any relationship between this?

At this moment, the undead brother took a pestle there, and the entire dragon family relaxed.

The three Yamas saw that the Lord came out to protect the Dao in person, and there was nothing to do with them here, so the three of them bowed to the third senior brother, and then their bodies quietly disappeared into the sea of ​​​​stars.

The old dragon **** turned into a human figure and turned into a majestic and domineering white-haired old man. I saw him bowing to the third senior brother, and then nodding to Han Fei.

"Dragon Emperor, please two."

Han Fei: "Senior Dragon God, go to work if you have something to do.

Now is the best time to clean up the dragon battlefield. "

This is what the old Dragon God meant. Since there are so many strong warriors in the spare time, there is no need to let the younger ones fight to death. In such a big battlefield, even they have to kill them for a while.

"Niannian, go."

The god-killing white dragon opened his mouth to remind, but Zhu Bai shook his head: "I want to stay here and watch Brother Longdi."

Old Dragon God: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if there is this girl or not."

Senior Brother Qinglong swallowed a stick of incense this time, and finally swallowed up the robbery cloud completely.

In front of him, there is a dragon ball floating, and on the opposite side of the dragon ball, there is a ninth-level energy crystal that flickers.

And Dragon Ball seems to be devouring the ninth-level energy crystal.

It's a pity that Han Fei has not seen what the ninth-level energy crystals contain, but if he thinks about it, he knows that it is definitely not comparable to the seventh-level energy crystals.




After about another stick of incense, with Senior Brother Qinglong as the center, there seemed to be a muffled sound in the body, and the resulting void ripples could cover the entire battlefield of the giant dragon. This coverage directly startled Han Fei.

This ripple, a hundred times in a row.

It didn't stop until the ninth-level energy crystal was completely dimmed.

On the other hand, Senior Brother Qinglong emitted some reddish light, which quickly converged.

At this moment, the undead senior brother said: "Enough! With this breakthrough, you have crossed too much.

There is no need to hit the master at this time. "

Shock dominance?

Han Fei is quite stunned. This thing, the emperor directly becomes the master, is it so outrageous?

The next moment, I heard Senior Brother Qinglong speak slowly: "I didn't plan to attack the Lord, I just wanted to try and see the barrier of the Lord.

This time, I would like to thank the three senior brothers for taking action. "

When Senior Brother Qinglong said this, Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Good guy, he almost thought that Senior Brother Qinglong was going to rush to dominate, it was really outrageous.

Brother Undead nodded slightly: "Yes! But don't be too proud, if you don't enter the **** realm for a day, you can't be alone for a day.

After this time, you still need to spend a lot of time to consolidate your realm and cultivation. How long are you going to sleep? "

Senior Brother Qinglong shook his head slightly: "I don't know, but it can't be less than a thousand years."

The undead brother snorted: "Then seal this giant dragon battlefield!"

"it is good!"

When Senior Brother Qinglong and Senior Brother Undead had a conversation, Han Fei couldn't even talk, and Zhu Bainian couldn't even talk.

Senior Brother Qinglong glanced at the two of them: "Little Junior Brother, Bai Nian, wait for me for a moment."

I saw that Senior Brother Qinglong appeared in the ominous fog in a blink of an eye. I saw that he stepped on his feet, and the laws of the heavens in the entire dragon battlefield suddenly rioted.

As Senior Brother Qinglong raised his hand, all kinds of methods rushed to the place where Senior Brother Qinglong was.


Han Fei was a little hard to understand for a while, the Zhenhai God is so strong?

The moment before, it was still in the Great Emperor Realm, and its combat power was limited.

In a blink of an eye, the power that shakes the entire dragon battlefield can erupt, covering a trillion sky?

Just listening, the undead senior brother said lightly: "The so-called Zhenhai means that it can be a sea of ​​stars.

The treasure of good fortune, the power of the twenty-four heavens, if you use everything to display it, it will be equivalent to the action of 24 Zhenhai gods.

Junior Brother Qinglong, at this moment, is equivalent to possessing a great power of the heavens, or the power of a galaxy.

Of course, this is just the basic combat power. "

"A piece of galaxy?"

Han Fei's eyelids twitched wildly, and the undead senior brother was explaining to himself, but he still felt that it was a bit outrageous.

The twenty-four heavens, the so-called Galaxy, just revealed by Senior Brother Qinglong, is he equivalent to a galaxy at all?

In the heavens, the stars are like grains of sand, countless.

Although the Twenty-Four Heavens failed to completely suppress the blood body, it also depends on who the opponent is.

The other party is the master, the highest level of the known Xinghai, and there is no higher.

Therefore, although the twenty-four heavens have been broken through, it does not mean that they are not strong.

On the contrary, as long as you clearly recognize the power of a galaxy, you will know that it is simply terrifying to the extreme.

At this moment, Senior Brother Qinglong has become a sea dragon.

It can almost be said that the entire Dragon Battlefield, the entire Dragon Valley, and even the entire Dragon Palace are under his control.

Han Fei clenched his fist. After seeing the difference in the strength of the God Realm, after seeing the Dominator level shot, Han Fei suddenly felt that the Great Emperor Realm seemed to be nothing.

Senior Brother Qinglong's path has been found, what about his own path?

"It seems that after returning from the bath in the Dragon Pond, you must quickly cultivate to your peak.

I don't dare to hope for the God-killing level, but at least I have to have the strength to directly rival the gods of all races. "

On the other side of the ominous fog, Senior Brother Qinglong, wrapped around the entire giant dragon battlefield, and even a larger range of power, rushed out.

Makes the ominous fog shrink rapidly.

This suppression lasted for an hour, and the ominous fog covered the area, and in the end there were only less than a million miles left.

At this moment, I only heard a voice from the ominous fog: "What a dragon, even if you temporarily seal this domain, you can't stop the annihilation of Xinghai."


Senior Brother Qinglong shouted: "Xinghai has a full-scale war in Xinghai, but on the territory of my Dragon Clan, no existence that I can't control is allowed."

The law of hundreds of millions, turned into countless road locks, may be hundreds of thousands, millions.

In the end, the million miles of ominousness were completely sealed.

And here, the sea of ​​stars has finally returned to peace. The ominous creatures on the giant dragon battlefield have nowhere to go, and all that awaits them is their fall.


"Win, my dragon race won."

"Lord Dragon Emperor sealed the ominous."

"Dragon Emperor is mighty."

"Bah, what Dragon Emperor is Lord Zhenhai Shenlong."

"Everyone, kill! Kill these ominous creatures, and I can rest later."


"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The dragon battlefield will end the battle in a short period of time.

The major dragons have killed a circle, and they should not shoot again.

After all, the remaining ominous creatures are the strongest only at the level of destruction.

If it takes Shenlong to take action to settle it, the dragon family would have perished long ago.


Brother Qinglong came to Han Fei's side in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Bainian hurriedly shouted softly: "Brother Longdi, oh no, you are Zhenhai Shenlong now, shall we go back and have a baby?

He will definitely be a dragon **** in the future. "

Senior Brother Qinglong: ""

Brother Qinglong's eyelids trembled, and Han Fei pretended not to hear.

Just listen to Senior Brother Qinglong's dignified expression: "Bai Nian, don't make trouble, I need to go to sleep now."

Saying that, Senior Brother Qinglong looked at Senior Brother Undead: "Senior Brother Three, you have been exposed now, what should you do?"

Senior Brother Undead said indifferently: "Eldest brother is fighting with that person, I will help a group, maybe it will relieve him some pressure.

Since you have broken through, you will leave for your brother. "

"Third Senior Brother, walk slowly."


The body of the third senior brother faded in front of Han Fei's eyes. Even if he walked in front of his eyes, Han Fei didn't know how he walked.

However, he couldn't even understand the power of Zhenhai Divine Spirit, and of course he couldn't understand the power of the Lord.

At this moment, the old dragon and the other dragons have already killed several times on the giant dragon battlefield, and they are too lazy to care about the remaining bits and pieces, and they have already come to Senior Brother Qinglong.

Old Shenlong: "How do you feel?"

Senior Brother Qinglong looked majestic: "To be honest, I'm a little tired."

The fire dragon said, "It's definitely not easy to go from the Great Emperor to Zhenhai Shenlong.

But you hold on a little longer, and go to sleep when you reach the treasure house. "

Senior Brother Qinglong was too lazy to respond, and said directly: "I will explain a few things.

During my sleep, the ominous should not come, if it does come, you can wake me up.

Also, the dragons have been fighting year after year. During this time, it’s time to rest and let the dragons go out of the Dragon Palace. As long as they don’t go to the sea world, they can go there as long as the sea of ​​stars is so big.”

Bai Long: "The dragon clan suddenly left the Dragon Palace, will the ten thousand clan react badly?"

Senior Brother Qinglong shook his head: "Today's events will soon spread throughout the entire Xinghai.

My dragon family, it is time to be born.

But one thing that needs to be reminded of all dragons is that they cannot eat indiscriminately.

The curse is unsolved, too indulgent, it will only backfire, let them not lose the face of the dragon family. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

Heilong said domineeringly: "Whoever dares to destroy the image of the dragon family outside, I can't spare him."

Senior Brother Qinglong nodded: "Just let them run to the battlefield more.

The other thing is left to Bai Nian. "


Brother Longdi, I must do it well. "

Senior Brother Qinglong: "You take my little junior brother to take a bath in the Dragon Pond.

However, after that, you are not allowed to go to the sea world with you. "


Senior Brother Qinglong snorted, thinking that I don't know you yet?

Zhu Bainian's mother also snorted softly: "There are too many temptations in the sea world. If you go, you will most likely get lost."

After finishing speaking, Senior Brother Qinglong looked at Han Fei: "Little Junior Brother, there is only one thing I have to tell you, don't cook for the Dragon Clan.

Anyone, not. "

Han Fei's expression froze: "Okay, Senior Brother Qinglong."

At this point, Senior Brother Qinglong was relieved: "You guys come back slowly, I'm going to sleep."


In the eyes of everyone, Senior Brother Qinglong seemed to disappear out of thin air.

It seems to be very urgent, and it is estimated that it is also strong to explain these things.

Zhu Bai Nian groaned a few times: "Just left?"

The old dragon **** laughed: "Okay, when he wakes up, it's not too late for you to pester him."

Immediately, the old dragon **** looked at Han Fei: "Haha, little friend Han Fei let you join in such a battle as soon as you came, and there was no banquet to wash away the dust, but my dragon clan is disrespectful.

Come, come back to the Dragon Palace with me, although my dragon family doesn't eat meat, I can handle all kinds of spiritual fruits."

"Senior Dragon God is polite, it's me who bothered me."

Han Fei's mouth was polite, but he thought of the star-sized fruit in his heart.

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