God of Killing

Chapter 19: Petrified Martial Spirit

A huge ancient tree appeared in Luo Hao's sight. The ancient tree required ten people to hug it, tens of meters high, and its branches and leaves covered the sky and the earth.

Luo Hao stopped suddenly, let go of Mu Yudie, and looked at the ancient tree solemnly, his face uncertain, as if he was about to make some important decision.

When Zhao Xin, Diyalan, and Hu Long came to this ancient tree, their expressions changed slightly, as if they all knew there was something unusual here.

Shi Yan frowned and stared at the huge sky-gazing tree in silence.

Luo Hao took a deep breath, turned to face everyone, and said in a deep voice: "The road to the right of Wangtian Tree is rarely haunted by monsters. Most caravans and warriors will choose this road when passing through the dark forest. Because this road is very safe, even if you see monsters, they are usually only low-level monsters such as first and second level, and this road is also close to the Merchant Alliance, only about ten days away."

Zhao Xin and the other three nodded slightly, obviously knowing the situation.

After a pause, Luo Hao looked solemn, and then said: "But the road to the left of Wangtianshu is completely different! Not only is the distance much longer, but monsters are rampant, and there are also many life-threatening warriors and mercenaries. Dare you Anyone who goes down this road is not a good person. In a long-term crisis, those people have always acted without any taboos and are not subject to any restrictions. If we go down this road, we must not only be careful of monsters, but also be careful of those who act. Crazy warriors and mercenaries, especially there are two beautiful girls in our team..."

"Hmph! Whoever dares to take advantage of me, I will cut off all his thoughts!" Diyalan made a cutting motion with her left hand in the void, her beautiful eyes shining with cold light.

"Uncle Luo, what do you mean?" Zhao Xin asked carefully.

"Take the safe route on the right, and within a day at most, the people from 'Dark Ming' will catch up again, and there will inevitably be another hard fight." Luo Hao said with a sullen face and a look of helplessness on his face: "Can we go on the next trip? No one can say for sure how lucky we are, not to mention that the other party may have reinforcements arriving. If we encounter each other again, we may be in trouble..."

"Go to the left?" Hu Long answered.

"Monsters are rampant on the left, and vicious warriors and mercenaries often appear. If you go to the left, you will face monsters, and you are more likely to be attacked by warriors who are going crazy under pressure. However, the crisis we are about to face, 'Dark Darkness' People will also meet. 'Dark Ming' has a bad reputation. There may not be many people in the Fire Empire who dare to go against 'Dark Ming', but if you put them there, there will definitely be many people who will cause trouble for them. If they are not careful If you encounter a high-level monster, your entire army may be wiped out..."

Luo Hao slowly spoke, and after explaining the situation, expressed his opinion: "If we go to the right, we will not be attacked by monsters and other warriors, but we will face the major threat of 'Dark Darkness'. On the left we will Being attacked by monsters and warriors, Dark Ming might be even worse off than us, so for us, the left side might have a better chance of escaping."

"Just go to the left!" Mu Yudie decisively defined.

"Okay." Luo Hao nodded immediately, looked at Shi Yan one last time, and said, "Little brother, it's still too late for you to leave now. If you don't leave now... it will be too late if you want to leave again."

"I'll go with you." Shi Yan had already made up his mind. There was a crazy side to his character, otherwise he wouldn't have spent ten years indulging in a death game like extreme sports.

When Luo Hao talked about the crisis on the left, he couldn't help but get excited.

Nodding, Luo Hao waved: "Okay, let's go. From now on, everyone will be more cautious!"

after an hour.

Mo Chaoge and the Mo family warriors also stopped in front of Wangtianshu.

"Second uncle, which path will they choose?" Mo Yanyu asked.

"I'll chase them from the right. If I don't come back in two hours, you can follow them. If I don't catch them in two hours, they should go to the left." Mo Chaoge thought for a moment and ordered everyone to wait here. , flew away from the left alone.

An hour and a half later, Mo Chaoge returned with a gloomy face, "Not a single ghost was seen, and these people dared to walk from the left. Be careful! Monsters and madmen are rampant on the left road, so don't be careless. Remember, don’t make enemies easily with those warriors and mercenaries. Guys who dare to ask for money from monsters are all life-threatening lunatics. Such people are not afraid of death, so don’t provoke them."


"Let's go!"

Three-headed saber-toothed rhinoceros walked slowly by the stream. The saber-toothed rhinoceros is a third-level monster with a shining silver back, fangs at the corners of its mouth like swords, and a fierce light in its fist-sized brown eyes. The saber-toothed rhino's skin is stained with The mud is full of [***]. The mud is a layer of natural armor, so hard that even ordinary swords cannot cut through it.

The three-headed saber-toothed rhinoceros took a sip of water from the stream from time to time, looking around with fierce eyes, as if looking for prey.

In the bushes not far from the three-headed saber-toothed rhinoceros, Luo Hao made a gesture to signal everyone to silence.

When the three-headed saber-toothed rhinoceros slowly moved away, Luo Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The saber-toothed rhinoceros is a third-level monster, equivalent to a warrior in the human realm. This monster moves quickly and has extremely sharp fangs at the corners of its mouth. , once a low-level warrior is hit by it, he will either die or be disabled!"

Shi Yan's cold eyes wandered over the slowly disappearing saber-toothed rhinoceros, showing an expression of interest in giving it a try.

"The goal of our trip is to protect Xiaodie, not to hunt the monsters here. I hope everyone will keep this in mind and don't create unnecessary problems." Luo Hao seemed to have noticed Shi Yan's thoughts and said casually Just a reminder.

Shi Yan grinned and nodded to express his understanding.

"Let's go. We have to be careful here. We must not be in a hurry. We must pay attention to the surrounding situation and try to avoid encounters with monsters and warriors to reduce unnecessary trouble." Luo Hao reminded again, Then he took the lead and continued walking forward.

Night falls quietly.

Next to a large tree with dense leaves by the stream, Zhao Xin and the other two people spread out and watched the surroundings vigilantly to ensure that no monsters would suddenly appear.

Shi Yan sat on the wetland with a solemn expression.

A bloodthirsty desire lingered in his heart like a cloud, giving him an unhappiness and urge. The essence obtained from the two Pluto envoys had reached the critical moment of purification, and he was a little restless. .

Luo Hao always stood beside Mu Yudie and stared at Shi Yan with a frown, fearing that Shi Yan would do something abnormal.

Mu Yudie looked at Shi Yan with an indifferent expression for a while. Seeing the ferocious expression on Shi Yan's face, she slowly sat down cross-legged, placed the guqin on her beautiful curved legs, and played the qin.

With the sound of the piano, the violent thoughts rising in Shi Yan's heart seemed to be resolved by the cool force, and slowly faded from the bottom of his heart.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Shi Yan silently transported his essence and practiced Zhou Tian.

An hour later, a warm current surged out of the acupoints all over his body.

Shi Yan was shocked.

Shi Yan suddenly felt that his body seemed to be extremely hungry. This time, the strange power that surged out of the acupuncture points had not yet merged into the essence in his lower abdomen. It was actually absorbed by his muscle cells and bones on the way, and the warm current poured in. It took root in the flesh and bones of his body.

In just a few breaths, the strange warmth that surged out of his acupoints spread throughout his flesh, flesh, and bones, surprising him inexplicably.

With a thought in his heart, Shi Yan tried to feel the warmth in the center of flesh, flesh and bones.


There was a roar in his head, and the next moment, Shi Yan suddenly noticed a strange change in his body.

Shocked, he suddenly opened his eyes and was shocked to find that his exposed arms began to slowly transform into stone gray.


Shi Yan looked stunned, hurriedly not thinking about the abnormality in his body, and took his mind back from his body.

Under the change of his thoughts, his body, which was about to be "petrified", quickly returned to normal and became a normal color of skin and flesh.

Looking forward quietly, Shi Yan found Na Luo Hao and Mu Yudie whispering something behind a tree not far away, and did not notice him.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Shi Yan's eyes flashed with joy and he laughed in his heart.

The sign of the "petrified" body is clearly the awakening of the Shi family's "petrified martial spirit"!

This martial spirit is unique to the Shi family. As the realm improves, this "petrified martial spirit" will become more and more powerful, and eventually it will even become invulnerable and not afraid of the violent rush of essence.

At first, Shi Yan thought that this guy was not born with this martial spirit, but he didn't expect that after breaking through to the innate realm, this martial spirit would suddenly awaken, which really made him ecstatic.

This "petrified" martial spirit is extremely useful in battle. After being "petrified", the body is as hard as a stone, but it does not affect his sensitivity, which is enough to increase his strength.

In addition to "petrification", he has long confirmed that his body also has an "immortal martial spirit" that can restore itself. The two martial spirits complement each other. If he cultivates to the extreme, his body can reach such miraculous levels, even he I can't even imagine it.

"That's not right!" Shi Yan frowned and thought to himself, "Didn't the martial spirit appear not long after birth? It's strange that he is still able to awaken the martial spirit at the age of seventeen. ? Could this be related to the strange energy overflowing from the body’s acupuncture points?”

Vaguely, he realized that the awakening of the petrified and immortal spirits in his body might be related to the blood in the blood pool and the changes in his acupuncture points.

Shi Yan felt that the strange warm current overflowing from the acupuncture points seemed to be able to activate the "martial spirit" in the human body. When he thought of this possibility, he felt excited and almost wanted to express his inner excitement by howling loudly.

"Martial spirit" is innate and generally only gradually strengthens as the realm improves. Apart from this, there are almost no other ways to grow "Martial Spirit".

"Martial spirit" is the talent that warriors are most proud of, and it is also the key to determining a warrior's strength. Warriors practice hard to seek breakthroughs, and they also want their "martial spirit" to grow with them. Can

Even if the realm improves, the growth of "Martial Spirit" is limited and has various restrictions.

In the Divine Grace Continent, even the legendary god-level alchemists can only barely refine elixirs that are effective against common "martial spirits". Those elixirs can be said to be the rarest and most precious divine items in the Divine Grace Continent. It only exists in legends.

However, even those pills can only enhance the "Martial Soul" to a very limited extent. The "Martial Soul" is a talent, which cannot be easily changed.

But the strange warm current overflowing from the acupuncture points of Shi Yan's body seems to go against the common sense of heaven and earth. It seems that it can really catalyze the "martial spirit" and enhance this innate ability!

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