God of Fishing

Chapter 2870: Battle of the Two Kings

When it comes to the combat power of Zhenhai God, there may be times when the combat power is invincible, but that doesn't mean that you can't fight.

Before, when Han Fei's combat strength was more than five million, it was indeed impossible, but now, his combat strength has reached eight million, and he can be regarded as an ordinary Zhenhai deity. At this time, in addition to basic combat strength, it also depends on comprehensive strength.

It was as if Han Fei had just fought against the Sea Zhenshu, the three powerhouses of the ancient demon plant just now, and knew that the opponent's combat power must exceed ten million. But Ximen Linglan's Six Divine Techniques of Time One Out, it can also destroy the combined attack of their three major sea town gods. Of course, this is not because Ximen Linglan is stronger, but the application of the law and the competition in the means of magic.

Of course, if the difference in combat power is too large, then the law and means are rich, and it will be very difficult to fight. If you meet the fifth senior brother, it may not be enough for two slaps.

And Han Fei has also seen the method of the sky just now, and if it is very strong, it is not. Otherwise, he wouldn't be chased and beaten by the three powerhouses of the ancient Yaozhi.

At this moment, the two looked at each other and instantly moved hundreds of millions of miles away.

Neither of them were polite, and the sky didn't use the treasure of good fortune, but the fists were like rain, and they confronted Han Fei head-on.

Han Fei also raised his eyelids, fighting hand to hand? It seems that this heaven is very confident in his physique. Han Fei also wanted to see how big the difference in physique between himself and the Zhenhai god-level powerhouse was.

Immediately, Han Fei's fists shine, star boxing, starburst fist, bombardment one after another.


"boom boom"

Not far away, Ximen Linglan felt a little worried, she was afraid that the two of them would hit the head.

But the human race's few god-killing powerhouses looked relaxed.

Someone laughed and said, "This person is actually trying to confront my emperor head-on? It's a pity, he doesn't understand my emperor's physique at all."

Someone tsk tsk shook his head: "I bet that he will be defeated in three breaths."

Someone chuckled: "As for this kind of frontal battle, my emperor has never lost."

Some people disdain: "I admit that this person has good strength, but if he wants to compete with my emperor, it is still far from being good."


Ximen Linglan snorted coldly, and it reached the ears of several people, who just looked sideways, not taking it seriously.

in the field.

Han Fei and Cang Tian were all surprised when their fists clashed.

What surprised Han Fei was that the physique of this sky was weaker than he thought. Although his strength is strong, it is absolutely impossible to exceed the tens of millions.

However, he found that in the fist of the sky, there is an extremely domineering power of destruction, mixed with the power of space, the power of fire, and the continuous artistic conception of waves. As soon as he shot, the fists poured out, like the undulating waves of the river, endlessly. You may not feel much in the initial confrontation, but once you fight thousands of punches, you will find yourself feeling like you are caught in the opponent's continuous offensive.

But even so, Han Fei felt that the first emperor was still weak.

This kind of weakness is not really weak, but weaker than he expected. After all, the first generation of human emperors swept through the six veins and dominated the existence of all races. But if he can't crush himself, why does he rule all races?

What surprised the heavens was that this person's physique was actually quite good. Moreover, the opponent's fists revealed a strong killing intent, and that kind of power actually tried to enter his body and destroy his own source power.

The key is that he also felt the ultimate domineering from Han Fei. That is a kind of temperament that can only be killed from endless killing, which means that this person has definitely experienced countless battles.

However, in this chaos, if there is such a strong person, he should not be ignorant!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The three-breath time passed in a flash, and the sea of ​​​​stars where the two were fighting had already collapsed. The ripples are endless, and each ripple represents a head-on confrontation between the two.

At this moment, the big god-killing powerhouses of the human race couldn't help but look serious.

Five breaths.

Ten breaths.

The two sides finally retreated, and the Xinghai where they were located, the Void Storm, was raging. Energy frenzy, pouring out. The laws of the heavens, chaos and turmoil.

Only to hear Cangtian laugh: "It's interesting, come again."


I saw that the sky directly turned into a giant comparable to the stars, and the blood was dyed through the sea of ​​​​stars.

And Han Fei also shouted violently, and the heaven and earth of the law rose from the ground. Turned into a brilliant golden body, as high as 33,000 feet. However, it is still too small compared to a star.

But at the level of Zhenhai Divine Spirit, there is no limit to how big the law is. Thirty-three thousand feet is just the most suitable combat physique, it doesn't mean that it can't get bigger.

In the face of the first-generation emperor, Han Fei didn't want to be covered by the other party in his aura. I saw his dharma world sky and earth skyrocket again, and in a blink of an eye, it also changed to the size of a star.

I saw two star giants fighting each other in the sea of ​​​​stars.

On Han Fei's side, the thunder was rolling. On the other side of the sky, angry palms are pushed horizontally, and the stars are surrounded.

After the fierce battle, the two giants dissipated, and the swords and swords in the field raged. The technique of drawing swords, the return of ten thousand swords to the ancestry, the free travel, the sword of breaking the game, Han Fei's ultimate move is frequent.

On the other side of the sky, the four swords were not used to create the treasure, but the sword was condensed with the fingertips, and at the craziest time, the starry sky of hundreds of millions of miles was punched into the shape of a sword.

This round is another tiebreaker.

Until this moment, the few human race god-killing powerhouses no longer commented, and their faces became abnormally solemn.

I saw that Cangtian stopped and looked at Han Fei proudly: "You are not bad, how much combat power did you use?"

Han Fei: "How much did you use?"

Cangtian is not afraid of revealing any secrets, and laughed heartily: "It's only 50%. It's a pity that you don't have a top-level weapon. If I use all my strength, I won't win."

Han Fei also smiled lightly: "With each other, there are still some trump cards that have not been shot, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it."

"Oh! What a big tone. It's better to do this, one move will determine the outcome."


I saw that there was a tremor under Cangtian, and this sea of ​​stars trembled for it. As he opened his mouth and inhaled, he swallowed the heavenly food.


The next moment, Cang Tian, ​​golden light, a power that Han Fei was very familiar with, bloomed.

"Invincible Road?"

Han Fei Tong Kong shrank slightly. Could it be that the threat he felt did not come from the identity of the emperor, but the invincible way?

It is said that the invincible road, only one person can walk, the others who take the invincible road are all enemies.

However, Han Fei didn't know it before. Now that the invincible road is blooming, Han Fei must fight. This is no longer a competition, this is an invincible battle.

The few god-killing powerhouses from the human race shouted loudly.

"My emperor is invincible."

"Invincible Lu Xian, no longer invincible."

"My emperor is mighty."


However, before they could be happy, they saw that on Han Fei's body, golden light was shining, his blood was transpiring, and dragons were bursting in his blood.

I saw a few strong human races, and their expressions changed.


"How is that possible? How could he have embarked on the road of invincibility?"

"There's no reason, my emperor, defeat him."

"Only my emperor is invincible in the world."

Seeing this, Ximen Linglan raised the corner of her mouth slightly. From a very young age, she had already believed that Han Fei was her king. In the history of the human race she learned, Han Fei has never been defeated.

At this moment, Cangtian was also shocked, the feeling in his heart was right, this person was very strong, too strong. But if this person is so strong, and even has stepped into the Zhenhai God, it is impossible to have only such a little combat power!

However, at the moment, Cangtian couldn't control it anymore, and I saw him punching out, Huanghuang Tianwei, like adding him.

Han Fei's expression is also solemn. It's not that he can't be defeated, but he is also a human emperor, and he will not be defeated without a fight. He has an undefeated heart.

Even though the heaven's combat power is stronger than his own, even if this punch is indeed extremely powerful, it makes him feel that he will be defeated, but he can't be reconciled without a fight.

"Quiet Divine Fist."

"Time Divide."

Not long after Han Fei mastered the Six Divine Techniques of Time, his control of the Time Division Technique broke out in an instant, and he could only achieve triple attacks. It is equivalent to one shot, which is equivalent to breaking out the Divine Fist of Death three times.

At this moment, he couldn't care to hide the Avenue of Time, and he really shot with all his strength.



Hundreds of millions of voids collapsed, the rays of light burst into the battlefield, the sky was full of brilliance, the Taoist patterns of the heavens were broken, and the void storm surged like a wave, drowning the two of them.

In the field, Han Fei and Cang Tian were both cracked and blood dripping. However, Han Fei was blasted back tens of millions of miles. And the sky has only retreated a million miles.



Cangtian laughed: "Okay, what a Wang Han, you are very good."

The law of life surged on Han Fei's body: "You're not bad, but that's it."


Before Han Fei's strength completely subsided, he immediately returned to Ximen Linglan's side.

At the same time, Cangtian immediately returned to the side of those god-killing human races.


I saw that the strength of the two of them was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye at the same time.


Han Fei couldn't help but scolded, and Cang Tian on the opposite side also showed shock in his eyes.


"Are you a warrior level?"

Not only Han Fei and Cangtian were shocked, but even Ximen Linglan and the other strongmen of the human race showed their expressions of horror.

Only to hear the sky say in amazement: "You are practicing the supreme technique?"

Han Fei narrowed his eyes: "You too?"

Han Fei couldn't help feeling a little incredible, his experience was too similar to this heaven. Walking on the road of invincibility, cultivating the supreme magic, and walking on the road of the emperor, it is exactly the same!

However, Cang Tian looked at Han Fei again: "Are you the descendant of the First Supreme?"

"First Supreme?"

Han Fei's heart moved, and then he shook his head slightly: "I don't know what you said about the first supreme, but this supreme divine technique was indeed taught to me by others."

Cangtian's expression condensed: "That's the first supreme, maybe he didn't reveal his true identity to you. This old man has found another successor, no wonder you and the emperor have taken the road so similar. Well, is the old man going that way now?"

"Which way?"

Han Fei said: "The person who taught me this technique did not meet me, but taught me this technique through an altar."

Although Han Fei doesn't know who the so-called First Supreme in Cangtian is, it is most likely related to the Supreme Divine Art, or even the creator of the Supreme Divine Art.

His supreme divine technique came from the **** of war, and the **** of war did not meet him, and it was indeed only taught through the altar.

"No matter how I taught you, I liked you anyway. Since the old man liked you, it means that you have a supreme appearance. By the way, what did you say about the Great Emperor?"

"Oh! It's nothing but the person who taught me this technique. He seems to call himself the Great Emperor, um, that's all."

Cang Tian gave a disdainful "ha": "Listen to his nonsense, the old man is not a thing. Junior brother, you were born this time, are you returning to the human race with me?"

"Senior brother?"

Cangtian said boldly: "If you can take this road to such a point, in the world, apart from me, you are the only one. Your invincible road is obviously still in the heat, and your strength has not yet reached its peak. Obviously, you have embarked on this road. The time is later than me, why are you not my junior brother?"


Han Fei's thoughts moved, and it was a bit beyond his expectations to recognize his brothers and sisters with the first generation of human emperors.

However, that's fine, he just entered the human race. He has absolutely no understanding of this chaotic era, not even the cultivation system of this era.

Moreover, what Cang Tian said was right. Just now, he couldn't completely block Cang Tian's punch with his three punches. The opponent's invincible road was obviously a level higher than his own.

Moreover, Han Fei can be sure that the sky is not a double spiritual vein. But if it weren't for the situation of dual spiritual veins, the same as the peak of the emperor, the opponent's combat power even surpassed his own, what does this mean? This means that, as Cang Tian said, he has not yet reached the acme of this road.

He originally thought that the basic combat power of 800,000 was already the pinnacle of the Great Emperor Realm, but he never imagined that there was still room for improvement.

However, he himself has no idea how to improve. But Heaven knows, so this trip to the human race seems to be imperative.

This sky is also simple, as if completely forgetting the tit-for-tat things before, and turned around to greet several other strong men of the human race and said: "Okay, you all saw it. Wang Han and this emperor went out of the same family, but this emperor's direct relative. Junior Brother, this is definitely not wrong, it will be my own family from now on."

The faces of several human race powerhouses have been filled with smiles again.

Since it's the emperor's junior brother, then it's easy to handle. Isn't this relationship just a kiss!

A man laughed and said, "What do I say, why suddenly there is a person who can compete with the emperor in this world, it turns out to be his own family."

A woman clasped her fists: "Master Wang Han, but you have mastered the laws of life?"

Han Fei nodded: "Not bad."

Cangtian couldn't help but look at Han Fei: "Junior brother is afraid that it is not only simple that he has mastered the law of life, but brother I just felt the law of time. Obviously, the younger brother has also cultivated the way of the younger brother and sister. It's a pity! Although the younger brother is a genius, but this person The throne of the emperor, I have already sat for my brother, and I have no place for you. Hahaha if you want, you can be a king. If you don't want, then you can do it. But after all, you belong to the human race, and you should always return. Human."

Han Fei said with a smile: "Since the senior brother has already taken the seat of the emperor, why should I fight. As for the emperor, forget it! I'll be an idle human race. My wife and I were born not long ago, so there are many things here. I don’t know yet, it will take some time to get used to it.”

Han Fei's implication was that he didn't look down on his status as a king. He is the emperor himself, and now he is given a general level, of course he has no interest in that.

Cang Tian waved his hand: "It doesn't matter! My human race is the largest clan in chaos. Except for the things that have not been explored, my human race basically has records. You have to understand and go back."


Han Fei and Ximen Linglan looked at each other, and it really was fate. I didn't expect that they would start like this when they first entered the Chaos Era.

A group of people suddenly became harmonious.

Only then did Han Fei question: "How can senior brother fight with those demon plants?"

Cangtian waved his hand: "Speaking of this, I feel bad for my brother. Isn't this heard that Yaozhi's lineage gave birth to nine peerless Taoist seeds? This emperor thought that I would ask for a few with my face, and it's not a big problem. Right? As a result, those gangsters refused. When was this emperor so disobeyed? Taking advantage of their slack, they grabbed a few and came back. Who knew that these **** had a broken mind and dared to chase and kill this emperor. Ha, This emperor was thinking of asking for something, how did he expect this to happen? Obviously, there are fewer people with him, and when he returns this time, this emperor immediately dispatched troops and wiped them out. "

Han Fei: ""

Ximen Linglan: ""

Han Fei was a little unwell at the time, and he doesn't know how this guy has survived until now. It's not something from your family. You ask for it, but they don't give it. Isn't this normal?

Now that you have robbed people of other people's things, and you have to wipe them out, even if you are yourself, you will not be so unreasonable!

Han Fei immediately twitched his lips: "It really shouldn't be. However, it's not enough to level. I don't think these people are weak, why not subdue them? If you put these strong people under your command, wouldn't there be more available? Strong?"

"Haha! Weixiong was just a whimper, how could he really kill them all? In fact, this time to ask for something is fake, Weixiong asked them to surrender in the past, but they refused to obey, then Weixiong certainly couldn't give them a good face. already."

As he spoke, he saw that Cang Tian took out a small tree in the palm of his hand, and there was green light in the tree body of the small tree.

Saying that, Heaven threw it to Han Fei.

Han Fei wondered: "This is?"

Cang Tian didn't care: "This is the peerless Dao seed that my brother snatched from Yaozhi! It's useless for my human race to want this stuff. I see that your cultivation methods are very mixed, I will give you one to play with. Play, right should be a meeting gift."

"Uh! Then thank you brother."

Han Fei was speechless, this looks like an absolute treasure, but the sky just threw it to him like garbage, how could he refuse?

He couldn't help but think, who said that the human race couldn't use this? If this thing is given to Luo Xiaobai, it can definitely be used.

Seeing that Han Fei had put it away, Cang Tian greeted him, "Let's go, let's talk as we go."

After a while, everyone straddled between the stars.

Cangtian: "Hey, junior brother, you don't seem like a decent baby for your brother! Did you not show it or not?"

Han Feixin said that I have too many babies, who knows why they are not coming out now.

Han Fei Dandan smiled: "Don't I have a knife! As for other treasures, I mainly focused on the practice itself before, and I didn't want to look for it."

I just listened to Cang Tian's words and said earnestly: "That's not good, the baby still needs it. At least you must have a decent weapon! It's not that your knife is not good, but the quality is still a lot worse than the real treasure of good fortune. If you don't have one, I'll give you a hand for my brother!"

"Ah! What's so funny?"

"Hey! It's just a weapon. I don't like that weapon very much. It's not very easy to use, and it doesn't match the emperor's temperament. But since the junior brother is not in the position of the emperor, he should not pay much attention to the image and temperament. That thing is for you. Suitable."

"Oh? Then look back."

Han Fei couldn't help but feel happy, is this the first generation of emperors? Simply inhumane!

He dislikes the creation of the blood sky blade, and he wants to give his own things. It is not obvious, at least it is at the level of the treasure of creation. After the end of the Dharma era, oh no, after the prehistoric era, the treasures of creation can be described as only a handful. Here, especially what the sky said, it seems like it's worthless.

Of course, Han Fei knew that this was probably an illusion. After all, the treasure of good fortune is a treasure that can rival Zhenhai's **** level, and it is impossible for it to be worthless. Otherwise, if everyone mastered the treasure of good fortune, wouldn't the sky be turned upside down?

After finishing, Cangtian said again: "Unfortunately, there are not many avenues of human awakening time, it can be said that there are very few, such avenues are too mysterious, so even my human race does not have any treasures that fit my brothers and sisters. However, this is okay. , When it comes to finding treasures, in this world, there is no one who is more skilled than this emperor."


As he spoke, he saw Cang Tian turn over his hands and took out an item that Han Fei was very familiar with.

"Navigation Vientiane?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched, and Ximen Linglan almost made a sound. It was his own thing a moment ago, but now it has become someone else's. Han Fei didn't know how to describe this feeling.

I saw the needle of the marine vientiometer turning, but the sky didn't notice the abnormality of Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, but said, "Go this way"

In the Chaos Era, because many places are still foggy, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan followed Cang Tian and the others and ran purely on their legs. However, fortunately, they didn't run for long, and in less than an hour, they came to a super black hole.

Han Fei rushed into the black hole calmly, and appeared in another sea of ​​stars in a blink of an eye. At this point, Cangtian finally took out a star map.

I saw that there were stars shining in the star map, and then a transmission channel was opened.

This is the first time that Han Fei has used the Xinghai Boundary Map. UU has read www.uukanshu.com, but he is familiar with the operation. It seems that in the chaotic period, the use of the Xinghai Boundary Map seems to be a very common method.


Walking out of the passage, in front of Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, there finally appeared an incomparably huge super star that was almost exhausted to see the edge.

In addition to this super-giant star, there are even more exaggerated super-giant stars like the sun and the moon.

Han Fei's heart moved, this is the prototype of the sea world?

Cang Tian smiled and said, "Have Junior Brother ever been to the Chaos Land?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "Never, but this star seems to be a little too big."

I just heard the sky laugh: "That's nature. This is the only chaotic land that drifted out of the chaotic fog of the Star Sea. Just this piece is worth tens of millions of chaotic fogs. In order to stay on the chaotic land, billions Ten thousand races are fighting hard. And my human race, the entire lineage is rooted here, which can be called the first lineage on the vast land."

Cang Tian said triumphantly, and said boldly: "Go, I will bring you the Hui family for my brother."

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