God of Fishing

Chapter 910: Brother, you take care of yourself

Han Fei bowed his head and looked at the ring on his hand. Alright! I thought this ring was useless ... It turns out that there is such a counter-intuitive effect that it can ignore the time rules.

"Huh? Liliu? Why isn't everything moving?"

Han Fei quickly put away his weapon, put an energy fruit in his mouth, and immediately found out.

Whether or not Liluo was schizophrenic, the girl was strong and had to carry it.

In fact, no one else saw Ning Jingyao, Wuming, or Dujiangliu who had been familiar with them.

Before that, I saw Yue Twelve and the bravery of a hundred enemies.

Now, I have seen the real ever-changing witch again.

I heard that Ueno came here too. I wonder what she looks like?

As for Luo Xiaobai, Han Fei thinks there should be no problem. Musician Kuang that swallows the sky is very powerful, the effect is strange. If it's just a bug, you shouldn't stop him.

The only worry is that they meet many mermaid arrogants. But think about it, it should not. Where can there be a bunch of mermaids, come here? In total, there are more than 5,000 mermaids. The battlefield in ancient times is so large.

Just now, what I met with Li Luolu should be the strongest group! It is also by far the strongest group that Han Fei has worked on.


After a while, Han Fei dug up the sea shell, found a work of art sculpture, and also found a skeleton hanging by the vine, which had been devoured by the vine.

When Han Fei found Liluo, she found that the girl was squatting on the ground. In front of her, there were rows of bugs. The bugs are like standing squares, boxy, and colorful.

Han Fei glanced around without seeing the mermaid. Was it swallowed by the woods?

Han Fei couldn't help but take two steps: "Luoluo, are you ...?"

When she saw Li Luolu suddenly turned her face back, Han Fei stepped back at that time to see that she had become a pure little girl again.

Seeing Li Weiluo's weird makeup disappeared, Han Fei was a little nervous. This is not a good thing, indicating that the slumped schizophrenia is very serious.

I saw Li Luo fang smile and said, "Brother, I'm watching Bugs parade, killing the Quartet."

Han Fei's eyelids picked up: "Uh ... that, little girl, what do you call?"

Li Luolu laughed: "My name is Lico."

Han Fei had a headache right away: I haven't encountered this situation before.

"Ahem ... coco! How old are you?"

"Eight years old! It's just eight years old!"

Han Fei could not help but goose bumps came out: a turtle son, there is still eight-year-old personality?

Han Feiqiang reluctantly said, "Coco, the worms line up, wait until we leave this forest and watch Ang! Now, do you want to fight the bad guys with me?

Leaving Cocoa jumped up immediately: "Coco is going to hit the bad guys. Brother, don't be afraid, Coco is awesome!"

Han Fei bowed his head: "Well, go! You protect me ... yes, you protect me ..."

Han Fei was speechless: Did God protect me? Now, buddies are here to bring children?

However, Han Fei's heart moved: Li Luoluo became Li Ke Coco, and this time, he can fully pit himself.

Yes, yes, transformation is also good, no one grabs things from me.

"Brother holds hands."

Han Fei: "?????"

Between the words, Coco had already pulled Han Fei and ran out.

Han Fei is speechless: I feel a bit criminal.

Regardless, Han Fei stretched out his hands and returned to the palm of his hand with endless water. After a while, the endless water began to absorb the essence of water.

One time, Han Fei has discovered that the endless water continuously absorbs the essence of water. Only one day to two days can make a perfect self-detonation. With your own strength, the intensity of self-explosion will increase.

At this moment, although I can still explode for the second time, the intensity has definitely dropped a lot. Han Fei does not intend to use it for the time being.


About an hour after Han Fei left here, the three of Luo Xiaobai came over.

However, at this moment, the siren's body had all disappeared, and it was towed away by the vine and dried up.

The musician looked madly at the huge pit on the ground and the surrounding mess, and couldn't help but be surprised: "So violent fighting."

Zhang Xuanyu was surprised: "Some people should have died, and I don't know if it was done by humans or by sea monsters?"

Luo Xiaobai suddenly said: "Han Fei did it."



Looking at the face of Lerenkang and Zhang Xuanyu, Luo Xiaobai glanced at them: "You can't even feel Han Fei's breath?"

The musician suddenly slammed his hand: "Hahaha! I knew he was fine. But, what about others now?"

Zhang Xuanyu pointed to a road on the side: "Hey! It should be here."

The reason is that the ground where Han Fei walked was abnormally solid. The rattan grass collapsed and pressed to the ground like a flat plate.

Luo Xiaobai frowned. "I'm just wondering, why didn't the man in the forest smooth the marks here?"

Zhang Xuanyu laughed: "It shows that he is not omnipotent, but just controls it all from a distance. The huge destructive power makes him unable to control the environment here."

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly: "It's possible, let's go! Follow up and see ..."

Han Fei was walking while telling a story.

"Once upon a time! There was a huge castle with a vicious queen and a Snow White ... Later, Snow White and seven dwarfs lived a happy life ..."

Li Coco: "Bad woman, even using a poisoned apple ... brother, what is an apple?"

Han Fei: "Uh ... that's the spiritual fruit."

Then, Han Fei took out a spiritual fruit and took a sip: "That's it, apples are a kind of spiritual fruit."


"Brother, I want to eat too."

Taking up so many things from the little girl, Han Fei generously digged a fruit and passed it over: "Coco, do you know where the bad guys are in the forest?"

Leaving Cocoa: "Ask Bugs!"

Then, from the palm of Coco, a little tadpole appeared.

Li Coco asked slyly: "Zug, do you know where the bad guys are?"

But seeing Lico again, he looked up: "Brother, I don't know."

Han Fei rolled his eyes helplessly: forget it, I'll slap it!

For a long time, Han Fei was only thinking about the most dangerous place. So he quickly found the right direction.

Before waiting for Han Fei to go far, I heard someone shouting in the water, "No, are you there?"

At that time, Han Fei was aggressive: "Zhang Xuanyu?"

Han Fei immediately looked happy: "Jade! Here, here ..."

However, there was no response.

At that time, Han Fei was a stunner and forgot that he had ears. Zhang Xuanyu, I'm afraid there is still a long way to go.

At the other end, the three Zhang Xuanyu were fighting.

The poisonous weeds and poisonous vines controlled by Luo Xiaobai are killing insects. At the same time, he said to Zhang Xuanyu: "It's too far for Han Fei to hear."

The musician madly devoured heaven and was devouring it. Only Zhang Xuanyu was relatively free. While punching with nine waves of angry sea, he punched.

Zhang Xuanyu was depressed: "The **** in the forest just didn't want us to meet up! Otherwise, it wouldn't call the bug back."

Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "This is a good thing, it shows that the one inside is not strong. It is afraid that we will come together."

Zhang Xuanyu muttered, "It just takes a long time! In other words, are there endless bugs here?"

Luo Xiaobai hummed: "There are also vines. However, within my ten-mile range, I can compete with it for control of Ling Zhi, and I win."

About half a column is less than incense.

Zhang Xuanyu exclaimed, "Why are there more and more bugs? Is it crazy? This is twice as many."

The musician swallowed his eyes with green light, and really wanted to pass out.

Luo Xiaobai Ningshen: "Not very similar, but anxious like it. Why is it anxious?"

"Hmm! Hmm ..."

The three of them suddenly looked to one side, where there was shaking, which was one of the directions where the bugs came.

Musician rumored: "No! I can swallow small bugs. If it is too big, I'm afraid I have indigestion."

However, before everyone responded, they saw a colorful light erupting deep in the forest.

Zhang Xuanyu grimaced: "It's over, it's over, this time it must be a poisonous insect."

As soon as Zhang Xuanyu had finished speaking, he saw a large colored bug on the ground.

Luo Xiaobai and the musicians were crazy, and they looked at Zhang Xuanyu one after another: What a crow mouth you are! What did you say?

However, what they expected was that these poisonous insects actually bite off the insects that came around, and in a moment, they were mostly killed and injured.

When they saw the insect tide recede and everyone was confused, they saw Han Fei holding a girl's hand and ran over.

The musician suddenly shut up and said, "Wow ... no, you're finally here."

Zhang Xuanyu's eyes glared silently, staring at Li Coco: "My God, right ..."

Luo Xiaobai asked coldly, "Who is she?"

Before waiting for Han Fei to answer, I listened to Coco, respectfully saluting: "Good handsome guy, good beautiful sister, good fat brother, my name is Lico, I am eight years old this year ..."

Everyone: "???"

The three of them suddenly looked at Han Fei. What happened ...

Han Fei suddenly pulled a face, and said, "The great waterfall is falling and falling. Multi-personality, this is one of her personality, only eight years old."

The three of Luo Xiaobai looked at each other: is it okay?

Zhang Xuanyu first responded: "Ah, pretty little girl, hug a handsome brother ..."

Before Han Fei had time to stop it, Zhang Xuanyu already hugged it.

Next second.


Zhang Xuanyu flew straight out ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ sitting on the ground with a grimace.

But seeing that Li Coco has changed to another person, with a serious face, staring at Zhang Xuanyu: "This seat is mad, what did you want to do to this seat just now?"

Han Fei: "?????"

Everyone: "???"

Having said that, Li Luoluo turned his head to look at Han Fei, and looked down at the hand they seemed to hold. Suddenly, the two of them stunned and disliked each other.

"Oh ~"

"Oh ~"

Rubbing his hands arrogantly: "Brother, you take care of yourself."

Han Fei: "..."

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