God of Fishing

Chapter 909: Real 0 Witch

This time, the line of nothingness linked three people. Han Fei was not prepared to give them a chance to escape, neither was he.

Although it would be difficult, he didn't need to control these people. Just need to kill them, not to give them a chance to use the immortal mark.

With one hand of the law of gravity, it is enough to make Han Fei among the law enforcement force. But after all, he is not a law enforcer. Once the other party can be resurrected, do you want to kill it so easily? That would not be easy. After all, the other party is ready.

"Draw a knife!"

"Puff puff!"

With three swords in a row, Han Fei Reiki sprang up directly, and he was too lazy to use the reserve Replenishment.

"Ah! Mystery, burning blood ..."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed, and five people even performed another secret method at the same time. Is this fighting?

Han Fei felt that the law of gravity was unstable, and immediately drank: "Kill, you can't wait."

Needless to say, Han Fei has already shot. It's just that the three guys controlled by the worms don't need to leave their hands at all, they will immediately become art.

Lilulu shot at another person. In addition to being a special controller, she is also a good hunter.

Han Fei waved with one hand, two fish skin pictures flew out, one lost picture, one flash.

At this moment, his figure "brushed" and appeared next to a person. The left hand Jiugong Longyin photographed, and the right hand drank the blood knife. At the same time, this person was hung up in a void.


Some people felt that they would die because Han Fei had already appeared, so they directly chose the self-destructing demigod battle suit and harpoon.

In this explosion, Han Fei and Li Luo both flew out at the same time and were shocked.

"Are you really special? You don't even need your life? Why have you learned something from Yue Twelve?"

When the two demigods exploded, the Kraken was also flying. Han Fei's line of nothingness directly buckled up, followed by a slash in the past.

When the blowout blasted out, the man used the flying flower demon flash, flashing past.

Li Luolu just took the opportunity to kill one. At this moment, when he saw Han Fei seriously injured the person, the figure and the insect were swapped and appeared directly on the person. Two daggers poked straight down.

Among them, the Tianjiao named Millennium Dust, seeing this was an opportunity, shouted immediately: "Go to death."

When Han Fei saw the guy pull out a demon-filled ball, he immediately said that it was not good: "Leave and fall, come back soon."

The ball, which had opened in the blink of an eye, was actually a weird scorpion tail. Suddenly, the scorpion tail zoomed in. It can be seen that there are three layers of extremely sharp blades on the scorpion tail. At this moment, Hengsheng Baizhang went out, a tail swept across.

"Hahaha! Let's all die, Wang Cheng's way is mine ..."

Li Luoluo screamed, "This guy is crazy, he is a good soldier at one time."

During the conversation, Liluolu appeared beside Han Fei, and went directly to Han Fei.

As for Siren's side, there were only 6 people left, 2 of whom were blocking the road of Scorpion Tail. When they were slightly swept, they were all cut into three sections.

Han Fei scolded: "Wang bastard, even everyone shot?"

In a hurry, Han Fei's palm, the endless water condensed, was directly thrown out by him: "Burst!"

"Booming ..."

At this moment, as soon as the endless water recovered, Han Fei exploded again, which made him very unhappy. The strong man behind the Lingzhi Forest has not been found yet! This card was thrown out, and he almost cocked his nose.

The violent power caused a turbulent flow directly in the forest. Han Feihe Liluo was directly lifted off by dozens of meters, and more than one tree was broken.

Blood spurted from the mouth, and a large picture of a pan-skin turtle's fish skin was blown up in no time, and he protected himself from falling, otherwise, according to the falling body, he would be injured more than himself.

The roar continued for hundreds of miles. And just now, within a kilometer, everything was crushed.


Han Fei took another spit of blood and lost himself to Liluo and Taoluo. He glanced at Liluo, who was also spurting blood: "Go, look ... uh ... your face ..."

Her hair was scattered and her face turned into a large face with various colors.

When the fierce water wave rolled up again, Han Fei was surprised to find that Liliu had been wearing a mask. Her real appearance was more like a porcelain doll, and she was very pure. It was not that wonderful style with green lipstick and black eyeshadow.


As the tusks were separated, various colors reunited and the original face was restored.

"My mother is going to kill them ... um ..."


Han Fei looked up at the sky, as if he hadn't seen anything, because Lilu became soaring and his momentum increased sharply. In the eyes of Han Fei, her entire body became blurred. Obviously there is only one person, but it seems to be shaking, there is a ghost image of Ji.

At that moment, Han Fei seemed to understand something.


Li Luolu rushed out. When Han Fei rushed past, he found that Liluo had turned from a hunter to a violent woman, holding a stick in his hand and knocking, a little like Xia Xiaochan's illness.

But not right!

After the painting style turned, Li Luolu quickly put away the stick and a pair of scissors emerged from the body.

"Crapping" Then, they cut their tails.

For a while, the colorful vines crawled out of the strange bugs and covered the man directly.

A total of six people had just blew themselves up. They should not have killed everyone, but it was miserable. At least, there were only two people in sight at the moment. Others should be blown out.

One of them was beaten by Li Luosheng. There was another, still lying in the pit, humming.

Han Fei said nothing, the line of nothingness hooked in the past, followed by Han Fei's knife.

"Hee hee hee!"

When Han Fei was going to find other people, he suddenly heard a laugh.

I saw Li Luolu didn't know why, and said to the bug with joy, "Little boy, finally came out, let's eat fish!"

Han Fei stunned the whole person: Do not say that schizophrenia is difficult to do. In fact, schizophrenic practitioners are difficult to engage with.

The girl who was hot just now, is he hehe? With thousands of bugs, he ran straight into the forest ...

Han Fei didn't want to follow the past. Now, he didn't want to have any contact with Li Luo.

Variety Witch, this is how it came, who can bear it?

Han Fei himself also ran out. There should now be four more people. It is not a problem to deal with one or two in this situation.

You have to find the one who has come up with a one-time top-quality soldier. That goods is a ruthless character, and his identity must not be low, so he must find a way to kill him.

Immediately, there were 30 points of the line of nothingness, and the millennium dust was fleeing.

This goods is now blocked on the road by a large number of bugs. There are no dead ends at 360 degrees, and it is difficult to fly with wings.

Han Fei grinned immediately: It seems that the person behind the scenes does not want to let the goods run!

"call out!"

For dozens of miles, Han Fei fluttered his wings twice and arrived.

When Han Fei arrived, the bugs ran away on their own, and Han Fei didn't need to shoot at all.

Millennium Dust turned back, his face was extremely ugly: "Han Fei ..."

Han Feiyan said, "Hey, can't you run away? Hey, the guy behind the scenes doesn't want you to leave. After all, you are also a difficult guy. Anyway, if you die, you will become his nourishment. Instead of himself It takes more time to deal with you than to let you die in my hands. "

Then, Han Fei said to the big tree next to him, "You're right? You're really a little clever ghost."

Millennium Dust was ugly: "Han Fei, you really think you can kill me?"

"Brush it ..."

Han Fei blinked in front of the millennium dust. The latter huffed and split into several avatars.

Han Fei sneered: "Clone? It's long out of date ... Well! It's not a clone, it has strength."

Han Fei grinned. He just flashed over and left several avatars. At this moment, one person had a gold seal in his hand, one was holding a stabbing demon stab, and one was holding a silver stick.

Han Fei: "Forgot to say, my avatar actually has combat effectiveness."

At the beginning, Han Fei discovered that every time a clone appeared, they had combat effectiveness. Without deliberately letting them disappear, their duration is breathless.

As for their power, it is naturally not as good as the ontology. With all your strength, there is only one blow.

However, the power of that blow also depends on whose blow? With his current blow, he blasted an intermediate sub-fisher with one punch, and the problem should be small.

If there is a demigod in hand, the senior snorkeler can also beat him.

Thousands of dust did not speak, he just flashed out, one hundred meters away from Han Fei, looking at Han Fei fiercely.

I only listened to Han Feiyou and said with a smile: "I know that you are procrastinating. What special means should you use to show it. But how do you know that I am not procrastinating?"


As Han Fei snapped his fingers, something seemed to be shrinking in the water.

In order to confuse Millennium Dust, Han Fei looped the line of nothingness in the air, like a spider web. As soon as the net is closed, the other party cannot escape.

"Go to death!"

Millennium Dust knows that it can't wait. His hair turned white for a moment, and a weird force went directly to Han Fei.

"Go to your uncle."

Han Fei retired: I know that this person is different, and there is a way to control time.

In this scene, he saw the leafless tree used, but he never thought that the goods would.

Millennium Dust laughed wildly: "Han Fei, do you think you can escape? My righteous father is the head of the blue octagonal wings. Wouldn't there be any help? Although you let me sacrifice 200 years of life, but this Everything is worth ... kill you, I can go to Wangcheng ... wait, why are you okay? "

Han Fei was also stunned. Although he responded very quickly, time should have nothing to do with distance, right?

Around myself, the vines withered, the large tree trunks shrivelled, vitality was lost, and it was all right for me.

At this time ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Han Fei saw the ring on his hand blinking, and couldn't help but look strange. The ring given by time dragon carp can resist the power of time?

Han Fei scratched his head: "Although this matter is difficult to explain, I don't think you need to listen to me and die!"


Unnecessary threads shrink and bind the millennium dust directly.

Han Fei's avatar also shot at the same time, and slaughtered directly to those thousands of years of dust.


Han Fei chopped millennium dust. As for his avatar, most of them are gone now. Well, there is only one left, and I want to run. The avatar just ran into the woods and was caught up by Han Fei.

"Cut! The Millennium Shadow is the head of the blue octagonal wings, and you are not, as crazy as an ironhead!"

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