God of Fishing

Chapter 2868: Age of Chaos

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"You want to stop me?"

Han Fei was a little surprised, Ximen Linglan is only the peak strength of the emperor, right? Even if she is the seventh hall master, the Temple of Time should not continue to be evil with herself for the sake of a great emperor.

After all, the ominous has been called back, isn't the most important thing now thinking about dealing with the ominous?

Yuan Kong said lightly: "It's not to stop His Excellency the Emperor, but Ximen Linglan is not so easy to save. To be honest, even if I let you in now, you won't be able to save him."

Han Fei sneered: "You can't save it if you say it can't be saved? Since you know I can't save it, what are you doing here?"

Yuan Kong smiled lightly: "Help you."

"help me?"

Han Fei just thought he heard something funny, but then said, "Oh? How can you help me?"

Yuankong's voice was leisurely: "Your Excellency the Emperor should know what the most powerful power of the Temple of Time is, right?"

"The Six Gods of Time?"

The Six Magic of Time is too famous. So far, Han Fei has only seen two. One is the time resurrection technique, which can be said to be extremely powerful. As long as the corresponding ancient corpses and other resources can be obtained, the ancient powerhouse can be temporarily resurrected. And the history is wonderful, powerful and very creatures are like crucian carp crossing the river, there are countless.

This magical technique alone can help the Temple of Time establish a transcendent position in this sea of ​​stars.

Another time six magic technique is naturally time acceleration, which is similar to the time chain of refining the demon pot. Han Fei had never witnessed this magical technique, but in the 100,000-year competition in the East China Sea, the time-space training beads that were rewarded were made from this technique.

It seems that*, the time acceleration method of the Temple of Time should be a kind of auxiliary magic, but it can strip out time, which is quite different from the time chain of refining the demon pot. After all, the time-space training beads that have been peeled off can be used by anyone, and the time-chain can only be used in their own natal stars.

As for the other four in the Six Gods of Time, Han Fei really doesn't know.

Han Fei couldn't help sneering: "Could it be that you still have to teach me?"

"Your Majesty is really smart."


This is something that Han Fei never expected. The Temple of Time's brain was caught by the door, and he is not a person from the Temple of Time. They want to teach themselves the Six Divine Techniques of Time?

Just listening to Yuan Kong said: "In the past, the Temple of Time invited His Excellency the Emperor many times, in fact, you should agree. With the all-round combat power of His Excellency the Human Emperor. If the Avenue of Time is taken to the extreme, it will be a very terrifying exist."


Han Fei said lightly: "If the Temple of Time had the same pattern as it is now, maybe I would have joined. It's just that there is no free lunch in the world, so what is the purpose of UU reading www.uukanshu.com to teach me the Six Divine Techniques of Time. ?"

"Go back to the ancient times, go back to the era of chaos, and find a way to defeat the ominous."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh?"

This time, Han Fei felt a little surprised, and only listened to him: "Returning to the Chaos Era? Do you think so highly of me? As far as I know, the Chaos Era can't go back, right? Even if you can go back, the people who should go back. Isn't it the Lord of Time, why did you come to me?"

I saw Yuan Kong shaking his head slightly: "Although my lord is strong, but going upstream is not just about strength. Going retrograde in the long river of time, one needs endless life force, and the other needs endless spiritual power. But this is only a basic condition. If you want to enter that era, you need the approval of that era. My lord can touch the time of that era, but he cannot enter that era. So far, I have only found one person in the Temple of Time, who has this kind of power to cross the era. .”…. .


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