God of Fishing

Chapter 918: Botanical Gardens and Zoos

Refining the world.

Han Fei stunned Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. The two little guys were still in the water. Han Fei is a bit anxious! This evolutionary timing is too wrong!

There is no little black and little white. I am on my way. The problem is great!

Han Fei tried to scream a few times and found that the two guys were still in a circle as if they hadn't heard them.

"That's it, you can only rely on yourself."

Reappearing in the forest, Han Fei suddenly heard a high-altitude vibration.

Han Fei took a look at the big tree and found out that a 100-meter bird directly shreds a submerged fisherman.

"I can't fly around in heaven!"

Han Fei thought: That person is stupid. When you first arrived, did you encounter hornet and white-tailed fairy? The dangers here are all creatures you haven't seen.

Even oneself can only be said to be familiar. It is normal for a hawk to hunt in the sky.

Suddenly, Han Fei flashed out. There seemed to be a tongue where he stood. When Han Fei perceives it again, he finds that it is a lizard.

In other words, it is a chameleon, which belongs to the evacuation section.

There are many types of chameleons. Han Fei knew only about a dozen species. Common and rare. However, at least this one has never been seen before.

This chameleon is a bit like a dinosaur, with three large horns on the head, two short horns on the center of the eyebrow, one large horn on the nose, and two eyeballs on the two corners of the eyebrow.

The moment the lizard looked at himself, Han Fei immediately secretly said: Not good.

He forgot one thing. Lizards, especially chameleons, the pineal gland on their heads have a light-sensing effect under normal circumstances, and can also be called the third eye.

This is probably why the ghost-eyed giant crocodile he saved himself could petrify people.

Han Fei immediately closed his eyes and punched out.

But even if Han Fei responded so quickly, he still felt dizzy and planted it directly from the sky to the ground.


Han Fei's head knocked directly on a stone, and he hurt his teeth and grinned. As for the chameleon, I don't know where he was punched.

At this moment, Han Fei was covering her head: It's too much for a turtle son, I've messed with you?

Suddenly, Han Fei froze slightly. What do you seem to be staring at? When he looked up, he found that a head had come out of the "stone" he had hit.

"Mistweed ..."

Han Fei flashed out for dozens of meters, and looked intently: Isn't this a turtle?

"Well! Land turtle?"

In the eyes, information emerged.

[Name] fear tortoise

[Introduction] The ancient tortoise has extremely strong defense, slow speed, amazing biting force, and likes to sleep. Faced with natural enemies, it will release fear and anger, and once infected, it may fall into mental disorder. Dread tortoises are docile and generally do not actively attack.

[Level] 61

[Quality] bizarre

[Enforcement] Fear

[Contains Reiki] 55809 points

[Edible effect] Dabuzhi contains rich abilities, which can increase strength after eating

[Collectable] Armor of Fear


Han Fei stunned his mouth: Should I not count on attacking it?

Han Fei also beckoned and said, "Brother Turtle, how are you!"

When I saw the horrified tortoise, my eyes went black. A black mist emerged from its eyes.


Han Fei flew away and appeared directly 100 meters away. His mind was a bit chaotic, and he saw Sun Mu splitting with his sword.

"No, it's fake!"

Han Fei waved at ease, and the ghost image was scattered.

Han Fei quickly took out a mint leaf and stuffed it into his mouth: What the hell? Xiao Ye said hello to you kindly, did you even attack me? Your hard turtle shell, I bump into it!

Han Fei murmured, but was not ready to continue to trouble with the fearful tortoise.

Mainly not necessary. I didn't come here to hunt down these messy land creatures. Just a strange creature, to tell the truth, I really don't look down on it.

Even if its turtle shell is good, the sea turtle is probably not easy to fight. You need to save some of your own overlord strategy. After all, he lacks energy now, so there is no need to waste it on a turtle.

Without the trouble of going back to find the turtle, Han Fei kept walking forward. Within ten miles, Han Fei killed three large snakes, a squirrel, and countless ants. There was another pangolin, without catching it, the arch went down.

"Well! Is this ... plantain?"

Han Fei was surprised to find the plantain vine. Anything here can grow? But don't plantains grow on trees? What does this mean on the vine?

After pondering for a moment, Han Fei took out the blood-drinking knife and cut it with a "brush", preparing to throw it into the refining and chemical industry to expand new varieties.

As a result, after the knife passed, a piece of plantain vine "hula" was bent down. Strong winds blow Han Fei hundreds of meters directly.

"Oh, it's a little interesting, but it will still attack? Wait for me to chop a few plants back and give Xiaobai a gift ... oh!"

Han Feizheng was going to chop the banana, turned his head and found a big pineapple in surprise.

Just now, Han Fei didn't notice. Because this pineapple looks like a wall. At this moment, underneath it is an authentic plant with yellow striped leaves and red cores. This pineapple is a bit large.

Of course, in Han Fei's eyes, the message "color leaf pineapple" appeared, saying that eating pineapple can improve mental strength.

At that time, Han Fei said nothing, uprooted himself, and stuffed it into the refining world. At this point, dozens of others were pulled out before they stopped.

Otherwise? It ’s a pity that the original food is gone in this world!

Now, seeing what you are familiar with, can you not get back some?

Han Fei has been pulling this and pulling that.

At this time, Han Fei found an unusual plant. The leaves are like a torch, a string from bottom to top, the color changes from golden to dark red, and it looks extremely beautiful.

"Oh! Torch lotus? It has flame fruit and contains great energy."

"His! Good stuff! Let's try two strings first."


Han Fei was very skeptical: Did he enter any plant world?

This has come down one after another, and I have already gnawed more than a hundred spirit plants. Among them, there are fruits that enhance strength, those that enhance mental strength, those that enhance qi and blood, and those that restore energy.

This is much rarer than what you see in the Thug Academy plantation.

As far as pineapple was concerned, Han Fei remembered sour water in his mouth.

So, this trip is worth it! Others may not matter, but Han Fei does. Life is alive, in addition to cultivation, there is life. And these spiritual plants will make Han Fei's life better!

At this moment, Han Fei was holding a flame fruit as big as a peach. This fruit is so sweet, it is like honey in the throat, and its energy is billowing.

"Good place, if only this place could be taken away."


Suddenly, Han Fei trembled. He quickly expanded his perception and found that a black ... leopard appeared in the perception?

Yes, Han Fei thinks it looks like a leopard. It is only slightly different that this leopard is pure black. The tail glowed, the claws were sharp, and now he was coming in his own direction.

Han Fei was speechless at that time: Who are you staring at? You have to stare at me?

The beast ran very fast, and even ran on the tree many times, silently. No sound at all, really amazing!

"Good guy, are you coming for me?"

Han Fei's heart moved and he was missing a mount. This leopard should be quite familiar with the environment here. Not only can I read its spirit, but also intimidate some other creatures who want to disturb them ...

Unfortunately, Han Fei did not hear Luo Xiaobai's voice. Even with downwind ears, I didn't hear it.

And it's too much to distinguish only by the sound of battle!

At least, at the same time, you can hear more than 10 fighting sounds.

That is to say, thousands of miles away near me ... oh no, there are dozens of places fighting within hundreds of miles.

Downwind, not so exaggerated.

People say that you can listen to thousands of miles if you go downwind. There is almost no wind here, even a few hundred miles, it's not bad.

Han Fei stood still. These indigenous terrestrial creatures are well grasped. They never expected that they would have such a strange means of the line of nothingness.

So Han Fei just has to wait for it here. The moment it rushed over, flashed on its back, and everything was done.

After a while.

The black panther began to approach himself carefully.

Han Fei laughed without saying a word, this is the nature of cats.

However, after three breaths, Han Fei couldn't laugh: How can this product be invisible?

Han Fei was silent at that time, closed his eyes directly, listened to the wind in his ears, and drank a blood knife in his hand. Once, I didn't find it for the first time, and I must be able to find it within 10 meters of myself. At that time, if it is too late to hook, you can just split it directly.

"call out!"

"I'll go, so fast ..."

Han Fei flashed out sideways for dozens of meters. Because, just when I was feeling, the black panther had already appeared 10 meters away from me.

Opening his eyes instantly, Han Fei flashed again.

The black panther, if black light, has already cleaved its position.

Seeing the appearance of the black panther, Han Fei had no time to take any other action, flashed again, and used it three times before sitting on the back of the black panther.



"What's your roar? Give me the truth."

Han Fei's line of nothingness has been hooked on the soul of the black panther, and the message of the black panther appeared in his eyes.

[Name] Shadow Fiend Cat

[Introduction] Shadow creatures are lonely. Shadow fierce cats are extremely fast, and they can shoot as fast as the wind. They can make good use of the shadow claws, which can tear the magic soldiers and those who are hit. Its tail is like a hook, caught in the shadow fierce cat hook, which can seal the aura in the body and halve the effect on the creatures in the same realm.

[Level] 60

[Quality] bizarre

[Enforcement] Shadow

[Contains Reiki] 53862 points

[Edible effect] Increase the power of food

[Collectable] Shadow Bead


[Remarks] Taking Shadow Beads ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ can get sneak ability

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: Did he come to the zoo or the botanical garden?

However, it doesn't matter. The shadow fierce cat, jumping up and down for a while, has been completely controlled by Han Fei.

In Han Fei's mind, pictures flickered.

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