God of Fishing

Chapter 931: I am invincible

Han Fei looked blankly: Am I not climbing stairs? Why did you step on it and change places?

With previous experience, Han Fei was so afraid that he would "snap" a few hundred years ago. He didn't really want to go through the things in Tianhuang City.

If it's a normal place, why come to this **** place? Isn't this bone pot plain?

Jiang Qin just said that when the broken star island found this ghost place, six law enforcement officers fell off, which still made me come?

Han Fei released his perception and found that it was still ineffective. He looked up, and above the sky, Yuncun Yunshu seemed as if everything was true.

"His! Is it a test?"

Han Fei frowned. He wasn't sure if this bone pot plain was the bone pot plain he just flew over? If it's the ghost place, this is the place to go to the city of the sky. Will I be discovered?

Of course, the main ones are not people passing by. In the face of those people, Han Fei is confident that even if he can't do it, they should not be able to do it himself.

Right now, the most dangerous are those big jars.

Those big jars, single mouths are like a big tank. Some of them fall to the ground individually, and some of them fall side by side. Don't know what's inside?

"Since it's here, look, law enforcement is not almighty! Besides, I also have the power of the law of gravity ... it should be no worse than them."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and Han Fei strode toward a single, crooked jar on the ground.

At the mouth of the tank, Han Fei found that there was a dead body inside the tank. From the body type, it should be a child, it should be nothing dangerous.

"Oh! No! If this is not dangerous, where does the danger come from?"

Han Feiyin pointed out a calculation, and immediately hesitated: all directions, all dangerous?

Han Fei turned around and looked. There was nothing but those jars!

Suddenly, his heart moved, his body twisted an radian in an abnormal posture, and a dark shadow swept past him.

Han Fei propped up on one foot, and flew out, drinking at the same time: "The soil is round and fat, and possesses."

At that moment, the 360-degree field of vision was fully open. On the jar facing Han Fei, a corpse was standing. Not the body of the kid just now, what is it?


Han Fei took a breath. Because he saw the corpses, one after another, crawling out of the jars and standing on them. Looking around, the corpse was standing in all directions.

"Nima! Is this the real Bone Pot Plain?"


At the exhibition of Phantom Glass Wings, Han Fei did not move, and those corpses did not move. However, in his vision, in all the jars, he found a corpse in the distance, looking at himself.

That looks like a real person. But the man didn't move, just stood there silently, looking at himself.

"Oh! Look at the wool?"

Han Fei yelled, "What's wrong? Want to go together? Is there anyone who can say a word?"

Han Fei saw the body of the child who was closest to him, only five or six meters away. He had killed him at his feet.

Not only the child, but other corpses also rushed over. There are adults, children, old people, men and women ...


Han Fei smashed the child with a punch, and his eyes were cold: "Really go together?"

Han Fei's punch just now seemed to be on a piece of steel. The opponent's strength is great, but it doesn't matter. The strength doesn't feel very strong.


Han Fei punches in all directions, one counts one. When he came, he was bombed by Han Fei. The sheer strength of more than 7 million catties is enough to allow Han Fei to crush ordinary senior submerged fishermen, let alone Han Fei's double fist, with invincible power.

"Boom boom!"

Han Fei did not use invincible fist marks. But with every punch, there is already an invincible charm.

He found that everyone was moving. But looking at the man he was, he didn't move. As a result, Han Fei blasted to the man in the direction.

At the same time, Han Fei wanted to detain people with nothingness. As a result, he found that these people had no soul at all and could not hold back.

"Strange, it's really just a bunch of corpses."

After half an hour.

Han Fei had a strong spirit, which was the result of a fight. There were no less than 3,000 dead bodies destroyed by him. Among them, the strongest is afraid of having the strength of a senior snorkeler.

However, it was a simple power. Under the bombardment of invincible fist, the opponent still did not fight back.

However, Han Fei feels tired!

This means that every time he punches, he has to explode.


Han Fei made a strong break, and his figure flashed, even his avatar was shooting.

Han Fei yelled, "Do you know? I don't want to fight."


Under the horrible gravity, all the corpses around Han Fei lay down. A group of unconscious bodies could do nothing but resist instinctively.

Han Fei twisted his neck and wrist and walked forward step by step. He didn't even notice that every time he took a step, a golden trace of his footprints appeared, and his fearlessness increased by one more point.

Han Fei walked and said, "If the so-called bone pot plain, the place where the bones are buried, has only such a little power, why stop so many people?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, "You are so wrong!"


Suddenly, Han Fei found that the law of gravity had failed. This frowned and he tried to use the law of gravity again, but it didn't work.


Han Fei sneered: "What about the power without rules? Stop me with these corpses?"

Gold fist prints exploded, and the corpses were shattered all the way.

Han Fei felt that the invincible technique that had not been moved for a long time was loosened, and a picture appeared in his mind.

"Oh! No!"

Han Fei was surprised to find that the invincible picture in his mind was that the strong man had experienced the **** battles one after another.

It's very similar to what he is now, with all eyes on the enemy.

If this continues, there is almost no end.

Where is Ye Baiyu? Han Fei doesn't know.

If he walks on the plain of bone cans, isn't Ye Baiyu? Say he doesn't have a sea word order? Han Fei is absolutely impossible to believe.

Well, there is only one answer: the scenes that different people encounter after going up the stairs are different.

He is a plain battle of bones. For others, it may well be another scenario.

Han Fei didn't know what he was fighting? Hit the corpse? What is the purpose? What's the point of coming here by yourself?

After three hours.

Han Fei began to pour energy into his mouth. However, the corpses rushing in all directions did not decrease at all, as if endless.

after one day.

Han Fei felt his arm sore and his responsiveness was not so fast anymore. There are already many corpses that can bombard themselves.

However, in the face of the immortal body, even if I didn't move them to bombard them, it seemed that I couldn't kill myself, so should I fight?

Han Fei himself didn't know why. Suddenly he lowered his hands and let the horrible power of the corpses smash on himself.

One punch, two punches ... one hundred punches, one thousand punches.

Han Fei was blown to the ground, and suddenly he saw the footprints left by him. Can't help but wonder, why is there a touch of gold on the footprints? If he didn't pay attention, he wouldn't find it.


Zhen Fei blasted the group of people who had bombarded himself, and an invincible fist seal blasted all the way, clearing the obstacles. Han Fei found that there were marks on his feet, and there was golden light in each step.


Han Fei suddenly moved his heart: Is this the way?

its not right!

What does this mean? It's impossible to fight all the way, right?

I used to seem to have seen my own way in the cracks of the abyss. The road was very narrow, and there were endless marine creatures that slammed on me.

As for the current one, I have come all the way, only numb punches, punches, and punches again. Is this my way?

At this time, Han Fei had forgotten that he was fighting, subconsciously punched and attacked, and moved forward subconsciously.

His mind was thinking: What path did he take?

It is said that after the snorkeler, one step at a time, the fact is the same. From the increase in strength, we can see that it really is a step by step.

But for a long time, he was a little confused about his own way.

From the first combat technique "Shibang", to the later use of knives, fists, bows, body forms, seals, and even swords ...

There are so many things I know, sometimes I forget them. When he first started diving, Han Fei felt that he should learn as much as possible. Then, find a way to get through and normalize. Like Zhang Xuanyu, go out of his own way.

Han Fei believes: If Zhang Xuanyu climbed to this level, I'm afraid it would be very simple.

But Zhang Xuanyu had no luck of her own. Although he specializes in stickmanship, in the realm of fishermen, he has made his own way. But because you are out of luck, you cannot fight.

Since you are so lucky, Coach is so bad?

He wanted to create his own combat skills, such as choosing a knife. This one is the most familiar one, and I use it very smoothly.

But, how can combat skills be the way?

Han Fei thought of Qian Kunjian again. In fact, I should have refined this sword long ago. However, I don't know why, whenever I think of this, I want to drag it backwards, and drag it to the present.

Want to come now, do you not want to refine? Anyway, the best soldiers come, why don't I want to refine?

Suddenly, Han Fei found: It seems that he has been instinctively resisting.

Han Fei made a fist subconsciously, smashed a corpse, and murmured, "Is it a fist? On the invincible road, is this a road in itself?"

"No, boxing is just a combat technique. Why is invincibility a boxing technique?"

Suddenly, those pictures in Han Fei's mind suddenly stopped.

Han Fei stopped subconsciously.

At this moment, he forgot that there were corpses around, but it was strange that those corpses did not attack.

"Yeah! Invincible, why is boxing?"

"This is the way for that person. He uses boxing to open up an invincible path. But boxing is his boxing. Invincible is invincible without combat skills."


Han Fei suddenly looked up: "Invincible is invincible. What does it have to do with magic? I am invincible."

Han Fei appeared to have a **** knife in his hand, and slashed it with one hand. The golden knife marks passed and the bones were broken.

Han Fei took the gold seal again, the golden brilliance was bright, and the road was unobstructed.

In addition, Han Fei pulled out the sword of Qiankun, stabbed by it, and the golden sword shadow ran across the road for more than a kilometer.

The stick method is still the same.

Han Fei looked up, the momentum of his body was increasing madly: "Invincible, just pure invincible. Because of me, nothing is invincible. Because of me, invincible!"


With a crisp sound, the scenery in front of Han Fei suddenly changed, and he returned to the steps again.

But at this moment he was standing in the middle of the steps. Looking down, Ren Tianfei can see a fake corpse ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Looking up, the road ahead is bright, and there is no obstacle.

Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly; "Invincible is not surgery, I am invincible. I am invincible with whatever."

For a moment, Han Fei's mind disappeared as the traces of invincible art existed.

Invincible, instant success.

It can also be said that invincible art has disappeared.

This time, Han Fei felt that all aspects of himself had strengthened again. That is the realisation of the realm, and the realisation of the realm makes all aspects stronger than a little bit.

In terms of strength alone, Han Fei clenched his fists, fearing that he would have 8 million catties.

Han Fei stepped up the steps step by step, without any hindrance, he reached the top for a moment.

At this moment, Han Fei saw a person-Ye Baiyu.

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