God of Fishing

Chapter 917: Lost World

The bumblebees approached quickly, and information emerged in Han Fei's eyes.

[Name] God tail wasp

[Introduction] Needle-tailed order, ancient worms, big body and long body, poisonous throughout the body, female bee tail has long sting needles, which can be sent and received, its poison is extremely high. The drone is deliciously sprayed with poison arrows and is highly aggressive. God-tailed wasp claws have sharp teeth, wings like blades, speed is very fast, and it is not necessary to travel in a group.

[Level] 55

[Quality] rare

[Contains Reiki] 16864 points

[Edible effect] Unusable

[Collectable] Shenwei poison needle, Shenwei poison


It was late, and then fast, Han Fei looked at the bird below. Immediately, flew towards the Hornet. Because his wings had flickering ability, when he "brushed", he appeared on the back of a bumblebee.

And just where he was, was directly penetrated by a big bird.

In the electric light flint, Han Feiyu saw the big bird's message.

[Name] White-tailed Emerald

[Introduction] White-tailed immortals grow in wooded areas, and they prefer insects, preferably ants. Living in a tree cave for a long time, a white tail is comparable to a magical soldier, with a strong beak, good at pecking, soft wings, and can lasing in battle.

[Level] 58

[Quality] rare

[Contains Reiki] 18998 points

[Eating effect] Long-term consumption can increase strength.

[Collectable] White-tailed Whip


Han Fei immediately took a breath. Is a bird so powerful as to come out casually? Level 58, senior snorkeler. This is already.


When Han Fei saw a guy, he avoided the pin of the tail, avoided the piercing of the beak, and the flying feathers of the sky.

However, a long white whip swept across, and the man with his uniform was cut into two pieces.

"Mistweed ... What about the good marine world? This terrestrial world is more dangerous than the marine world!"


Han Fei pressed his head on the Hornet's head, and was about to control the thing with the line of nothingness, and a white-tailed fairy came in the face.


Han Fei's figure flashed again and appeared directly on the back of the white-tailed fairy. The line of nothingness, a buckle on Baiweixian, directly control its spirit.

The hornet was just pecked through and the venom was flying.

In Han Fei's body, Tianling Detoxifier immediately started working. In his perception, Luo Xiaobai had rushed to more than 50 miles.

At a glance, Han Fei was still aware of the distance. He immediately controlled the white-tailed fairy and swept away towards the thousands of stars.

"Hey! It's time to calculate the previous account. Land, this is my home field!"

Han Fei is still lamenting: This is so special about riding a bird, it's better than riding a bug! Great wings stretch when swept across the air.

Sun Mu, with everyone in the family, has fallen on a big mushroom.

Han Fei recognized the mushroom as a poison **** umbrella. The reason he recognized it was because the poison **** umbrella was the most famous of all mushrooms. Appearing on the world's poison records, it is also one of the most easily identified fungi. Such mushrooms usually have a symbiotic relationship with trees.

It stands to reason that its toxicity is not poisonous. But this mushroom is bigger than the house, saying that it is not poisonous? Han Fei did not believe it anyway.


Han Fei controlled the white-tailed fairy, cut through the sky, and struck across.

Immediately, Sun Mu's face changed and she was angry: "Han Fei, do you want to start a war as soon as you enter?"

Han Fei laughed wildly: "My territory, I'm in charge. Others don't care, kill you first."

The white tail swept and a strong man punched.

However, when is Han Fei's goal?


I only heard the outbreak of Jiugong Longyin, directly blasting the poison **** umbrella into pieces.

For a while, poisonous powder filled the sky.

Sun Mu, what do they know? In their impression, this is just a spiritual plant. What can go wrong?

However, when the mist spread, a servant of the Sun family shouted, "Young Master, poison."


The sword was pulled out, the sword was sharp, and Sun Mu had flashed out, Han Fei directly hacked a servant of the Sun family.

Han Fei jumped down.

He is not afraid of the poison of this poison **** umbrella! Tianling detoxification insects just need to evolve, and they need to devour new poisons.


For a moment, Han Fei directly chopped him upside down. Unfortunately, the other party has taken precautions, and Han Fei has not used the overlord strategy, which only made the other party's life.

However, the overlord trick opened immediately.

Before, the servant of the Sun family who had been hacked had just stepped out of the void and was chopped by Han Fei.

"Han Fei, you are looking for death."

In front of Sun Mu, Jian Ying was vertical and horizontal, splitting Han Fei straight. The two sides fought directly.

Many people who are running away can't help but stun when they see this scene. Really is a lunatic at the Thug Academy. You just started fighting after you came in. You did n’t even know where this was, so you started fighting?


When Han Feizheng was about to destroy the servants of the Sun family, a water dragon was raging, and he was forced to come.


Invincible hit, three punches and blast.

Han Fei grinned: "Well, beautiful Mexican girl, are you here for fun?"

Mo Feiheng Lengheng: "Han Fei, last time you attacked me in the Fengtian Grand Canyon, this account has not been calculated with you yet."

Han Fei perceived it and found that Zhang Wenyizhong, Li Heiya and Li Baiday were coming. Immediately, a bite his teeth, special meow, it seems that today is nowhere.

I only listened to Han Fei with a smile: "Hey, there is something waiting for me here, I'll take care of you one by one."


The white-tailed fairy flew forward, Han Fei flickered, sat on the bird's back, and flew straight away.

During the period, Liluo also shouted to Han Fei: "Why not go together?"

Han Fei responded: "No, we all go our separate ways!"

However, Han Fei also found that: Yu Ye and Yue Shiren came together, and the two have already landed.

After the others landed, they dispersed as quickly as possible. Someone was at this moment with a big snake on the tree. A group of people over Shanhai Pavilion and a large land lizard ...

However, none of this matters to Han Fei. In his perception, Luo Xiaobai, they have run more than 80 miles away.

"Well! Brother Dashuai and Aunt Bailu, where have you been?"

While Han Fei was searching, he suddenly heard a melody playing.

Han Fei suddenly changed his color, looking at Cao Jiaren on a mushroom, who was also looking at himself.

Cao Qiu said, "Hurry up!"

Han Fei looked cold, and saw Cao Tian standing in the air, blocking his way.

Han Fei: "What do you mean? War is on, right?"

Cao Tianyi smiled: "This trip, the most powerful contender is you. Now that the rest of the Thug Academy is away, it is the best time to retain you."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes: Originally, he thought he was hunting himself, but some people planned to hunt himself!


Han Fei cut off the White-tailed Immortal, leaving a void of nothingness, and then smiled coldly: "Okay! I always thought that you are the invincible Cao family, and you never expected your uncle to be. Now, fight.

In perception, Sun Mu and others are flying, and it seems that they do not want to miss this opportunity. But is Han Fei afraid of them?


At this moment, the cat's claw turned empty, and one claw grabbed at Cao Tian.

Han Fei's shot surprised Han Fei quite. Rhubarb said, "Han Fei, I will help you hit him."

Han Fei grinned: "Thank you, rhubarb, go back and ask you to eat a big fish!"


Han Fei turned around with a long bow in his hand. The eighth arrow of the War Soul Gongfa burst out and hit Cao Jiaren directly. Then, stepping on the void, Jinguang's fist print burst out madly and hammered at Cao Tian.

Cao Tian just blocked Rhubarb's blow and saw Han Fei coming aggressively, sweeping his fists.

Only listen to the old lady Yin said lightly: "Okay, rhubarb stop playing and go."

"Meow! Han Fei, call yourself!"

Han Fei was not good at the time: you meowed it, just grab it and stop it?


Long Yin sounded and knocked Cao Tian straight. Han Fei took the opportunity to fly away, soaring all the way, flying towards the direction where Luo Xiaobai ran.

During this period, a figure flickered, who wasn't Ye Baiyu?

Han Fei glared at him: "You can try. Without success, I cut you on the spot."

Because the others were far away, Ye Baiyu just thought about it and didn't take any action. According to Han Feina's crazy nature, in the case of obtaining the phantom glass wing, the speed and the time have been different. There is no need to take this risk yourself.

Just listening to Ye Baiyu smiled slightly: "I just passed by."

Behind him, Tang Ge and Mu Ling came down with a group of disciples of Tianjian Sect. At this moment, Euphorbia rushed across: "Cao Tian, ​​learn about it."


Han Fei slipped, greeted Tang Ge, and ran away.

Tian Jian Zong, ranked first among the seven gates, is even stronger than Yuxian Palace. Nameless, impressively among them. Han Fei is not afraid of what will happen to Tang Ge ...

It was Han Fei who saw Sun Mu's order and wanted to solve it. Unexpectedly, he almost got himself into trouble.

After a moment, Han Fei frowned, looking at the huge cracks on the ground, showing signs of fighting.

But what about Luo Xiaobai? Delayed for such a short time, people run away?

Han Fei looked for the trace, and found a large piece of blood flowing. The amount of bleeding is definitely not human, it is protozoa here.

Han Feiyu pointed out a calculation, but found that Luo Xiaobai and Chu Linyuan seemed to be separated. The distribution of personnel is complex and does not seem to be together.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai had not yet evolved. This caused him a terrible headache! How can you find such a large primitive jungle without your own perception and range?


Suddenly, Han Fei felt a commotion on the ground. Upon perceiving, it was found that a slap ant had emerged from the ground.

"Oh! Little ant."

Han Fei jumped directly into the tree and saw a few shadows flashing across the ground. Han Fei keenly grasped: Isn't that a squirrel? There is a fight between the head and the monkey head ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It is not scientific! This is a lost world, not in the sea, and there are many terrestrial beings. Is it possible that the dungeon was not sunk, but who was removed? "

Han Fei doubts: this possibility is extremely great! It's like the time dragon carp, which can open up a long river of time and let the hour light live in it.

So, is there a strong man who can open up a space and fit a city into it?

This possibility is not small.

After all, the space in the world of refining and refining has expanded one more circle. If this space is also a space like Star Bay, it is likely.

"Nothing, Xiaobai should be able to adapt to this place. Zhang Xuanyu and Xiaomang followed, and it should not be a problem, I'm afraid they are scattered.

"Brush", Han Fei disappeared into the forest.

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