God of Fishing

Chapter 938: Sword

In the fireball, crimson and weird eyes appeared.

The moment the fireball settled, the surrounding temperature skyrocketed. In an instant, the peak of the ordinary snorkeler was unbearable. Han Fei's hair has begun to burn slightly.

I only listen to Han Feidao: "Senior, don't stop there, right? The clothes are burnt out, but they don't look good anyway."

Just listening to the cold voice echoing in the Quartet: "What matter to me?"


The flames soared again. This liter, Han Fei immediately closed the wind feather coat on his body. Then, instantly, nothing was left on his body, and he became a bald head.

Liu Shan next door felt that he was playing with fire, hesitated a little bit, and the demigod's battle suit was melted directly. However, maybe because he was playing with fire, his hair was still there. It's just like Han Fei.

It was a little embarrassing for the two old men to go to this station.

Tinder asked, "Where did you come from the tree spirit?"

Han Fei: "Yes."

Tinder asked again, "Where are you going?"

Han Fei glanced at Liu Shan without hesitating: "The mountain peaked in the sky."

Ruthless voice said: "Criminal sword, is the best of the five of you, are you sure to go to him?"

Han Fei said: It turned out to be a criminal knife. I do n’t know, what kind of creature?

But listening to Han Fei said with a smile: "The junior said, time is urgent, only according to the distance. The next place is his closest."

Tinder groaned and looked at Liu Shan: "What do you want to say?"

Liu Shan frowned: he didn't know anything! I just knew that as soon as I appeared, it was here. After searching around, I didn't find anything. I thought I had to practice here, what to look for ...

As a result, it seems that it is not at all. But I do n’t know what to do?

As soon as Han Fei came, he directly clamored to take charge of the world here. He also said that there were more tree spirits and penal knives than he knew!

Liu Shan didn't know how to answer, so he only said one word: "Struggle."

Han Fei rolled his eyes at Liu Shan: "Do you know what to fight for?"

Liu Shan's face was fierce: "Whatever it is, I have to fight."

Tinder's voice was cold: "Since you are going to fight, you two have a fight."

Tinder looked at Han Fei: "You have to be fast, you can. Beat him within a hundred minutes, you can."

"Bai Xi?"

Han Fei raised his lips.

Liu Shan also grinned, he had seen Han Fei fighting. It is really powerful, but in the case of desperation, you want to beat yourself within a hundred minutes? In his opinion, this is not possible!

Han Fei: "Okay!"

Liu Shan shouted: "Fusion ... the flame **** body."


The ambient temperature rose again, but Han Fei was still not afraid. He saw a strangely shaped, dark red deformed prawn fused with Liu Shan. But Liu Shan did not use the contract spirit beast, which is well understood. One is that the contract spirit beast is not enough to cultivate, and the other is that Liu Shan knows that the contract spirit beast is invalid for himself.

Either way, Han Fei doesn't matter.

As for what fire **** body? Han Fei even looked down on it, it was just a secret method. Observing Liu Shan's momentum, it has more than tripled. I am afraid that under this kind of strength bonus, there is already the peak strength of junior law enforcers.

But why is Han Fei afraid?

"Magic change!"


The fist prints burst out, and in the billowing flames, it was as bright as the sun. The power of terror, the mountains. This is Han Fei's current strength.

"Flaming Dragon Fist!"


"Kakaka ..."

With one punch, Liu Shan flew directly, rolled out of the ground more than a thousand meters away, and broke ten bones.

Han Fei looked back at Tinder and said, "Senior, get it."


The fire suddenly burst into flames, Han Fei was already burning with flames, her skin was ignited, and some cracks began to appear. But he didn't even blink.

Tinder took a deep look at Han Fei: "Invincible Road, looks good. OK, I recognize you."

Han Fei smiled: "Senior, what warning?"

Tinder shook: "No, I should tell you, the tree spirit should have told you all."

Han Fei is a bit sorry, but it doesn't matter, he said, "Senior, Senior Shu Ling gave me a seed."

The tinder paused, and a stone was blasted from a distance, which was held in the hand by Han Fei, a red firestone.

Han Fei glanced at Liu Shan: "You can't argue here, you might as well practice here for a few days. When the time comes, you will naturally go out."


Han Fei rushed directly into the sky and flew towards the peak without any delay.

Liu Shan was shocked at this moment. How strong is Han Fei? He was clearly the pinnacle of the intermediate snorkeler, but his strength was truly horrifying.

This is not a gap between combat skills at all, it is a gap between absolute strength. 4 waves of power, defeated in one punch? It made him sigh: "Horrible guy!"

Tinder did not look at Liu Shan, and flew directly into the volcano. Guys who can't even catch a punch, still fighting? You fight for a fart!

In the sky, Fengshenzhou swept out like a red light. That mountain peak is 15,000 miles away, in the middle.

After Han Feifei went over 8,000 miles, he found that someone had kept up with himself, and it was Gui Yuanfeng's disciple. There is a side, what is that guy named Feng Yifei.

Han Fei immediately stopped the fishing boat: "What did you do with me?"

Feng Yifei said: "When will I follow you?"

Han Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly put away Fengshenzhou: "Let you lie down for seven days."

Feng Yifei: "???"


When Han Fei was going to send someone to lay a dead body, in the sea on the right side of Dinghai Picture Roll, Mo Feiyu arched his hand: "Thank you for your approval."

In the birds and beasts, the fertile land of Liangtian, Cao Tian nodded: "Thank you, but my world is owned by my brother. His enemies are all my enemies."

Above the peak of Xiushu Yunxiao, there is a dwelling. Among the cottages, a stove was burning.

Outside the house was a small tree with pink fruits on it. If Han Fei were here, he would recognize: Isn't this a peach?

At this moment, outside the house.

Lying under the nameless three, frowned: "Senior, isn't it enough?"

There was a voice in the room, coldly: "Enough, but if you want to wait, you can."

Anonymous frowned slightly, just after listening to the punishment of the five legends, thinking to himself: still let myself wait? A little delay!

However, no name and no rush, and sat directly in front of the house. He wants to see, who is it?

Half a column of incense time flashed, a light and shadow flew in the sky.

Anonymous opened his eyes, and the corner of his mouth evoked: "Ning Jingyao?"

However, before Ning Jingyao arrived, a red light passed by in the field of vision, and Fengshenzhou also arrived.

Anonymous is a bit unexpected, but it makes sense to think about it.

When Ning Jingyao saw Han Fei arriving almost at the same time as himself, he couldn't help but grunted, "What a coincidence! Let's get together."

Han Fei just solved Feng Yifei's hand just now, delaying the 20 interest time slightly. At this moment, seeing Wu Ming and Ning Jingyao, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Oh! You two! Well, it seems that this time we have to show our true strength."

Ning Jingyao grinned, "Han Fei! Is your realm even worse?"

Han Fei laughed: "I'm not fast enough to increase the speed? It's you, you're about to catch up with me!"

Anonymous indifferent said: "How to fight?"

Ning Jingyao: "I met this senior first."

Han Fei glanced at the peach tree outside and exclaimed: "Peach!"


Han Fei flickered a few times, appeared in front of the peach tree, picked a peach, wiped his body, and said, "Go ahead," and said, "Senior, I want it here."

Ning Jingyao laughed with a smile: "You listen to him, senior, and he teases you."

Anonymous glance at Han Fei: "How to fight?"


There was an endless shame in the room, and a cold voice said, "Every time I have the most people here. I don't care how you fight, the kid with the sword is good, I approve it. The other two, I do n’t know, it depends on you How strong is it? As for those lying down, get out. "

At a glance, Han Fei saw that there was a Chu Xun in the Taixu Courtyard, and two of them seemed to be casual repairs.

Ning Jingyao glanced at the two of them and said, "Hey, don't you hide? I'm afraid to fight Yu Wei later and tear you both up."

Chu Xuan gritted his teeth and spit out blood: "Excuse me!"

The three left one after another with their severely wounded bodies. Can't they? of course not. On that tour, Han Fei was still a bit impressed, and his strength was good.

However, the five legendary powerhouses don't want anything good, they only want it. Therefore, when ordinary Tianjiao appears here, he can only get the word "get away".

Anonymous third pass: "How to fight? I'm in a hurry."

Han Fei said with a smile: "Snoring together. Whoever you want to hit, whoever you want, how you want to fight."

Ning Jingyao grinned and said, "It's a bit interesting, so come on."

The cold knife said in a cold voice: "Go fight in the sky ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ 嗖 嗖 嗖 ..."

The three flew to the sky, showing a three-legged stand.

At about the same time, the three broke out.

"Magic change."

"Star Blade."

"Three thousand swords."

In an instant, the sky changed color. Over the sky, stars appeared day by day, and the sword was rolling.

There are also thousands of swords flowing overwhelmingly. There is a virtual sword of sky sword, which came into the sky.

There are overbearing swordsman, cut through the void. Long Yin hissed, and the domineering rushed like a god.

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