God of Fishing

Chapter 2869: The first emperor

, the fastest update of the fishing god! "Disappeared?"

Ximen Linglan was stunned: "It was still there a moment ago. Besides, the Navigation Vientiane has already been refined by you, and it is one with you, how could it disappear?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I don't know. Besides, it's not just the Navigation Vientiane that disappeared."

"You mean..."

"The demon pot is gone."

"I can't feel the reincarnation either."

"The Hidden Divine Seal is gone."

"The God of Creation is gone."

I saw that as soon as Han Fei stretched out his hand, the Blood Sky Blade was in his hand. Han Fei was a little confused at the time. The treasure level of good fortune was gone, but the blood sky blade of good fortune was still there. What does this mean?

Just listening to Ximen Linglan said: "These things are all one with you, and it is impossible to say that if you don't have them, you can't use them. If you can still use them in the long river of time, but now you can't, it can only show that... this era, people are rejecting them. them."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes: "Or, it's not exclusion, but in this era, there are also these things."

Han Fei couldn't help but think that the Nautical Vientiane itself came from the era of chaos. If there is a Navigation Vientiane in this era, and then take out the Navigation Vientiane, there will obviously be a paradox.

It can only be said that when two identical objects appear, there will be conflicts, and the world instinctively will only accept the things of the current era, but will not accept what Han Fei brings. And the creation of the blood sky blade can exist, most of which are not at all in this era, that is to say, the blood sky blade was created by later generations, and there is no other blood sky blade here, so it can exist.

"Then what should I do now? I can't feel the stars at all, and all the resources inside seem to be isolated together."

Han Fei is not surprised by this. After all, this is not the same era as his own era. This is the early stage of the existence of all races.

"You can only take one step at a time. You must first find a creature and understand the situation in the Chaos Era."


Suddenly, a crack in the Great Dao appeared in the sky above the Star Sea, spreading out for hundreds of millions of miles.

Both Han Fei and Ximen Linglan were shocked.

"God-killing-level fall?"

The two talents have just entered the era of chaos, and as a result, they immediately ushered in the fall of the god-killing powerhouse?

Han Fei and Ximen Linglan's perceptions were immediately swept out, and as a result, they immediately found a group of seven or eight people rushing through the sea of ​​​​stars, and the direction was exactly where they were.

"Human race?"

Han Fei and Ximen Linglan looked at each other, and they both read the surprise in each other's eyes, this is definitely not a coincidence. In the vast sea of ​​stars, as soon as they appeared, they encountered a strong human race.

Moreover, the powerhouses of the human race who are sprinting seem to be not weak at all. There are eight people in total, including one of the Zhenhai God-level and seven of the God-killing level. The powerhouse ratio is too exaggerated. I just met some people casually, and I am strong to this point?

At the moment when Han Fei and the two felt that they were swept out, among the eight people who rushed over, they seemed to have noticed something different, and their perceptions were swept back.

The other eight were obviously stunned for a moment, as if they were thinking, how could there be the same clan in this place?

"Peng Peng Peng~"

Before Han Fei and Ximen Linglan could meet each other, they saw that in this chaotic Xinghai fragment, a **** vine smashed through the ruins, and seemed to be chasing those people.

In the perception, a group of top powerhouses of more than 30 people are chasing the eight people. These powerhouses are obviously from the ancient Yaozhi lineage, because there are several of them, and they even look like trees and demon flowers.

I saw that a sea of ​​pink flowers blocked the way of the eight people.

In the sea of ​​​​flowers, a pink flower is in full bloom. In the center of the flower, stands a woman with tentacles on her head and wearing a purple gown. The woman's face was stern, and as she raised her hand, one after another of pink petals, like the vortex in the sea of ​​stars, and like the rotating blade, instantly spanned billions of miles, and wherever she passed along the way, in this ruins The broken stars were all shattered by it.

There is also a sea-suppressing tree that controls endless vines, like a wave of blue sea, if a tsunami sweeps this ruins.

There was also a young girl who turned out to be the main force of the opponent, holding a green-leaf longbow, flying in the sky and shooting continuously, the arrows lost their strings. Run wild, wild and extraordinary.

The human race Zhenhai deity backhand sacrificed a golden bell, directly covering the other seven people.

Han Feitong shrank, he had seen this bell. During the battle of the gods, there was a page in Lao Han's book of conferred gods, which recorded the power of the golden bell, and it was the golden bell that protected the entire city of the gods.

However, the golden bell of Lao Han was just a force preserved by the Heavenly Book of Fengshen, not the golden bell itself. He never expected to see the body of this clock here.


Among the golden bells, the faces of the seven god-killing powerhouses who were shrouded changed greatly: "My emperor, let me go out, and I can fight again."

"Shut up, now it's not your turn to take action."

"God, you bastard, you set an ambush here. But even so, do you think you can escape today?"

The ancient Yaozhi woman with a longbow shouted fiercely, apparently seeing Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, and naturally thought that the two were strong men ambush by the human race.

And the young man called Cangtian, although he was very confused, said when did I set up an ambush here? However, the other party is obviously a human race, or a strong human race, and he can't make a mistake in his judgment.

"Is it the one arranged by the prophet?"

Just listen to the sky drink: "Don't be stunned, come and help!"

Han Fei was also a little speechless. Does this person have such a big name? Call the sky directly? This breath is heavenly.

Ximen Linglan's face changed slightly: "Ancient Yaozhi, the other party has three Zhenhai gods."

Han Fei's face also darkened. He knew that there must be a lot of powerhouses in the Chaos Era, but he didn't expect there would be so many? Casually, I have encountered so many Zhenhai gods, which is simply outrageous, just like not wanting money.

At this moment, the chain of fists in the sky shattered the pink petals one after another.

In addition, there were four divine swords suspended beside him, all of which were extraordinary. He actually broke away from the master and cut off the tide of the vines by himself, blocking the sea-suppressing tree.

This means that these four swords must be treasures of the highest level of creation.

Ximen Linglan looked at Han Fei: "Can you help?"

Han Fei roughly judged the strength of the two sides, and couldn't help saying: "Help! It shouldn't be a coincidence that we are here, and it's all about this. Let's try to integrate into the ancient human race first."

As soon as Han Fei's words fell, Ximen Linglan took the lead. Behind him, the tide of time broke out, and the frenzy like a waterfall in the sky suddenly appeared over the battlefield, rolling down the sky and covering the earth.

"Time is divided, the tide of the angry sea."

Even though Ximen Linglan was a first-time entry into the Zhenhai deity level, she couldn't actually be counted as an ordinary Zhenhai deity. That is the Zhenhai Spirit of the Temple of Time. With the Six Divine Techniques of Time, it may be lacking in frontal combat, but in terms of means, it can be said that there are many ways. If she is given enough time, she may be able to compete with the master-level powerhouse.

Moreover, Han Fei has already asked, the Zhenhai Goddess achieved by Ximen Linglan has a starting power of 10 million. Even in terms of head-to-head combat, Han Fei was no match for Ximen Linglan.

Sure enough, when Ximen Linglan made his move, he directly blocked the offensive of the ancient Yaozhi. The tidal vines, the petals that ravaged the field, and the arrows that looked like beast tides, were hit by the tide of time that entered the field in a blink of an eye.


For a time, Xiangu Yaozhi slowed down one after another, and the woman in the flower shouted, "Be careful, it's a time-class super-god-level powerhouse, I'll stop her."

After speaking, I saw this sea of ​​stars, with purple flowers emerging.

"Hurry up~"

As the flowers spun and bloomed, dense vortices emerged, and the void was shattered one after another. In the blink of an eye, one black hole after another appeared in the sea of ​​stars.

Han Fei only felt that the law here collapsed, and even the law of time collapsed, falling into the endless void.

At this moment, I saw the little girl holding a long bow, bowing and shooting furiously, missing thousands of arrows, lined up in a line, and shot directly at Ximen Linglan.

Seeing this, Han Fei, where can he allow it?

I saw him a little under his feet, and instantly appeared in the battle situation, and I saw him shouting: "Zhan Xian."

The blood sky blade came out of his hand, and in an instant, the laws of heaven and earth were adjusted, and under the urging of the source, he slashed straight out.

Han Fei didn't stop, but stretched out his hand and pointed at the girl with the bow at a point in the void: "Jian Wu, Next page! The current number 1 Pages/Total 3 Pages

Breaking. "


A sword beam, ignoring the restraint of the law, appeared not far from the girl's eyes in an instant.

The girl was startled, jumped back, and spit out a green arrow from her mouth.



This bang exploded, annihilating the massive ruins here, almost turning into a vacuum area within tens of millions of miles, and its collision ripples swept out hundreds of millions of miles all the way.


"As expected of my human beings."

The group of god-killing powerhouses who were trapped in the golden bell showed surprises one after another. They did not expect the comers to be so powerful.

Someone shouted: "It must be the support arranged by the Prophet. The Prophet knows the technique of prophecy. Obviously, we will encounter trouble."

"Yes, this battle has been fought."

"My emperor, let me wait out, it's time for us to fight back."

The sky didn't contain a lake, and I saw his body turned into the size of a star, with several palms in a chain, urging the sky to fold, each palm shot, like the sky collapsing, and the law power that swept the riots here in an instant, give those few The god-killing powerhouse opens a path to go straight to the god-killing powerhouse of the ancient demon plant.

Immediately, as soon as the golden bell was closed, someone on the Human Race side couldn't wait, and took the lead, carrying the giant axe, like a beast coming out of the cage, and one person rushed towards the more than 30 strong opponents on the opposite side.

Several other people, not behind, roared. Someone took a weird magic treasure like a pot lid and patted it on the opposite side. Someone opened his mouth and swallowed hundreds of star cores, his whole body exploded, his qi and blood surged into the sky, and he saw eight arms growing from his body, which he chopped and slashed against the billions of plants and trees. Someone broke out a secret technique, forcibly promoted, and called out a galaxy, and even used the galaxy as a knife to slash at the opposite side, like a lunatic.

Han Fei admits that it is not that he has never seen a god-killing powerhouse fight, but he is definitely not as crazy as these people. Is this also called fighting? It's called life.

Of course, the ancient demon plants on the opposite side are not false at all. The two gangs rushed together and killed in the dark. Even if their bodies were pierced and torn apart, they were still fighting, as if the broken roots were all not your own body.

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling like a modern man watching the savage battle of primitive man.

"Time loop."

Suddenly, Han Fei found that the Immortal Slaying Blade he cut out and the sword that broke the game just now appeared again. He couldn't help but look at Ximen Linglan. This was obviously done deliberately by Ximen Linglan, as if he wanted to keep the secret that he would also know the Avenue of Time for the time being.

Han Fei understood, and suddenly heard the human race powerhouse shout: "Brother, help me block the opponent's super god-level powerhouse."

"Super **** level?"

I heard the woman in the flower mention the super **** level just now, as if referring to the Zhenhai god.

Obviously, the various realm divisions that Han Fei and the others knew were still at the end of the Great Desolation, and even after that, they were slowly adjusted and refined. There must be many differences from the realm divisions of this Chaos Era.

At this moment, the girl with the bow was temporarily trapped in a time loop by Ximen Linglan. And Ximen Linglan was dealing with the Zhenhai deity in that pink flower alone.

Cangtian was also welcome, and handed the Sea-suppressing God Tree to himself.

Of course Han Fei knew what he was thinking. There were too many god-killing powerhouses on the other side. Although the human race powerhouses were brave, they were all injured in the face of more than thirty god-killing ancient demons. It is too difficult to kill the opponent at the God-killing level, but the seven of them, because they are surrounded by enemies from all sides, have to face the danger of falling if they are not careful.

Therefore, this heaven is definitely going to take action to kill some ancient demon planting gods.

"God, are you dare?"

Cang Tian grinned coldly: "Why don't I dare to take a few of your fruits, so it's worth chasing Lao Tzu's Eight Star Regions?"

"Hush off!"

While speaking, the Zhenhai Divine Tree had already taken action. If he succeeded in that, he would have suffered heavy losses.

I saw that the Zhenhai Divine Tree was also a little higher, and hundreds of millions of green leaves smashed through the void and swept towards Han Fei, trying to temporarily stop Han Fei, so that he could stop the sky.

However, Han Fei naturally couldn't let it go. Hearing the "Boom", Han Fei turned into tens of thousands of thunder marks, directly ignoring the green leaves, each of which was almost comparable to the blow of a god.

Just listening to Han Fei shouting violently, the source power surged, and the fist mark of annihilation traversed the sky, crushed the infinite green leaves all the way, and went straight to the Zhenhai God Tree.

When the latter saw this, a very thick branch that could hang stars swept over the whole place.


In the roar of the explosion, Han Fei was blown away, but at that moment, he cut off the opponent's branch with a sword drawing technique.

Han Fei secretly thought that he was not the real Zhenhai God after all. If such a violent battle lasted for more than half an hour, he might not be able to support it.

Moreover, with 8 million combat power, facing the perverted powerhouses of the Chaos Era, it is still a little stretched. Although this Sea-shaking God Tree doesn't seem to be strong, the opponent's strength is definitely more than eight million.

"Peng Peng Peng~"

Fortunately, in just a few moments, Cang Tian has successively killed the opponent's three god-killing powerhouses.

When it was over, Cangtian glanced at Han Fei, and couldn't help but be a little surprised, this guy met that blow with his flesh? Don't you have a fight with yourself?

The ancient Yaozhi also recognized the strength of Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, which was quite extraordinary. So, the woman in the pink flower shouted decisively, "Withdraw."

They didn't know that Han Fei was only improving the secret technique, and that the law of time was too strange, and it was too troublesome to fight.

Therefore, she immediately woke up and chose to retreat.

The moment she proposed to retreat, she shot with the True Sea God Tree, crushed the world with the law, collapsed together with the time cycle technique, and released the girl with the bow.

Both Han Fei and Ximen Linglan were surprised by this move. These people obviously did not understand the law of time, but they immediately found a way to solve it.

After all, the law of time is also one of the laws of heaven and earth. As long as the power of heaven and earth here is disrupted, the law of time will be broken.

Of course, this method is only suitable for fighting in the same realm. If there is a powerhouse at the level of the Lord of Time, he is heaven and earth, and the opponent cannot break his power no matter what.

At the same time, I saw a pink petal, forming a law barrier, blocking Cangtian's punch. Although the barrier of the law was broken, the god-killing powerhouses of the ancient Yaozhi were not stupid.

Seeing that the other party stopped, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan naturally couldn't make another move. It's enough to help this heaven. It's meaningless to start a persistent war inexplicably when I first came to the Chaos Era.

Heaven laughed: "Fight! Why don't you fight?"

Seeing the ancient Yaozhi retreating, Cangtian didn't mean to chase after him, he stretched out one hand, and the four long swords disappeared into his body in the blink of an eye.

And the few human race god-killing powerhouses who were heavily injured also rushed over immediately. Among them was a burly man with a broken arm, and I saw that he stretched out his hand and tore it off.

Then, one of the women inspired Shenhui to illuminate the crowd, and most of the injuries of the seven people recovered in a blink of an eye.

"The law of life? But not complete."

But even so, Han Fei had to be surprised that these people are outrageously strong. In later generations, there are almost no people who understand the laws of life, but when he came to the Chaos Era, he found that someone mastered such laws.

I saw that Cang Tian's burly body dissipated and turned into a normal size, with a splendid imposing manner, looking at Han Fei and Ximen Linglan with a scrutiny in his eyes.

"What do you two call them?"

From this heaven's words, Han Fei can feel that this is a very strong and domineering person. Even if he and Ximen Linglan stepped in to help him through a catastrophe, the other party's first sentence was not thank you, but rather scrutiny and suspicion.

As a human emperor, Han Fei has not yet abdicated, and he is also used to being strong and domineering.

I saw his head slightly raised: "My name is Wang Han, this is my wife Ximen Linglan."


Cangtian couldn't help but look at Ximen Linglan: "Your wife's way of doing things is unique, and it is truly extraordinary to be able to bring the Dao of Time to this point."

Ximen Linglan nodded slightly, her tone was neither humble nor arrogant, as if she didn't like the attitude of the sky, but she didn't want to refute the other party's face, so she answered bluntly: "I'm too lucky."


I saw that Cangtian's fists and palms intersected: "Thank you today."

Behind him, the seven god-killing powerhouses also clasped their fists: "Thank you."

However, at this moment, the seven people were more vigilant, and it was obvious that something was wrong.

Han Fei smiled slightly: "You're welcome, I'm a human race, so I don't mean to sit back and ignore it."

However, the sky next page! Current 2 pages/total 3 pages

Looking deeply at Han Fei, his eyes were faint: "You don't know me?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I don't know, who is your Excellency?"

I saw that behind Cang Tian, ​​the woman who mastered the law of life said, "This is my emperor, the emperor of the human race. As humans, the two of you don't know the emperor?"

"Human Emperor?"

Ximen Linglan couldn't help but glance at Han Fei, and Han Fei himself felt a little speechless, what is this called?

Did you meet the first generation emperor?

Han Fei was sure that this was definitely the first emperor. Because, the strength of this emperor is only the Zhenhai **** level. Moreover, the six ancient veins were obviously not unified at this time.

Han Fei's expression did not change, and his eyes met the sky: "I don't know."

Cangtian grinned: "It's interesting, where did Brother Wang come from? But there are still clansmen?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Han Fei didn't know the composition of the human race in the Chaos Era. Since it is said that the human race is one of the six ancient veins, it should have come out of the divine vine. However, how the human race developed to this point is almost unknown to future generations. This secret has long been hidden in the long river of history.

Therefore, Han Fei answered simply, saying more, more wrong.

Heaven can ask, but you can also not answer.

Han Fei, who is also a human emperor, realizes that if Cang Tian is a human emperor, he must have the power of a human emperor.


Sure enough, I saw Cangtian laughing loudly, but his eyes looked directly at Han Fei: "What a Wang Han, facing this emperor, you are the first of a human race who can be so calm and calm."

Han Fei shrugged, and still looked at the sky: "Probably you were born a little earlier than me, otherwise, it would be hard to say the throne of the emperor."


Behind Cang Tian, ​​the seven god-killing powerhouses were grateful to Han Fei just a moment ago, but now they are only angry.

Ximen Linglan's eyes swept over a few people, the divine might loomed, and a few people couldn't help but feel a little jealous. However, the other group of people were obviously not ordinary people. They had no reverence for Zhenhai God, so the scene was a bit tense.

I saw Cang Tian smiled and said, "I don't know why, but it came out of your mouth, and I didn't have any surprises. Since you think you can do it, why don't you have a fight?"


This is an indescribable feeling. When Han Fei and Cang Tian stood facing each other, a subtle feeling arose from the bottom of their hearts. That feeling is a threat, a very strong threat.

Ximen Linglan couldn't help but look at Han Fei. Han Fei used a secret technique. If he fought fiercely with Zhenhai God-level power, it wouldn't last long.

Han Fei smiled and looked at Ximen Linglan: "It's okay, just give it a try."

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