God of Fishing

Chapter 2874: The Return of Xinghai Dangerous Situation

The moment Han Fei opened his eyes, he knew that his invincible path had reached the second level.

Although Han Fei is confident that he can go to the second level by himself, it takes time, and what he lacks is precisely time. Therefore, the last finger of the prophet or prophet can be regarded as a heavy gift.

But this is not the gift from the prophet's real master and apprentice. What he really sent is the last picture. Han Fei was all too familiar with that small vine, and it was the magic pot divine vine.

Han Fei's heart was agitated, he remembered, when he saw this small vine, he remembered the words of the ancient human race powerhouse, there is a tenth small vine in the refining demon pot, but he is not sure. Because this is in the era of chaos, the refining of the demon pot has not been done by one person in later generations, and Xiaoteng has also disintegrated. Therefore, Han Fei can't be sure.

However, he has a way to be sure.

Because, in the divine soul that Cangtian finally called back, there are 90 million years of seeing, hearing, and even a lot of insights, as well as some major events in the Chaos Era.

And in these big events, in addition to Cang Tian's own access to the Supreme Technique, there was also a person involved, a person who was beyond Han Fei's expectations.

This person is named Li Daoyi.

Li Daoyi, a female cultivator of the strong human race and Yaozhi's lineage, gave birth to the offspring. As soon as he was born, he attracted the splendid celestial phenomena, and there were three peerless Taoist species in the form of the divine tree, the unicorn, and the phoenix bird.

However, Li Daoyi does not belong to the human race, nor does he belong to the lineage of Yaozhi.

His birth has created a brand new vein, one person can be said to be the darling of God.

Ming Ming, the young master of the human race, once made an exaggerated remark, except for the six meridians and the ten battles of chaotic air luck, Li Daoyi has eight battles exclusively.

Li Daoyi's growth path can also be called miraculous. When he was young, he went through thousands of calamities, but he always managed to save himself from danger, which confirms the legend of Shao Siming's luck.

Of course, this is inseparable from the support of the human race and Yaozhi. After all, in terms of sense of belonging, Li Daoyi can say that he is a human race, or he can be said to be in the line of Yaozhi.

The ominous beginning was due to Li Daoyi.

According to Cangtian's understanding, the ominous sudden appearance was that Li Daoyi pulled out the demon refining pot in the depths of chaos.

Yes, because of Huang Huang's luck, Li Daoyi became the first generation user of the refining demon pot.

Therefore, you only need to determine how many vines there are in the demon refining pot in Li Dao's hand, and then you can know whether the divine vine you see is the tenth one.

"It's really the pride of the sky!"

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh, even 80,000 years ago, Cangtian left the Nautical Vientiane Instrument to Ji Ming, the six purple doors of Hongmeng to Li Daoyi, and the big bell he had used, It was handed over to another super god-level powerhouse of the human race who was expected to be supreme.

From this, it can be seen that the sky values ​​Li Daoyi. Although he is not and cannot be regarded as a human race, the sky obviously regards him as the main force in the fight against ominous future generations.

In the end, Cangtian was extremely crazy, forcibly melted the three treasures of good fortune, and made a divine seal with all his strength, and refined the will of the emperor and luck into it, and named it the eternal seal.

This seal, temporarily in charge of Jin Ming, must be of human bloodline before it can be in charge. He wants to take this as an inheritance and hopes to make the race last forever.

However, a baby is a baby after all. Even with the imprint of eternity, the human race will inevitably decline in the end.

However, this is the last thing the sky can do for the human race.

Obviously, after fighting with ominous for many years, Cangtian also knows that ominous is difficult to deal with, so some treasures on his body have been planned in advance.

Thousands of information poured into Han Fei's mind, and these were just a few of the infinite information.

Among these information, there is also the origin of the Hongmeng Zimen, which was actually given to the sky by the prophet.

There are also all kinds of insights into the supreme technique of the sky, which all require Han Fei to spend a certain amount of time and carefully study.


After Han Fei woke up from the power of the prophet's finger, he instinctively began to search. Except for Ximen Linglan, who was here, there was only the senior brother.

The first time Han Fei opened her eyes, Ximen Linglan didn't realize it, because she was sitting next to Han Fei to practice, and the law of time was surging all over her body, apparently using time to accelerate.

Seeing this, Han Fei's first reaction was that a long time had passed. Otherwise, Ximen Linglan wouldn't be able to take advantage of even a single moment of the situation. With her character, she would probably always guard her.

Han Fei saluted immediately: "I have seen the senior brother."

As soon as Han Fei opened his mouth, he woke up Ximen Linglan. The latter opened his eyes quickly, removed the time acceleration, and got up numbly.

"you're awake?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "I've realized it for a long time?"

Ximen Linglan: "It's less than eight hundred years."

"Eight hundred years?"

Han Fei was shocked at the time. He felt that he only understood a stick of incense, what was it that was eight hundred years old?

At that moment, I heard the senior brother speak slowly: "There are some roads, for ordinary people, there is no shortcut. To understand the invincible road, you need to look at the sky and the earth. Eight hundred years is already very fast. The world, but to comprehend it by oneself, even if the talent is unparalleled, it may not be achieved in eight million years."

Han Fei couldn't help smacking his tongue: "What the senior brother said is."

The senior brother shook his head slightly: "Strictly speaking, I am not your senior brother at present, I just know that you will be my junior brother."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that Big Brother is quite sincere.

However, it may be precisely because the senior brother is too serious and serious, so he guards the endless years here alone.

It was hard for Han Fei to imagine that the senior brother had been guarding here since this time. How lonely it must be?

The next moment, the senior brother raised his hand and saw a scroll of Shenmu flying towards Han Fei.

Just listen to the senior brother: "Before leaving, teacher, let me hand it over to you. Among them, are some of the research results of the teacher, you should read it, and then destroy it. Some things, the fewer people know about it, the better."

At this time, the senior brother was still a little indifferent to Han Fei.

Han Fei took the Shenmu scroll, unfolded it, and suddenly felt a shock in his heart. Because, what was recorded in this scroll turned out to be the cycle of reincarnation.

It is written above that I create reincarnation for three purposes.

First, the soul is born in the heavens and the earth, it is immortal and reincarnated, and this way can protect the immortality of all races. When necessary, it can seal the gate of rebirth and kill all beings of all races, so as to protect the fire of all races and gods, and it will come out again in the dark.

The second is to curb the ominous, wash away the sins of the world, weaken the source of ominous power, and delay the ominous recovery time.

Seeing this, Han Fei knew why Jiang Taichu was able to reach a deal with reincarnation and ominousness. Obviously, the appearance of reincarnation has greatly curbed the ominous.

The main source of ominous power is the negativity of Xinghai Wanzu. But the ten thousand clans in the sea have all embarked on the cycle of reincarnation after their death, and all their sins have been brought into this road and purified, how much can be left to him?

With just this one, the cycle of reincarnation has surpassed countless treasures of good fortune.

The third is a picture.

When Han Fei was immersed, the portrait seemed to come alive, and Han Fei's consciousness seemed to be brought into another time and space. He saw a place where the chaotic purple air and the chaotic fog were intertwined and shrouded, and the demon refining pot was born here. And a white-haired old man was the prophet. He was holding a long sword and standing in front of the demon refining pot.

The Prophet did not look back, but said leisurely: "This thing should be born of good fortune, symbiotic with ten vines, feeding on the source of chaos, and can understand all the heavens and thousands of clans, observe its fortunes, and control its good fortune. Unfortunately, the tenth vine has not yet Mature."

The prophet looked up and seemed to be predicting something. After a while, he slowly said, "It's too late."

After saying this, the Prophet swung his sword and chopped off the tenth vine and tucked it into his sleeve.

Then, the Prophet used his finger to draw in the air, and left a message: "This gourd has ten vines, nine of which are unique, and one vine is infertile. I will cut it and raise it in the source of chaos. When it matures, it can be taken. It may solve the danger of a lifetime."

At this time, the Prophet turned around and looked at Han Fei, as if looking at each other from a distance.

I only heard the prophet speak: "I have a word to give: this thing is a foreign thing after all."


The scene in front of him disappeared, and Han Fei suddenly returned to his senses. He was shocked. What did the teacher's last sentence mean? It is said that the refining demon pot is a foreign object?

Obviously, this sentence was said by the prophet to himself, but why does Han Fei feel that he doesn't understand a little? Can solve the ominous danger, and say it is a foreign object, what does the teacher want to express?

At this moment, the sacred wood scroll in Han Fei's hand shattered into powder and dissipated in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Han Fei took a deep breath. The demon pot was created during these 90 million years. I don't know if it's because he mentioned this name to the prophet, or because he foresaw it. So, he made the layout in advance.

Han Fei never expected that the tenth vine was cut off by the prophet himself and hidden.

As for where the source of chaos is, Han Fei seems to have a clear understanding in his heart. Luo Xiaobai once reminded himself that under the cycle of reincarnation, the river of the law does not know where it flows or where it comes from.

Now, Han Fei knew that the cycle of reincarnation was created by the prophet, so the tenth vine, if nothing else, would be in this river.

At this moment, Han Fei figured out a lot of things.

Ximen Linglan: "What's wrong?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly, then he looked at the senior brother: "Eldest brother, have you read this scroll?"

The senior brother shook his head slightly, paused and then said, "You don't need to think about what the teacher left behind. Just wait until the right time, and you will eventually comprehend it."

Han Fei couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Eldest brother, can you tell me what kind of person the teacher is? The entire human race seems to have no record of him."

The senior brother looked into the depths of the road of no return, and after a long time, he calmly said, "Just an ordinary old man who has lived for a long time."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Feixin said that the senior brother is indeed not a person suitable for chatting. He naturally didn't believe that the teacher was an ordinary old man, maybe it was just that the big brother didn't want to say it.

As for when the eldest brother became the teacher's apprentice, I'm afraid this can only be known from a much longer period of time.

Of course, Han Fei wouldn't go back to the roots for this little curiosity, otherwise he would have too many things to trace.

Now, the teacher has given a hint, and it is clear that the vine that he sees is the tenth vine, and there is no need to go to Li Daoyi.

Han Fei: "Senior brother, I should go. Please give me a ride, I'm going to the vast land of chaos."

"it is good!"

A moment later, when Han Fei and Ximen Linglan walked out of the void, they had already appeared outside the vast chaotic land.

Where the human race is, on a lonely peak, Jin Ming is sitting on the back of Hu Xie, quietly looking at the sea of ​​stars.

When Han Fei and Ximen Linglan appeared behind him, Jin Ming didn't look back, but said in a daze, "Have you left yet?"

Han Fei bowed his hands slightly: "Senior Ming, I want to ask you a favor."


Although Jin Ming didn't like Han Fei, what the prophet said was right. Heaven's luck, after taking in one of Han Fei's spirits, actually increased instead of decreasing.

Moreover, Han Fei is the emperor of later generations, and he appeared here for the sake of this chaotic sea of ​​stars, so she would not refuse Han Fei's request in the sense of justice.

Just listen to Han Fei: "I want the bones of the strong, I don't need the whole, just the parts. No matter what race, the more the better, the stronger the better."

Han Fei couldn't take the complete corpse, because he didn't know whether the corpse would affect future generations, and how much it would affect. But if only a part was intercepted, he believed that Ming Ming could help him.

"Okay, I'll get it later in March."

three months later.

When Han Fei held the secret treasure of a small world in his hand, there was a gleam in his eyes. He knew that this trip to the era of chaos was coming to an end.

The battle between Cangtian and the teacher is over, and the rest is the battle of the doomsday era, a battle that belongs to him.

In the long river of time, Han Fei hesitated for a while, but with the help of the Navigation Vientiane, he found the end of the Xinghai. Across the sea of ​​time, Han Fei bowed deeply towards the lonely figure in front of the dam before leaving.

Ximen Linglan: "In this lonely town, hundreds of millions of years... The Lord of the Void, it must be very lonely, right?"

"Alas! This may be the path chosen by the eldest brother!"

Han Fei always felt that there should be some differences between the elder brother of today and the elder brother of later generations. It seems to be a little more indifferent now, making it difficult for people to get close. The future is much better, making people feel very close.

"Perhaps, in this long time, there are more or less stories about the senior brother!"


Haijie, Zhonghai Shenzhou, the city of freedom.

Today, Zhonghai Shenzhou is extremely prosperous. After breaking the former situation of co-governance by various powers, countless powerhouses from all ethnic groups in the sea world rushed to Zhonghai Shenzhou.

The forces, big and small, set up sects in Zhonghai Shenzhou and set up a station in the City of Liberty.

For a time, the city of freedom became the most prosperous place in the sea world, bringing together countless talents and resources in the sea world. The open practice method has attracted the four major Chinese states to follow suit.

Here, there are endless opportunities, as long as you work hard, you can always get your favorite exercises, weapons, combat skills, etc.

And the human race is growing at an incredible speed in this glorious world.

There are many juvenile geniuses in the human race, and their cultivation speed is terrifying. Even, it has been confirmed that there are as many as five or six people who have been reincarnated by gods. These people, in just a thousand years, have stepped into the realm of the emperor.

The most important thing is that the city of freedom, which created a precedent for the practice of the sea, actually has a large amount of power of trading laws in the city. This matter has the city of freedom, the five major states, and countless powerhouses in the sea world, and it has been comprehensively discussed and decided.

The reason why the power of the law is used as a transaction is very obvious, that is, to help the strong immortals to quickly stack the law. This is a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times faster than slowly pulling the law in the chaotic void.

Of course, if you want to stack tens of thousands, the resources you need to pay are also not small. Therefore, although this method is good, it is too short in the end. In less than two thousand years, only no more than a hundred great emperors have been created.

The sea world is splendid, like the return of light before death. But everyone knows that this is the last struggle of all ethnic groups. Some people choose to lie down, some people choose to fight for the last time, some people choose to go crazy, and some people choose to enjoy the world...

But these are mostly the choices of ordinary people. After all, this piece of heaven and earth is always supported by the strong, and many experts in the sea world choose to go to Xinghai. If they are destined to die in ten thousand years, they also want to see the wonders of the Xinghai Sea and see the splendor of the Chaos Sea, instead of living in the sea world for ten thousand years.


A long river of time was revealed in the void, and the figures of Han Fei and Ximen Linglan walked out of it.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing: "I thought it would take me a few years to return from this trip, but I didn't expect it would take 1800 years. Come, come home with me."

"Wait a moment."

Ximen Linglan was a little uneasy at the moment: "Do you really want me to go?"

There was a hint of tenderness on Han Fei's face: "Now, you are my wife too."

Ximen Linglan took a deep breath, seemed to have made a decision, and snorted, "Let's go."


Han Fei's perception swept away, thinking of finding Xia Xiaochan's place and going straight over. But in perception, Xia Xiaochan, Han Chanyi, Zhang Xuanyu, Le Renkuang, Luo Xiaobai and the others were all absent.

Han Fei urged the Dao of Self to reach the strength of Zhenhai Divine Spirit. His perception swept the entire sea world, and his heart sank slightly. Senior Brother Liushen, Senior Brother Lei Heng, Yue Lingke, and the old murderer were not even there.

In the lineage of the gods, all the gods are gone, and there are only seven people left in the Great Emperor Realm.

Even in the sea of ​​strange beasts, there are only less than 10 great emperors left at this moment.

Emperor Que seemed to sense Han Fei and wanted to rise into the air.

But Han Fei said, "I'll find you later."

Han Fei guessed that the sea world was missing so many strong people all of a sudden, and most of them should have gone to Xinghai.

At this moment, Qiu Wanren is the only one sitting in Zhonghai Shenzhou. After Han Fei glanced at Qiu Wanren, Qiu Wanren immediately returned.

"In 1800, your kid finally came back?"


When Han Fei appeared in front of Qiu Wanren, he couldn't help but be surprised: "You actually broke through?"

Qiu Wanren snorted smugly: "In the God of Creation Prison, this old man has thought of countless ways to advance to the Zhenhai God. With the addition of the plant spirit and the treasure of the gods, it is not difficult to enter the Zhenhai God."

Han Fei: "Congratulations! Where are they?"

After walking through the Chaos Era, after meeting the ominous once, after learning about the First Supreme, after observing the world of all worlds and comprehending the invincible body, Han Fei has completely lost his reverence for the Zhenhai God.

In the face of ominous, the role that Zhenhai Spirit can play is limited after all.

Qiu Wanren didn't care about Han Fei's insincere congratulations, but said, "They've all been recruited. During your absence, some big things, big things happened in Xinghai."

Han Fei couldn't help but look solemn: "What happened?"

Qiu Wanren also said with a serious expression: "I don't know exactly what happened. However, over the Chaos Sea, an emergency summon was made, and almost all the ninety percent of the sea world's emperor realm powerhouses were taken away."

Han Fei frowned: "No one objected?"

Qiu Wanren: "Your Void Temple allows it. Moreover, the visitors have talked to every great emperor. It is said that it is the first battlefield outside the Chaos Sea. The battle situation is extremely fierce, and countless strong people of all races have fallen. The old man was at the time of the breakthrough. During this period, I couldn’t leave if I wanted to, so I stayed in the sea world and was responsible for guarding the sea world.”

Han Fei frowned: "Is it that serious?"

Qiu Wanren: "There is something more serious than this."


I saw that Qiu Wanren's face sank: "Now, there is no contact with the Chaos Sea."


Han Fei couldn't help shaking his head: "What does it mean to be out of contact?"

Qiu Wanren looked at Han Fei and sighed slightly: "There is an ominous fog that traverses the Chaos Sea, completely isolating the connection between the sea world and the first battlefield in Chaos Overseas."

Ximen Linglan also said stunned: "How is it possible, how wide the Chaos Sea is, what a huge ominous fog it must be to traverse the Chaos Sea?"

Qiu Wanren had never met Ximen Linglan, but he had heard of it to some extent. Seeing that the opponent's strength was still slightly overpowering him, he sighed slightly: "That's the truth. The people from the Three Temples should know more about this, and you should be able to get in touch. Bar?"

Han Fei's face was ugly: "So, Xia Xiaochan, Yiyi, and Henry Zhang are now all trapped in the so-called first battlefield."

Qiu Wanren nodded. He was not from the Three Gods Temple, and he could not contact the Three Gods Temple, nor could he leave the sea world, so the information he could know was limited.

Ximen Linglan: "Don't panic, I'll go to the Temple of Time and ask."

Han Fei: "No, I will contact the senior brother or senior sister of the Void Temple directly."

Han Fei immediately touched the void mark.

"Little Junior Brother, are you back?"

"Senior Kagura?"

Han Fei couldn't help but be overjoyed. The one who responded to him was Senior Sister Kagura, which means that Senior Senior Brother is still inconvenient at the moment, and Senior Senior Brother is inconvenient, which mostly means that the ominous is still restrained by Senior Senior Brother.

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Senior Sister Kagura, I just returned from the Chaos Era. What happened? Why was the Chaos Sea cut off? What is the current situation in the first battlefield?"

I just heard Senior Sister Kagura say, "Some unexpected things have indeed happened this time. The ominous side... It seems that there is a second ominous figure that surpasses the master level."


For a while, Han Fei was like five thunders banging on the top. The first thought in his heart was, how can we fight this?

Just an ominous beyond the master level, it has tortured the Xinghai myriad clan for hundreds of millions of years, and almost destroyed the Xinghai myriad clan several times.

Now there's another one, what's going on here?

Senior Sister Kagura: "Little Junior Brother, don't worry, it's just a suspicion, it has not been confirmed yet. At present, the senior brother and the third child are restraining the ominous deity. On the first battlefield, the Lord of Time and I personally sit in the town, and are suspected of surpassing that. Dominion-level ominous confrontation. At present, it is difficult to judge the opponent's strength. However, this time the ominous is very planned. It seems that it has been brewing for a long time. , and cut off the Chaos Sea, obviously preparing to eat the first battlefield in one go."

Han Fei's face was ugly: "Can you withstand the first battlefield?"

Senior Sister Kagura: "It can be resisted here for the time being, but after all, the manpower here is limited, and the front and back are surrounded by enemies, and the strong people of all races can only be trapped. At present, it should be able to hold for a thousand years. But I won't let him really eat away the first. In a battlefield, when necessary, I will enter the ominous. It is you, little junior brother, who can find a solution to the ominous this time."

Han Fei's face darkened. In fact, he wanted to say that the solution to the ominous situation was known to the eldest brother.

However, no one knows whether this method can still be used now. Because, in the prehistoric era, Jiang Taichu was a truce in exchange for reincarnation.

Moreover, the ominous life is immortal, and the teacher's method can only solve the urgent need.

What's more, today's Xinghai Wanzu, there are not so many Supreme Realm powerhouses in the Chaos Era. Even if it can bring the ominous into the road of no return, it may be necessary to exhaust all the master-level powerhouses.

However, now there is a second existence that seems to be beyond the ominous. If you really use all the masters and take away one ominous, then if the other is really beyond the master level, this Xinghai will be over.

Han Fei pondered for a while: "Senior sister, I already have an ominous direction to deal with, wait for me."

Senior Sister Kagura's tone was obviously a little higher: "Really?"

Han Fei frowned tightly: "Really."

Senior Sister Kagura immediately said: "Little Junior Brother, I will wait for you for eight hundred years. What you should pay attention to is that although Ominous seems to be desperate to cut off Chaos Sea, it does not mean that he really gave up Xinghai. With Ominous wisdom, He is very likely to secretly attack the sea world."

Han Fei thought: "Where is the **** of death?"

Senior Sister Kagura didn't mention the God of Death just now, indicating that the God of Death was not in the two battles, it was either fallen or on the side of Xinghai.

But will the **** of death fall? Obviously not, so Han Fei guessed that he should be the one who really guards the sea world now.

Senior Sister Kagura: "You should be able to guess it? Death Zhenhaijie, and the Thousand Domain Battlefield where the ominous retreat is monitored. At the same time, he has to beware of the Eternals. If it's not necessary, don't look for him. You can guess, the ominous nature is also Yes, the Eternals obviously understand. Therefore, the **** of death can't show up easily now."

"Understood. Senior Sister, wait for me..."

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