God of Fishing

Chapter 988: Not opened, first received

Submarine anglers compete against law enforcement, and no one can do this. In fact, among the seven colleges and family clan, there will always be those geniuses who have this ability.

After all, law enforcers are only in control of a law, not a avenue. If this rule does not suppress the other party, or if the other party can suppress this rule, then the gap between the law enforcer and the submarine angler is only the upper limit of aura, physical strength, and powerful spirit.

But Tianjiao and ordinary people are almost two kinds of creatures. You cannot use the power of ordinary people to measure a arrogance. In that case, the end will be miserable.

However, no one would think that Han Fei's strength has been exaggerated to one enemy five. The four laws are almost ineffective for him, and the only law that works for him is the most common law of power. Who can rest this time?

At this moment, under the serial bombardment, the top five law enforcers couldn't suppress Han Fei because of the law, and Han Fei's overall strength was crushed by Han Fei. It was a burst in the sky.

Golden fist prints bombarded all over the sky, and none of the five law enforcement officers could withstand the invincible power of the invincible fist prints.

Except for the power-type law enforcer, the other four people had cracked skin and bones, and blood was pouring out of their mouths. They could only barely keep themselves in the air so as not to fall and hurt the people on the ground.

Below, all the young men and women who were just counting together were shocked to see this scene.

On the ground, Luo Xiaobai alone controlled more than 50 strange and strange spiritual plants within a kilometer, and he had already fallen more than 20. Because no one knows what these spiritual plants are, there is no way to deal with them.

Just kidding, where is the spiritual plant over the dungeon, where will these people know? It's simply a hit and a beat, and one after another is knocked down.

Above, his mad opponent, he can't move at all, and the strongest attack can't move the dark blue phantom carapace. Moreover, the magic knife in the madman's hands was stunned, and he was full of anger. Closer, even if he is a law enforcer, he is not pleased.

If it was n’t fast enough, he would have been laid down now.

Zhang Xuanyu's opponent has been defeated. Don't look at Zhang Xuanyu's usual lack of combat power. That's because he is in a group battle or a complicated situation.

One-on-one, this guy is so terrifying at the moment, even Han Fei can't escape his moment. What's more, he has now created a triple sky of anger. Breaking the void and shooting, the strength of the three overlapping waves is far better than the nine waves of the angry sea.

Moreover, Zhang Xuanyu holds the top grade soldier! The opponent's law enforcer, who already had five or six holes in his body, lay on the ground.

As for the fall and fall, her figure flickered, colorful flying insects flying all over the sky, and various illusions were born. This is the sky-high waterfall and arrogance. What can be done to deal with an ordinary law enforcer?

At this moment, the opponent has fallen into the illusion and is tearing his skin.

And Han Fei, needless to say, the figure flashed wildly in the sky and completely treated the five law enforcement as sandbags.

Below, some people doubt: "He, is he from the Ye family?"

Someone shook his head: "No, maybe ... it's from the Thug Academy."

A woman was horrified: "How could it be so strong? Is the Thug Academy so strong?"

An old man's expression changes: "The once-thug mob college was indeed astonishing. However, the leapfrog challenge, with one enemy and five, was unheard of."


Suddenly, a shadow swept across the sky and reached Han Fei when reaching out.

At the next moment, the old man with dry water was blocked in the air: "Several little masters said, return the land of the mob academy.

The comer looked ugly: "Peak of law enforcement?"

Dry water smiled slightly: "Old dead dry water, should you be the Su family? Old dead have seen Mr. Su."

I saw that the man's face suddenly changed greatly: "Family of Master of Gods, Luo Family of Moon Island, Master Dry Water?"

I saw the man suddenly shouted: "Everyone, withdraw, the mob academy belongs, and return all."


Han Fei swept out an arc, standing next to the old man with dry water, and smiled lightly: "It should be so. Rest assured, my thug academy has the rules of the thug academy. This time when I return to the mountain, I will reopen the mountain. The people will not offend me I ’m not guilty. Since there are rules here, that ’s fine. "

Han Fei smiled faintly: "You can stop."

Zhang Xuanyu had already finished playing, and now he was holding a stick and watching the show. Not to mention, it's pretty to look at the bells and whistles.


The dark blue roar disappeared, and the happy man fell to the ground, standing beside Luo Xiaobai.

Luo Xiaobai reached out his hand, and the spirit plant in all directions disappeared quickly. After a while, the battlefield like a ruin remained.

Li Luo Luo snorted: "If you could not kill someone, you would have killed him."

Above the sky, dry water smiled and said: "You talk."

Han Fei is enforcing the law positively, the person opposite should be stronger, not the peak of law enforcement but also at least high-level. This kind of opponent can't win now. After all, the most fundamental power gap is there.

Senior law enforcers, even if they do not use any means, the pure power is more than 10 waves. Just like the Qingyou Jiao I met at the time. That Qingyou Jiao, pure physical strength is 20 waves. With a little effort, law enforcers in the same realm cannot simply be opponents.

Therefore, the person in front of him really needs to use the secret method, and his power is at least twice that of himself, occupying an absolute advantage. What's more, the other party may be the peak of law enforcement! Han Fei casually speculates that the sheer power of law enforcement peak may be higher if it is more than doubled after using the magic change.

Of course, Han Fei did not admonish at all, and said bluntly: "The Thug Academy is back today, we are not here, and outsiders can use this site. We are back, the site is fully closed, and the idlers will not be allowed to step in.

The middle-aged man gave Han Fei a deep look. He watched the battle just now and was very shocked.

It is impossible for ordinary Tianjiao to achieve one enemy against five. Looking at the entire Qianxing City, up and down for hundreds of years, it can do this, no more than 10 people.

Han Fei is one of them. Therefore, Han Fei has this qualification to demand a site.

The middle-aged person glanced at Han Fei and said, "Thug Academy, are you back?"

Han Fei: "It's back."

The middle-aged man frowned: "Only five of you? One law enforcement, four dive fishing peaks?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "What happened to the peak of the submarine fisherman? Without any means and cards, we dare to go back to Qianxing City?"

The middle-aged man was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "No explorer sits in town?"

Han Fei tilted his head and waited for the middle-aged to continue.

I saw that the middle-aged man sighed: "Although Chunyang Island has fallen, but there are no explorers sitting in town, are you sure the family will not come to trouble?"

Han Fei said without hesitation: "The Seven Major Sects, the family clan has already known that we are returning. Even if we come to find fault, it will not be the explorer."

The middle-aged person looked at Han Fei in surprise, and said in silence for a moment: "What about the declining family or small family?"

Han Fei frowned: a few meanings, there are several families in Qianxing City, where does he know? However, there should be many families in the thousands of miles? Those people should not know the situation of the Thug Academy. Or ......... The family will send those people to find fault?

Han Fei sighed: several people came to Qianxing City for a purpose.

You have to go to the three places of God's Monument to find a way to enter the Immortal Palace. You have to go to the Qianxing Proving Ground to compete for the site. Once the person is gone, the small family comes to smash the thug academy, what should I do?

However, although he had thought of this in his heart, Han Fei appeared to be calm and calm. He looked at Dry Water Road: "Senior, if those small families take the initiative to commit crimes, can they hit the door?"

Withered water froze for a moment: this style of acting, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really tough.

Just listening to Dry Water laughed: "It is okay without affecting the lives of ordinary people. But Qianxing City also has law enforcement officers, there is a high probability that they will stand on the side of those small families."

Han Fei turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man: "How to deal with it? This is my own thing at Thug Academy? Why, do you Su family have ideas?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "Since the Thug Academy is going to regain its foothold in Qianxing City, you may not lack the power of law enforcers, but the explorers are still lacking. However, our Su family has explorers."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "To what extent? What conditions?"

Han Fei, they did not come to offend themselves. He didn't know what purpose the Su family held, but it did not prevent him from listening.

The middle-aged man immediately grinned: "Since the Thug Academy is going to be rebuilt, it is naturally necessary to enroll students. My Su Jialin'er is also extraordinary. Five names, can you be the master?"

Old Man Bai decentralized, even if Han Fei was acting dean now, he would certainly be the master.

However, Han Fei shook his head: "Too many, one, and we have to pick ourselves."

This mouth can not be put.

Otherwise, what kind of dogs are put in, what happened to the mob college? The tradition of the Thug Academy is to recruit only geniuses, not many people, but fine.

The middle-aged man didn't seem to expect Han Fei to promise to accept five people. He immediately said: "I don't want to go around the corner anymore. Three people, I have two explorers in my house. If necessary, I will shoot.

Han Fei said with a smile: "Two explorers? Then accept two people. Otherwise, we will not talk about this matter. Since we can solve the big family, do we really think those little families can turn the sky?"

(In a word, some people think that I say the range of the Thug Academy is 800 miles, and the math is very poor. Come, in this chapter, I will give him a calculation ...)

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