God of Fishing

Chapter 2873: teacher

Han Fei and Ximen Linglan stayed in the Prophet's residence for three years, and the Prophet had already notified Cang Tian and Jin Ming, and asked them to strictly block Han Fei's news.

At this moment, the Prophet called the two of them to come, and created the barrier with Hongmeng Purple Qi, which directly explained the origin of the two of Han Fei, and explained the matter of letting Han Fei parasitize.

Cang Tian didn't speak yet, but Jin Ming's expression changed greatly: "I disagree. Lord Prophet, Cang Tian is the emperor of the human race, how can he be someone else's wedding dress?"

This time, I just heard Cangtian laugh: "It's okay, this emperor will divide a part of the space in the soul sea, this part of the spirit of the junior brother can only observe the memory of the parasitism period, he can't observe the spirit of this emperor. of."

Han Fei couldn't help but admire that he was indeed the first emperor, and his mind was worthy of recognition.

Jin Ming said with a sullen face: "But this will most likely affect your luck?"

Cang Tian sneered: "This emperor is the dragon of luck for the human race. If you don't dare to delay this mere risk, how can you step on the road to the supreme?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Senior brother is not surprised by my true identity at all."

The corners of Cangtian's mouth twitched, revealing a confident smile: "Since the battle with Junior Brother, I promised you the throne, but when you refused, Brother Wei knew that you were not from this era. Otherwise, why would there be one? Accompanied by super god-level powerhouses who take the Avenue of Time? I thought that in the future, there will be time to communicate with junior and junior, but I never expected that junior and junior will stay in this era for such a short time, which is really a pity."

Han Fei bowed his hands slightly: "Senior brother is righteous, worthy of the name of heaven."

Cang Tian sneered: "Because of each other, don't you even pay attention to Cang Tian? By the way, do you know that the younger brother is the future?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "Senior brother is not afraid of this problem, will it affect the brother's mood?"

"Hahaha! What is this, I can't see through this matter, why is my brother a human emperor? No matter life or death, I can accept it calmly."

However, Han Fei shook his head slightly: "The truth is, I don't know. The matter of the Chaos Era, let alone our era, is in the prehistoric era, and there are not many rumors. I really don't know where my brother will go in the future. Of course, I You can also go and see."

Cangtian shook his head: "It's not a problem, it's not a big deal if you don't know. Come on!"

The next moment, I saw Han Fei's body, walking out of a soul shadow, Han Fei slashed with a knife, breaking his spiritual sense and destroying his spiritual consciousness.

Cang Tian opened his mouth and took a breath, directly swallowing this part of the soul.

The two of them acted simply and neatly, without any hesitation.

Immediately, Cang Tian smiled and said, "Do you want to be with your younger brother and sister? This emperor will reserve a place for you."

Ximen Linglan shook his head: "Thank you, Wang Han can only know. If he knows, I will know."

Seeing this, Cangtian naturally wouldn't be polite to Ximen Linglan, but looked at Han Fei: "Junior Brother is leaving now?"

Han Fei: "Maybe it will stay for a while, but it will be in the fog of chaos, and it should not come back."

"Unfortunately, we will see you in the future. I hope that when we meet again, Junior Brother will be able to realize the second realm of the Invincible Road, and then you and I will fight again."

"Definitely live up to my brother's expectations."

After speaking, Han Fei looked at the Prophet and cupped his hands: "Senior, the junior will leave first."

The Prophet just smiled slightly, nodded, and said nothing more.

After a while, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan left the sea world.

In the prophet's residence, Jin Ming's face was ugly: "Lord Prophet, I have no right to interfere in your decision. But, isn't this a bit too hasty?"

The Prophet smiled slightly: "Ah, Ming! Why don't you watch the fortunes of the sky in the future? When you become enlightened, it will be the time to enter the Supreme Being, just wait and see!"

Jin Ming was stunned for a moment, and was silent for a long time: "Si Ming has no supreme honor."

"Who knows? You won't suffer if you try."

The prophet smiled slightly, and saw that he made a random move. In a bookcase here, a tree-shaped peerless Taoist seed appeared in his hand.

Heaven snorted: "This cheap junior brother is not greedy."

The Prophet said lazily: "After all, people are also emperors. Go! Within three hundred years, people from Yaozhi's lineage will arrive. Come! Just stay!"

Cang Tian smiled and said, "That's natural, they are the first on my road to conquest."

in the sea of ​​stars.

Han Fei let out a long breath, took Ximen Linglan's hand and said, "Under the eyes of that prophet, I still feel a little uncomfortable. After all, this is not my human race. I am not comfortable, but I am still comfortable now."

Ximen Linglan: "There are countless things recorded in those sacred wood scrolls, but there is no detailed record of the prophet and half-man. I don't even know how he was born."

Han Fei said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, thinking about it will give people a headache. The supreme being of the human race is too rare, and the prophet deliberately concealed it. I even guessed that he is not under the first supreme."

"So strong?"

Ximen Linglan was a little surprised, because among those sacred wood scrolls, the First Supreme had become a peerless legend, almost unrivaled. If the same is true of the prophet, doesn't it mean that there are two super powerhouses in the human race that dominate the Xinghai all races?

Han Fei: "Guess what, go ahead and guess! Let's go, it's useless to think too much, our time is limited, and the opportunity of the Chaos Era cannot be wasted in vain. Now, half of the Xinghai here is covered by the fog of Chaos, which fills the gap in fundamental talents. , should be a top priority.”

In the era of chaos, finding the fog of chaos is not difficult at all. Most of the Chaos Sea is shrouded in fog, so it can be said that you can go anywhere.

It's just that people of this era, looking for the fog of chaos, are mostly in it, there are often peerless treasures, treasures of good fortune, all kinds of spiritual treasures, divine fruit, fairy soil, good fortune, and luck.

But what Han Fei and Ximen Linglan need is the power of the source of chaos, which only needs to be absorbed slowly.

So, in the chaotic fog of Chaos Sea, there are two large cocoons wrapped by the power of the source of chaos standing quietly here.

Within the radius of hundreds of millions of miles, the law of time is flowing, covering this place.

Five hundred times the acceleration of time is the limit of Ximen Linglan. In the acceleration of time, it took only three thousand years for Han Fei's bottleneck to loosen, and it loosened naturally, as if it had come naturally.

Real time, two hundred years later.

Suddenly, one of them broke the cocoon first.

The next moment, Han Fei appeared from the cocoon, and the big cocoon that was broken turned into a torrent and poured into his body.

In the case of nearly 500 times the time acceleration, Han Fei actually completed his fundamental talent as early as about 40 years in real time, and about 20,000 years in the accelerated state.

And this so-called fundamental talent complement is actually the sensitivity to the laws of heaven and earth, spiritual energy, and the energy of chaos. The adaptation and operation of the physical body to these forces is better than before.

As far as the basic combat power is concerned, it has only increased by 400,000.

For Han Fei, this improvement is already very large, which means that in the peak state, he can reach 12 million combat power, even surpassing the sky.

Of course, there are very few surpassed, and the sky has reached the state of invincible body in the second realm of the Invincible Road. Therefore, in a real life and death battle, I can't win, but I may not lose, it is still a half-hearted situation.

However, Han Fei does not feel much surprised by this now, because whether it is the peak combat power of 8 million or the peak combat power of 12 million, at most it is only the early and mid-term combat power of Zhenhai God, and it does not matter to the general trend of the sea world. influences. Those who should be beaten can be beaten, and those who should be beaten are still beaten.

Even trying to kill a Zhenhai deity is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Of course, the real benefits of complementing the fundamental talent should only be reflected after the breakthrough of the Supreme God.

After learning about the Supreme Technique, Han Fei knew that the only way to truly empower himself to change the pattern of the sea must be after breaking through the Supreme Technique.

Once he breaks through, no accident, he will directly cross the Domination Realm. After all, the Supreme Technique is the practice method of the Domination Realm.

Three hundred years after Han Fei broke out of the cocoon, Ximen Linglan's cocoon also burst open.

After Ximen Linglan emerged from the cocoon, he saw Han Fei sitting cross-legged not far from him, as if he was branding his body with a seal.

"Seal? Is your strength going to exceed your body's capacity?"

Ximen Linglan's expression changed slightly. She swept through almost all the scrolls on the prophet's side, and naturally knew the terrifying effect of the Supreme Divine Technique. If it cannot be suppressed and there is no source of breakthrough, over time, it will explode and die.

Han Fei said with a smile: "It's okay, the God of War has not died for millions of years, so of course I'm okay. Moreover, this time to complement the fundamental talent, my strength has skyrocketed, and the load limit has been greatly increased. What about you? Is it all?"

Ximen Linglan nodded: "Well, you know, my talent and foundation have not been very good since I was a child. Even if I entered the Temple of Time, it was only a powerful way of understanding, so it seemed that I was stronger. But in fact, my basic talent is poor. A lot. The power of the source of chaos is not only transforming my fundamental talent, but also my bloodline. Therefore, the improvement is relatively slow. If there is no time to accelerate, this time may be as long as nearly 300,000 years."

"It doesn't matter, who made you the favored son of the Temple of Time now. How much has your combat power improved?"

Ximen Linglan pondered for a while: "More than 8 million, nearly 9 million. But I can feel that after the basic talent is completed, the bloodline transformation has stopped. Therefore, I am afraid there will be no chance for this kind of opportunistic improvement in the future. ."

Han Fei couldn't help laughing and said, "It's powerful enough. Have you ever seen anyone who has just stepped into the Zhenhai Divine Rank and can have 18 million combat power? However, being born in the Chaos Era does have some innate advantages. The level is extremely powerful, and I think it is the result of complementing the fundamental talent. This means that under the same realm, the powerhouses of the Chaos Era will far surpass the powerhouses of the later generations."

Ximen Linglan nodded heavily, this kind of improvement really made her feel incredible. Not only did it mend the gaps in her talent, but it also made up for the lack of bloodline level. In just five hundred years, the strength has nearly doubled. How exaggerated?

However, when he thought of the situation in the future, Ximen Linglan frowned slightly again: "It's a pity that it's not enough, it's not enough to compete with the ominous."

"Isn't there me too!"

Now, for the breakthrough of Supreme Divine Art, he has at least a direction, and there are ready-made examples in front of him, which will definitely benefit him a lot.

Just listening to Ximen Linglan said: "Time is pressing, we have already delayed a lot of time, let's accompany you to understand the invincible road first! This is much more difficult than absorbing the source of chaos."

"it is good!"

The first level of the invincible road, Han Fei has obviously completed. In the realm of the great emperor, even the first generation of human emperors could not defeat him, let alone the powerhouses of the same realm in the sea realm of the later world.

And the second realm, with the invincible will, by the situation of heaven and earth, comprehend the realm of "potential". In order to reach the state where the enemy can't hit or hurt.

During the time when Ximen Linglan absorbed the source of chaos, Han Fei also used the Dao of Lending Life many times. However, in the short three-breath time, it was really difficult for him to understand the so-called "potential".

However, the records of the Prophet made it clear that the way to comprehend the "potential" is to observe the heaven and the earth and understand the situation of the heaven and earth. Explanation, if you want to understand the power of heaven and earth, you must observe heaven and earth itself.

Since Heaven can comprehend it, Han Fei believes that he should also be able to. He just listened to him: "Ling Lan, chaos produces thousands of races, how about we take a stroll in this long star sea?"

"Well, it would be even better if there was a boat."

Ximen Linglan smiled lightly, she liked the feeling of wandering.

"Hahaha! Then build a ship."

Time is fleeting, five hundred years have passed, a **** ship sails silently in this vast sea of ​​stars.

In this era, nothing has changed because of Han Fei and the others.

But Han Fei is not ignorant. About three hundred years ago, something happened that shook the sea of ​​​​stars. The battle between the human race and the Yaozhi lineage shook the Xinghai all races.

Ten years later, Yaozhi's lineage announced the relocation of Chaos Land. And as we all know, that is the territory of the human race, and Yaozhi's move basically means that Gan is under the human race. To put it badly, it is to serve the human race as the mainstay.

During the war, Han Fei did not go. Afterwards, however, Han Fei had been to that battlefield. Looking back in time, he saw some pictures of the old battles. In that battle, the Supreme Realm powerhouse did not take action. Still focusing on the heavens, we fought a battle of the three realms of the divine body.

In that battle, there were as many as four Zhenhai god-level powerhouses who fell from Yaozhi's lineage. There are more than 30 god-killing powerhouses.

As for the human race, the Zhenhai **** level did not fall. However, among the god-killing powerhouses that Han Fei had rescued in the past, there were a total of seven people, and six of them fell. Only the goddess who mastered the law of life did not fall, and all the others fell.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei can only sigh, he can't actually change this era.

In the next few hundred years, the battles in the Xinghai continued, but Han Fei didn't pay attention to it anymore, because he should see and understand the things he should know when he sees the sky in the future.

In the vast world, Han Fei and Ximen Ling Lan became pure spectators here, and the two of them watched the galaxy together.

There is one more rumor in this world. It is said that in the vast chaotic star sea, there is a lonely ship, always sailing in the mist, mysterious and extraordinary.

On this day, the lonely boat broke through the tranquility of the starry sky and appeared in a place not too far away from the chaotic land.

On the deck, Han Fei finally sighed slightly: "We have been in this era for a thousand years, maybe I am too impatient, trying to take a mere five hundred years, looking at the world, after all, it is still not realistic, I have to change it. One way. Go! Time to go."

Ximen Linglan gently hugged from behind Han Fei: "I will definitely miss this period of time in the future. Although it is short, it is extremely beautiful. There are no disputes, no wars, no conspiracies and calculations. It's a pity..."

Han Fei smiled lightly: "So, we have to win. Only by defeating the ominous can we have infinite beauty."


The long river of time broke open, and this boat, this person, disappeared without a trace.

The two came in a hurry and left in a hurry, only the old man in the world, stroking his pale beard, looked at the quiet deep space with a smile on his face.

Returning to the long river of time, sailing the Vientiane Instrument, refining the demon pot, concealing the divine seal, and creating the divine prison, Han Fei felt that everything had returned.

However, this was as expected, and Han Fei was not surprised.

At this moment, the two were going down the river, but the speed was not fast.

From the very beginning, Han Fei had already thought about it. He would give himself five hundred years to observe the heaven and earth and realize the Tao. Because, in the long river of time, you can still see the changes of this era clearly.

Sure enough, if you are in the long river of time and look at the sea world again, you will find that the mist on the chaotic vast land is quickly dissipating, and everything on this chaotic vast soil is changing.

From the towering snow-capped peaks to the steep cliffs of the Furious Sea.

From **** wars to silent graves.

From verdant vast woodlands to war-torn fissures.

From the festive sacrificial dance, to the heavy sound of the death knell.

Wars, riots, landslides, overturning seas, changing colors of heaven and earth, vicissitudes of life, mountains and seas... In the flow of time, Han Fei can see the prosperity of the human race.

One day in the long river, thousands of years in chaos. When Han Fei and Ximen Linglan spanned 27 million years in one day, the six veins were unified.

At this moment, the vast land of chaos is almost divided among the six veins. Except for the stillborn of the ancients, under each vein, there are hundreds of millions of races. Until the chaotic land was overwhelmed, and a large number of races moved away.

When Han Fei saw the Six Meridians event and the ten thousand races gathered in the world, he knew that the sky was about to break through. He also did not expect that the breakthrough of the sky would take more than 27 million years.

The six clans return, and the four seas return to one. The sky asked, the supreme road is now.

When Han Fei and Ximen Linglan once again smashed the long **** of time and appeared in the chaotic era of this time period, Cang Tian held the sky and swallowed the gods. Countless races, worship.

Han Fei could predict that at this moment, the will of the world and the will of all ethnic groups gathered in his body. Han Fei and Ximen Linglan felt that the Xinghai they were in was completely controlled.

The two of them immediately realized that Cang Tian asked that all living beings in this domain will surrender, and if they do not leave, they must surrender.

Han Fei immediately congratulated him from a distance, and slightly cupped his hands: "Congratulations to senior brother for breaking through."

Just as he asked this question, Cang Tian turned his head and looked into the sea of ​​​​stars. Prophet, Shao Siming also looked towards Xinghai. Only they knew who showed up.


The next moment, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, withdrew from this era and returned to the long river of time.

At this moment, Han Fei still has more seasons in his heart. Is this the power of the breakthrough of the supreme technique? The breakthroughs of Senior Brother Qinglong, Fifth Senior Brother and even Senior Brother Lei Heng were completely different.

That is a kind of power that dominates the universe, thanks to the fact that he left in time, otherwise Fang Tiandi would do his best to obliterate himself and Ximen Linglan.

Ximen Linglan: "I believe you can break through too, you will be stronger than him."

Han Fei laughed: "You really look up to me."

Ximen Linglan smiled sweetly: "Anyway, my husband is no worse than anyone else."

The two continued to follow the long river of time, because they could only see the vast land of chaos, so Han Fei and Ximen Linglan couldn't see exactly what happened in the sea of ​​stars in the era of chaos.

However, after Cangtian set foot on the Supreme Being, in less than ten million years, countless strong men rushed to the Xinghai one after another. At that moment, Han Fei knew that bad luck was coming.

Han Fei and Ximen Linglan tried to find the ominous place through the Navigation Vientiane.

Looking for it, I found it. At an unknown long river bank in the Xinghai Sea, Han Fei saw an ominous scene of fighting against the sky. Seeing the ominous look, Han Fei was stunned, thinking that he had seen all beings, as if he could be any creature, any race.

Yes, one person is like all living beings, but it is different from that of the big brother, and the ominous appearance of all living beings is too hideous.

And even if he looked through the long river of time, this glance was ominously discovered. Immediately, an ominous mist tried to penetrate the long river of time.

However, as soon as this fog touched the long river of time, it was wiped out by the sky.

But Han Fei and Ximen Linglan didn't dare to look at them again, and immediately fled.

Han Fei: "That should be ominous, right?"

Ximen Linglan also nodded in fear, "It should be right."

Han Fei said in a heartbeat, "Did you see what he looked like?"

Ximen Linglan shook his head: "I can't see clearly, I seem to see a big world, hundreds of millions of sentient beings."

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth: "Me too."

It was hard for Han Fei to imagine how to fight against such an enemy. He could be considered a half Zhenhai God-level powerhouse after all, but in the face of this kind of opponent, with just one move of the opponent's power, he felt that he couldn't match it. Therefore, those who can fight the ominous, I am afraid, only the master-level powerhouse, and it is the most powerful master-level.

Ximen Linglan: "Go directly to the ending battle of the first ominous battle!"

Han Fei nodded seriously: "Well."

As the Navigation Vientiane turned, the two no longer deliberately slowed down, but went down the river of time at full speed.

After a few breaths, with the movement of the Nautical Vientiane Instrument, Ximen Linglan waved casually, the blade of hope cut through the long river of time, and the two entered the era of chaos once again.

And this time.

Entering this place does not mean that they can observe the powerful and ominous battles of this era. Therefore, Han Fei and Ximen Linglan still appeared in the vast chaotic land, that is, near the sea world.

And when the two appeared, just after a few breaths, they saw a teleportation channel appear in front of them.

Only an old and familiar voice sounded: "You two, we haven't seen you for 90 million years, stay safe."


Han Fei and Ximen Linglan looked at each other and reappeared in the prophet's residence that seemed to have just left.

And the Prophet is still that immortal, unfathomable appearance.

Han Fei: "I have seen the senior prophet."

The Prophet smiled slightly: "For you, it shouldn't take long, right?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Can the senior prophet budget for our arrival?"

I saw the prophet shaking his head slightly: "No, I have been waiting for you to appear. Because, your appearance this time should mean an ominous cessation. It's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

I was afraid that a character like the prophet would gasp for breath, especially this reversed tone.

I just heard the Prophet sigh: "Unfortunately, the timing of your appearance was not very good."

Han Fei frowned: "Senior Prophet, what's wrong with this time?"

The prophet looked at Han Fei: "You have mastered the Navigation Vientiane! So you can appear at this time precisely."

Han Fei nodded, there was nothing to hide, and he couldn't hide it.

I saw that the prophet slowly got up: "Unfortunately, at this point in time, the sky has not yet been able to defeat the ominous. But this time, it is the day when the ominous subsides. So... there is only one way to defeat the ominous. ."

Han Fei raised his eyelids, and the prophet's words shook his heart. Because from the meaning of his words, it seems that the ominous is not defeated by the sky. If even the heavens who have gone through the path of supreme being can't defeat the ominous, what would be the so-called only way of the prophet?

Han Fei's face was solemn: "What can I do?"


But the prophet suddenly smiled and said, "Perhaps, you can also use this method. So, the old man will take you to witness a method that can temporarily calm down the ominous situation."

Han Fei couldn't help but be shocked. Isn't his trip here to find a solution to the ominous situation. Unexpectedly, I thought I could only see the slightest trace in the records of the Chaos Era. I never expected to see it this way.

The next moment, I saw the Prophet wave his hand gently, the endless fog disappeared in an instant, and in an instant, Chi Chi Xinghai. The Prophet, with Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, actually appeared directly in a ominous and dilapidated Xinghai territory.

At this moment, in this domain, forty-three supreme powerhouses, headed by the sky, are doing their best to suppress and purify this ominous creature that spans the galaxies.


The Prophet appeared with Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, and immediately attracted the attention of all the Supreme Realm powerhouses.

Cangtian immediately snorted: "Old man, why are you... why are you here?"

Cangtian's face was extremely ugly, because he saw Han Fei and Ximen Linglan.

Only to hear the prophet sigh: "Oh my God! The time has finally come."

Heaven's eyes were splitting for a while, and he said eagerly, "Old man, don't mess around."

I just heard the prophet sigh: "It's not the old man who is messing around, but everyone present today, who may all be messing with the old man. God, you are no exception."

After speaking, the prophet looked at Han Fei with a smile and said, "This is the last resort, it is a last resort. But if there is really no way, you can give it a try."


I saw that the prophet suddenly turned into an incomparably stalwart body, and he was growing crazy.


As the Prophet opened his mouth and took a breath, the ominousness of the galaxy soon decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In that ominous fog, countless races, countless faces, and countless voices are roaring and shouting.

"You are killing yourself. I am an immortal body. Even if you destroy my body, I will return in the future... You can't trap me..."

I just heard the voice of the prophet rumbling: "I will leave it for future generations to kill you. There are always people who are not afraid of sacrifice. Even if you destroy your body, you may not necessarily sacrifice."

Han Fei was shocked. He didn't expect that the way the prophet said was to swallow the ominous. How can this be called a method?

"Wait, it's not swallowing... it's sealing."

Han Fei saw that the Prophet's body, surrounded by billions of laws, formed an infinite brand, which was also being inhaled into his body. Therefore, the prophet uses himself as a container and seals the ominous.

However, how long can this seal the ominous?

Ximen Linglan: "Look."

But see. The more than forty supreme-level powerhouses are also violent at this moment.

Someone laughed: "After all, it has come to this step."

Someone shook his head: "Forget it, I'm tired of watching this Chaos Xinghai."

Some people even breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm tired after playing for so long. Haven't you all been wanting to visit that road? Even if you can't come back, so what?"

"Hahaha! It's been a long time since I was so full of expectations. With so many people together, the road must be very lively."


I saw that these supreme beings, like prophets, all used themselves as containers and began to swallow the ominous.

Just listening, in the ominous fog, countless faces were shouting: "You bunch of lunatics, hahaha... Without you, this Xinghai would be in my pocket sooner or later."


Just listen to the sky angrily shout, and the whole body is golden. I saw that he reached out and slapped his forehead, and a piece of soul body came out of the body and flew directly to Han Fei.

Just listen to him: "Junior brother, I will see you in the future."

After he finished speaking, Cang Tian's body scattered with boundless golden light, covering half of the galaxy, and the boundless golden light actually swallowed nearly half of the ominous body in one go.

"Human Sovereign, how can you allow you to show your prestige alone?"

"Human Sovereign, eat alone, you are too much."

"Human Sovereign, is it your appetite?"

"Eat so much in one bite, hold on carefully."

Forty-three Supreme Realm, plus a prophet, in a blink of an eye, the ominous body was divided up, and Han Fei and Ximen Linglan were dumbfounded.

"Brush brush"

I saw that each and every one of the Supremes disappeared here. The Prophet raised his hand, and together with Han Fei and Ximen Linglan, they walked through the endless fog again.

When Han Fei's eyes lit up again, he saw that it was a boundless dam, and the turbulent tide made a deafening sound.

In front of him is a boundless sea, the top is shrouded in misty mist, and the sky is filled with radiance. Just looking at it, it seems that you can feel an inexplicable call.

"The road to no return."

Han Fei was horrified. When he realized where this place was, he immediately knew what the prophet's so-called last resort was.

This method does not use these supreme bodies as containers, and the seal is ominous. Instead, the ominous temporary seal was brought into this road of no return.

Once they enter this road of no return, they can even release the ominous at any time, a road where even the first supreme cannot return, how can this ominous return?

The Prophet looked at Han Fei: "Yes, this is the way. Your appearance has allowed me to prove the feasibility of this method. If the ominous can return, you will not appear. If you can appear, it means that he will not be able to return. Although this chaotic star sea is big, it is no longer interesting to the Supreme, and it is not necessarily a bad thing to embark on this road."

Han Fei was shocked, he subconsciously said: "Senior and others enter this way, what about Xinghai?"

The Prophet smiled slightly: "There is never a shortage of strong men in this world, not today, nor in the future."

After speaking, the prophet greeted this place: "Void My Disciple. In the future, you must guard this place."

"is teacher."

Han Fei didn't react yet, he only felt a vast void, and suddenly floated up, as if he had been waiting here for a long time. The next moment, that huge void turned into a human.

Han Fei couldn't believe his ears and eyes, because in his eyes, the figure that appeared was as deep as the sea of ​​​​stars, and he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Fuck, Big Brother?"

Han Fei said these words subconsciously, and when he heard the figure, the prophet, and the sky, they were all stunned.

next moment.

But I saw the sky laughing loudly: "Hahaha! This is a prophecy, UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not expect that you are actually my junior brother. It's a pity that I couldn't fight with my junior brother again, which is a great regret. I hope there will be one. On the day, I can fight with Junior Brother again."

Han Fei has already reacted and shouted: "Senior brother, I will wait for you to return to fight."

The Prophet looked at Han Fei at this moment, and Han Fei also looked at the Prophet. Although he was shocked, if the Prophet was the teacher of the Temple of Void, he could accept it. I saw Han Fei bowing respectfully: "Teacher."


I just heard that after the prophet laughed three times, he pressed a finger and placed it on Han Fei's eyebrows: "How can you be rude when masters and disciples meet? Prediction, the heavens and the world."

In Han Fei's mind, hundreds of millions of stars suddenly appeared in Han Fei's mind. There are initial places, unknown realms, chaotic fogs, and Hongmeng secrets.

At that moment, he seemed to be incarnated into hundreds of millions of eyes, overlooking the world, and pictures flashed quickly in his mind. He could even feel the changes in that piece of heaven and earth, from birth to decay.

These ten thousand worlds are combined together to create a magnificent world.

Han Fei didn't know it yet, but Ximen Linglan saw it very clearly. Between Han Fei's brows, he opened his third eye, and his whole body was radiant, like a fairy.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, the countless images in Han Fei's mind were frozen and dissipated. Only one picture emerges, that is a divine vine, rippling in a flowing spring. And that clear spring is actually composed of laws.


Han Fei suddenly opened his eyes, his expression agitated.

However, there is no prophet in front of him, Cang Tian and others. Only the senior brother, sitting on the bank of the dam, was looking at himself quietly.

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