God of Fishing

Chapter 907: Soul Eater Botanical Garden

Han Fei guessed very well that this Lingzhi Forest is definitely alive. Even if it is not alive, there is at least one big guy like a leafless tree that can control the entire forest.

Han Fei is concerned that if there really is a leafless tree, it will be dangerous. Unlike the demon planting channel, where there is power suppression, the leafless tree can only exert the strength of the angler.

But here is different, the strength is not suppressed, which means that the opponent can be very strong and very strong.

Having said that, when necessary, Han Fei felt that he could try to destroy the earth's veins and forcibly pull away the strength of that strong man.

However, he did not have the seeds of the broken magic vine. If you want to destroy the ground vein, you can only break it.

As Han Fei moved forward with Li Luolu, he said, "Have you any way ... to destroy the veins of this forest?"

Liluo tilted her head playfully: "Destroy the ground?"

Han Fei nodded: "It may be of great use when necessary."

Li Luoluofang smiled: "Yes, I can bite with a worm. However, I don't know what exactly the ground vein here is."

Han Feidao: "If there are places that are different from other places, it will be more dangerous. Then, take everything underground."

Li Luolu giggled: "No problem."


There was a slight ripple on the water pattern, and Han Feidao said, "Let's go! See what's ahead?"

After walking less than 10 miles, in front of Han Fei and Li Luolu, four sea monsters appeared. Of these four, only one Tianjiao, and one of the other three are intermediate Kraken, a senior Kraken.

"Cut! Is this dangerous?"

Li Luolu said unhappy: "This is dangerous, too weak?"

Han Fei looked at the four people strangely and said leisurely: "The road was opened to us by the forest, and when we met the siren, there were people who wanted us to meet. A little interesting! If this is the case, it can satisfy the mind of the person and kill it first. These siren talk again. "

Li Luo immediately said: "Half a man!"

Han Fei grinned at the time: "depending on the means."

Li Luolu was immediately annoyed: "Ah, half of it! It ’s a girl! Hey, I helped you kill 4 grandchildren."

Han Fei was silent at once: "Okay! Half a man."

In other words, the four sea monsters suddenly exploded when they saw Han Fei and Li Luo.

Among them, when the half-mermaid Tianjiao saw Han Fei, his eyes lighted up: "It's Han Fei, give it to me. That woman, you three come."


White light suddenly appeared, followed by golden light silhouette. The half-mermaid was so proud that he used the mystery of Poseidon's advent.

On the other side, a water man, a big fish, and a big mantis shrimp appeared.


At a show of Phantom Glass Wings, "brush" the ground and Han Fei flew out. Suddenly, dozens of golden light punches burst out.

At the other end, Li Luo giggled, and colorful Cordyceps broke out.

The half of the mermaid was arrogant, "Han Fei ... you are destined for me to go to Wangcheng ... Hey!"

"Hmm ..."

The horror force knocked the harpoon in the hand of the half-mermaid Tianjiao in a moment. The rest of the boxing punches blasted his Poseidon approach almost instantly.

Han Fei's figure flashed, hitting the half-mermaid Tianjiao on the ground, whispering in his mouth: "Just as much as you say, Wangcheng your sister!"

The line of nothingness directly held the person. The next second, a slap. It took only two interest hours for Han Fei to shoot this person directly.

Han Fei habitually seizes the current use.

The previous peak of the Kraken Realm had been blown up a long time ago, and now I have sent another Tianjiao to be a puppet for myself.

After reading the information, Han Fei saw a picture of Wan Yao Valley. As for the pictures of the ancient battlefield, nothing was seen. It seems that the line of nothingness is not almighty, there is no way to see everything!

As for the picture of Wan Yao Gu, Han Fei has not seen it. At this moment, Han Fei only read the picture of the mess of the Kraken Colosseum.

"Ah ~"

Han Fei was awakened by the screaming, and quickly looked back, and found that a mermaid turned into a colorful statue. There were two others, scratching themselves frantically, and then killed by Lidao Dadao.

Li Luolu stared curiously at Han Fei's feet, the mermaid standing up again, surprised, "What happened to him?"

Han Fei grinned, "I was controlled by Soul Art."

"Soul art?"

Li Luolu stared with wide eyes, and vomited his tongue subconsciously. Han Fei is so terrible that he has such terrible soul art. Fortunately, everyone is a neighbor, otherwise it is really dangerous.

In other words, Han Fei didn't know the thought of leaving. In Han Fei's view, it's terrible to leave. This woman is so perverted that she has made people into works of art, which is terrible.

After a while, they held four swallowed seashells.

Liluoluo: "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me ..."

Han Fei was not angry: "It's kind of greedy for money? It's not too much trouble to count so much? Almost. I only need this one, and those three belong to you."

Liluluo hummed, "Then I'm lost, all the good things are in yours."

Han Fei: "That's it. My demigod in this one is half the same as you. Do you have anything else?"

Li Luolu grinned, "No, you don't need the Need for Magic."

Between the two of them, they suddenly looked back, but found that the halves of the mermaids that had been killed and dropped were suddenly entangled by numerous vines, and then a large amount of grass and trees were drilled into them.

"Oh ~"

Li Lulu and Han Fei were all in a daze: man, was eaten by the woods?

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved, and he found vines entangled in this half-mermaid Tianjiao controlled by Han Fei.


Endless water swept past, and large vines shattered.

Han Fei coldly transmitted: "It's for you, you can take it. If it's not for you, you can't reach out to grab it."

Sure enough, the vines began to shrink, and everything was calm.

Li Luoluo was surprised: "It's amazing, this forest is really alive."

Han Fei looked again at the man who was swallowed by the vine, and found that their flesh was withering. He tried to divide a line of nothingness and hung over to see. As a result, Han Fei was surprised to find that the spirits of these people were gone.


Lilulu: "What's wrong?"

Han Fei's face sank: "I can't feel their spirit."

Li Luolu didn't take it for granted: "Dead is dead, the soul is broken!"

Han Fei shook his head: "How can it be so fast? Um ... just go and see."


Half a day later.

Han Feihe Luluo has encountered a full 5 waves of sea monsters, and the number is more than once. Fortunately, they are strong enough.

For Han Fei, there is no Hailing-level powerhouse. Even if the five waves are all added up, it will only cost a little more.


Those weird trees and vines are giving way. Han Feihe and Luluo also habitually went deep.

Suddenly, Liluo looked and said: "This time is not right, there are a lot of vines and bugs around."

Han Fei looked cold: "Can bugs still hold you? Can't you control bugs?"

Li Luolu said "Ah," "But there are too many, I suspect this forest will eat us."

Han Fei was silent at once: "Then you control it! All bugs, control them to eat this forest."

Li Luoluo rolled his eyes: "How can it be so easy? I can control a hundred or a thousand, it may be possible to control a million or a hundred thousand, and a million can I control?"

With the falling voice falling, a large number of hermit insects and gray vines came around in all directions.

However, these bugs were divided into two batches, and they were fighting at the moment, biting each other, thinking that it was a means of falling.

Han Fei sneered: "If you can't kill us with a Siren, you want to kill us with bugs and vines? Sure enough, it's still a bad character!"


The endless water dispersed, and Han Fei turned into a sea of ​​swords a hundred meters away. The blade cut across, and no vine could surround it.

Li Luolu's face became serious: "Han Fei, I'm afraid I can't stand this!"

As the voice of Liluo just fell, a strange, vine-like, insect- and grass-like plant appeared in front of her, and a large amount of colored light mist scattered.

Almost instantly, "Oh!"

A bite of blood spit out from Liluo: "Huh! If I break the law, one person will even out your broken forest."

Thousands of colored bugs are also difficult to resist the army of insects!

After only persisting for more than 20 years, these colored bugs were wiped out.

When Han Fei stepped on his feet, he gathered his spirits, and his fingertips were aura, straight into the body. The latter was shocked and was ready to continue maneuvering.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "When you recover, let me try."

It's not completely out of the blue, but the remaining bugs are all used for escape.

With Han Fei's spiritual focus, the endless sword became smaller and smaller. At first, it was a long knife, followed by the size of a kitchen knife, and finally the size of a flying knife.

"Puff puff……"

The endless water is like a meat grinder, which stirs frantically. Anyone who is close to it within a hundred meters will directly crush it.

Even so, there are still many missing fish.

However, the bug controlled by the drop is still here. These fortunate fishes, www.ltnovel.com, which just got into the net, turned into worms at random.

It lasted for more than 200 years, and the mere fall through which lucky insects got in has controlled the 40,000 to 50,000 giants.


Han Fei felt a dull head: "You come."

Han Fei stopped and replaced him. The latter said: "This is not the way to go. In the ocean, there are almost endless bugs! This forest is so vast and there are so many bugs that it is not a way to kill them."

Han Fei drank several mouthfuls of Qi Lingye, stuffed mint leaves in his mouth, and chopped to death the half-mermaid Tianjiao who had been with him. He needs to absorb a little soul power.

After 50 breaths, the insects under the control of the drop fall to death and wounds, and the surrounding corpses are piled up like mountains. The drop is pale: "Can you still come?"

Han Feiyan: "Yes!"

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