God of Fishing

Chapter 936: Tree spirit

In front of him, the scrolls are floating, and Han Feibai has mixed feelings.

Han Fei booed, "Old man, you have found it, but you haven't figured out how to get it?"

Ren Tianfei snorted: "I can get it, I already took it. Did you see it? See it, just go in!"

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "What do I understand? I'll see it again."

Han Fei really wants to see it for a while. In this figure, the star arrangement is not seen for the time being. To say that the symbiosis of the five elements seems to be in some kind of coexistence and complement each other.

If Han Fei was right, these five elements are also one of the key points.

"Well! If you just drop all the stars, how can it still be a gossip? No, who knows gossip here? Coincidentally? But if there is a gossip, there is yin and yang."

However, Han Fei does not understand any of them!

Ren Tianfei said: "It's impossible to understand by just looking at it. Therefore, the picture must still be entered! If you go in, you will have a chance to understand."

Han Fei looked at Ren Tianfei: "Are you not going?"

Ren Tianfei smiled lightly: "Of course."

Han Fei: "How come out?"

Ren Tianfei said: "Simple, seven days, it will come out automatically. If you can't find something in seven days, you want to go in again, and wait for the next year!"

Han Fei couldn't help taking a sip of air conditioning: co-authored, he only has seven days!

Said, Ren Tian flew to the previous step: "I'll go ahead, can you take the picture to see luck? The picture can not help but kill, anyway, can control this picture, people in Qianxing City will not get them. Come, Just kill one. It ’s okay to kill all of them, Tianjiao. "

Han Fei was speechless: "Easy to say, how can it be so easy?"

Ren Tianfei said: "Unfortunately, I haven't been in contact with the real body for too long. However, you have to be indestructible, but it's not a big problem after entering. However, be careful of the nine-sound mystery, don't get stuck in the picture.

Han Fei was surprised: "What mystery?"

Ren Tianfei said: "Not everyone can come out of the picture. Nine sounds are the nine sounds of the road. Of course, there may be more than nine. But in the picture, you can only feel the number nine. If you fall into it, you are trapped in the picture. In China, not everyone can come out. "

"Jiuyin? What does it have to do with Jiuyin Ling?"

Han Fei was wrong. It should not have something to do with Jiuyin Ling, but it should have something special to do with the Law of Freedom ...

Han Fei couldn't help but think: Is the person Jiang Qin was looking for stuck in the map?

Because of this, Jiang Qin is very concerned about this. But she gave her the opportunity. It seems that I have high hopes for myself!

Thinking about this, Han Feidao said, "OK, go in."


As Han Fei and Ren Tianfei stepped into the picture, Han Fei found that he was the only one left.

Sure enough, as expected, entering the picture, each has its own place, random?

This time, Han Fei did not appear in the sky or in the ocean.

He appeared on top of a mountain. Magnificent cliffs, looking down at the mountains and rivers, seem to have vigor.

"It's spectacular!"

A picture depicting a world, the wind is whirling, and the sky is shining.

Han Fei glanced around and saw himself at the top of the mountain. Is there any implication?

The wind is not in the five elements, but in the hexagram, and the hexagram is 巽 ...

Han Fei rubbed his head: No, no, he couldn't follow this line of thinking. This is not his own world. If you follow your own thinking, this may have to involve heaven and earth, no constant technique. Without knowing the trick, it will never be possible to break the mystery of setting the chart.

"It must be regular."

Han Fei did not intend to make himself look like a blind man, and began to look around. Instead, sit on the cliff and think about what you are trying to grab here?

Han Fei's fingers were calculated subconsciously. As a result, it seems that there is something wrong with where he is.

"Huh? The aura is very full, and the sun and moon are converging. Is this a geomantic treasure?"

Han Fei himself can't help himself: if he becomes an ordinary person, he can use this hand to show people fortune telling.

"and many more!"

Suddenly Han Fei got up and didn't come here for nothing. This is an excellent place for cultivation, but it is also a place where spirit gathers.

"Is it luck?"

Han Fei's eyes brightened: "Yes! Preempting the chart is the battle of luck. If I can gather the luck of others, wouldn't I own the luck in this world?"

Han Fei seems to want to understand something: in the final analysis, he wants to win.

But in this case, wouldn't you want to find someone else to kill? Winning the game, should it be like this?

At the top of the cliff, I practiced a little bit of Nether Fishing. Apart from being faster and purer, there doesn't seem to be any special difference.

Han Fei looked up at the sky. It was morning dawn, and the stars were hidden. There was nothing wrong with looking at it.


Han Fei jumped directly down the cliff, phantom glass wings spread open and dived down. Below the cliff is a dense forest. But under the forest, covered with water. Some trees are linked by vine bridges, as if they had been artificially cut.

"I should be in a forest in the picture, with cliffs on the side, and it should be near the bottom left corner of the picture."

As the so-called comes, then it is safe, and even if he has Ren Tianfei's instructions, he has not found the root cause of the problem. Then you can only go through all the five elements.

In the upper left corner of Dinghai, Han Fei remembers that there is still a mangrove forest. When you're done here, go over there first.


In the forest, surprisingly, Han Fei did not see the strange animals. It was in the water, and occasionally small fish with large palms swarmed. However, most of these creatures only have a few levels, which are similar to the big yellow croaker, which is not special.

It was this forest, deep and quiet, flowing water. The vines were haphazard, and the trunk was covered with mottled traces of years.

Mind moved, Xiaobai appeared. Han Fei kept Xiao Hei in the refining world to prevent accidents.

Han Fei: "Daughter, can you feel, is there anything special here?"

Xiao Bai looked like an elf and circled around Han Fei twice.

Han Fei has left a little bit of crystal, which makes Han Fei sigh: This time, I am afraid that the breakthrough is unusual!

After only three breaths, Xiaobai dumbly said: "Daddy, there is a strong breath, but there is no danger."

"Strong breath, not dangerous?"

Han Fei immediately laughed and said, "Go, take me."

Since Xiaobai said there was no danger, there was no danger. Han Fei went forward at full speed, and after only a moment, he and Xiaobai came to the so-called powerful atmosphere.

At this moment, Han Fei couldn't help but open his mouth and exclaim: "What a thick tree!"

In front of Han Fei, it is a big tree!

Its diameter may be more than 500 meters. What concept? It's horribly rough. Moreover, the tree does not look tall because it grows in a deep pit. While leaning against the gully cliff, it fell on the bottom of the cliff, which was only over 1,000 meters.

Seeing this tree, information emerged in Han Fei's eyes.

[Name] Tree Spirit

[Introduction] A special existence, a strange creature between creatures and Taoism. It is quiet and peaceful, with infinite vitality, symbolizing the breath of life.

[Level] 69

[Quality] legend

[Reiki]? ? ?

[Combat skills] Gan Lin shines, reversing life


When he saw the word "Legend", Han Fei drew in the air directly: Level 69 legendary creature? This is not comparable to legendary creatures, this is a real legend!

The legendary powerhouse at the pinnacle of law enforcement, I am afraid that its strength can be compared to explorers?

In contrast, if human beings and other creatures in nature must be divided into who is strong and who is weak ... In the same realm, human beings are probably as powerful as rare peak-level or ordinary strange creatures.

Once the quality of life is a legend, at the same level, at least the true arrogant figure in human beings can compete.

But the legend is that it is not something that Tianjiao can compete with. I am afraid that it is the arrogance that is rare in a century, and then there is a chance to compete. This can be seen from the shrimp Ritian them.

If it is humans in the same environment, facing the shrimp every day, they are almost steadily defeated, and there is no chance of winning.

At the moment, 69-level legend, if this tree represents danger, Han Fei feels that he may not be able to beat others at all. Even if invincible, but this is not a level of competition, what is the use of invincible?

"Well, there is a human!"

When Han Fei was stunned, old voices rang loudly.

Han Fei stepped back immediately: "Mr. Shu?"

Han Fei's resilience is already very strong. Anyone else speak? The first thing he thought of was that the tree itself was like a leafless tree.

I saw a phantom in front of the tree. It was an old man with gray hair and beard, holding a cane in his hands, some humpbacks, looking at Han Fei kindly ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Han Fei's eyes narrowed: Can he change ChéngRén?

Han Fei was slightly surprised: "Senior Tree?"

The old man waved his hand, a wooden table and a rattan chair appeared, and only listened to him lightly: "Humans don't come here very often, they seem to have come a lot lately."

Han Fei was surprised: "Who else is coming?"

The old man said slightly: "It happened just a few decades ago. Several people have come and I have given them some opportunities."

Han Fei's mouth twitched: You called it a few decades ago? I was n’t born yet, okay?

Han Fei saw a wooden teapot appear, and the cup was actually Qi Lingye.

Han Fei could not help but hesitate: Is it such a luxury to entertain guests this year?

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