God of Killing

Chapter 1,412 Go deeper!

Shi Yan and Mei Ji continued to sink.

"The light screen is vast, and the ruins are extremely spectacular. It's really surprising." Mei Ji frowned, looking down at the center of her condensed light shield, and said to Shi Yan beside her: "You don't feel any discomfort now, do you? ?”

Shi Yan smiled and said, "The water pressure is really scary. You have been in the Sea of ​​Destruction for many years, and you should often go deep into the seabed. Haven't you ever discovered the ruins here?"

"I explained to you before that the seabed of the Sea of ​​Destruction is comparable to a realm. The water pressure at the deepest point of the seabed is difficult for even me to withstand. I do go to the sea often and wander in the depths of the ocean, and I have also seen some strange and strange places. , but this is the first time I have seen such a huge and spectacular ruin like the one below." Mei Ji concentrated and looked towards Ling Mei, "I don't get along with that woman. We have had many rivalries in the Sea of ​​Destruction over the years. I don't want you to What does it have to do with her?"

"What does she have to do with me?" Shi Yan laughed dumbly.

"There is no best. As the person in charge of the Xuantian Clan in the Sea of ​​Destruction, Lingmei has been right with me for so long. I rarely win against her. This time, I will definitely beat her once!" Mei Ji said firmly. , the breasts trembled slightly as he spoke, creating charming waves.

Shi Yan's eyes were hot, he grinned and chuckled, his eyes glancing at her towering breasts, "Am I the key to your fight with her?"

"That's right." Mei Ji did not deny it, but admitted it calmly, "As early as when we were on the Dragon Lizard Star, Tu Shiqi and Yayun deliberately made friends with you. I think they should know that you have hidden powers, right?"

Shi Yan nodded.

"I know it. If you didn't have insight into the true meaning of dark energy and could steadily enter the domain ancestor realm, then how could these two people value you so much? The same goes for Lingmei. She hopes to win over you and make you a member of the Xuantian Clan Guest, please add a domain ancestor to the Xuantian clan."

Mei Ji looked sad and sighed softly, "For the seven major races, the struggle for the strong is the top priority, and the competition for existences at the level of domain ancestors is the most intense! A domain ancestor can even make the strength of the seven races Changes have occurred. Our clan can ignore Batum’s bad reputation and would rather sacrifice me to absorb him. Isn’t it because he is a powerful quasi-region ancestor?”

"Then why didn't you sacrifice yourself and marry Batum to increase the strength of the Phantom Clan?" Shi Yan stopped his smile and looked at her calmly, "You are so enthusiastic about the Yin Mei Clan. For the sake of the strength of the race, you should give up. Self-interest is the right thing?”

"Do you want me to marry Batum?" Mei Ji suddenly fell silent and spoke after a long while, her eyes filled with coldness.

"It has nothing to do with me. My likes and dislikes will not affect you. I'm just curious." Shi Yan said calmly, "Why did you agree to the impossible condition when you clearly don't want to? You don't dare to disobey the clan's orders. ?”

Mei Ji looked bitter, shook her head, and said sadly: "I can't break up with the clan, and I really don't dare to lose the protection of the clan..."

"Why?" Shi Yan asked.

"I have been cultivated by the clan until now. I still have relatives in the clan. And I have done many things for the clan over the years and killed many people. Those people always want my life. Now that I am in the clan, They are worried and dare not mess around. If I leave the Yin Mei Clan, it will be difficult for me to survive safely." Mei Ji sighed.

"If Batum breaks through the Territory Ancestor soon and asks your clan to honor the agreement, what will you do?" Shi Yan asked again.

"I don't know, I really don't know, and I don't dare to think too much." Mei Ji's charming face was full of confusion, and she didn't have a real answer herself.

Shi Yan did not continue to ask.

Because they have landed above the light curtain.

The sky-like light curtain covers the ruins below, blocking the penetration of sea water. The light curtain is covered with the magical ancient inscriptions of Taichu. Those tadpole boys are slowly squirming, as if they are alive, and blood-colored traces are spread across various areas of the light curtain. Stones Yan Ningshen looked around and found that he couldn't see the end of the light curtain.

Layers of colorful ripples rippled from the light screen, and the ripples rushed towards the stone rock, which shocked him.

The layers of ripples made him feel comfortable all over, and he couldn't help but walk out of Mei Ji's light shield. When Mei Ji was horrified, he grinned with enjoyment, feeling that the pressure of the sea water disappeared out of thin air.

He looked around quietly.

Except for him, everyone looked nervous and nervous, and they all avoided the ripples as if facing a formidable enemy.

Everyone felt relaxed when they saw him being washed away by the ripples without any discomfort on his body and showing a comfortable dissolution.

Next to Lingmei, a black-armored man from the Xuantian tribe casually stretched out his hand to catch the lavender ripples rippling over.

Immediately, a shrill scream suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked at him in horror, and found that the flesh and blood of his hand had melted away, leaving only a terrifying white bone. The lavender ripples spread over, completely covering his body.

He quickly lost any message and turned into a white skeleton, falling towards the light curtain.


The skeleton was shattered into pieces, and the bone powder melted into the seawater, becoming invisible in an instant.

Lingmei couldn't help but scream, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

She didn't need to remind them. Everyone except Shi Yan retreated as if they had seen a ghost in the daytime. Everyone's face was pale, and they looked at the ripples with extremely frightened expressions.

Only Shi Yan was blocking the front, his body was submerged by those ripples, and there was no trace of anything unusual or bad on his face.

Faloni, Telega, Lingmei, Yebole and Meiji all had frozen expressions, looking at him as if they saw a monster. Meiji was stunned for a few seconds and immediately asked: "Shi Yan, how can you be okay? "

Shi Yan could clearly see the cruel and bloody things that happened to that Xuantian tribesman. He naturally knew how people were confused, but he did not explain, grinning weirdly, and rushed toward the light curtain below. .

Surprisingly, there was a crack in the light curtain, allowing Shi Yan to break in easily.

The ripples on the light screen were rippling, spreading towards the surroundings layer by layer. Ling Mei, Mei Ji and others looked fearful and retreated involuntarily, trying to use their power to crack the ripples on the light screen. Terrible attack.

"Mei Ji, you are familiar with him, do you know what method he used to avoid that danger?" Yeboer shouted loudly.

Mei Ji frowned, "I just asked and he didn't answer me, so I don't know anything like you."

"What's the difference between him and us?" Faloni from the Black Demon Tribe asked.

"It is said that this guy is fused with a split soul of the original creature. This is the news I got." Yebler took the initiative to explain his news.

"He has understood the true meaning of dark energy." After hesitating for a while, Lingmei also told what she knew. At this time, everyone wanted to go deep into the ruins below and think hard about how to solve the ripples, so Lingmei did not deliberately hide it. , I just want to find a way as soon as possible.

Fusion of the split soul of the original creature? Carrying dark energy?

Faloni looked shocked, "He is the first level of immortality!"

"It's shocking, isn't it?" Mei Ji pursed her lips and chuckled, "Indeed, I was very shocked when I first learned about this, but what's even more shocking is that that guy already possessed dark energy when he was in the realm of the First God. Have you ever heard of anyone who is in the realm of the First God and can see through dark energy?"

As soon as these words came out, even Ling Mei's eyes trembled. She finally understood why the news from Tu Shiqi and the suppressed couple was so strange.

The news from Tu Shiqi and Yayun asked her to do her best to win over Shi Yan. Even if she couldn't turn Shi Yan into a guest of the Xuantian clan, she should try her best to build a good relationship. She must not offend and provide convenience. Just give it convenience.

After Lingmei received the news, she was very surprised and felt that Tushiqi and his wife were making a fuss out of a molehill. Looking at it today, she immediately realized how far-sighted Tushiqi and his wife were.

Meiji and the others were temporarily trapped.

Under the light curtain, the rocks slowly descended, like a brand new world descending from the sky and clouds.

In this world, the land is full of ancient buildings that exploded and exploded. Even if those buildings are shattered, they are as tall and majestic as mountains. Those buildings are in the shape of a tower and are made of an unknown stone. The whole world is full of exploding ancient buildings.

A trace of strange energy was wandering in his body and quickly integrated into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Those energies are released within the ripples. The reason why he is not harmed is because those energies are dark energy, and his divine body has been tempered by dark energy and can withstand dark energy. Dark energy is negative energy, which is different from conventional energy. , he can calm down because his physical body is not affected.

He raised his head, looked at Ling Mei and Mei Ji who were helpless, and smiled.

Concentrating, he released his sub-soul, silently feeling the breath and the fluctuations of the call to his sub-soul. Soon he had a direction. Regardless of the surprise of everyone in Lingmei above, he flew towards an area with a sudden expression. The speed was slow at first. , and then faster and faster.

...deep in the sea.

Audrey was wrapped in clusters of souls, as if she were wearing a huge black robe, and she was heading towards the ruins like a ghost.

"Why do you suddenly want to go deep into the seabed?" Ming Hong transformed into a ghost shadow, floating on her shoulders. He used his power to make those evil spirits densely cover Audrey to prevent her from bearing the impact of water pressure.

"There is a voice below that keeps calling me." Audrey said strangely.

"Is there a sound?" Ming Hong was shocked.

"Maybe it has something to do with the original creatures." Audrey didn't hide it. "You also know that I have merged with the origin of Shenze Continent, which can be regarded as a part of Huang."

Ming Hong suddenly became excited when he heard what she said, "There may be mysterious objects from the Taibei era down there!"

"I think so too." Audrey smiled lightly.

I don't know how long it took, but Audrey also came to the light curtain and saw the ripples. Her eyes flashed with strange light, emitting soul consciousness.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Her soul consciousness melted as soon as it touched those ripples.

"Very powerful defense!" Ming Hong exclaimed.


Suddenly, a shout came from the distance, and a figure came at great speed and stood in front of Audrey in an instant.

"It's you?"

"It's you?"

Audrey and Mei Ji screamed at the same time.

(To be continued)

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