God of Fishing

Chapter 937: Tinder

Han Fei picked up the cup of Qi Lingye and sighed, "Senior, is there a lot of Qi Lingye here?"

The old man smiled softly: "This is a rule. Rules are everywhere and exist between heaven and earth. Do you say much?"

Han Fei said: Old man Jiang guessed right. Qilingye is a rule. Otherwise, how could you drink it in your stomach and run out? If it was an ordinary drink, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai would have died a long time ago?

Han Fei looked at the old man: "Senior, can this be regarded as the world?"

The old man nodded: "Someone opens the sky, some people break the ground. Why isn't it heaven and earth?"

Han Fei's eyes narrowed, he was shocked: "You mean, this world was opened up by others?"

The old man smiled and nodded: "Natural."

At that time, Han Fei remembered the king of the sea: Why is it called sea? Is the ocean also developed?

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: "Senior, do you mean that the king can open up the sky, open the ground, and expand the sea?"

The old man shook his head: "I didn't say so. The king can only open the sea. As for the sky and the earth, is it the king's ability?"

The old man looked at Han Fei with a smile.

This gave Han Fei a terrible conjecture: the creators of this and Dinghaitu may not be the king-level powerhouse at all, but the powerhouse stronger than the king-level.

Han Fei was moved. This matter, Ren Tianfei must know. However, this old boy never told himself.

If this is not the world created by the king at all, it is only natural that there is an opportunity to become king here. What's wrong with the strong guys giving the younger generation a chance? Isn't this something many people do?

Han Fei took a breath: "There is a realm above the king? What realm is that?"

I saw the old man looked up at the sky and said lightly, "It's too far away."

Seeing the old man's move, Han Fei couldn't help but test it: "Is it ... open the sky?"

The old man didn't speak, just smiled slightly: "Human, you are very lucky. After you come in, you will be here with me. If you appear elsewhere, it is not optimistic at this time."

Han Fei's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean? Other places, dangerous?"

But I heard the old man say, "There are two reasons why this world can be called Dinghai Yibao. One is because there are four guys like me. On the other hand, there are great battlefields here, even if they are The strong in the explorer realm are not indestructible. "

Han Fei took a deep breath: "There are four legendary powerhouses at the peak of law enforcement? Wait, Dinghai Yibao, the power is more than that, right?"

The old man nodded slightly: "Of course, the stronger the leader, the stronger the power that can be exerted. If the king-level leader is in charge, Tu Zun will be easy."

Han Feixin said: Sure enough, Dinghai Yibao or Dinghai Yibao depends on what kind of person is in control?

However, Han Fei was wary: "Senior, why did you tell me this?"

The old man laughed: "I'm a tree! It's not my specialty that beats and kills. Everyone who comes to me, I will tell him. After all, everyone who comes is possible Take charge of the world here. "

Han Fei wondered: "Tell outsiders what is good for you? If I guess well, if someone is in charge of this world, will you be your master from now on?"

All of a sudden, there are five legendary creature thugs. No one can let this go!

The old man nodded: "Yes! If he is qualified to take charge of the world here, what about serving him as the Lord? Later, you can go to talk to a few others. I think someone should have talked to them now. But it won't be so easy. "

Han Fei was silent for a moment, and his brain was moving quickly, and suddenly said, "So, in fact, none of you will kill the outsiders? Your purpose is to test the outsiders in the school. Who is qualified to control the world here?"

The old man nodded.

Han Fei asked again: "So I want to ask, since you always know everything, do you know how to control the world here?"

The old man laughed and said, "You think too simple. This is our level, it's just our level. It's just one of them. It has been recognized by us many years ago. It's a pity. , He failed to get behind. Therefore, he still can't control the world here. "

Han Fei's eyelids picked up: "Oh? Is it so easy to recognize?"

Han Fei thinks: This old man is talking about Ren Tianfei. That guy, I'm afraid it has already been recognized. Unfortunately, he couldn't pass the test later. Otherwise, he took the picture early.

When Ren Tianfei was outside, he already told himself where the king's chance was. Failure to tell myself these five guys should be in his opinion, and it is a matter of course to be recognized by these five guys.

The reason why I looked outside myself for a long time, I was afraid that the goods were also testing myself. Even if he didn't analyze anything, he was afraid he would tell him everything. After all, he probably has no chance, after all, he is not even here.

Therefore, the crux of the problem has nothing to do with these five legendary beings.

Therefore, Han Fei directly skipped the other four: "Seniors, other people's approval, I will go there. I want to know what else do I need to do beyond your five?"

The old man admired: "Well, yes, it is the pride that the strong should have. If you cross five of us, it is Jiuyin."

Han Fei immediately said, "What is Jiuyin?"

The old man did not hide it, as if chatting, saying, "The so-called nine sounds are the rules created by the creators of heaven and earth here. Among them, the seven sounds are also called the seven emotions, which are joy, anger, sadness, joy, Surprise, fear, think ... As for the remaining two sounds, listen to yourself! "

Immediately, Han Fei had a bad feeling.

Seven emotions and six desires? Coming as a rule? What means?

There are two notes, obviously the old man also knows. But the other person doesn't seem to want to tell themselves, or can't tell themselves, why?

Also, these nine sounds seem to match the nine sounds in the Freedom Method?

In the Freedom Method, there is actually such a description: Too much to forget ... This is also the source of Han Fei's bad feelings.

Han Feidao: "Senior, besides these nine sounds, there should be other assessments? Where is that city?"

The old man refilled Han Fei with a glass of enlightenment and slowly said, "That's a place we don't know. After all, when we opened the world, there was actually no us here. But there are nine sounds. So, that city, only You can see it for yourself. "

Han Fei sighed slightly and finally asked, "Senior, what about the stars in the sky?"

The old man shook his head: "That's not something we can understand, just like that city."

Han Fei couldn't help but be a little speechless: So, you five, don't know much!

Han Fei suddenly said, "Senior, what if I didn't go to the other four?"

The old man smiled lightly: "It will be chased! Because they don't know if you have this qualification to control the world here? Of course, you can escape their chase. It depends on your ability."

Han Fei got up: "Last question, do you always have something for me?"

The old man took a deep look at Han Fei, thought about it, took out a seed and passed it: "Okay, you can leave. As for the four? Where should you know? If you even look for If not, then you basically can't control the world here. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, and the phantom glazed wings spread out into the sky. What can't I find? For the Five Elements, there must be a spread. The mangrove forest in the upper left corner of Dinghai map is surrounded by a volcano. On the map, the magma seems to be overflowing.

Han Fei controlled Fengshenzhou to go away. Just to see how big this space is? Although Shu Ling did not say it, he also disguisedly acknowledged the realm above the king and opened up heaven. Even if the name is not such a name, the ability to open the sky should be available. It's not bad to call it by power.

Han Fei's trip just happened to take a look. How big the world can be created by the strong man in the sky?

Dinghai chart, 3 meters wide and 20 meters long.

Just at this three-meter distance, Han Fei flew for nearly two hours, but less than a moment.

At this moment, Han Fei looked at the burning forest below and murmured: "It is 9,000 miles wide, so it can be estimated that this picture is about 60,000 miles long."

Han Fei couldn't help swallowing: This is the power of the sky-opening mirror, creating the size of the world?

Fengshenzhou had to fly a full day to fly from this end to the other end.

This makes Han Fei helpless. Because he remembered that the ocean was on the west side of the scroll. In other words, it took him a day to meet the guy in the water?

"No, this method is absolutely not possible. The time is too long, and I only have seven days in total. It is enough to see four monsters. After seeing this guy below, I have to hurry to the mountain that I want to go to without name. , Where the metal legend lives. "

As for soil, this Han Fei has also confirmed. The soil is Houde, Zerun, and breeds vitality. It is the most vigorous place except tree species. There is one place in the painting, flowers and plants, birds, beasts, fertile soil, all gathered there, living a little to the left in the middle of the scroll. This one and the one in the sea should be the least visible.

At this moment, Han Fei couldn't help but grin, and he was really lucky. As soon as I played, I was in the tree spirit and learned a lot. 9,000 miles away is the site of this legendary powerhouse of fire attributes, which can be described as a smooth journey.


Han Fei jumped directly from the fishing boat, not in the flame forest, but on the volcano.


After landing, Han Fei shouted directly: "Senior, I want to take control of the world here, please come over and see if I am qualified?"


As Han Fei roared and looked away, the flames of the forest fire rose through the sky. In the volcano, magma spewed out.

A cold voice came: "Enter the forest."

Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and the figure hurriedly rushed into the infinite flame.

It was just that Han Fei ran for more than 300 miles and found that there was still a person sitting in the flame.

This person Han Fei also knows the person who hangs in the sky. However, there are few intersections with Han Fei. However, this man came when he was entertaining the catastrophic waterfall.

"Liu Shan?"

Liu Shan opened his eyes suddenly: "Han Fei, have you discovered the mystery of this world?"

Han Fei grinned: "I won't tell you."

As he said, Han Fei looked around and felt a sweep, and found that a fireball was slowly floating 30 miles away behind him.

Han Fei: "Senior, how do you say? Do you still need to choose?"

Liu Shan's eyes flickered, it was a pity to watch the fireball flying up. I have been here for so long, this fireball has not appeared. As soon as Han Fei comes to www.ltnovel.com ~ this fireball is coming? It can be seen that I do not want to be seen!

When the fireball arrived, Han Fei's eyes showed a message.

[Name] Tinder

[Introduction] A kind of heaven and earth spirit fire, because it is confined to this side of heaven and earth, has become the only flame inheritance between heaven and earth. Its domineering nature, under the treasures of Dinghai, can be burned.

[Level] 69

[Quality] legend

[Reiki]? ? ?

[Combat Skill] Burning Anger


Han Fei arched slightly: "Senior, I am from Senior Shu Ling. Time is tight and I will go to the next place later. What is your consideration?"

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