God of Fishing

Chapter 2858: Sweep the gods and demon forest

Zhonghai Shenzhou.

There was a war between the ancient demon clan, and billions of people fell.

Nearly 90 million people searched frantically, it can be said that even the turf was bald.

But Han Fei and the others were not too happy, because the two Zhenhai deities from Zhonghai Shenzhou were still there. The Zhenhai God of the Chaos God Race was only equivalent to having a face-to-face with Yue Lingke. Its purpose is not to help the ancient demon clan at all. Han Fei suspects that he is likely to come to the Hongmeng Zimen.

However, Han Fei didn't know why there was no follow-up.

Here, Han Fei and Yue Lingke left with the human race and the goddess army since ancient times. Leaving a mess, countless ancient monsters under the sea-opening realm were completely stunned.

The gap in this space was completely blown up, and they are now living in the boundless sea.

However, where is Zhonghai Shenzhou, since the strong gather together and the major forces converge, even if it is an ordinary sea beast, it is also extraordinary in strength.

Therefore, billions of ancient monsters have just experienced the catastrophe of annihilation, and they have encountered various sea beasts. After all, it is mostly under the open sea, even if the foundation is mostly good, but in the face of absolute strength, there are still many fallen people.

Countless people have also planted the seeds of hatred in their hearts at this moment. Once invincible, the ancient monster clan of the Megatron Sea Realm, now like a lost dog, was chased and escaped by ordinary sea beasts.

There were even some people from small powers who quickly took action after Han Fei and the others left, fetching some venerable peaks, and even some ancient demons who seemed to be of good blood.

Of course they are not saving people. After all, the ancient demon clan is one of the superpowers, and there are some extremely secret and powerful inheritances in the clan. With the attitude of searching for souls and treasures, many people are willing to give it a try.

Therefore, after Han Fei and the others visited the ancient demon clan, it was only the beginning, and their disaster had just arrived.

The forest of gods and demons occupies the vast sea area and many crack spaces in the northern part of Zhonghai Shenzhou. The demon plant, the body grows up, and it penetrates the sky and the earth, and it is normal to occupy a larger area.

When Han Fei and the others came to the Forest of Gods and Demons, they saw that there were already countless strong men waiting here.

For example, the two Zhenhai deities from before were standing at the forefront at this moment, followed by a god-slaying god-level powerhouse, and three deities.

In addition to the god-killing level of the God-Monster Forest, there are four god-killing-level powerhouses from other races, and nine god-slaying people.

The three of Han Fei and the thirty-two gods stood up one after another, and the two sides faced off against the sky.

Han Fei sneered and said, "The two sea-suppressing gods, the five god-killing gods, and the twelve gods. As expected of Zhonghai Shenzhou, there are so many hidden powers!"

As Han Fei spoke, Qiu Wanren transmitted his voice: "The god-killing level of the God-Monster Forest has strong soul power. The demon plant has extraordinary characteristics. If you borrow the power of the entire God-Monster Forest, you may not be able to exert the power of Zhenhai God."

Han Fei nodded indifferently, but his face was still domineering and strong.

On the other side, the white-haired old man said slowly: "Han Fei, I know that you have the support of the Void Temple behind you, and even now there are powerhouses from the Void Temple watching the battle. Now, the ancient demon clan, you are gone, kill the ancient Billions of demons, do you really want to fight every family?"

Han Fei grinned: "Isn't this obvious? At the beginning, there were several forces that were bullying my human race, and I had to fight a few forces, even if the blood stained Zhonghai Shenzhou, I would not hesitate. Everyone, when you can make sense. If you don't talk about it, now, we have nothing to talk about."

Yue Lingke also snorted coldly: "Even if Han Fei doesn't make a move, do you think my Divine descendant line will let you go? Back then, you waited to kill the Divine descendant lineup even if you didn't hesitate to break out a **** war. Now we fight. When you come to the door, but you want to make peace, why do you?"

But listening, the white-haired old man said: "The ominous return is imminent, and the two of you are facing each other in life and death. This is a lose-lose situation. I have a suggestion. It is better to wait for the ominous war to retreat, if you and I can still be in this war. If you survive, how about a life-and-death split? Even, Yue Lingke, the **** of the gods, we can return it."

"No way."

Han Fei and Yue Lingke responded in unison.

Yue Lingke's fighting spirit is monstrous: "I will take the gods' treasures by myself. You don't have to worry that I can't find them. The gods are not the treasures of good fortune. With the Navigation Vientiane Instrument, I'm still worried that I won't be able to find the gods. ?"

Han Fei also laughed and said: "Hahaha... You guys saw me destroying the ancient demon clan, but no one in Xinghai came back to help, so they got together and decided to fight, right? Tsk tsk, it is indeed a superhero of Zhonghai Shenzhou. Influence, scheming is revealed everywhere. Unfortunately, I, Han Fei, have never relied on conspiracies and tricks since I was a child. Tens of billions of people. Seventy billions of my human race's lives were buried in the East China Sea. Have I ever complained about it? Besides, during the battle of the Western Desolation, I once said, what would happen if there were no two of the ancient six meridians? Since you all came here Now that we're all set, we're obviously ready to fight. Let's fight then!"

Han Fei directly ran the Dao of Self, and his strength skyrocketed. I saw him throwing out the divine chain of law enforcement, and he threw it into the void. I saw the old murderer approaching in a blink of an eye, wrapping the divine chain of law enforcement with one hand.

But I saw that in the old murderer's hand, there was still a big bone, and there was still blood and minced flesh. Seeing the white-haired old man, his face was full of anger.

Yue Lingke pointed at the chaotic gods with a single sword and said, "Come on! If you don't come, I will kill the chaotic gods with one sword. You have no choice."

That Zhenhai Shenling looked bad, but he knew that Yue Lingke could do it. The ancient demon clan is a living example. Above the Venerable, they were almost killed. Although it wasn't Yue Lingke and the others who moved their hands, they had the courage. Especially that Qiu Wanren, who didn't care about his karma at all, he shot out brazenly, like a madman.

Therefore, he did not dare not to fight.

And the old opponent of the old fierce is the white-haired old man, and the other party's injury has recovered impressively. His strength is indeed not as good as the old fierce, but the old fierce strength is not at the peak, and it is not easy to beat him.

The white-haired old man looked at the god-killing **** in the demon forest, and said, "We can only do this. As for Han Fei and the one surnamed Qiu, I'll leave it to you."


I saw that the four major town sea creatures disappeared almost at the same time. And only Han Fei, Qiu Wanren, and 32 gods were left at the scene.

Han Fei: "Senior, Shen Yaolin, I broke through, just watch."

Qiu Wanren: "You kid still look down on this old man?"

Han Fei: "Of course not, but it's not necessary. After all, the other party has five god-killing levels. This is determined, and he has to fight us head-on. Or, you can also take these 32 into the natal stars first."

Qiu Wanren turned around and drank: "You heard it, it's not yet time for your outbreak. Staying here, you will only get in the way, relax, and come to my destiny."

Qiu Wanren is also a daring artist, ready to take on four. This is equivalent to four people, challenging the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou. He also secretly thought in his heart, thanks to Han Fei's rapid growth, otherwise, even if the Divine Descendants crisis is resolved, it would be almost impossible to break through Zhonghai Shenzhou.

I saw that Han Fei rushed towards the large forest area of ​​the God and Demon Forest. When all the tricks are meaningless, the only thing left is the frontal battlefield. Anything, in the end, speaks with strength after all, this is the final state of cultivation.

I just heard the god-killing powerhouse from the God-Monster Forest shout, "Leave Han Fei to me, and leave that surnamed Qiu to you."


I saw tens of thousands of thunder marks, sweeping across the woodland in an instant.


Within millions of miles, thunder and fire spread, directly shattering the woodland.

Han Fei burst out with such strength, and the face of the god-monster forest expert also changed drastically. Although he knew that Han Fei's strength was definitely not bad and could not be regarded as a great emperor, he did not expect the other party to be so terrifying.

"The Zhenhai God?"

The might of this blow really frightened the strong man of the God-Monster Forest. The latter immediately retreated, and at the same time, the entire forest of gods and demons began to sway and vibrate. The strength of this demon forest powerhouse has risen rapidly.

"Jian Wu, break the game~"


The source force condensed the sword, rolling up thousands of waves, and the sword body was even more thunder and fire, and wherever it passed along the way, countless vines and whiskers turned into powder.

Said it was too late, but that time was fast. The strong man of the God and Demon Forest gathered the power of the God and Demon Forest to endow the leaves of grass with divinity. Billions of leaves of grass were like scrolls, and they brazenly attacked Han Fei's sword.

"Bang bang bang~"

The roar of the explosion swept across all directions, and the sword light flashed away from the rolling blades of grass.


I saw that one arm of the strong man of the God Demon Forest was chopped off by a sword. There was a source of energy burning at the wound, trying to rush into the body of the strong monster forest.

"how is this possible?"

The latter was shocked. He borrowed the power of the gods and monsters, and he was barely able to enter the Zhenhai **** level in terms of combat power. Why did he lose with one sword?

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "One of my swords is called Breaking the Game. It can break through all rounds of trickery and point directly at the target. Blocking, you can't stop it, you can only fight against me with all your strength."

"Even so, so what? In the God and Demon Forest, you can't kill me."

He cut off the arm of the god-killing powerhouse, but after all, this was the God-Monster Forest, and the other party used the power of the God-Monster Forest to immediately destroy the source of the burning, and grow an arm again.


There was a cold smile on the corner of Han Fei's mouth, and he saw the wheel of life appearing behind him. With the rotation of the wheel of life, all the vitality in the millions of miles here was madly sucked into the wheel of God. And all kinds of monsters and creatures in these millions of miles are withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Han Fei said disdainfully, "The forest of gods and demons is huge, but if I destroy it with all my heart, how will you stop it?"


Han Fei stepped on it, and hundreds of millions of swords flowed across the room, and the trees that were already withered were shattered one after another. During this time, the ley lines were constantly impacted by the sword wandering, or roared.

For a time, the forest of the gods and demons shook, and under the violent shaking, huge cracks appeared one after another, quickly destroying the leylines of the gods and demons forest.

On the one hand, Han Fei wanted to destroy the God-Monster Forest Landline. On the other side, Han Feike didn't stop, and he fought with the powerful God Demon Forest in a blink of an eye.

Both of them took advantage of their strengths to raise themselves to the level of Zhenhai Divine Spirit. But the difference is that Han Fei is the real sea **** who uses the source power.

And the strong man of the gods and demon forest still has a combat power that breaks through the shackles of five million, but he does not have the condition to let his power and soul power fuse.

Therefore, as soon as the two confronted, the body of the God Demon Forest was pierced, and the body was smashed to pieces on the spot. If it weren't for the demon plant creatures, who were extremely good at escaping for the dead, he would have fallen by now.

However, even if he escaped, Han Fei still forcibly stripped the other side a lot of vitality.

Moreover, just escaping for death, after all, he was still in the woods, how could he escape? Of course, he didn't dare to escape, otherwise, Han Fei's destructive power of Zhenhai's **** level would destroy half of the forest of gods and demons in just a moment.

No, Han Fei reappeared in front of him as soon as the demon forest powerhouse appeared, crushing the energy barrier formed by hundreds of thousands of miles of surrounding woodland with a punch.

The next moment, Han Fei used his hand as a knife to pierce through the monster forest again.

"Hahaha! Han Fei, do you really think that my demon forest doesn't have any means to check and balance you?"

When the man was penetrated by Han Fei, he was not surprised but delighted, only to see a curtain of light suddenly rise on the surface of this room, hundreds of millions of brilliance, shrouding this room. A copper bell "Dang Dang" struck.

Han Fei only felt that there was invisible power, trying to invade his soul.

I saw that the strong monster Lin, who was detained by Han Fei, took the initiative to explode again and escaped, and his body appeared outside the brilliance. I just heard him laugh: "Han Fei, this is the death knell, which is made from the death knell of the foundation of heaven. It can cut off the soul and break your secret method. Once you can't use the power of Zhenhai God, see how arrogant you are."

"Oh, really?"

Suddenly, a calm voice appeared behind this person. The god-monster forest powerhouse was horrified, and immediately prepared to escape for the dead again.

However, this time, he was completely unable to activate this technique.


The next moment, chains of life rules clasped his hands, feet, neck and waist, frantically extracting his vitality.

"how is this possible?"

The next moment, the body trapped by the Death Bell instantly disappeared.

The man was horrified: "Why is the Death Soul Bell useless? It can't be useless. Even if you have the dual body magic, you are bound to be affected by the Death Soul Bell. How can you escape safely?"

I saw that Han Fei's figure appeared in front of this person, and I saw him holding the Hidden Divine Seal in one hand, and said with a smile: "Because, the one inside is not me now! Otherwise, you really thought I would be caught by you. Seduce, go deep into the forest of gods and demons?"

In other words, a moment ago, when the old murderer told him that countless strong men had gathered in the forest of gods and demons, Han Fei fished out of his old body.

He is not stupid, since the people of Zhonghai Shenzhou have been forced to the point where they have to fight head-on, how could they really have no means at all?

Otherwise, once the gods and demon forests are broken, the rest of them are equivalent to breaking down one after another. So there must be a battle in this battle.

It is precisely because of this that Han Fei used his old body as bait to cover his body with the hidden divine seal, so he had the present situation.

"Hidden Divine Seal?"

The body of this demon forest powerhouse is rapidly decaying, and his eyes are fixed on the Hidden God Mark. It was this thing that covered up this place and cut off the connection between him and the God and Demon Forest. Therefore, his surrogate death technique would be ineffective.

It's just that they guessed that the Seal of the Hidden God might fall into the hands of Han Fei or someone, but they didn't expect that it would be reproduced in this way.

I just heard Han Fei say lightly: "I know that you have the technique of replacing death, so your current body should not be completely your body. But it doesn't matter, cut your main body first, and wait for me to sweep away all the enemies later. Kill all of you."


Han Fei imprinted on this person with one hand, extracted all his vitality, and slapped him into powder with one palm.

Sure enough, as expected by Han Fei, there is no crack in the Great Dao, and there is no death knell of the Heavenly Dao. This person still has some corpses.

Han Fei smiled contemptuously, grabbed the Death Soul Bell across the sky with one hand, and as a result, it turned out to be a top-quality spiritual treasure, not a treasure of good fortune.

"I thought it was the treasure of good fortune. But... hehe, it happened that I was missing a treasure of good fortune to sacrifice, and it was you."


Han Fei didn't care as the Death Soul Bell trembled, and the source of energy poured in, directly cutting off the imprint of the soul of the strong man of the God Demon Forest. The next moment, Han Fei's mind moved, and countless fragments of the Blood Sky Blade floated in the air. I saw these fragments, and immediately clinged to it, making all kinds of harsh sounds rubbing against the Death Soul Bell.

The Xuetian Blade must eat the same grade Lingbao before it can be revived. Han Fei also didn't know if the Death Soul Bell surpassed the rank of the Xuetian Blade and could still be swallowed. But now it seems that he can also eat the best fortune-telling spirit treasure.

The Bell of Death was absorbed by the fragments of the Blood Sky Blade and could not get rid of it at all. After all, the Blood Sky Blade is just a weapon, and there is no such thing as a soul body, so the attack of the Death Soul Bell has no meaning on the Blood Sky Blade fragments.

After Han Fei let go, Death Bell took the Blood Sky Blade and immediately walked out.

But Han Fei didn't care. When the Blood Sky Blade devoured the Soul Bell, he would have to come back sooner or later.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly. At this moment, the one from the God-Monster Forest has not fallen, and within the range covered by the hidden God's Seal, he has not actually been exposed.

I saw that Han Fei was holding the seal, and his whole body turned into a black fog, quietly approaching Qiu Wanren's battlefield.

Over there, everyone fought fiercely, Qiu Wanren was covered in blood, surrounded by four god-killing levels, and twelve gods worked together to cast a soul-suppressing technique. The blast caused Qiu Wanren's body to be completely shattered, and reluctantly relied on an aquarium to protect him.

However, even so, Qiu Wanren is also a ruthless person, he only stared at one hit, and the soul killing technique emerged one after another, and the person he killed was even worse than him.

Just as the five people were confronting each other, suddenly, three of the twelve gods who had deployed soul-suppressing killing techniques on the periphery burst into pieces.

Without waiting for the roar of heaven, a sword beam appeared out of thin air, killing a god-killing spider in an instant. The spider was horrified. From the fall of the gods to the appearance of this blow, it was so fast that he had no time to react.

"The Zhenhai God?"


The sword that broke the game, crushed this person in an instant, and directly slashed the opponent's gods.


"Dong, dong, dong~"

The cracks in the avenue, the death knell of the heavens, sounded at the same time, heralding the fall of a god-killing powerhouse.

As soon as this sword came out, the other three god-killing powerhouses who were fighting fiercely with Qiu Wanren suddenly retreated.

But Qiu Wanren would not be willing, only to hear him yell: "Soul attack, the art of usurping the soul."

Qiu Wanren used the secret technique of soul magic to forcibly control a god-killing powerhouse in Guangming City, causing the powerhouse to have a brief confusion of consciousness, which is similar to Han Fei's Void Stealing Technique.

Seeing this, Han Fei, where can he let it go? This is simply a dish delivered to the door. Immediately use the source power to turn the knife, crush it with one knife, and kill the person with one blow.


"Dong, dong, dong~"

The crack in the avenue, the death knell of heaven, sounded again.

The two god-killing powerhouses who fled in panic, how could they be willing to fight again. The appearance of Han Fei greatly exceeded their expectations. In their calculations, Han Fei is impossible to appear. Because the forest of gods and demons has already been laid out, with Han Fei's temperament of pushing all the way, it is impossible not to enter the game!

However, why did Han Fei come out of the forest of gods and demons without warning at all?

A few people were shocked for a while. There was no warning, it only meant that there was a possibility that the one from the God and Demon Forest had already been killed. They don't know how they were killed, but there is only one explanation.

Moreover, the strength that Han Fei showed just now has made the two of them more sure of this. It is the **** of Zhenhai. Even under a sneak attack, the only one who can kill the god-killing level in one hit is the Zhenhai god-level powerhouse. Only under the crushing of absolute power can such a powerful bombardment be achieved.

When the two saw this, they immediately shouted, "Let's go!"

They knew that there was no chance here in the God-Monster Forest. Three of the five god-killing levels had already been eliminated. Unless there was the appearance of the Zhenhai God, it would be impossible for this battle to continue.

But if there was still a sea-suppressing spirit, it would have appeared long ago. Since it hasn't appeared so far, it means that there is a problem on the Xinghai side, and the powerhouses of all ethnic groups can't come back.

Even so, they had to make plans earlier.

However, the war has reached this level, how could they be able to leave if they want to?

Just listening to the old fierce's voice, he suddenly shook the room: "If you come, just stay."

As soon as the sound fell, Han Fei saw the divine chain of law enforcement flying towards him. With his eyesight at the moment, he saw that the white-haired old man was chasing the old murderer, as if he wanted to stop the old murderer.

Han Fei immediately understood the old murderer's intention. This was to let him block the white-haired old man!

I saw that Han Fei "swiped" and took over the magic chain of law enforcement, and the source power instantly flooded it. Han Fei once again used the Law Enforcement Divine Chain as a knife, and cut down the white-haired old man with all his might.

"Go away."

When the white-haired old man saw this, he shouted violently.

"It's you who should get out."

Han Fei's knife had already been cut out, but at the same time, he also felt boundless pressure, as if his whole body was shaking.

Although he possesses the combat power of the Zhenhai gods, he is the weakest of the Zhenhai gods, with less than six million combat powers. This white-haired old man can fight the old fierce, Han Fei estimates that his combat power is at least over 10 million, at least twice his own.

Therefore, Han Fei knew that this blow could not stop the opponent, but as long as he could buy some time for the old murderer.

In the battle of Zhonghai Shenzhou, all he wanted was to kill him with a thunderous force. Now if these two god-killers were to run away, it would be difficult to kill them later.


Unfortunately, this knife was cut out, but it was blocked by the old man's double swords.

The old man split a projection, deceived Han Fei, and passed by Han Fei in the next moment.

"Old man, if you dare to let those two go, I will destroy your entire clan."

After all, Han Fei was unable to stop the old man, but he could barely block the opponent for half a second with a single blow, and even forced the old man to use his double swords, which was considered to have bought the old man a little time.

The speed of the old murderer was much faster than this old man. In that short moment, he had already caught up with one person, and he smashed the god-killing powerhouse to pieces with one claws, not allowing the other party to resist at all.

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but stunned, this is still the old fierce who has not regained his peak combat power.

In the blink of an eye, the old murderer was entangled by the old man again, and Han Fei wanted to pursue him, but the swords came towards him automatically.


Han Fei was helpless. After all, he was a treasure of good fortune. The offensive was endless.

"Wait for the lights..."

Suddenly, a rushing and killing divine sound swept in from a distance, and the last god-killing powerhouse who was about to run slammed into the killing music.

"Puff puff~"

In the blink of an eye, this person was beheaded with blood.

This person shouted violently: "Good luck ethereal drum, you actually betrayed the Lord."

The music of slaughter suddenly became even more intense, with a divine voice: "It was the Wan clan who betrayed by your Chaos Protoss first, which made me almost help Zhou and become an ominous accomplice. It is better to die at my hands than to die that guy. Good in hand..."

"Wait for the lights..."

How strong is the ethereal drum of good fortune, that is not even the fifth senior brother can take him, Lao Han can use him to deal with the master-level ominous music with a song of killing, which shows that his power is not bad.

The god-killing powerhouse of the Chaos Protoss was torn to shreds by thousands of divine sounds in a blink of an eye. Seeing this, Han Fei immediately extracted the vitality of the void.


"Dong dong dong~"

Since then, except for the one from the God-Monster Forest, all the four god-killers have perished. Han Fei was too lazy to care about the remaining nine gods. Qiu Wanren directly released the 32 gods of the gods. With such a huge gap, they have no possibility of escape.

Han Fei looked at the ethereal drum of good fortune, and the latter snorted, "I'm not helping you, I'm here to clean up the traitors."

Han Fei sneered: "Since it is to clean up the traitors, then go and clean up that Zhenhai deity."

Good Fortune snorted: "If you want to beat yourself, beat yourself."

Han Fei was speechless, thinking in his heart that this ethereal drum of good fortune is really a thief. It was easy for him to sneak attack on a god-killing level, but he also knew that it was difficult for the gods of the sea, so he just quit it, turned his head and slipped away. On the bright side, it seems like I'm giving you back a favor.

Han Fei was also a little speechless about this, and he was too lazy to pay attention to this guy. In short, in today's battle, a win is definitely a win, but unfortunately it didn't work in one step.

At this moment, the two swords that intercepted Han Fei flew away on their own, thinking they were called away. Han Fei didn't pursue him, mainly because he couldn't beat him, and it was no use going up.

When Qiu Wanren saw the swords leave, he stepped forward and said, "Recover for me."

Han Fei called for Healing Shenhui, and was slightly surprised to find that this Healing Shenhui even had divine power.

Qiu Wanren was not surprised, but thoughtfully said: "I'm a little bit puzzled now, you think these people should know that they can't stop them, right?"

Han Fei nodded: "Of course, my senior brother from the Temple of the Void hasn't arrived yet."

Qiu Wanren wondered, "Then what's the point of these two Zhenhai gods still guarding Zhonghai Shenzhou?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I guess there should be some secrets behind this. But it's obvious that they can't let go of it yet, so we should still have time."

"Let's go, let's go to pacify the forest of gods and demons..."

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