God of Fishing

Chapter 908: Behind the scenes

At this time, there are only a few useful means, and the most effective one is the law of gravity.

Although Han Fei was reluctant to expose this power in front of Li Luolu, there was no way! You ca n’t count on Liluo, a peak snorkeler can fight a whole strange forest, right?

With Han Fei's heart moving, the endless water was recovered.

Seeing this scene, Liluo couldn't help but be surprised: "Are you sure you have a way? Here, here ..."

Han Fei's mouth drew up, and he took a picture with his palms. The horrible gravity directly crushed all the hermits within a hundred meters.

This does not require Han Fei to use the overlord strategy. Today, Han Fei's strength has gradually grown to about 7 million catties. Even if it's not there, it's almost the same. Counting it out, it is likely to have reached the pinnacle level that ordinary snorkelers can reach.

Covered with this power, if these little hermits are not dead yet? How terrible is this forest?

"Wow! Rule?"

Li Luolu was stunned and wondered; "Han Fei, you have the power of the law?"

Han Fei shook his head and did not admit that he was killed: "You acknowledged it wrong. This is not a rule, it is a combat technique."

Li Luolu snorted immediately: "Still wanting to lie to me? You talk about, what combat skills have this power? This is obviously the power of the law, the law of gravity ... Oh my God! No wonder Xiao Jiu and Lao Du can break law enforcement? You haven't enforced the law yet, you already have the rules. "

All the falling eyes were blistered, and Han Fei's scalp was numb.

Han Fei spoke to the uninhabited forest: "Okay, good! Originally, we would be fine, you had to come and kill us. That's all, my little grandfather is enough to play with you today!"

Han Fei watched as the idiot departed and said, "Go away, kill him directly."

Li Luoluo said, "Okay, okay! Break through this forest."

However, at this moment, the road in the forest was gone. Those trees and vines blocked the road.


Han Fei sneered: "Will the road be useful?"

Han Fei directly walked across the corpse and went straight out into the forest.

This time, where Han Fei passed, except all the tall trees, all the remaining spiritual plants were all crushed to the ground.

Although Ling Zhi planted such things, with the help of the earth, it could exert infinite power. However, it wasn't just a moment and a half, and I was able to resist this force.

Even under the pressure of Han Fei, in addition to the trees, many plants, ash and vines were crushed directly.

Han Fei saw some strange flowers and plants, trying to reach out to him with sharp thorns. However, under the chaotic gravity, no one can accomplish this task.

Han Fei glanced at the refining world. At this moment, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are still swimming in the water, and they should not have yet completed their evolution. He could only look at Liluo: "Can you find that bastard's place?"

Li Luodao: "I only know that most bugs come from this side."

Li Luolu pointed to the front left, Han Fei said nothing: "Let's go, no matter what, kill the past before talking!"

They ran all the way. On the road, whenever resistance appeared, the law of gravity fell, and those resistances vanished in an instant.


Somewhere in the forest.

Endless flowers are blooming. On the periphery of this flower, a large number of worms piled up. And in this field of flowers, a woman who looked extremely gentle suddenly was surprised: "Oh! Retreat?"

Another place.

A large black hole erupted, and countless bugs were directly swallowed by the black hole. The musician roared and shouted, "I eat as much as I can, as much as I can."

Luo Xiaobai's eyes were white, and various poisonous vines were densely packed around him. Within 500 meters, worms were everywhere.

Zhang Xuanyu's angry sea Jiudie waves kept blasting out, and the waves were endless.

Zhang Xuanyu was speechless: "This **** demon forest, don't let me catch the latter, otherwise I will jab him."


Luo Xiaobai's eyes returned to normal, pointing in one direction: "The bug has retreated and is retreating in that direction."

The musician madly stopped swallowing the heavens, hugged Luo Xiaobai's vine, and panted, "I hate bugs. This time, eating so many bugs is simply too sad."

Zhang Xuanyu patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay. It is said that the worm is actually quite nutritious, and we don't lose it."

The musician wailed madly: "They grow up like that, don't you eat?"

Zhang Xuanyu leisurely said: "I can't eat without you!"

Music Maniac: "..."

Luo Xiaobai said: "Catch up. If nothing else, he just wants us to kill each other with the Kraken. After the Kraken is killed, we will arrange the insects. The reason is just to let us die. Find it, I believe More than us as a group. "


Indeed, it was not Luo Xiaobai who was looking for a group of them.

In fact, Luo Xiaobai's guess was not entirely correct, not that the Kraken was mostly dead.

Instead, under this mysterious arrangement in the forest, the Kraken died in some areas.

However, not everyone is extremely arrogant, and it is not possible that only the Kraken is dead. For the Kraken, there are many groups, they also think that humans are dead.

After all.

Just after Han Feihe and Luluo had run less than 1,000 miles, they found that several passages appeared in the forest, leading to a large open space.

In this open space, 17 Siren directly appeared. Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but look cold: 9 captain-level figures at the pinnacle of Kraken, 8 half-mermaid arrogant.

All 17 people were wearing gold suits and holding golden harpoons.

Li Luolu suddenly slumped: "This broken forest is so bad, this time is a bit troublesome!"

Han Fei is blind to the mermaid, and it seems that some of them are quite familiar. They should be the ones who survived in the monster channel.

However, Han Fei did not know their names at all.

Opposite to this, a group of mermaids are faint at the moment. I thought that the insect tide receded because the one behind him couldn't carry it. Who would have expected that that so many people had all come together?

At this moment, when they saw Han Fei and Li Luolu, they were excited.

Someone's eyes flashed: "It's Han Fei, ha ha ha ... No wonder, no wonder so many strong people have gathered, it turned out to be him."

Everyone looked at Han Fei, but they felt that leaving and falling were incidental.

Tianjiao yelled: "Hunan Han Fei, hehe ..."

One of them grinned, "This Han Fei, I want it."

Someone sneered: "You want it? Millennium Dust, don't think Master Millennium Shadow is your righteous father, you can do whatever you want! Would you like to ask us some consent?"

Someone sneered: "Millennium Dust, everyone wants to win Han Fei's first rank. Everyone has their own means. Do you think you still have the privilege?"

Some captain-level strong shouted, "Anyway, kill before you say."

Someone sneered, "Who killed him?"

Han Fei listened to the opposite, Siren, you said nothing to me, without a word: Just so determined, can you kill me?

Although there are 17 strong men, none of them are Hailing-level strong men!

What if you all used Poseidon's advent? My master, my overlord is vegetarian? Is the law of gravity vegetarian?

Han Fei's voice: "Stay a while, cooperate with me to kill some first."

Liluluo: "This is the equivalent of all the peaks! I can't guarantee more, I will kill five or so."

Han Fei took a surprised look at Li Luoluo: This girl is so hard! Once face to face, it was said that five were killed, and it was indeed the ever-changing witch who left.

Han Fei scratched his head and whispered to the opposite side: "Are you going to challenge one by one? I have no opinion."

Immediately, someone sneered: "Challenge? Han Fei, do you think you can leave alive with this little cleverness?"

Han Fei shrugged: "So, let's hang out together?"

One day proudly frowned: "Of course, do you think we will underestimate your combat power? Dreaming ..."


During this conversation, Han Fei flashed five times and rushed directly into the crowd.

Overlord tactics suddenly launched. This time, he was too lazy to even use the nine-house dragon seal to cover, and swept past at the fastest speed. Between the hands, the power of terror suddenly fell.

Li Luolu looked dumbfounded: straight on? So crispy?

Even Liliu didn't respond. Many people across from me came to the mystery with Poseidon? Almost immediately, everyone lay on the ground.

"hard to use……"

The man hadn't finished speaking, Han Fei had already appeared on his side, the line of nothingness hanged on him, and he drew his sword and fell.

Someone was shocked: "The law is the power of the law."

Han Fei flashed again and appeared next to the speaker. The sea **** hadn't come out yet. The other side blocked him with a golden harpoon.



Han Fei struck across the neck of the opponent with a stab: "Stupid! With a knife, you must cut people? Can't you poke people?"

Separated half of the line of nothingness and buckled on this person, giving him no chance to use the immortal mark.

Han Fei chose a third person nearby. This time, almost all the Krakens reacted. In the face of those who have the law, at least they must use the method of the advent of the sea **** to save their lives.

However, at this moment, Liluolu had rushed over. Her eyes were red, and her figure quickly passed over several people.

The people who were stared at by Liluo were full of bugs. At the same time, flowers are everywhere, colorful, rattan and grass.

Someone chilled; "It's an illusion. Don't be fooled ..."

Li Luolu grinned, "Illusion? I don't just know illusion ..."

In the eyes of Han Fei ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ it really looks. Those people were really all bugs. Li Luolu knew the horror of the law of gravity, so the moment he was not ready, he shot directly, making people mistakenly think she was performing magic.

At this moment, Han Fei is sad for those people. It's really hard to imagine the feeling of a lot of bugs getting into the body? Think of it, all feel cyanosis.

Of course, Han Fei did not stop. This was his fastest response.

At this time, due to time issues, Liluo could only control 3 people. Beheaded 3 people, and the remaining 11 people, at this moment, the golden light on his body was exaggerated, and golden shadows appeared.

Han Fei suddenly grinned: I really thought that this was just pure gravity?

I saw his fist clenched: "Shock."

Gravity fluctuates within the entire area covered by gravity. A few people had just climbed and had not stood still before falling.

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