God of Fishing

Chapter 987: 1 group of evildoers

Han Fei glanced back and forth: "A quarrel won't solve the problem. You can't quarrel with thousands of people in a loud voice. Such a thing must be beaten."

Liluo rolled his eyes and said: How do I fight this? Unless the old man of the dry water shoots, there will be dozens of peaks of the eight law enforcers and submarine fishermen here, and the others add up in a mess ... this person's strength is definitely not weak.

Han Fei is also a little surprised: Qianxing City is much stronger than he thought.

If Broken Star Island and Ten Thousand Demon Valley belong to the front line, the existence of Thousand Star City may be equivalent to the so-called "king city" in the mouth of the sea monsters, and there are many strong ones.

If you really want to pull all the strongmen here to Broken Star Island to fight, if the other party has only one demon valley, it will have been destroyed so long that you do n’t know what the north and south are.

However, Han Fei did not panic at the moment.

I saw him take a step forward and pointed at the other party: "Since they are all here, that is just right. I will make it clear that from today on, within 800 yards of the Thug Academy, you may not enter casually. , Within three days, all will be returned ... If not, all will be pushed. "


"Isn't this man crazy? Does he know what he's talking about?"

"Is there a pit in my head, is this?"

"What? What else? Who do you think you are?"

In a mocking voice, Han Fei carried the knife along the way: "Left and fall, you are one of the law enforcers."

He looked at Han Fei silently: "Are you taking the rest?"

Han Fei grinned: "I try."

Luo Xiaobai said: "I take one."

Zhang Xuanyu licked the corner of his mouth and said, "I will come too."

The happy man is speechless: "Then I ..."

Han Fei: "The following people belong to you."

The lunatic is about to roll his eyes: you all deal with one, I am special ... this is to deal with a thousand? I am afraid you are not teasing me?

Suddenly, Luo Xiaobai said: "Forget it, I'll exchange it with Yueren madly. He really shot, I'm afraid he'll be bleeding into rivers."

Lerenman is a soldier armor division, and now he has learned the real martial arts sword sent by old Han, and he is really violent, saying that it is impossible to not hurt people.

It is Luo Xiaobai, the manipulator, although he can also kill people, but when faced with group battles, it should be relatively soft.

The five people went side by side and walked forward. Sharpen your mouth? God knows when to grind?

Han Fei said while walking: "You ask us how to prove ourselves to the people of the Thug Academy? Today, the young man brought five people from the Thug Academy, challenged and so on ... all."

Thousands of people across the face were dumbfounded.

Countless people are speechless, have seen lunatics, have never seen madness to this extent. What are the five people who want to challenge thousands of us?

Opposite, the middle-aged man headed shouted: "Boy, do you think Qianxing City is really not allowed to kill? You, a submarine angler, really die here, what do you think someone will say?"

Several Han Fei people walked faster and faster, with ghosts all over him.

First of all, the bloodthirsty shark behind Zhang Xuanyu appeared, and then, the Sanyuan body launched. Three identical Zhang Xuanyu appeared before everyone, and there were magic soldiers in each hand.

Following this, the orange man radiated light from the madman, and the violent combat body was added. Behind him, there was a dark blue and invisible ghost, which disappeared into the body.

This is a dark blue roar.

Even Han Fei and them rarely saw that the music fanatic would use the dark blue roar. It was a legendary contract spirit beast.

With one move left, a large number of colorful bugs appeared, and the momentum was rising sharply.


Han Fei's phantom glazed wings spread out, revealing the glazed wings, and everyone looked stagnant.

Luo Xiaobai is even more exaggerated. Every step, where the vegetation grows around. Those vines and weeds are weaving, piranhas appear, and various thorns begin to spread.

The old man with dry water looked sighed in the distance, no wonder the family was so optimistic about this class of thugs, all are monsters!

Needless to say, Han Fei, who obtained the Fengshen Pearl, a strong refiner, has amazing strength.

Even the little girl who joined in halfway is extraordinary.

The thousands of people on the opposite side were also a little dazed at the moment: the strength of the five young people on the opposite side was rapidly becoming stronger. Moreover, none of them seem to be simple characters. Especially the glass wings in the middle, why not white wings?

Some law enforcers looked ugly and took a deep breath, saying one by one: "Wind! God! Beads!"

The faces of several law-enforcers were dignified. The person who can get the Fengshen Pearl is definitely not a silent and unknown generation. If it is a child of a thousand clan city family, it must have spread.

This shows that these teenagers may have just come from Broken Star Island.

The old man headed said: "Youth, your talents are indeed extraordinary, and we can't admit that you are the people of the Thug Academy. However, outside, we have already lived. It's not as good as this unexplored place, you keep Rebuild the school? "

The old man became a fine man, how the thug academy once fell, the old man knew.

According to normal circumstances, it is impossible for the mob college to return to this place in this life. But now, Han Fei and they have come, and there is no family clan to block Qianxing City, which has already explained some problems.

This means that, to a certain extent, some clans are acquiesced.

If there are only a few Han Fei, they do not have this ability, nor the strength to make the family clan acquiesce in their return.

Therefore, behind Han Fei, they must still be standing strong, capable of speaking in Qianxing City.

That kind of character can never be compared with other people. At least, it's not that they can afford these loose repairs.

Han Fei said indifferently: "I said to pay back, then all would have to come back, there is no room for bargaining."

The old man suddenly said angrily: "Boy, don't have to measure in."

"Then fight!"

At this moment, Han Fei was overbearing to the extreme. There are some things that can be solved with fists, so there is no need to reason. After all, when five mouths are in a quarrel, you want to win 1,000 mouths, which is extremely difficult.

This is not a tongue-in-cheek Confucianism. It is Confucianism that people are fighting, talking about truth.

And now, this is rash, more like a short parent, why noisy?


Han Fei disappeared and reappeared, already at a height of hundreds of meters away, and shouted at the moment: "The law enforcers come up, otherwise Yu Bo accidentally killed someone, but don't blame me for not reminding."


Everyone flew across the sky.

Suddenly, only Luo Xiaobai was left on the field. Her pupils were pure white, and at the moment she looked coldly at the thousands of people in front of her.

The youth who was thrown away and repelled by Han Fei was still in shock at the moment. They are also submarine anglers. Why are these people so arrogant and overbearing?

Half empty.

The three of Le Renkuan, Zhang Xuanyu and Liluo Luo each restrained one to leave.

The remaining five people face Han Fei.

Someone said: "Boy, your talents will go against the sky, you are just a submarine angler, how can I be the opponent of five law enforcement officers?"

"If there are senior law enforcers among you, I will naturally not challenge ... Unfortunately, you do not."

During the speech, the demon became stronger and the wind's strangeness exploded.

Han Fei resembled a phantom flashing in the void, and Dragon Yin sounded, and the golden fist seal directly hit the five people.

"Booming ..."

The sky is bursting, the sky is shaking.

In just over ten minutes, all five law enforcement officers were expelled by Han Feihong. Someone was even smashed into the mountain, his hands collapsed.

At that moment, someone on the ground was horrified: "How is it possible? He is a submarine fisherman!"

Even the five law enforcers were horrified: "No, this is the arrogance of physical training, and the power of the law must be used."

For these law enforcers, of course, they are unwilling to use law enforcement forces at first. But Han Fei shot, the power to suppress them in all directions, the speed to suppress them in all directions, this does not need law enforcement? Can only be beaten.

"Fire boom!"

Crimson in the air, the fire covered Tianyu, Han Fei was instantly shrouded in flames.

However, in the perception of several law enforcement officers, Han Fei didn't have anything at all, and the Jinguang fist seal still broke out.

Someone shouted: "Fear of magic."

A weird voice rang in the sky, Han Fei stuffed a mint leaf directly into his mouth, a knife-drawing technique, and he didn't look at the man hacking towards it.

"Furious current!"


Han Fei carried the terrifying current hard, UU read books www.uukanshu. com even twisted his head twice, making a "click" sound. With one finger, the endless hydration is like a stream, swept away like crazy.

"Poison Cloud!"

"Triple rampage."

It is a pity that although the five law enforcement forces have their own strengths and weaknesses, what made them stunned: Han Feilian did not retreat.

They didn't even know that Han Fei had been drinking this drug for two years.

At this moment, the Tianling detoxification bug, but the 47-level detoxification bug of Zheng'er Bajing, what poison has not been tasted? Han Fei has already tasted 80% of the poisons available in the world.

It was the middle-aged man with triple violent law enforcement that turned out to be stronger. After a complete outbreak, his strength was stronger than Han Fei.


Han Fei made 3 punches before he could smash the man with a punch. However, this did not matter. Han Fei's figure flickered in the void, and the speed was extremely fast. He sent the man more than 20 punches in an instant.

Above the sky, fighting is fierce.

The happy man is like a demon, controlling more than a thousand and a half magic soldiers and dozens of magic soldiers, wreaking havoc.

In his hand, he was holding a black and ink sword, and behind him stood a black phantom of more than 50 meters. Zhenwu sharpened his sword, tearing the sky apart, the other party had control of gravity. But it fell on the dark blue roar and was completely sucked away.

So, after more than 30 years of intense fighting, the happy man chopped off the man with blood.

Zhang Xuanyu, his body is not so strong, but the light technique at a long distance is a poke, and the law enforcement cannot stop it!

Countless flying insects are controlled by the free fall, she is the law enforcement, and she has not lost the second half at the moment.

On the ground, flowers bloom everywhere, and the huge faint blue piranha blooms hundreds of flowers. The Great Summoning Spirit summons more than 50 different spiritual plants, various toxins, smoke, and biting spiritual plants into the crowd.

The dry water sighed in the distance: "Demon!"

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