God of Fishing

Chapter 2859: Ancient Shinto wisteria

Zhenhai's god-level powerhouse, Han Fei estimated that Lao Xie and Yue Ling Keguang would not be able to kill him head-to-head.

However, when Han Fei really swept through Zhonghai Shenzhou, if Zhenhai Shenling dared to take action, at that time, he would do whatever it takes to let these two stay.

At this moment, Han Fei and Qiu Wanren drove straight in, heading straight for the core of the God and Demon Forest. And the core of the gods and monsters forest, like the ancient monsters, exists in a gap in the void.


The reason why these superpowers like the void gap is that the void gap is safer. Once a large formation is deployed, it is not easy to be broken.

And there are as many as three void gaps in the God Demon Forest.

However, it seems that Han Fei does not need to choose which one to go to, because the god-monster who escaped before has already blocked one of the void gaps.


Han Fei said lightly, "If you die again, you won't be able to live."

The strong man of the God-Monster Forest looked decisive: "Han Fei, you win the battle. You won this battle. You said, you will let my clan go at what price I have to pay from the God-Monster Forest."

Han Fei sneered: "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with me now?"

The man's face froze: "Yes, I have something that is enough to protect my gods and demons. The premise is that you, Han Fei, keep your promises."


Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why are you staying in Zhonghai Shenzhou?"

The man stared at Han Fei: "Yes! If you want to force a shot, I will destroy your soul, and I will not let you search your soul. Trust me, they will not tell such secrets.

you. "

Qiu Wanren: "Don't be fooled."

Han Fei smiled slightly: "It is impossible to let you go up and down the forest of gods and demons, but I can guarantee that I will not do it under the sea-opening realm. Above the sea-opening realm, it needs to be blocked.

The one-day attack and killing of the powerful human beings and the gods in order to vent the hatred in the hearts of the human race. Those who are still alive in the sea world one day later can stay in the sea world. Open the realm of heaven, exile as many as you can,

Don't stay in the sea world, otherwise you will be killed without mercy. And you must die. "

"Han Fei~"

The God Demon Forest strongman gritted his teeth and seemed to be shaken, because Han Fei's so-called one-day attack was too terrifying. If it was just 80 million people, he would not hesitate to

promise. However, there are still eight million gods. Although there are not many gods in the gods, the combat power of the emperor's realm is extremely terrifying.

If you really accept this one-day battle, it can be expected that the god-monster Lin Fan, who is in the Venerable Realm, will surely wipe out the entire army, and it is impossible for anyone to survive. only open heaven

And the sea-opening realm, maybe only a small number of them can survive. The price is still too high.

The man's face was ugly: "What's the difference between you and killing my **** demon forest?"

"Hey! I can't say that. Think about my human race. Thanks to your blessings, in the past, my human race even had to go into battle to kill the enemy and meet the sea monster frenzy. I can

Leaving the demon plants under the sea-opening realm, you can describe me with compassion and compassion. "

The man hesitated for a few breaths: "This matter is beyond your imagination. I want to protect all the sea-opening realm powerhouses in the God and Demon Forest. As for the opening of the heavens, all of them can be expelled from the sea realm."

"Go ahead."

Han Fei said impatiently: "You think I'm here to save all sentient beings for you? I'm indeed a little interested in what you said about the secret, but that doesn't mean I'm really rare. I'll give you ten

Considering the time and interest, Zhonghai Shenzhou, I want to push it horizontally one by one, no matter what secrets, I don’t believe that I can’t find it, it’s just a matter of time. "

"Han Fei~"




The strong man of the God Demon Forest was extremely struggling. Although he was not a good person, he was really unbearable when it involved countless creatures of his own clan.

Finally, when Han Fei counted to one, the man finally said sullenly, "I promise."

Han Fei lifted his eyelids, and his heart was filled with joy. Suddenly, he felt that the Void Barrier was forced, and a sword beam broke through the Void Barrier and slashed the monster forest powerhouse.

This sword came so fast that Qiu Wanren couldn't react.

At this moment, Han Fei's combat power was still at the peak, and he instantly appeared behind the strong man of the gods and demon forest. With one hand, Xiao Yaoyou touched the sword head-on.

Although the sword of breaking the game is strong, it is mainly good at smashing Huanglong. The only one who can keep up with the speed of this sword is Xiaoyaoyou.



However, the opponent's sword was too strong. When the confrontation was over, Han Fei knew that he could not stop it at all, so he immediately took the initiative to take advantage of the avenue of life, and he was invincible.

Take it out.

However, even so, the invincible state was under the power of the opponent's sword, and it only resisted for less than half a second before being shattered.

This is the second time that the invincible state has been shattered. This time, Han Fei also discovered the reason when the invincible state was broken.

The essence of the avenue of life is to borrow the avenue cultivated by a practitioner and push it to a peak state in an extremely short period of time. Therefore,

The invincible state of the avenue of life can only last for three breaths.

However, the avenue of life is also a kind of avenue after all.

Directly broke the invincible state.

To put it more simply, the power of Zhenhai God exceeded the limit of the avenue of life.

However, Han Fei didn't have only one life. The invincible state just broke down and immediately reappeared.

After being broken invincible three times in a row, Han Fei was able to take this sword.

He just heard Han Fei grinning: "Murder and silence?"

"Sky Dance!"

At the moment when the sword appeared, Yue Lingke appeared, but she couldn't catch up with the sword after all. Immediately, Yue Lingke broke out a secret technique, twelve flying dancing girls, twelve

A magical technique that blocked the Zhenhai God in the blink of an eye.

Yue Lingke was relieved when she saw that the sword was actually suppressed by Han Fei.

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "Look, this is your so-called ally. In order to keep your mouth shut, I would rather put you to death. But don't worry, you are a demon forest.

Some people can be saved. But this Chaos God Race, hehe..."

The man's face was complicated, and he finally sighed: "Yes..."

"Lin Xian, do you know what you are doing?"

In the void, a voice shouted violently, as if calling the name of this god-monster forest powerhouse.

When Han Fei heard the words, he immediately shouted at Changkong: "One more word of your special mother, Laozi's next stop is the Chaos God Clan. Your Chaos God Clan will be smashed up and down.

kill. "

This Zhenhai God didn't make a move, and this time he made his move, which further confirmed Han Fei's judgment. In addition to Hongmeng Zimen, Zhonghai Shenzhou also has secrets. because it's secret

, forcing them to stay in the sea world.

In this case, Han Fei has a direction this time.

I saw that the hidden divine seal in Han Fei's hand covered this place, not to prevent others from seeing, but to prevent others from hearing.

Just listen to Han Fei: "You should believe in the concealment ability of the Hidden God Seal, the Chaos God Race will inevitably follow in the footsteps of the Ancient Monster Race, I can tell you this clearly now.

you. But you Shen Yaolin can at least keep some seeds. If this ominous battle can be won by all races, there is still hope for the gods and monsters to re-emerge, but I promise,

Chaos Protoss has no such hope. "

Lin Xian's face changed, as if he had made an important decision, he sighed: "Chaos Protoss, Ancient Demon Clan, God Demon Forest, Tianzhu Insect Valley, Bright City, this

The five major forces, are you the target of revenge? "

Han Fei nodded: "Ming people don't say secret words, yes, these five families, I want to wipe out all the dust. Apart from these few families, some large-scale forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou, such as the Quan Sect

, Feixianlou, Mirage, Huantianzong and the like, will also pay a certain price. "

Lin Xian calmly said: "Add a Taikoo Temple!"

"Prime Temple?"

Han Fei frowned slightly. Although he had conflicts with the Taikoo Temple, it was when he was in the South China Sea. In the century-long war in the sea of ​​gods and demons, there seems to be no

The figure of the Taikoo Temple! Besides, isn't this a school?

Just listen to Lin Xiandao: "The one who really knows the inside story, in addition to the five you mentioned, there is also an ancient temple. The other forces are really trying to steal the luck of your human race."

"Oh? What do you mean, the real purpose of your shots against the human race is not to win the fate of the human race?"

Lin Xian sneered, and then shook his head: "The recovery of the human race's luck has just begun. Even if we want to harvest, it will not be now. If it weren't for you, you

Do you think that another 10,000 years of human cultivation can stop any of our forces? "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Continue."

Lin Xianyou said: "You should know that the six ancient meridians are essentially conceived by one meridian, and they are all bred from an ancient divine vine, so the six meridians will appear.

mutual circulation. The stillborn of the ancient ancients has been missing for a long time, and the human race has only recently appeared.

What really remains are the ancient demons, the ancient Zerg, and the ancient demon plants. It stands to reason that three of the six meridians have declined, so the remaining three meridians should be surprisingly powerful.

Yes. However... no, although the three meridians are not weak, they are far from their peak. Do you know what this means? "

Han Fei's eyes flickered: "The overall luck of the six meridians is disappearing?"

"Not bad! Then you know why the six meridians are disappearing."

Han Fei: "If you ask me, of course I don't know."

Lin Xian took a breath and said, "Because the ancient divine vine has reappeared."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Han Fei was a little stunned, and Qiu Wanren widened his eyes: "You mean the ancient divine vine that gave birth to the six meridians?"

Lin Xian smiled palely: "Yeah! It's the ancient divine vine that reproduces the world, and... it's in the sea world."


Han Fei's head was buzzing directly, and he was stunned for a few breaths before arriving: "So, what do you mean, the **** vine is taking back the luck of the six meridians?"

"It's not retraction, it's remodeling."


Lin Xian's eyes were cold: "On the ancient divine vine, six fruits have been re-grown, and it is no surprise that these six fruits are six seeds.

Recreate six characters who are comparable to the top powerhouses of the original Six Veins. "

Han Fei was speechless: "Is this ancient **** vine sick? There may only be tens of thousands of years left in the sea of ​​ten thousand years. What is the use of him giving birth to a strong man at this time? Moreover, this ancient god

Teng wants to give birth to a new strong man, what are you doing to slaughter my human race? "

"Because of ripening."

Lin Xian shouted in a low voice: "Because of our previous calculations, this ancient divine vine may not truly mature until hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

Dharma accelerates with time to catalyze, because he needs supplies. For example, the luck of the six veins, such as the luck of ten thousand clans and other clans, such as the blood of the gods... This is what we do for

What is the reason for taking action against the human race. "

Han Fei's eyes froze: "So, Zhonghai Shenzhou has acted without any scruples over the years, and even the more it goes on, the more it does everything. It is to provide that thing with

nutrient? "

Lin Xian: "The ancient divine vine, after all, only gives birth to six veins. But how many races are there in the vast sea? Therefore, it is entirely possible for us to kill this ominous army before it reaches its peak.

its ripening. "

"and then?"

Han Fei's face was ugly: "Then you will count on these six so-called strong men to deal with the ominous?"

"Do not!"

However, Qiu Wanren suddenly said, "They want to take the house."

Han Fei suddenly looked at Qiu Wanren, then looked at Lin Xian, but found that the other party looked calm: "Yes, so, only the six of us know about this.

The first **** fetus, if obtained, it is possible to become a peerless powerhouse like the first generation of human emperors. Just think, who can't be tempted? It's a pity that your human race has risen after all. "

Lin Xian looked up at the sea of ​​​​stars: "I didn't want to believe until just a moment ago that no one will come back! It turns out, including me and other veins, are also victims."

Han Fei seems to have thought of something: "So, before you planned to overthrow the human race to ripen this ancient divine vine. Now my human race is strong, the divine race is recovering, and so on.

I know I can't beat it... So, I was treated as an abandoned child. No, it replaced the human race and was used as nourishment to support the ancient divine vine? "

Lin Xian grinned: "Otherwise, why would I tell you such a secret?"

Lin Xian's eyes were cold: "The strong are ruthless, even people of the same clan are still in the calculation. The rise of the human race, the slaughter of Zhonghai, and the growth rate of the divine vine will definitely increase by ten thousand.

times. After all, no matter you or me, we are all pawns. "

Han Fei: "Where is the ancient divine vine?"

"Chaos Protoss."

Han Fei's eyes froze, and it was the chaotic protoss again. Sure enough, none of what Jiang Buyi said in the past was true. He also asked himself to hand over the refining demon pot, and they withdrew

Battle of the Gods. Shit, this is just a common deception method of this clan.

I saw that the energy in Lin Xian's body rioted, which was a sign of self-destruction.

He only heard him say: "Han Fei, since he is an enemy, he wins and loses, I admit it. But I hope you will keep your word and give me a chance for my **** Liu."

Han Fei proudly said, "I will do what I promise you."

Suddenly, Han Fei seemed to remember something, and said quickly: "Where is the Hongmeng Zimen? Where are the remaining ones?"

"Earth pulse... bang~"

Lin Xian chose to annihilate himself, but unfortunately he annihilated too quickly and couldn't fully answer Han Fei's question.

"In the terrestrial vein?"

Although I haven't finished answering it, at least the fan of Shen Yaolin shouldn't be difficult to find.

Qiu Wanren: "If we do what he said, won't we become someone else's **** if we fight like this?"

Han Fei: "Then let's see who this other person is? Who the **** wants to take away these six fruits? In short, it can't be Lin Xian and the others. It is estimated that the worst will be Zhen Zhen.

Sea god, right? "

Qiu Wanren: "So, is this God and Demon Forest still slaughtered?"

Han Fei was silent for a few breaths: "Tu!"

Han Fei put away the Seal of Hidden God, and immediately said, "Senior Brother Lei Heng, Senior Brother Liushen, if the Fifth Senior Brother is here, you must not let these two from the sea world.

Zhenhai deity left. "

Lin Xian died less than a stick of incense, and the two Zhenhai gods who fought with Lao Xie and Yue Ling Kezheng retreated one after another. After all, in the battle of Zhenhai **** level, no one can

No matter who.

Except for the two sea-suppressing gods, everyone else has fallen. If they continue to fight, it is obviously meaningless.

Half a day later, Han Fei found the Hongmeng Purple Gate at the core hub of the Divine Demon Forest.

He used the Navigation Vientiane to find it, but the Navigation Vientiane could not point to the Hongmeng Purple Gate, which means that the Hongmeng Purple Gate itself is a treasure comparable to the fortune-telling.


And this time, Han Fei did not directly try to push it away, but asked Qiu Wanren to push it, because he was also very curious about what was in this Hongmeng Purple Gate.

Even if this thing is used for cultivation, you have to know how to use it!

Sure enough, it wasn't when Han Fei pushed the Purple Gate of Hongmeng, the Purple Gate of Hongmeng was pushed open by Qiu Wanren all of a sudden.

Everyone saw that there was a purple mist in the door, and other than that, they couldn't see anything clearly.

However, surprisingly, although the purple mist permeated the door, it did not escape very much outside the door, only a little purple mist would flow out.

Qiu Wanren's face changed slightly: "If you want to open this door, you must at least have the strength of killing a god. It can be seen that this thing should not be opened often."

Yue Lingke: "I tried to absorb the power of this purple mist, and it was able to neutralize the source power, and even slowly convert it into the source power."

The old man: "I'll try it."

I saw that the old fierce opened his mouth and took a breath, and the purple mist that came out was swallowed by him. Everyone looked at the old fierce, and after waiting for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw the old fierce suddenly

Opening his eyes: "It's the Hongmeng Purple Qi, yes, the energy is very gentle, more stable than the source force, and not easy to collapse. It's a pity that the Hongmeng Purple Qi that escapes is too little, otherwise it will be at most three

Years will bring me back to the top. "

"So exaggerated?"

Han Fei was surprised that the old murderer's injury was not a big problem, and it was basically healed. But the problem of strength, in the final analysis, is the problem of lack of resources, just like rehabilitating

Again, it takes time and resources. And this Hongmeng Purple Qi seems to be able to completely replace the source power.

Han Fei: "Go in and try."

Several people nodded one after another. No one has ever been in contact with this Hongmeng Zimen, and no one knows what is going on inside. I just heard Qiu Wanren say: "I'll go first, in case something happens.

, you are still there, and you can continue to sweep the sea world. "

The old fierce buzzed: "Hmph, don't die in it."

Qiu Wanren sneered: "I won't die even if you die."

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