God of Fishing

Chapter 940: Voice of fear

When seeing the information of Di Jiu, Han Fei's first reaction was shocked: he ate the 9th tone of Tian Di?

What kind of operation is this? Can you even eat the sound?

Moreover, the body of Earth Nine turned out to be a spiritual fruit. What kind of spiritual fruit does this have? He even possessed a sense of autonomy and occupied the body of others.

Di Jiu stared at Han Feidao; "You seem to be a bit surprised."

Han Fei got up, and found that the sloth bear was resting his head on his leg, making him very speechless. Are these animals afraid of being born?

Han Fei pulled the lazy bear's head back, and the goods just changed to a sleeping position and continued to sleep.

Looking around, I found a large group of small animals around. What a little fierce promise, little blessing pear, a few dwellings, a blessing butterfly ... A lot of messy creatures are around here.

Han Feixin said: Sure enough, he is a fraternity of sentient beings and looks quite harmonious.

Han Fei said with a smile: "Senior, I want to take control of the world here, time is short, what do seniors want to test?"

Di Jiu ’s small, pointed mouth said: "I have no opinion. You can be kind to these creatures and you have already passed the assessment. Next, are you going to find Mizusawa?"

Han Fei said: Is the fifth creature called Mizusawa?

Han Fei shook his head: "No, no time. I'm going to listen to Jiuyin by myself."


Just listening to Di Jiu said a little awkwardly, "Well, you may only hear the eighth tone. The ninth tone, I eat it."

Han Fei immediately made the wrong appearance and exclaimed, "Is you eaten? Can I eat my voice?"

Di Jiu shook his head slightly: "Nine sounds are not just sounds, they are also a law of heaven and earth here. Before, I had a special talent, so I could swallow this sound. So now, there are only eight sounds left."

Han Fei marveled at the pretense, but the conversation was a turn: "Senior, is the remaining eight notes simple? Seniors know that the stars and places here are so special. Why?"

Di Jiu shook his head: "I don't know what the star position is. However, the eight notes should not be simple. Are you in a hurry?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Hurry up, the junior wants to ask, how many people have been here?"

Di Jiu answered seriously: "18 people. Nine of them did not pass my approval."

Han Fei was surprised: Di Jiu, such a loving creature, would make people fail the assessment?

Just listen to the nine words: "I don't want the future master to have no love and no compassion."

Han Feiran said, "Senior, can I know what the eighth sound is?"

Di Jiu also answered seriously: "Forget."

Han Fei's eyelids are picking: too much forgotten voice? It coincides with the nine sounds in "Law of Freedom".

Sure enough, the ancestor of Jiuyinling was the method of Jiuyin heard in Dinghai.

Moreover, Jiuyinling's ancestors should be very powerful and able to listen to Jiuyin. However, her ancestors did not receive a final chart, which means that they did not pass the final assessment.

If the eighth note is too embarrassing, then the ninth note should be the voice of the love of all beings' imagination. This sound was eaten by Di Jiu, which is considered to reduce the difficulty for the appraisers.

It just confuses Han Fei: I don't know if it's too forgotten. What is it like? How to break?

These are all second, which further confirms Han Fei's idea that Jiu Yinling's free approach has major problems.

Han Fei arched, "Senior, can you eat the eighth note?"

Floor 9: "..."

Di Jiu shook his head very seriously: "No, my swallowing ability has been lost after swallowing the ninth tone. Moreover, the two rules of the eighth tone and the ninth tone conflict. Even if I want to eat, I ca n’t eat it . "

Han Fei nodded thoughtfully: "Senior, can you give me any tokens?"

Di Jiu thought about it, a scale flew up and fell into the hands of Han Fei.

Han Fei sighed: "That's it, the juniors leave."


Han Feizheng wanted to leave and was stopped by Di Jiu, only to hear it say: "Shui Ze's temper is a bit ruthless, similar to Tinder. If you don't see it, it will not be easy to deal with it when it comes to you."

Han Fei said with a smile: "Thank you for your information. By the way, where can Jiuyin be heard?"

Earth Nine: "Near that city."

Han Fei said with a smile: "OK!"

Han Fei left without hesitation. As for Di Jiu's warning, he listened, but was not prepared to take it to heart.

I already have four tokens, and I do n’t believe that Mizusawa is here. How can I embarrass him? Anyway, these five creatures essentially want to find a master for this fixed chart. There is no need for Mizusawa to come over and embarrass himself ...

One day has passed and Han Fei doesn't think it will be so simple later. Through dialogue with Shu Ling and Di Jiu, Han Fei felt that the eighth note was the key.

Jiuyin is just a test for these people. After that hurdle, I have to go to the city to take other tests.

I don't know if there is any way in the city to pick up the star in the sky?

Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless: When did I dare to think of picking stars in the sky?

However, Han Fei couldn't control that much at the moment. If nothing else, he will be the first one to pass the test of five legendary powerhouses.

Oh no, they are four legendary powerhouses, and the fifth is temporarily ignored.

About half an hour later, Han Fei saw a land that seemed to be shrouded in formation. Everything there is peculiarly arranged, which coincides with the star arrangement. The vegetation is very regular, which can be seen at a glance.

Moreover, there is a faint mist that makes these scenes more fantasy.

Of course, Han Fei would not rush into it in a hurry. It stands to reason that I should be at most 5,000 miles away from that city.

However, this fog and the star array on the ground directly blocked the entire scene. Of course, he can fly to the highest altitude, but fly directly. However, it will inevitably pass over the suspended island and fly directly to the other side of the Dinghai chart.

Along this mist, the lower part of the self-defined chart goes straight up to the middle. Han Fei then confirmed that all 9,000 miles should be blocked. The fog was not so thick that it could even be seen far away.

It was just that he flew so far that no one saw it. Want to come, those who are qualified to seize the chart have not yet come, are still looking for five legendary strongmen.

Han Fei grinned: If you have to enter anyway, then enter.


Han Fei stepped into this fog. Immediately, his vision changed, and he even came to the surface of the sea.

"Oh! Illusion, or what?"

"Dang ~"

Above the sky, if a bell rings, it echoes between heaven and earth.


The sea was rising high, and the angry waves shot at Han Fei. At this moment, Han Fei knew that the assessment was coming.

However, in the next second, a pair of astonishing large wings rose from the water, and it was a blue starling. After spreading his wings more than 300 meters, he stood directly opposite Han Fei.


Han Fei frowned. Is it because he didn't visit her?

No, it should not be Mizusawa Shinshin, because there is no information in his eyes.

But suddenly, Han Fei felt as if there was a big mountain down. The terrifying breath directly covers itself.

Just listening to a crisp and cold voice saying, "Human, don't you plan to see me?"

Han Fei squinted his eyes and turned his hands. Four seeds, flint, peach, and scale appeared.

Han Feidao: "Senior Mizusawa, I have been recognized by four seniors, but it is a bit of a delay to go to your side. I want to take control of the world here, seniors want to have a new owner of the chart, so why bother me time?"

"Wow ~"

In the sky, all of a sudden, dark clouds over the sea surface, the huge waves of the Quartet rose. The air became cold and abnormal, and the bird was amazingly powerful.

Do not know why, Han Fei felt a slight tremor in his heart.

"Huh?" There was a horror, not knowing when it would begin to breed.

Mizusawa chilly: "Humans, do you think you have passed the other four's approvals, do you not need to pass my approval? Are you looking down on me?"

Han Fei looked dignified: "There is no such thing. Senior, you can't believe me, can't you trust the other four?"

Mizusawa's wings trembled: "What do I care about the four of them? If you don't come, I will kill you ..."

Han Fei saw the waves rising again and had risen up to about 300 meters. Faced with such a huge wave, Han Fei said, this big bird will not move? Isn't this a fantasy?

However, Han Fei's eyes flickered: "I said that I would take charge of the world here. Now I have seen and met, and I have chatted, but you want to kill me, not too much. Anyway, I am also the first to come and enter this film Foggy. So are you the voice of fear? "

Without waiting for Mizusawa to speak, Han Fei sneered: "From the moment you appeared, I felt a fear growing in my heart. But you don't know that I'm on an invincible path?"


The Jinguang Fist Seal burst out suddenly, and went straight to Shuize, which was completely disproportionate to his figure.

Han Fei sighed angrily; "I'm sure here, how can you bear me?"


The big wave was smashed into dozens of big holes.

Mizusawa tweeted, and Thunder thundered beside Han Fei. However, Han Feiyi is not afraid. I'm used to the Thunder, so afraid?

When the over 300 meters of huge waves were overwhelming, Han Fei remained motionless.

Han Fei stared straight at Mizusawa: "You have chosen the most wrong rule of sound. I want to take charge here, and I will play the same way when the King of Heaven comes."


The waves poured, and Han Fei was instantly overturned.

However, the next second, Han Fei appeared in the mist.

Han Fei's mouth hooked: "Sure enough ... 咦 ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Isn't it an illusion?"

Han Fei was dripping with water, and his five internal organs were tumbling. There was blood stains in front of him, and he suddenly looked surprised.

"Nima! Isn't it fake?"

Han Fei had a guess: Here, Xu really moved himself to the surface with the help of Qian Kun.

But the breeding of fear just now, I am very sure, that is an assessment.

In other words, I have seen Mizusawa myself, and the voice of fear has passed?

Han Fei couldn't help but take a breath and quickly lost himself a healing technique. At the same time, he also stuffed energy fruit into his mouth.

Han Fei was speechless: this is a voice of fear, and it is not an illusion at all. What about the remaining seven sounds?

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