God of Fishing

Chapter 906: Deformed forest

I saw Li Luolu as if he had changed his personality, and suddenly patted his chest and said, "Frighten this girl. Han Fei, your enemy is too powerful. This guy, even the best soldiers ..." What sword did you just take? I'm alas. "

Han Fei had put away Snow's sorrow for a long time, and his expression was incomprehensible: "Did I use the sword just now? You read it wrong, the sword I used was a good sword."

"You lied to the ghost?"

Anyway, Han Fei couldn't take out the sorrow of Snow. Guess to Sun Mu, he will not guess that he is using Dinghai Yibao, at most the same level of the best soldiers.

Li Luolu pursed his lips: "It's stingy, buckle up. Forget it, this girl doesn't want to watch it yet ... but you owe me a breakthrough meal and I'll tell you."

"Ah? What? ... What a break?"

Liluo bouncing and walked forward the aisle: "Just now, the man said to kill you. Later, I wondered, didn't I discuss it with you last time? You made a meal for me, and I will help you kill 100 Personally, isn't it fair? Then I started! Who knew that man was so fierce that he couldn't beat him ... "

Han Fei immediately cried and laughed: "When did we discuss it? Xiao Jiu's law enforcement breach was purely because of her practice exercises. In fact, it's not that much different from meals, not everyone can break through the meal. Otherwise, I can cook every day! Lao Tzu, I have to come to me to cook ... "

Li Luoluo pouted: "Ah! I don't care anymore! You have to do it for me anyway, you have to help me break through ... Yes, you have experience in breaking law enforcement, Lao Du is your break ..."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: What makes me experienced in breaking law enforcement? Lao Du, is that an earthquake? I don't know anything at all!

Liludao said: "Okay! I mean, you should be a lucky person. I am a little bit angry with you, maybe I will break through when I turn around. By the way, do you like bugs?"

Han Fei said: "What do I like bugs? I don't."

Li Luoluo's voice suddenly raised: "You don't even like bugs?"

Han Fei hit a haha, felt a corpse, and immediately smiled: "So, you are not a controller, but a controller?"

Li Luolu looks at Han Fei like an idiot: "What kind of insect controller! I am the controller. But the control of thousands of Cordyceps. Forget it, I won't explain it to you, it doesn't make sense ..."

Han Feixin said: I'm too lazy to tell you!

Suddenly, Han Fei patted his thigh: "Walk around, go to Lingzhi Forest, bye-bye ..."

"Ah! Wait, I'll go too."

On Xiao Jin's back, Li Luo Luo curiously dragged and looked at Xiao Jin's head. From time to time, Xiao Jin rolled her eyes up to see this weird girl.

Han Fei was black-faced and patted Xiao Jindao: "Ah, hey! You are flying crooked!"

Xiao Jin quickly looked at the eyes and adjusted the direction back.

But listening to Luluo curious, "What kind of contract spirit beast are you? It ’s weird, is it a bird? But we break the star island, there is no such bird!"

Han Feidao: "Unexpected gain, anyway, just fly."

Li Lulu didn't ask. Birds, I often see them. Although this one is strange, it is just a bird!

Lu Luolu couldn't help wondering, "What are you going to do in Lingzhi Forest? How do you know that there are creatures in this battlefield? I also learned through bugs. How do you know?"

Han Fei is helpless: Why are these people 100,000?

Han Fei shrugged: "Luo Xiaobai, do you know? They came to me, our thug college."

Li Luolu nodded: "Have seen it! It's pretty, it's the type I like."

Han Feiyi stayed: "Don't do it! Luo Xiaobai likes men."

Li Luoluo angered: "I also like men. I said she is beautiful and bright, so cold, is the type I like."

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's do it! She can summon Ling Zhi from this battlefield and call out the vines there, naturally you know that there are plants here! With plants, I guess there is a Ling Zhi Forest!"


Li Luoluo surprised, "It's a good idea to find bugs with me!"


In a barren land, in a **** land, in a land where monsters are growing, an undersea forest appears. That forest is certainly not a good forest.

At this moment, not only the three of Luo Xiaobai, but more than 300 people should be trapped in this forest.

And this is still the case of many people and Sirens!

Of course, Luo Xiaobai did not know this was the case in the forest, because they were also trapped here.

Zhang Xuanyu shouted, "Xiaobai! You said this forest, wouldn't it be alive? We have already encountered the third wave of Siren, but we haven't met anyone."

The musician nodded frantically: "Uh-huh, the siren's body was eaten by this forest. Shouldn't we be in? There are too many bugs here? I don't know if I'm lost."

Luo Xiaobai calmly said: "Anyway, although perception is not available here, he is not entirely relying on perception. Moreover, although the plants here are weird, they often contain wisteria white vanilla leaves, and the problem is not large. At least, We can confirm one thing, here is a seal. "

"His ..."

Suddenly, vines move, trees move, and a passage opens.

Luo Xiaobai said: "Ready to fight."


after one day.

Han Fei and Liluo stood outside a vast Lingzhi forest. From the outside, the forest is full of flowers and vines. However, the most was the kind of gray vine that Luo Xiaobai had called out.

The trees here are unusually tall and dark green. On the trunk, there are not many leaves, mostly vines and twisted branches.

Through these canes, Han Fei and Li Luoluo saw the breathing vibrations in the forest here, which were seductive, as if something was tempting themselves.

Han Fei took out a few mint leaves, put one in his mouth, and passed it to Liluo.

Liluoluo: "What?"

Han Fei: "It's so refreshing to clear your head, it's not easy to fall into the illusion and the soul."

Li Luolu immediately grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth: "Then give me more."

Han Fei grabbed a few clumps for her, and said leisurely, "You said that the forest was deliberately tempting us in?"

Li Luolu hummed, "Of course it is! Such a low-level temptation ..."

Han Fei sighed and said, "You still have to get in! I feel like there is something in it ..."

Li Luoluo surprised: "Do you feel something too? I thought I felt wrong! Should the seal be inside?"

Han Fei nodded: "It should be."

This is what he just calculated. Can figure out where, but can't figure out where!

Han Fei grinned, "Let's go!"

To this strength, it is no longer possible to hide from seeing danger. Some danger, knowing it, but still have to go. Just like this weird underwater forest, there is a problem when you look at it. But things are there, do you say you go or not?

This is the case after practice. Life is here, see who can live to the end ...

Li Luo bounced and jumped into the forest: "As long as there is a forest, there are bugs. If there are bugs, I am afraid of him?

Han Fei glanced at the endless water, and no longer absorbed the essence of water. Come to think of it, it has been completely restored to its best condition.

I saw Han Fei grinning, "Go! Push the forest sideways."

The two entered side by side. When they first entered the forest, they were mostly vines. Walking backward, Han Fei found that the forest was not as monotonous as expected.

Here, there are also all kinds of strange and glowing aquatic plants, as well as blue-red flowers with teeth, deformed hermit crabs, hermit snakes, hermit crickets, and so on.

People didn't want to hide at all, it seemed to be saying: This is what the creatures here are. If you want to go in, you will slip in, and if you don't want to go in, I won't stop you.

Moreover, Han Fei found that the perception here was invalid, and Li Luo naturally knew it.

However, all of this is different in Li Luo's eyes.

The girl has already sprayed a colorful mist. After a few moments, a large number of deformed hermits ran to Liluolu.

Han Fei saw some scalp tingling: women who play bugs are not easy to mess with!

Just this girl, I'm afraid I can fight with Ye Qingfeng's old poison. No wonder ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Sun Mu was killed by her three or four men in the presence of the best soldiers.

Li Luolu hummed a small song: "There are no large creatures here! Explain that these spiritual plants are more dangerous."

Han Fei nodded: "Now, these Ling Zhi have not shot at us. Wait to go deeper, and then look."

After half an hour.

As Han Fei went all the way, Han Fei saw the trees moving here and the vines were pulling away.

At this moment, a long road appeared, and Han Fei and Li Luo both frowned.

Han Fei frowned: "Danger, here it is."

The fourth is ... asking for a monthly ticket ... I'm so hard, let's have some atmosphere and be active ...

(End of this chapter)

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