God of Fishing

Chapter 932: Change

The moment he saw Ye Baiyu, Han Fei knew why.

Ye Baiyu pursues speed, Qianxing City Ye family pursues speed, and their way is there.

Therefore, Han Fei did not see Ye Baiyu when he entered. Because he knows what his path is like, he can go directly to the top.

At this moment, Han Fei probably also understood the purpose of so many people coming under the waterfall. They are here to find their way, to find their way to law enforcement.

However, Han Fei is not clear. How many of those people in Xuantian Waterfall have a sea word order?

If there is no sea word order, they should not see these ten thousand layers of steps, and they will not be able to set foot on their own way.

At the moment, Han Fei had an unprecedented sober mind. I just want to embark on an invincible path, no matter who the road ahead is, whether or not others are better than myself? They are all invincible. Now, and later.

At this moment, the law enforcement barrier has been broken, which means that as long as one's realm is reached, law enforcement is inevitable and there is no obstacle at all.

Of course, this is not to say that Han Fei is invincible and has no opponents.

But in his own spiritual world, he is already invincible.

On the basis of self-invincibility, what to do and what to learn is entirely up to you.

As for what law will be enforced? Han Fei already has an enforceable law. But do you want to follow this law? He also needs to consider.


Ye Baiyu looked back at Han Fei, wondering: "Are you up?"

Han Fei grinned, "I'm coming up."

Ye Baiyu took a breath: "You found your way so quickly? It really is a genius. I think that we ourselves are not really enemies, do you think?"

Han Fei's mouth drew: "Why not? Don't you grab a chart with me?"

Ye Baiyu said: "Grabbing pictures has no direct relationship with the enemy? Whoever robs them is not the enemy. It is not the enemy."

Han Fei sneered: "Here is the picture that grabs my enemies. I am here, and I have to put it down when I see the picture."

Ye Baiyu frowned: "Han Fei, are you overbearing?"

Han Fei laughed: "Am I bully?"

Ye Baiyu said angrily: "Aren't you overbearing? Ding Haitu is the kind of thing for those who have fate. Everyone has their own skills. Did I grab it, and I have to give it to you?"

Han Fei laughed: "First of all, I don't think you have a chance to grab it. Secondly, even if you grab it, I let you put it down, you have to put it down."

Ye Baiyu was furious: "Han Fei, do you know what you are talking about? You are against the entire Qianxing City."

Han Fei scorned: "It's an enemy long ago. Those who rob me are all enemies."

Han Fei looked up and glanced at this temple-like building.

Before the building, there was a transparent enchantment, Han Fei said indifferently: "You have been here so early, haven't you gone in yet? It seems that you can't go in?"

Ye Baiyu's figure receded to the side, as if he was close to the enemy: "Han Fei, I already tried it. To enter here, you need a sufficient number of navy characters. You and I are afraid that we can't get in temporarily."

Han Fei said with a smile: "Since you can't get in, why don't you give me the sea word, shall I come in?"

Ye Baiyu also laughed: "I already knew that someone would grab, my sea word order has been taken back. This should be the original designer, did not want to let one person get the sea word order, a small means of playing. Do not believe, you can put the sea word Let me show you? "

Han Fei frowned slightly, and between his hands, a sea word appeared on his hand. I saw the sea word tremble slightly, flew directly from Han Fei's hands, and fell directly into this enchantment.

It's a pity that Han Fei didn't expect Ye Baiyu to be one step ahead and pay the sea word order in advance.

Han Fei is not quite sure. Is the first one to take the lead in the sea? But in the end, it will cause speculation. Han Fei couldn't help but look at Ye Baiyu: "How many sea characters do you have?"

Ye Baiyu stunned slightly: "Of course it is one. The sea word is extremely rare. It is very lucky to get one. What do you mean?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "That's fine, then I'm lucky."

Han Fei was relieved that Ye Baiyu had only one sea character. Although he was the first to come, but he has a small number of Hai Zi Ling!

No, Han Fei turned his hands again, and two sea-character orders appeared, flying towards the enchantment.

In this scene, Ye Baiyu's eyes widened directly: "You ... do you have three?"

Han Fei grinned and looked at Ye Baiyu meaningfully: "Can't you? Now, give me a reason not to let you go. Or, you go down this step. Or, I'll send you down."

Ye Baiyu's eyes flickered: "Han Fei, don't go too far. I'm not as good as you in strength, but do you have me faster in speed?"

Han Fei grinned: "Try it!"

The moment he said these two words, Han Fei didn't even phantom the glass wing, and the figure flashed like a phantom. The speed was so fast that even Ye Baiyu trembled in his heart.

"Brush it ..."

Ye Baiyu is like a white light shuttle, Han Fei follows the shadow, runs dozens of breaths, Han Fei slightly frowns.

It is one thing to realize that invincibility. Although the physical skills have been greatly improved, the sixty-four elephant fish and dragon dances have also been initially integrated, but there is still a big gap with this guy.

However, Han Fei didn't panic. As soon as the Overlord tactics were on display, the speed was "whacked" and he woke up.

With Han Fei's one-handed buckle, Ye Baiyu was almost caught. The latter saw that Han Fei's speed had soared so much, he was horrified immediately, the secret law was performed, and the speed doubled again.

Ye Baiyu shouted, "Han Fei, although I don't know why your speed has become so fast? But don't forget, my Ye family is famous for its speed and immortality for thousands of years. You can't catch me."

Han Fei frowned slightly, and the figure suddenly stopped. He felt that there was something wrong with "Bawangjue".

Ignoring Ye Baiyu ignorantly, Han Fei's mind swept away, and he stumbled to find that the speed of Bawangjue had dropped from 8 times to 7 times.

"Huh? Dropped?"

"Hoo! Overlord tricks are based on the strength of the caster. Before, I did n’t understand the invincibility, and I was a lot weaker than now. But this epiphany, has it been improved too much, resulting in increased strength and weakened the power of overlord tricks? Anymore? "

"Yes, it must be so. After all," Bawangjue "is only the secret of Tianzhong Zhongpin. Before, it was because it was not too high to pull up the strength, 8 times the promotion is just right, and it can also meet the energy consumption. As of now, the energy consumption is It was quite the same before. In the final analysis, I became stronger. "

However, Han Fei smiled coldly. The overlord tactics of Tianzhong Zhongpin, but the deduction only needs 30 million auras, and they are completely enough, not to panic at all, now it is just a direct deduction.

Seeing that Han Fei would not chase, Ye Baiyu was relieved immediately. He thought that it was Han Fei who stopped because he found his speed and couldn't keep up.

However, he did panic just now.

Han Fei is so powerful that I am afraid that in his own generation, he is already standing tall and frightened.

Moreover, on the peak speed of Han Fei just now, he was even 60% of his own. This is too exaggerated, right?

At the beginning, at the time of entering the sea, if you wanted to, the peak speed could exceed 10 times that of Han Fei.

Han Fei stood still, and said secretly in his heart, "Presumed."

Ye Baiyu frowned, and found that Han Fei's aura was very volatile and surging. He immediately looked tense: Does Han Fei still have a secret method?

Han Fei even tilted his head and glanced at him. The unexplained smile made him a little speechless and dare not neglect.

In fact, Han Fei has a clear understanding in his mind: Ye Baiyu is no longer an opponent.

He can't catch up with him, of course, because the basic speed is not as fast as him. However, he still has the wind speed. Once the overlord strategy, coupled with the speed of the wind, it is not impossible to catch Ye Baiyu.

The only thing Ye Baiyu can still hold his hand is his Star Wars. However, if it is controlled by itself, it will not work at all.

A few moments later, the Overlord Strategy came out, and in his mind, new information emerged.

"Magic Change" [Tianjin Shenpin]

Remarks: Guan Xuan, the tortoise shell guardian of Tao Xuan, pioneered the secret method of eating food, using huge energy as a sacrifice, calling the demon king. In a short period of time, based on the level of the caster, multiply the combat power.

Current improvement: 10 times

Disadvantages: The stronger the strength improvement, the more energy consumption. Once the energy consumption is too large, the physical potential will be overdrawn.

Deduction: Unknown

Deduction consumption: 0/1 billion

When Han Fei saw this new method of "Magic Change", he couldn't help but hold back: Overlord Jue, how did he evolve into the demon body?

It's not that Han Fei hates the name of Devil Change, but the name seems a little weird, and it feels as if the guy who initiated this method has been demonized.

However, Han Fei didn't care.

Seeing a 10-fold increase in number immediately made him feel an upsurge: if he used his current strength to exert 10-fold strength. Even if I encounter Qing Youji again, I seem to be able to try it.

Although it is still a lot weaker, but with the invincible heart, at least it will not be as embarrassed as before and be chased by others.

After a long time, Han Fei grinned: "Again, do you go down by yourself, or do I ask you to go down?"

Ye Baiyu frowned: "Han Fei, why is the relationship so rigid? Besides, you can't catch me again. You have to fight, fight others!"


When the transformation took place, Han Fei only felt that the blood was inflated, and the power of terror came on him. At the same time, he was a little irritable and his emotions seemed a bit explosive.

Han Fei disappeared and the speed increased sharply. Ye Baiyu was shocked.

At that moment, Ye Baiyu's secret method was fully open. But he stumbled to find that Han Fei's speed has actually improved a lot. If you go on like this, it will last longer than anyone!

For a time, before the temple, two shadows flickered. Because it's too fast, it feels like nobody is here.

After a while, Han Fei saw Ye Baiyu's breath was somewhat unstable, which should be the reason for the lack of reiki. Immediately, he gave a low drink, and his speed reached the extreme.


When Han Fei almost caught Ye Baiyu, he didn't know where to suddenly hack a thunder and directly hack Han Fei into a stalemate.

Ye Baiyu's soul smashed: How can this **** be so fast? No! No one is faster than the Ye family. This is almost the Thousand Stars Theorem, but today this theorem was almost broken by Han Fei.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the thunder, Ye Baiyu felt that he would be arrested again.

Han Fei has long been used to the power of the Thunder ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ At this moment, he is bombarded, but his breath is a bit disordered. In the flesh, the arc flashed, not unbearable.

It ’s just that you ca n’t catch Ye Baiyu!

Ye Baiyu said: "Han Fei, it seems that private fighting is not allowed here."

"Huh! Then try again."

After a while, Han Fei used the line of nothingness, and when he wanted to hold Ye Baiyu, another thunder burst. This made him very speechless: what a **** rule!

Ye Baiyu once again came back from the fright, and immediately laughed: "Hahaha! It seems that my destiny is here! Han Fei, you come and hit me again! You continue to fight, I will not run, you come ha ... ... "

Han Fei pouted: "How long can you laugh?"

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