God of Fishing

Chapter 986: Thug Academy is back

Let Luo Xiaobai clean them. Although they are a bit overkill, that speed is really fast.

When Luo Xiaobai started all their actions, the people who had been fishing in the mob academy got up one after another, and looked at this group of uninvited guests in surprise, with a look of coercion.

When these people watched Han Fei approaching several of them, they could not help but yell: "Hey! Boy, what are you doing? Demolition of the house?"


As soon as the man's voice fell, he saw a dilapidated old building in the distance, shattered by the shrimp's tail.

Only Han Fei grinned and said: "My name is Han Fei, from the Thug Academy. Well, you can be understood as the acting dean of Thousand Star City Thug Academy. From today on, I will be in charge of this area."

The faces of those people changed slightly, and some people were surprised: "The Thug Academy, are you back?"

Someone squinted and said disdainfully, "Boy, who are you talking about? The mob college has long since ceased to exist. You said that you are the one at the mob college?"

Han Fei looked at a few people and said, "Well, I waited for five people. Only one of them was an intermediate dive fisherman, but he yelled at me. I give you three breaths and leave by myself ... Otherwise, I do n’t mind hands , Please leave? "

Indeed, these people are not strong.

Of course, when I met a few people in Qianxing City, there was a sub-fisher, which surprised Han Fei. This shows that in Qianxing City, the proportion of submerged anglers is not a lot.

At this moment, the submarine angler glanced at Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai, who controlled Lingzhi in the distance, and he couldn't help but look down. He can't see the strength, he should be better than others.

The man immediately sneered: "Okay! Overwhelming people in Qianxing City ... kid, you are crazy enough. Since I can't talk to you, someone will come to talk to you ... go!"

In fact, the whole mob college is not limited to these few anglers. On both sides, there are still some places where someone is practicing and someone is practicing body. There are also people in the mountains.

Han Fei is just like that, if you want to be a person, you must look like a person. These people, he wants to find one by one.

Looking at the five people who left in anger, the old man with dry water did not know when, and appeared beside Han Fei: "Master Han Fei, although this place is deserted, but near the mountains and rivers, it is full of vitality from the east, so the spirit is full, early in the morning , There are often many people to practice. "

Han Fei looked up at the sky and said, "That is to say, we are late? Most people, already finished their cultivation, went back to chant?"

The dry old man nodded.

Han Fei grinned: "It's okay, I won't be allowed in here tomorrow."


After a while, Han Fei came to a place where the grass was overgrown on the left side of the college. A young man is practicing here, and the surrounding spirits are gathering.

This teenager probably knew that Han Fei was here, but he didn't stop practicing.

Han Fei's mouth slightly raised, stepped on his feet, and gathered together to appear. The spirit that should have been poured into the young boy was easily deprived of by Han Fei.

The teenager opened his eyes, frowned, and looked at Han Fei: "Ju Lingshi? What are you doing, why is it interfering with my cultivation?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Is what I just said was not clear enough, or did you not care about it at all? I said, the Thug Academy came back, the idlers waited and left."

The teenager looked calm: "You said it was from the Thug Academy, right?"


As soon as the young man's voice fell, he only felt the flower in front of him, and then the whole person had been carried to a height of 100 meters.

Han Fei grinned: "You think I'm kidding you?"

Luo Xiaobai and others looked up and knew that Han Fei couldn't talk about it.

But he heard Han Fei shouted: "Today, the Thug Academy returns. Within a hundred miles, one counts, and Han Er waits for Lebanon to leave ... otherwise, don't blame me for shooting the person."

The boy in Han Fei's hands said angrily: "You let me go. Do you know whose child I am?"

Han Fei turned his hand and twisted, throwing the boy directly from the sky and flying out for dozens of miles.

Han Fei shouted at the sky: "Which one do you care for? The Cao family and Chumen are useless. Today, I said whoever wants to go, whoever has to go."

But as soon as Han Fei finished speaking, he saw a few kilometers away, some people also took off and flew up: "It's a big tone, but the peak angler of the submarine fisherman is also trying to kill people here?"


A golden fist print blasted out, and the person who spoke spoke a great deal of change, protecting himself with a big turtle. At the same time, a turtle shield flew out of the armor box.

"Boom ..."


The tortoise shattered, and the man's blood sprang up, and he was blown away by Han Fei.

Han Fei grinned: "When any of you are qualified to take a punch, come and talk to me. Now ... within a hundred breaths, don't get out of it, Hugh blames me for directly."


One of Lin Lin was blasted up, and Zhang Xuanyu scolded: "If you let you go, you will get out, so much nonsense ..."


From hundreds of miles away, dozens of people have left in angrily. Before leaving, there was a lot of cruel talk.

"Yes, I didn't expect that anyone would dare to come to Chunyang Island now. If you have the ability, don't leave."

"Well, I want to see, how should this scene end?"

"Have the ability, just wait half an hour here."

"It's grown so big, it hasn't been stolen. How are you?"

Although all of them were talking while they were leaving, none of them dared to curse. The main reason is that Han Fei's punch is just too frightening. The peak diving fisherman, even if he couldn't carry a punch, was blown away by Han Fei.

Watching Han Fei act decisively, I really want to be with Han Feimang now. Naturally, they will not do such uneconomical things.

However, holding his breath one by one, he was ready to wait for a while, come back and see how Han Fei would end?

Liluodao: "Wow! Han Fei, you seem to offend many people at once!"

Han Fei wrote lightly: "At present, there are still several parties in Broken Star Island that we haven't offended? Since several family members have offended, they don't care about offending some ordinary people. It's just that there is trouble. "

"Boom ... Boom ..."

The dilapidated buildings were pushed down by shrimp every day. On the ground, weeds are being pulled out. On the ground, countless mounds of crisscross uplifts appeared.

After an hour.

The weeds piled up, the gravel became a mountain, and the range of about 30 miles was emptied out, leaving nothing.

Zhang Xuanyu was mad with Le Ren, a large tree carrying rows of piles piled on top of each other, and a pile of boulders carried one by one, arranged in several rows.

Han Fei is not idle either. Walking on the ground that has been cleared, the gravity of the side is pressed, and the land is crushed to a level.

The old man with dry water was watching with interest.

It must be said that the students of the Thug Academy are really capable. Moreover, Han Fei is the power of the law? He felt the fluctuation of the law, can the sub-fisher master the law of gravity?

Suddenly, Han Fei felt that hundreds of miles away, a large number of people were coming here, thousands of them.

Yes, even thousands, Han Fei is also a bit surprised, these people pull people a bit faster!

Han Fei shouted: "Let's work, let go first, ready to welcome guests."


"Which turtle son, beat my son? Stand up for me."

"I don't know if the world is thick, a few dive anglers dare to stalk wild in Chunyang Island? Did your brain get hit by an ironhead fish?"

"Today without paying a price, those guys don't have to walk out of Chunyang Island."

"The Thug Academy hasn't been handed down for nearly 40 years. I want to see, who is posing as the Thug Academy?"

After a while, Han Fei's five people lined up and saw thousands of people killing. Headed by as many as 8 law enforcers, there are a lot of submarine anglers.

Others include elderly people, children, UU reading books, www.uukanshu.com, women, and strong middle-aged people.

For them, the place where the Thug Academy is located has long since become a place where they practice daily. Even though this place is deserted, the former thug academy, after all, was very popular and the location chosen was not bad. The intensity of Reiki is on Chunyang Island, which is very good.

Before the shelving, when the Thug Academy was there, the Academy had a large array of support, which can be said to be a holy place for cultivation, and the aura was rich. In the whole Thousand Stars City, that is ranked high.

Now, the Thug Academy has been destroyed and the great battles have been wiped out, but it is also much better than elsewhere. Everyone is used to it, and they all feel that this site is a land of no ownership and should be owned by everyone.

But, some people claim that they are the people of the Thug Academy. Who wants to take back this place?

When he saw Han Fei, the person who was thrown out by Han Fei just pointed at Han Fei and said, "Daddy, is he?"

The man who had just been blasted away was a little pale at the moment, and said to a middle-aged man around him: "Clan Uncle, it is this man, he is arrogant and arrogant, and he strikes out if he does not agree.

"Relax, son, he must give an account today."

After that, the middle-aged man pointed directly at Han Fei: "You, unless kneeling down today to make a guilt. Otherwise, today you don't want to go out of Chunyang Island."

Another sneered: "It's not as simple as making a guilt? If you openly hurt someone, you must make enough compensation."

An old man shouted, "Boy, who allows you to move this place privately?"

A woman accused: "Who am I at the time? A group of Maotou, who also claim to be a mobster? I'm afraid they don't want to be stupid about the site?"

Some young people stared at Liluolu and disgusted: "It's bells and whistles, it doesn't even look like a woman, it doesn't look like a good person at first sight."

Li Luo Luo drank; "Would you like to try again? See if I don't call you a big yellow croaker?"

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