God of Fishing

Chapter 985: Thug Academy Remnants

One Shou Yuan said, let Han Fei their thoughts. This is just the knowledge that people have spoken casually, and these people themselves do not understand at all!

After all, no one has mentioned this before with others.

Han thought about it and asked his own doubts: "Senior, I have a question. Did Chumen and Thug Academy have any problems?"

Dry water shook his head: "This old decay is really unclear. After all, things between the strong are usually only known to the strong."

Han Fei frowned: "What kind of family is that Chumen, what are you doing on weekdays?"

Dry Water smiled and said: "This is simple, Chumen is a latecomer, with a history of only a few thousand years. They have a soft spot for the Qianxing trial field and think there is a big secret in the Qianxing trial field."

Han Fei moved, Qianxing Trial Field? Does the conflict between Chumen and the Thug Academy come from the Qianxing Proving Ground?

Recalling the old man who swallowed the seashells before leaving, Han Feixin said that when he settled down, he went to the Qianxing trial site to see.

Han Fei: "Senior, you continue to say."

The old man with dry water brewed for two breaths and laughed: "Except for the family clan, the outer islands are around the central island. The poor family does not pick the place, it may be scattered on any floating island. In addition to the clan, other people live Nor will it be divided according to strength, the strong may live with the weak, which is normal. There are more small markets that appear, thousands. Large-scale prosperity, each floating island There is one ... the other most important thing is the Seven Great Sects. "

A few Han Fei, like children who are surrounded by a campfire and listening to stories. Han Fei has already taken out the fruit, and has been madly close to the musician, listening to it.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiaobai rolled his eyes suddenly: What is this bad habit?

When the old man with dry water saw Han Fei like this, he couldn't help but be speechless: really when I tell a story?

However, the old man with dry water only smiled: also, all are still children.

Dry Water Old Man said: "The Seven Dzongmen are located on the outermost seven dangling islands. It can be said that each dangling island in the Seven Dzongmen has slowly developed into their own territory. Although there are many above People live, but more or less, can be related to each sect. After all, the sect also needs resources. Where do these resources come from? Naturally, they are obtained through various transactions. "

Han Fei: "What about our Thug Academy?"

The dry water paused, his face slightly stiff. This is what the young lady paid special attention to after she went to the Thug Academy.

Just listen to the dry water road: "The Thug Academy has been vacant for almost 38 years. Since the war, the Thug Academy has gone empty. The place is overgrown with grass. The plantation seems to be given by several big households. Occupied. However, it should be possible to return. The other sites other than the remnants of the Thug Academy were somewhat occupied. However, the old site has not changed. Although some people may live in it, it is still a barren land. Main It was because the power of the Thug Academy was so high that the family clan did not come to occupy it, and others did not dare to occupy it. "

Everyone in Han Fei listened strangely: "Meaning, we have left the old site at the mob college? The others are all gone?"

Dry Water Old Man nodded slightly and touched his beard and said, "But since the little masters go back, they should be able to redevelop it there."

I don't know why, Han Fei always feels wrong.

Because the Thousand Stars City is too big, the old man withered water can't explain the Wanli River and Mountain clearly. Just think about a broken star island, how big is it?

Not to mention Broken Star Island, a Bihai town is not small anymore, and it is not as prosperous as the prosperous. These thousands of miles of floating islands, God knows how to fly in the sky? The strong in the ancient times cannot really be regarded as unusual.

Think of it this way, Pure King Code moved a 800-mile Kraken mine, so what a ball? Everyone has moved Wanliheshan.

Zhang Xuanyu: "So, Senior Dry Water, our thug academy, is also sitting on these 36 hanging islands? Not the small islands that are ignored?"

Dry water nodded: "Nature is not. Thug Academy, once comparable to Tianjianzong, Jade Immortal Palace. Although the college disciples are scarce, but each talent is excellent. Just put one out, and it is not a simple character, naturally it will not be on an ordinary island on."

Han Fei suddenly relieved: This is okay! Otherwise, you do n’t know how to grab the site.

From the north to the east, Han Fei and others passed by several floating islands. There are also many fishing boats encountered. There are also birds flying in the sky. But birds do not usually fly too high, mainly those that are relatively common.

Occasionally, there will be a few sensation sweeps, just because the dry old man is here. Otherwise, there are only a few people from Han Fei, and no one is expected to watch it.

No, this time it really crossed the mountains and rivers, flew all the way to the sun.

Half an hour later, all the people arrived on a hanging island with high mountains and flowing water and mountains and rivers and waterfalls. Flying over the crowds and markets, passing the woodlands and mountains, the crowd finally saw a deserted college building on the east side.

Regardless of what the Thug Academy used to be, anyway, now half of it has been covered with woodland and half is exposed.

Overgrown, the house collapsed directly. In some cases, only pillars remain. The ground slabs and paths can no longer be seen. In the crevices, all weeds.

Upon seeing this college, Han Fei and others nodded one after another, in the style of a mob college. Back to the mountain, there is a plantation in front. The difference is that there are rivers connected inside and outside the Thug Academy. At this moment, there are people sitting on the broken stone and fishing.

Luo Xiaobai frowned: "Why is there so little left? There is no one hundred li range, and the left and right sides are occupied."

Leren madly pointed forward: "Look, the plantation is basically intact, and many houses have been built on it. The remaining one is not half as big as Bihai Town?"

Zhang Xuanyu said: "It's not that the plantation is occupied, it's that this place is not the gate of the college at all. The gate is over there."

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhang Xuanyu's fingers, but they were seen dozens of miles away, where two old tall stone columns stood. It is estimated that the post is not easy to move, so no one cares about it.

Just listen to the dilemma: "That's not too big! It's not 100 meters away from the front and back of the forest, right? It's probably more than 300 miles when you count into the forest."

Only listened to Han Fei seriously: "It has to be counted as a plantation, and there must be 500 miles."

Only the old man with dry water smiled and said: "Accurately, there should be 800 miles. Although there were not many people in the thug school before, several small masters knew that the thug school liked this natural feeling. So, counting the plantations, there are More than 800 miles. "

Several people were silent.

The happy man said: "There are still 50 miles."

Zhang Xuanyu's mouth twitched: "The plantation is basically occupied. The gate is inward, and it has been occupied by half."

Several people looked at Han Fei, including Luo Xiaobai.

During battles and adventures, Luo Xiaobai has always been calm and witty. However, she won't do anything about grabbing the site. Hit it directly? Or to reason?

Han Fei's face changed slightly, and he was silent for a long time: "Go to the old site first. If you can't break it, you should fall down, and all will be pushed down. What should be cleared, all cleared, rebuilt."

Zhang Xuanyu said in surprise: "Those people, don't care about them?"

Han Fei grinned: "Don't panic. Clean up the rest. First, push where to build. When law enforcement peaks, don't come, push all the way."

Happy man: "Where is the peak of law enforcement?"

Han Fei sneered: "Fuck him."

Zhang Xuanyu: "Who does it?"

Han Fei looked at the old man with dry water: "Hey, senior Kun dry him."

Dry water: "..."

The dry water is just a little speechless. But in fact, did not care. Han Fei said this, meaning he did not treat him as an outsider. Moreover, for the reason that her own lady is a student of the Thug Academy, Dry Water will indeed shoot.

It's just that he won't shoot immediately ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ He will only come forward when Han Fei can't solve them.

Luo Xiaobai felt okay. This was originally my own college, and the people of my own family should help.

But listen to the fall and fall: "Where is the explorer?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "No. If the explorer dare to come to find this, it is too much."

Han Fei suddenly looked at Liluolu: "Liluolu, will you come to our school? Then your seniority is under us."

Liluo suddenly refused to say: "Why? I can't work part-time, but can't be a teacher? I'm the law enforcer. The only one of you is the law enforcer."

Zhang Xuanyu said with a smile: "As long as you don't become mad, you can say anything. Luoluo, I agree that you come to be a teacher."

Luo Xiaobai's mind is not here. Now the power of the Thug Academy is too weak, just a few of them, the teaching strength is really not enough. If enrolling students, what if there is a lot of pride?

It doesn't matter if you are crazy, anyway, you can just follow the big army and eat some.

Han Fei: "Yes, then you are the first external teacher in our thug academy. Now, please leave the teacher to clean with us."

Drop off: "..."

When Han Fei fell on the ground, they all noticed something wrong. The traces of fighting on this ground are too obvious. In some places it is potholes, in some places the slabs are cracked, in some places there are vertical and horizontal sword spirits and horrid swords, which have not gone away after 38 years.

This shows that the fighting that took place at the Thug Academy was probably more terrifying than people and others imagined.

Han Fei thought, and the shrimp rolled out every day.

Han Fei: "Xiao Bai, it's your job to clean up all the plants. Xiao Kuang went to cut down trees, Zhang Xuanyu went to quarry stones, and left and fell to control the insects to turn over the ground ... Shrimp, every day, you go to demolish the house.

Liluo: "What are you doing?"

Han Fei laughed: "I'm going to shove people ..."

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