God of Fishing

Chapter 2872: Invincible Road Supreme Art

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God of Fishing Chapter 2872 Invincible Road Supreme Technique

The prophet's words directly stunned Han Fei.

I just heard the prophet say with a smile: "Since the old man dares to say it, it means that this matter is feasible, and the sky will agree. After all, a soul without memory and consciousness will not have any impact on him. Of course, Parasitic heaven, you are essentially a bystander."

"it is good!"

Han Fei doesn't care whether the prophet is testing or not. Anyway, he has already been seen through, so what else can he test himself?

Moreover, as the Prophet said, even if he is parasitic to the sky, he is still a bystander in essence.

However, this is also an indirect participation in this era, and this way of participating can avoid one of the biggest problems.

Because according to the progress of time, there is not much time left in the doomsday era, and there are only ten thousand years left at most. Therefore, Han Fei knew that he could not stay in this era for long.

Different from when he entered the end of the law era, the long river was intercepted by Jiang Linxian during that period of time, and it was a cycle of time. Therefore, during that time, the long river has time to accelerate, which is not the same as the normal time flow rate.

However, when he returned to the Chaos Era this time, he simply came in from the long river of time, so the flow rate of time did not change.

This also means that if you stay in the Chaos Era for 10,000 years, it will not affect the flow of time in the Doomsday Era, so the future generations will also pass 10,000 years.

And once you can parasitize the sky, you can leave the current time and re-enter the Chaos Era from another time, without having to wait for a long time here.

Therefore, Han Fei chose to agree immediately, this is his best choice, there is no one.

He seemed to know that Han Fei would definitely agree, so the prophet just nodded slightly: "As a prophet of the human race, this is the only thing this old man can help you. But the old man still needs to remind you that even if you live in the sky, the way to the sky is not necessarily easy. It suits you. Even if your paths are similar, you need to be cautious."

Han Fei handed over his hands: "Thank you, Senior Prophet, the junior knows. If so, when will it start?"

The Prophet smiled slightly: "Wait until you leave! I think you still have a lot of things that you need to understand."

Han Fei nodded. Although he didn't have much time, he really needed to know a lot. One of the most important things is the way of the Supreme Divine Art.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Senior Prophet, in our era, the peak of the emperor, that is, the peak of the warriors in your current era, the road behind is broken. Do I know how to break through the supreme magic?"

But I saw that the prophet didn't say anything, but made a random move, and summoned two volumes of Shenmu scrolls and said, "Read it first. Then read all the scrolls in this room. If you have any questions, you can ask the old man again."

Han Fei nodded slightly, and he was not in a hurry at this time. It was an unexpected result that the human prophets of this era were willing to help him.

Han Fei immediately opened the Shenmu scroll, and it turned out that some information was recorded in the form of Dao lines.

As Han Fei was immersed in it, the contents of the Shenmu scroll were displayed one by one in front of him.

This is just an ordinary volume that records the various cultivation stages and simple understanding of the Chaos Era. It records the cultivation levels of the Chaos Era in detail.

In the era of chaos, the strength of practitioners is divided into three realms of mortal body, three realms of spiritual body, and three realms of divine body.

If you compare it with the cultivation system you have experienced, the practitioners of the Primal Chaos Era started out in the Law Enforcement Realm, also known as the Mortal Realm.

Yes, Han Fei read it right, in the era of chaos, there is no realm below the law enforcement realm. The Mortal Realm, which is equivalent to the Law Enforcement Realm, is mostly due to the enormous development of races in this era, and some of the descendants of the ten thousand clans have extremely ordinary aptitudes.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the explorer is the real starting point of cultivation in the era of chaos. In other words, they do not have four or nine small calamities.

The explorer and the venerable are called the second and third mortal realms, respectively. Practitioners in the mortal state are collectively referred to as mortals or mortal veins. Such people are increasing day by day, which means that the era of chaos is changing from the era of birth from heaven and earth to the era of self-reproduction of all races.

The sea-opening realm, the heaven-opening realm, and the emperor-zun realm are called the three realms of spiritual bodies. Among them, Pihai is called a spirit warrior, Kaitian is called a spirit warrior, and Emperor Zun is called a spirit warrior. They are collectively referred to as warriors, mengshi, and generals. Simple and clear, but also very common.

The gods, the god-killing gods, and the Zhenhai gods correspond to the three realms of the gods, and they are called the gods of war, gods, and super gods.

And above the super **** level, it is the supreme.

The human race had two supreme beings before, one was the first supreme being, and this person was the first person to lay the foundation of the human race. The reason why it is called the first supreme is because this person has never encountered an opponent at all, and the various gods born in chaos have been beaten by him again and again. It is a matter of course that he wants to be the first powerhouse in Chaos Xinghai, and no one can challenge his majesty.

Until, the first supreme found a road of no return in the sea of ​​​​stars. Before embarking on this road, the First Supreme had crossed with divine sense, but failed. And this is the first defeat of the first supreme in his life, so he saw new hope and resolutely embarked on the road of no return.

Moreover, there were more than 30 people who accompanied him, all of them were supreme.

The other great supreme of the human race is the prophet.

Its name is a prophet, and he has the ability to penetrate the sky. As for the strength of the prophet, it is recorded in the Shenmu scroll that the three supreme powerhouses of the lineage of strange beasts, demon plants, and giant demons have been overpowered.

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but look up at the prophet, who just smiled.

Han Fei couldn't help but suspect that this Scroll Eight Achievement was written by the prophet himself. If he was an arrogant person, he might exaggerate his strength. But the prophet's personality is very stable, and he likes to study, so Han Fei feels that this record may have made some cover up of his own combat power.

And so far, the human race has not yet appeared a third supreme.

There are two supreme beings in the human race, and among the six meridians, only the stillborn has not yet appeared. The rest of the veins are all supreme.

And other races, together known as Supreme, the number is more than 100 people.

However, nearly 30% of them, in order to go to the extreme, followed the first supreme on the road of no return, and never returned.

This volume of books also ends here.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing that the number of Domination Realms in the Chaos Era was a bit scary.

I thought that Cang Tian, ​​as the first-generation emperor, was already powerful enough, but who knows, there are many stronger people than him.

Han Fei couldn't help but open the second sacred wood scroll.

This volume is the one that completely describes the First Supreme.

It is recorded in the scroll that when the First Supreme was born, the heaven and earth were still in disorder, and chaos dominated the sea of ​​​​stars. After three epochs, a large number of protoss and a large number of powerhouses gradually appeared in the chaos. The First Sovereign fought from the chaos, without a single defeat...

After three epochs, the first supreme, inducing the power of heaven and earth, mobilized the divine vine, and since then, the other five meridians were born one after another.

Seeing this, Han Fei paused, because he found a shocking thing, that is, an Epoch Times has billions of years.

What's so special, how long did the First Supreme live?

Moreover, the other five meridians turned out to be born by him, it feels like a person is too boring, so he gave birth to five brothers and sisters.

Since the next 30 million years, there has been purple light coming from the chaos, and the major gods have discovered that such mists can derive life. Then they competed for the Hongmeng Purple Light, and then their own veins appeared.

Because of the power of the First Supreme, the birth and development of the human race were extremely fast.

The Supreme Divine Technique is the first Supreme, the Supreme-level cultivation method that is realized by its own strength and the combination of Chaos Heavenly Secret. However, this method is difficult. From the day of the creation of the method, until the chaos of all ethnic groups, no one can complete the practice of the supreme technique. Most of them stop at the warrior level, and eventually explode and die.

After endless years, countless people have been groping and exploring this road.

Even Han Fei saw that there are many super god-level powerhouses, that is, Zhenhai Shenling, who have abandoned their cultivation bases, or reincarnated and reincarnated. Starting from the mortal realm, they move forward step by step, trying to bring every realm to the extreme.

It is also in this kind of exploration that people find that if you want to take every situation to the extreme, it requires not only potential, but also luck. It must be the atmosphere of luck, and it is possible to bring every situation to the extreme.

However, even if someone takes every situation to the extreme, they all fail at the stage of the peak of the warriors. Because they found that there are infinite possibilities in the realm of warriors. Many people thought that they could reach the extreme, but they finally stopped and could not go further. In the end, because the supreme divine art itself was too powerful, it exploded and died.

After countless attempts, no one has been able to break the realm of the Supreme Divine Art, so the number of people who practice this art begins to decrease day by day.

However, because of the practice of the supreme technique, some people from the human race began to study and ponder the theory of luck, and as a result, a miraculous inheritance was born, the commander of life, which claims to be in charge of the life and luck of the human race.

The appearance of the emperor was first proposed by Shao Siming. Sure enough, the emperor came into the world, and he cut through thorns all the way. And Cangtian did not live up to his expectations. Although he had not yet broken through to the battle general realm, he could already unleash super god-level combat power. This made many people see hope again, and Heaven was also accepted by the First Supreme as his successor.

However, at this juncture, the First Supreme actually took a group of Supremes into the road of no return.

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but wonder, since Cangtian is the person who is most likely to break the taboo of the supreme technique, why does the first supreme do not wait for him to break through before leaving?

Although Han Fei was puzzled, he continued to look down.

On the day the First Supreme departed, the chaotic vast land appeared in the world, on which the purple air was soaring, the purple dragon hovered, the flowing clouds were splendid, and the atmosphere was myriad.

It has been found that the vast chaotic land is perfectly suitable for living creatures of all races. It's not that there are no livable stars in this vast sea of ​​stars.

However, the chaotic vast land is not only extremely suitable for habitation, but also has many resources on it, and the power of the vast land can make many resources regenerable.

The human race was the first race to inhabit the chaotic land. With the call of the human race, the slogan of willingness to share the vast land of chaos spread across the sea of ​​stars, and there are countless people who are attracted by it.

Now, on this chaotic vast land, there are thousands of creatures.

Han Fei instinctively felt that there was something wrong with this history. After the first supreme left, the chaotic land came out, attracting many forces. Although it all seemed normal, Han Fei always felt that something was wrong.

For example, why did the First Supreme leave?

For example, why did the Chaos Land appear at this time?

For example, why is the human race willing to share the vast land of chaos with all races?

Suddenly, Han Fei realized something: "Senior Prophet, the plan of the human race to rule all races is already underway?"

I don't know when, the Prophet has started to study the peerless Dao Seed that he had thrown on the ground before. Hearing Han Fei's words, he just nodded.

Seeing this, Han Fei didn't bother the Prophet. Instead, he checked the time on the record and co-authored this unified plan, which has been quietly going on for hundreds of thousands of years.

It turned out that the ancestors of the ancients ruled all races in this way.

It's just that these things were recorded in the sacred wood scroll of the First Supreme, obviously deliberately. That is to say, the appearance of Chaos Land and the departure of the First Supreme must be related.

What was it that made the First Supreme no longer even want an apprentice, and secretly let the tribe rule the Xinghai tribe? Could it be that the First Supreme knew that bad luck was coming?

Unfortunately, this part will not be described later.

The last paragraph of this volume is the First Supreme's elaboration and understanding of the Supreme Technique. These explanations and understandings are all methods of practice, such as swallowing the stars and merging with the stars of life.

However, Han Fei suddenly saw on one of the pages that the First Supreme had said: "The greatness of the Supreme Divine Art requires practitioners to fully understand the Supreme Profound Truth."

If it is just this sentence, Han Fei can still understand it, because the prophet also said that the supreme technique is the supreme cultivation technique.

However, there is another sentence recorded by the First Supreme, which is the parting message of the First Supreme to the Prophet: "No one knows my loneliness, among the world, the Supreme, only I am one."

When he saw this sentence, Han Fei was stunned. When the First Supreme left, he took away more than 30 Supremes. How could he say that the Supreme Being is the only one?

Han Fei raised his head and wanted to ask the Prophet, but the old man seemed to be concentrating on studying the peerless Dao Seed.

Ximen Linglan looked at Han Fei, as if asking what exactly he saw that could make him move several times?

Han Fei couldn't help handing over the Shenmu scroll, and said, "Let's see it first! With so many records, there may be a lot of gains."

Three years later.

When Han Fei closed the last scroll, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help rubbing his eyes. He can be considered to have seen how terrible the current era of chaos is.

The number of races now exceeds hundreds of millions. This is still known. Whether there are still a lot of unknown races, no one dares to say, but Han Fei estimates that there are.

In the past three years, in addition to the development of the Chaos Era and the battles of countless Protoss, what Han Fei has seen most is the so-called fundamental talent, the invincible road, and the internal history of the human race, such as countless people's exploration of Supreme Divine Art.

Among them, the fundamental talent mentioned by the prophet is not the bloodline, but the way the person was born. The reason why so many Supremes can be born in this era is mainly because most of these people were born from the source of chaos. Belonging to the creatures naturally conceived in heaven and earth, these creatures often call themselves the God Race.

Han Fei's bloodline is indeed very strong, and the upper limit is actually extremely high. It can be said that in later generations, almost no one can match. But this is the era of chaos, and there are a large group of creatures born from chaos, perhaps their bloodline level is not enough. But the chaotic world gave birth to them, and it can be said that they were born with gods, which are extremely extraordinary.

However, Han Fei also discovered that because his bloodline is too strong, his fundamental talent is actually not much worse than those born in chaos. If you have to tell the difference, it is probably that one innate talent is perfect, and the other is acquired talent.

It is not difficult to make up for this lack, as long as you draw enough power of the source of chaos.

Invincible Road's research records are what really attracted Han Fei.

The invincible road is not essentially a law, but a state of mind.

In the middle of the Chaos Era, there were many powerhouses who took the invincible road, but these powerhouses, without exception, were all educated by the First Supreme and became a new person.

However, their invincible road did not collapse. The First Supreme did not kill these people, depriving them of their invincibility. This is different from later generations, until Han Fei saw the prophet's research record on Wudilu.

In the records, the invincible road is divided into three realms.

The first is to be fearless in body, not afraid of death, and seek invincibility in killing.

This is Han Fei's current state, and this state can be broken. The reason why there is a saying that defeating the invincible can take away its path. That's because once the invincible road is defeated, the invincible will is also defeated, and if the invincible road is defeated in the same situation, the winner will absorb the invincible charm of the other party and strengthen the explosiveness of his invincible will, which will allow victory. more and more feel themselves invincible. Therefore, it creates a feeling of one and the other.

Therefore, the understanding of the invincible road for the people of later generations is still in the realm of the first layer.

The second realm is called Invincible Body. This realm first needs to be established on the basis of invincibility in the first realm. It means that in the first realm, you cannot be defeated by other invincible cultivators. If you lose, it is impossible to reach the second realm.

In this situation, it means that the enemy can't hit it at all, or can't be hurt even if it hits it. The second realm itself will not improve the strength, but the invincibility of this state will make the enemy feel frightened.

Those who don't understand this way will only think that this is the double exemption of legal body.

But in fact, this state is based on one's own invincible will, borrowing the situation of heaven and earth, to comprehend a state of "potential". But this kind of "potential" state cannot be maintained for a long time, after all, you are not heaven and earth.

Therefore, on the basis of the second realm, the third realm appeared.

The third-level invincible road refers to swallowing the sky, taking control of the terrain, refining a star domain, and with a single thought, one can obtain the blessing of the power of one domain, sustainably maintain the invincible situation, and greatly enhance the strength.

This is the realm reached by the First Supreme, and it is also the highest realm of the currently known Invincible Road, but it is not necessarily the highest realm of the Invincible Road.

The First Sovereign once speculated that if he could control the chaos and gain the general trend of heaven and earth, he would be called truly invincible.

Unfortunately, the First Supreme cannot do this, so it only exists as a conjecture.

After learning about the Invincible Road, Han Fei also understood the true meaning of the avenue of life. The so-called three-second invincibility of the avenue of life is actually three seconds, and he has reached the second realm of the invincible road - invincible body.

And the way to comprehend the situation is to watch the world and understand the situation. It's easy to say, but not much can be done.

But those who are still invincible after being beaten by the first supreme, all did it. In the current human race, Heaven has done it.

As for the third realm, it is not something that Han Fei can master at present, let alone mastering it, his current perception can't spread to a star field.

Therefore, what I can do now is to obtain the source of chaos and comprehend the second realm of the Invincible Road.

I have to say that there are indeed too many things lost in the Chaos Era, and this is the second-level way of the invincible road. If there is no one to guide and let people comprehend by themselves, God knows when they will be able to comprehend it.

As for the advancement of the Supreme Divine Technique, Han Fei also gained something, but he needed to confirm it.

Han Fei finally interrupted the Prophet's research and only listened to him: "Senior Prophet, is the First Sovereign's departure because of the sky?"

The prophet slowly put down the flower seed in his hand, looked up at Han Fei, and said with a smile, "Found it?"

Han Fei: "From all the records, I found that the first Supreme's view of the Supreme seems to be different from others. He feels that the Supreme is the only one, and only the strongest can be called the Supreme. Therefore, At the same time as he left, the chaotic vast land appeared in the world, and the ten thousand clans came to vote, the purpose was to let the sky rule the ten thousand clans and achieve the supreme heart of the sky. So... in an era, only one person can pass the supreme art, right?"

When Ximen Linglan heard the words, she couldn't help putting down the scroll in her hand: "Go directly from the Great Emperor Realm to the strongest?"

"Yes and no."

But I heard the prophet say: "Your thinking is too narrow. If you realize the true meaning of the Supreme, and you can pass the Supreme Technique, you may not be the strongest. Even if the First Supreme leaves, his legend is still there, just this The legend is the inner demon of countless people. Whether he is there or not does not affect the breakthrough of the sky. The words have come to this point, and the rest is up to you to understand."

Han Fei frowned: "Then why did the First Supreme leave?"

"Because of the old man."


Han Fei and Ximen Linglan couldn't help looking at the Prophet in astonishment. They never expected that the First Sovereign's departure was because of this old man.

I just heard the prophet sigh: "Your arrival, the ominous you mentioned, the old man is not surprised. Very early, the old man foresaw the collapse of Chaos, a collapse that even the First Supreme couldn't stop. If you think about it, it should be said that what you said is ominous. The old guy felt that the collapse of chaos must be because he was not strong enough. Therefore, he handed over the human race to the sky, and created this chaotic land, attracting all races to come. Cast. And he himself, went to find the way to save the world. Now it seems that he has not been able to come back after all."

Han Fei's heart immediately moved: "How does he know that the sky can pass through the supreme art..."

Suddenly, Han Fei shut up, and his eyes looked deeply at the prophet. Yes, this man is known as a prophet, and he has even predicted the ominous arrival, and he may have also predicted the future of heaven. Therefore, the First Supreme would choose to leave.

Ximen Linglan couldn't help but ask, "Can senior prophet foresee Wang Han's future?"

Han Fei's heart was also tense, and he couldn't help but want to hear the prophet's prophecy.

However, the prophet shook his head slightly: "It's too immature, after all, you are not from this era. But..."

"But what?"

Han Fei and Ximen Linglan said in unison.

The prophet looked at Han Fei: "However, the old man can see that you carry the great luck of an era. People like you need to choose too many things. You have to be firm in your choice, which is the best choice."


Han Fei was stunned.

The Prophet smiled slightly: "No more."

Han Feixin said that there is no difference between saying this and not saying it.

Just listen to know first: "The book is finished, do you want to leave?"

Han Fei thought for a moment: "Senior Prophet, I have one last question... Do you know how to make a demon pot?"

The prophet gave Han Fei a deep look: "I don't know. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"


Han Fei thought, at this time, the refining demon pot should not have been born yet, otherwise, with the ability of the prophet, he should know.

Moreover, in this era, there is not only no demon pot refining, but also no three temples, or the three temples have not yet been established, and the human race is not familiar with hundreds of millions of races, so Han Fei does not need to ask about these things.

All in all, Han Fei has enough information.

I saw Han Fei clasped his fists: "Senior Prophet, I'm fine."

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