God of Fishing

Chapter 941: The terrible 9-note rule

The fog is so thin that it cannot even be called with certainty. It seems that Tianshen circled in the nine days, and the sound was faint.

Han Fei's eyes were firm and he started to step forward.

As Han Fei went straight for dozens of miles, his ears sang, and a lot of sounds appeared. He only heard a sudden bang, and he appeared in a palace.

The palace is golden and brilliant, and the floor tiles beneath it are as brilliant as jade. The pillars and beams in the hall should be inlaid with gold and jade, which is very gorgeous.

In Han Fei's ears, a gentle voice appeared, and Han Fei seemed familiar.

"Huh? Old Han?"

Han Fei frowned. He knew he was in the middle of an assessment again. Can the assessment be a real scene, why does the voice of Lao Han appear?

Han Fei gently opened the curtain, only to see a woman leaning weakly on the bed in a delicate water lotus account.

The woman's face was a bit cold, but her face was delicate. Even in plain clothes, it is still very beautiful, like a fairy.

But when Han Fei saw the woman, she immediately held her back and had a familiar feeling. Why do I feel as if I've seen this woman somewhere?

And the person he knew—Lao Han, was sitting at the bed with soup and medicine at the moment.

Han Guanshu: "Come, drink the medicine."

The woman on the bed smiled lightly: "Is it worth it for you to do this? Respect level strength, dropped to such a point, just to make me pregnant with this child?"

After hearing this, Han Fei burst his scalp: Who is this woman?

Han Fei swallowed, forced to rush out, and wanted to listen carefully to what the two were saying ...

Han Fei thought: Is this the illusion? But he stung himself, it hurt!

"No, if this is true, how could you not find yourself with the strength of Lao Han?"

At this time, Old Han spoke.

Listening only to Han Guanshu's warm voice, he smiled softly: "For you, for this child, everything is worth it."

The woman on the bed said "um": "I know, you have sacrificed a lot, but what if you did not achieve your wish?"

Han Guanshu shook his head slightly: "I don't regret it."

The woman smiled gently: "Even if it is against the people of the world? Or even against me?"

Han Guanshu's action is still gentle: "Even if he is the enemy of the world."

Han Fei was next to me, listening to the fog: what are these two people talking about? Apparently, they looked very gentle to each other. However, if you open your mouth and shut your mouth, you will be the enemy of the world? How big is the enemy?

Moreover, if this woman is not surprised, she should be her mother, right?

"Nima! Two of them, one is so handsome and the other is so beautiful. Why can't you have a son without quality?"

Han Feizheng was about to listen more. Suddenly the screen turned around and the scene just disappeared.

Instead, Han Fei saw an unimaginable scene.

It's still this place or this bed, but now this scene makes Han Fei chill.

The woman was still sitting on the bed, but now she was expressionless. And she had a knife in her hand, all blood. In front of her, there was a baby in her arms. The baby's body was all blood. The silk cloth covering the baby gradually became red.

For a while, Han Fei's heart was numb, and the whole person was stunned: the mother wanted to kill the son?

how is this possible?

That scene just now, isn't it good? For this reason, Old Han seems to have fallen from the Supreme Class! Moreover, it seems that it hasn't fallen for a minute.

Originally, it was the splendid and happy scene of the husband and wife. How could it be such a **** scene in a blink of an eye?

Han Fei was shocked that at the moment, Han, who was standing by the bed, was carrying a knife in his hand, facing his back. Han Fei couldn't see his face, nor did he know what he was thinking about.

But, the strange red light surged on that knife.

Lao Han stood for a moment, took two steps forward, and reached the woman's heart.

Han Fei exclaimed: "Wait a minute, don't ..."


The long knife was inserted directly into the woman's body. The strange power swept the woman's whole body, and her vitality was about to sever in a moment.

Han Fei shouted, "Lao Han, are you crazy?"

However, Han Fei found that he just wanted to rush in, but his body couldn't move.

I do n’t know if Han Fei just shouted, Han Guanshu looked back.

As a result, Han Fei took a look at the old Korean binocular scarlet, without a bit of humanity. The whole person is as cold as the same statue.

At the sight of Han Guanshu, he was looking exactly in the direction in which Han Fei stood. In Han Fei's astonished eyes, he saw the corner of his mouth slowly grin, revealing a strange and cold smile.

Han Guanshu looked at his place so quietly, and did not know if he saw Han Fei? Anyway, he looked that way.

This makes Han Fei look a little scary.

"No! Lao Han, such a gentle person ... Nima, is it that Han is going to avenge me and kill his wife?"

"No, I didn't see the scene where my mother killed herself. However, Lao Han's current state is wrong, and he may be a murderer."

Suddenly, Han Fei realized what: he was immersed in the story of Lao Han and his mother ...

At this moment, he was in a terrible storm like Jiang Chao.

"Aren't I crossing the nine-tone rule?"

"Fake, it must be fake ..."

Han Fei worked hard to calm his heart. However, for a while, all kinds of thoughts came out, and he felt that this could not be fake!

Ding Haitu can't know this.

If it knew, it must have read it all from the back of its mind. After all, there are only three people in this place, and the baby who is still in it should be himself.

Although the baby does not remember, it does not mean that these things have disappeared. All this may be buried in the deepest part of Han Fei's memory.

Anyway, the fact that Lao Han killed his mother by himself was deeply imprinted in his mind.

From the anger just now, Han Fei couldn't help sighing the strangeness of his life. However, this bizarre story did not make Han Fei feel as unconscious.

Because, in a sense, it's not really itself.

However, emotionally, one must be touched. And after a short shock, Han Fei felt a sad feeling, slowly coming from his heart.

"No, it's this emotion that comes to me automatically. Sadness, so sudden and obvious, can it be regarded as an assessment?"

But this level of assessment, in addition to surprise and sorrow, did not really mobilize one's heart, a deeper emotion!

But why didn't I withdraw from this environment?

After all, everything that should have happened has happened; everything that should be seen has also been seen. Why do you stay here?

At this moment, Han Guanshu slowly turned around, his eyes were ruthless, and he stared at this direction where Han Fei was.

Han Guanshu took two steps forward and suddenly said, "I don't care who is watching, stop me, kill!"

Han Fei was immediately shocked: Old Han couldn't see himself, but he knew someone was watching? What is it called?

Han Fei worked hard to calm down from this state: how to get out of this space?

Or, as long as you are still emotional, you can't leave? How to get rid of emotions?

Han Guanshu held the knife and raised his hand.

Han Fei shouted, "Lao Han, if you cut off, your son will be gone."

However, Han Guanshan seemed inaudible at all. The strange red light from the blade emerged, and Han Fei immediately exasperated: "Hey! Dinghai, why are you sick?"

At the moment when Han Guanshu was about to shoot, Han Fei roared: "Fusion."


The surrounding scenery changes instantly.

Just now, the palace has disappeared. And Han Fei was already standing in the mist at this time.

Han Fei was immediately overjoyed and had to merge with Xiao Hei. He can let Xiao Hei's thoughts instantly replace his own thoughts.

Just following closely, Han Fei found that his thoughts seemed somewhat out of control. A bloodthirsty jade hope filled my mind.

Han Fei sank in the bottom of his heart. After Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai broke through level 50, the strange bloodthirsty jade look appeared again! Now, he didn't have mint leaves in his mouth, which made him half crazy.

Although Han Fei still has some consciousness remaining, it is difficult to control his body anymore.

At this moment, there seemed to be a roar in the sky, and the scene changed again.

This time, it appeared not elsewhere, but in a palace somewhere on the bottom of the abyss.

And it wasn't anyone else who came directly into sight, but it was a special emperor's canon.

"My Nima ..."

At that time, Han Fei was a little hesitant: what is the capability of this chart? Is it possible that it can take itself through the endless waters? Can it happen directly on the other end of the endless waters?

However, when he saw the Pure Emperor's Canon, Han Fei's anger was almost beyond control.

"Nine sounds, no matter how strong you are, don't you bring this? You can easily kill me!"

At this moment, the Pure Emperor's Code floats and sits in the sea. At the moment Han Fei arrived, he suddenly opened his eyes.


"Eh? Pure Emperor can't see himself?"

However, the invisible is invisible.

If the pure emperor can point it out with one finger, I am afraid that he will be smashed immediately and the spirits will be destroyed.

"Little Black! Do you want your master to die?"

I don't know if his mental fluctuations are too intense, which makes Xiao Hei slightly relieved, so that Han Fei can control part of his body slightly.

Han Fei wanted to take out the mint leaves and put them in his mouth, but at this moment he was confused and seemed unable to communicate with the demon pot.

However, ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Han Fei noticed that his own chest, the tears of the mermaid that had been worn around him, began to flash at this moment.

Pure Emperor Code frowned slightly: "Where the soul seal breaks the void, where is the strong sea-bringer? Come to my puppet people, what's your job? Today, if you don't make it clear, you don't have to leave.

Han Feixin said: "Baihai your sister?" I can break the sea, I've knocked you over.


Chun Huangdian frowned even deeper: "Not yet showing up? Do you want me to show you?"


With the pressing of several handprints of the Pure Emperor Code, a mirror of the void swept here.

At the moment, Han Fei's figure showed no doubt.

In the eyes of Pure Emperor Dian, full of surprise: "It's you? You're not dead?"

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