God of Killing

Chapter 1411 Ruins of Haiti

Ling Mei looked deeply at Shi Yan, not knowing what he was thinking, and suddenly asked: "What do you think of our Xuantian Clan?"

"I regard Tu Shiqi and Yayun as my seniors, and I am very grateful to them. However, I have no intention of becoming a guest of the Xuantian clan. I am sorry for this." Shi Yan said calmly.

The reason why he wanted to take the opportunity to talk nonsense and follow what Mei Ji said was because he wanted to dispel Ling Mei's thoughts.

He knew exactly what Lingmei was thinking.

Lingmei should know his value through the news about Tushiqi. Like Tushiqi, Lingmei sees his potential and hopes to win him over to join the Xuantian clan and become a powerful guest of the Xuantian clan in the future. Come and do things.

On this point, Tomiki had stated his position earlier and asked him to consider it.

He doesn't want to join any clan!

"I understand." Lingmei nodded calmly, "I will tell Senior Tu about your decision, but I still have to remind you that some things should not be said carelessly. That Batum... is not a good person, he will kill you. life."

"Thanks for the reminder." Shi Yan said sincerely.

Regarding the matter of Mei Ji and Batum, he is naturally clear about it. He is not planning to stay in the Sea of ​​Destruction for too long. Unless Batum breaks through the realm of the ancestors in a very short time, otherwise, he will not be able to defeat him with his unique mysteries. Can escape.

"Giggle." Mei Ji smiled coquettishly, and quietly moved her body, creating some distance between her and Shi Yan, so that Shi Yan could continue to take advantage, "Even if he wants to take refuge, he will naturally take refuge in our Phantom Clan, Lingmei, Lingmei, Lingmei , don’t think too much about it.”

Lingmei snorted, looked away at the green blisters area, frowned and said, "What exactly happened?"

Faloni, Jebel, and Telega did not speak. The three of them looked quite unnatural when they recalled the previous scene.

"Let me tell you." Shi Yan interrupted again.

Ling Mei and Mei Ji both looked at him.

"Is such that……"

Shi Yan explained the situation simply and clearly, "The three of them had powerful magic weapons in their hands, so they were able to break free. Otherwise, the result would be the same."

After a pause, he looked at Faloni, "In the depths of the sea, evil consciousness rushed out. I think she felt this the most deeply. I need to ask her specifically."

"I don't know the situation." Faloni said in a cold voice with a cold face: "The ruins of Taichu are deep in the sea below the green bubble. If you want to explore, just go there, but it's best to be prepared to avoid encountering the same accident as us. .”

Everyone fell silent.

"Is it really that dangerous?" Mei Ji asked quietly.

Shi Yan's expression was extremely heavy, "It's not so scary. If you want to go deep into it, you may need secret treasures and power secrets that can isolate the invasion of souls. Otherwise, don't get involved easily."

After telling him this, Mei Ji looked very heavy, and then suddenly said: "How did you touch me?"

Faloni and the others were able to come here because they had the right direction. Mei Ji was sure that Shi Yan had no idea how to come, but he was here now, which Mei Ji couldn't figure out.

Naturally, Shi Yan wouldn't tell her because he felt the call from the bottom of the sea and followed the call to find it slowly.

He said casually: "Originally I just wanted to explore the bottom of the sea to see if there was any luck. Then I saw these people sneaking around. I had nothing to do anyway, so I followed them secretly." The conversation changed and he His face darkened, "What about you? How could you come here?"

"I know you entered the bottom of the sea. I was a little worried so I came down to take a look. I met Ling Mei and the others on the way, so I followed them." Mei Ji said with a smile.

The two of them ignored each other, knowing that the other was hiding something, and they wisely did not continue to ask further questions.

"What should we do?" Telega looked at Faloni, "Should we withdraw, or should we wait for a while?"

Yeboer was alone, and he was secretly hesitating. He felt that staying here would be of no use. He couldn't pass through that area, and staying here was just a waste of time.

Soon, Faloni, Telega, and Yebel all decided to leave temporarily. Once they were determined, they prepared to return the same way.

A strange change suddenly happened at this moment!

The green blisters and the mummies in the blisters suddenly burst open, and a gloomy and strange energy suddenly dissipated and suddenly sank downwards.

In a very short time, there was no more abnormality in the area covered with green blisters.

Yeboler, who was closest, was stunned for a moment and tried to move a little further inside.

He found nothing sinister.

His expression was shocked, and he immediately broke into it and looked down from that position.

The green water bubbles beneath him sank rapidly, and the exploded mummies turned into pure energy, falling like light points.

The star-like light spots, in the process of falling, faintly evolved into the wonderful symbol of Taichu. The green bubbles were like the eyes of some kind of ancient Taichu formation. During the process of falling, the unknown depths of the sea bottom suddenly bloomed. Bright glow.

Deep under the sea, a faintly majestic group of buildings flashed past.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all rushed in the direction of Yebol. They all looked down and saw the blurry image of the building.

At the same time, Shi Yan's heart trembled violently, and he clearly sensed a strong cry coming from the depths of the seabed!

That was the unique murmur of the creatures in the beginning. He had heard it from a snake in the past, but now the voice directly spread in his sea of ​​consciousness. The voice was a little unreal, and the specific content could not be heard, as if he wanted to find his whereabouts.

His expression changed slightly and he hesitated for the first time.

He didn't know what was in the depths of the sea. If there really was a primitive creature, then no one in the room could compete with it. Even the most inferior primitive creature was definitely not a match for anyone here!

Through the tragic deaths of those members of the ancient demon clan and the black demon clan, he was sure that if there were primitive beings, they might not necessarily have good intentions.

With his level of cultivation, he would have died earlier and faster under the bombardment of the Taichu creatures. Even the mysteries of space might not be able to save him.

To go or not to go... "Come here, what are you hesitating about?" At this time, Mei Ji waved to him from a distance, and said with joy: "There are really relics of Taichu down there, a majestic palace. Although you can't see clearly, But it must be extremely spectacular!”

Shi Yan pondered, gritted his teeth, and decided to take a look below. If anything went wrong, he would evacuate immediately.

With this in mind, he began to secretly arrange it before he actually got there.

Where he was, the sea water rippled with water, like a buoy being condensed.

After carefully sensing the space secrets and confirming that he could move over instantly, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief before heading towards Mei Ji.

The originally cruel and bloody place became very peaceful. Everyone stopped there for a while and couldn't help but start to sink.

The water pressure of the sea suddenly increased. Every time it sank, everyone's masks were squeezed and deformed.

Shi Yan gradually felt breathless. As he sank to the bottom of the sea, he felt as if he was being pressed by mountains and rivers, and being impacted by countless walls. His bones all ached.

He looked at Mei Ji, who was safe and sound. The bright light mask was close to her perfect body, as if it was not affected too much.

He pondered for a moment, preparing to activate the power of blood to complete the transformation catalyzed by blood.

"Come here and stay with me. Nothing will happen in a short time." Mei Ji suddenly said.

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment, smiled, and flew towards her direction unceremoniously. Mei Ji's bright and colorful light shield suddenly cracked a hole and suddenly opened up, allowing Shi Yan to come in.

The light shield was like a goose egg. The two of them were squeezed together, shoulders close to each other. Shi Yan could smell the seductive fragrance of her body and feel the plumpness of her body. "Do you know Batum?" Mei Ji suddenly said road.

Shi Yan looked stunned, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Don't lie to me!" Mei Ji gritted her teeth, "When Ling Mei mentioned Batum, you were not surprised at all. You must have known about him from Yu Lian's mouth. I am very curious, and you clearly know With Batum’s realm power, why do you still dare to provoke me? Are you really not afraid of death?"

"It's worth dying to have you as my own," Shi Yan said with a shrug.

"You know this is impossible." Mei Ji smiled, and the breath on her body gradually became cold, which showed that her heart was still cold.

"You took the initiative to come forward. I don't think any man can refuse. If I refuse, how embarrassed will you be?" Shi Yan responded calmly and casually, "I don't care who Batum is. In short, after I find Audrey, I will leave The Sea of ​​Destruction will even leave the Sea of ​​Nothingness. Even if Batum has the power to reach the sky, what can he do to me?"

"You want to leave? Go back to the wilderness?" Mei Ji suddenly felt a little irritable, "I haven't settled the accounts with you yet, and you are ready to leave?"

"Settling accounts with me?" Shi Yan's face turned cold, he turned to look at her, and said rudely: "You may have forgotten those lessons, but you should know that in your current state of recovery, if you want to do harm to me, it seems that you are lacking. Something."

"It's true that I haven't fully recovered, but do you really think I can't do anything to you?" Mei Ji said angrily.

Shi Yan snorted coldly and did not continue the bickering, but looked down attentively.

Below, a huge light curtain like the sky slowly emerged. Under the light curtain, a majestic ruins of an ancient building gradually emerged.

Under the cover of the light curtain, the ruins of the building were not submerged by the sea water. There were many bloody lines crisscrossing the light curtain. Those lines were like ravines and veins, and the fishy smell was tangy.

Shi Yan frowned and looked at it, his expression changed, and he suddenly said: "Those bloody lines of blood are the people who were killed before. This... is a blood sacrifice, a light curtain activated by blood."

"You mean, we were able to come in and the green blisters disappeared because the blood of those who died before was enough to open this place?" Mei Ji accurately grasped the meaning of his words.

Shi Yan nodded.

"How do you know?" Mei Ji was surprised and confused.

"Feeling." Shi Yan frowned.

It was indeed a feeling. Looking at the huge sky-like light curtain below him and the ancient buildings reduced to ruins, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

There were blood marks on the light screen. He just glanced at it and knew that it was activated through blood sacrifice. This felt weird, but it made him feel that it was the truth.

(To be continued)

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