God of Killing

Chapter 29 Cannibalism

Chapter 29: Cannibalism (please vote for recommendation)

In the dense forest, Diyalan shuttled with Shi Yan carrying Mu Yudie on her back.

Shi Yan had a sullen face and calmly observed the surroundings. Once he found traces of monster activity nearby, he would explain in advance and ask Diyalan to change direction to avoid contact with the monster.

Time passed quietly, and gradually, the day turned into night, and a bright moon hung high in the sky.

From time to time, heart-rending roars could be heard in the originally silent forest. Some monsters that like to be active at night woke up from their rest during the day and began to hunt prey in the forest.

At night, Shi Yan's vision was affected, and it was difficult to distinguish in detail which areas were safe and where monsters were rampant.

Some monsters don't make any noise when hunting at night.

Therefore, an area with howling monsters is definitely not safe, but an area without howling monsters is sometimes not necessarily appropriate, and may even be filled with greater dangers!

After three hours of running, both Diyalan and Shi Yan were a little tired.

In the evening, although the two of them worked together to kill Tu Mu, they both paid a heavy price. Diyalan was consumed by Tu Mu's violent power. Too much essence was consumed, and she carried Mu Yu on her back all the way. Butterfly flew away, but instead of being restored, the power within her body continued to be consumed.

At this time, Diyalan was already exhausted physically and mentally, and was only supported by her perseverance.

Shi Yan was not having a good time either. His shoulder was punctured. Although the wound was bandaged and his "Immortal Martial Spirit" was recovering, it could not be healed in a short time.

The side effect of using the "Rage" martial skill is that he is completely weak. In addition, he has absorbed the essence of Jin Mo and Tu Mu and is still digesting it. From time to time, bloodthirsty and crazy thoughts come to his mind, but he still has to hold on. Observe nearby monster tracks.

...He works harder than Diyalan.

"Find a place to rest." Mu Yudie whispered softly. From Diyalan's increasingly heavier footsteps and slower and slower movements, she realized that Diyalan was almost reaching her limit.

"Okay." Shi Yan took a breath and said calmly: "I'll find a good place to stay."

After saying this, he climbed up an old tree like an ape, trying to find a place with dense leaves to hide.

Standing on the ancient tree, Shi Yan looked around and suddenly let out a light sigh. With the help of branches swinging in the forest, he slowly moved towards a dead ancient tree.

The ancient tree had thick roots, dry branches, and no trace of moisture. It had been dead for many years.

Swinging the branches, he came to a dry branch of the dead ancient tree. Shi Yan went up to take a closer look, and suddenly said with surprise: "This ancient tree is hollow, and you can go down from it. The root of the tree is empty. It’s enough for the three of us to sit down. This place is very nice. You guys have a rest and will come up later.”

The upper part of the ancient tree is narrow, the roots are thick, and the empty space above the trunk is enough for a normal person to fall. The ancient tree is ten meters high. Shi Yan and Diyalan can easily get down. With a rope, it will not be difficult for Mu Yudie to fall down.

When Diyalan heard that there was such a good place, she didn't take much rest and said anxiously: "Then let's go in early. Monsters are rampant here. If we are targeted by monsters, we will be in big trouble."

"Okay, hand me the rope, and I'll pull Miss Mu up first."

Two minutes later.

Shi Yan, Diyalan, and Mu Yudie sat down together on the hollow roots of the ancient tree.

Dots of starlight fell from the top of the tree hole. Outside the tree hole, the roar of monsters came from far away, which was heart-stopping.

None of the three spoke.

Mu Yudie and Diyalan's hearts were filled with great sorrow.

Along the way, the two of them and Luo Hao stayed together and experienced many dangers. But now, they are the only ones left here, and they don't know if they can escape from the pursuit.

The partners left one by one, and the pursuers kept watching. Maybe tomorrow the people from An Ming and Fang will catch up, maybe tomorrow they will be humiliated...

This feeling of no tomorrow made Mu Yudie and Diyalan unable to see any hope and lived in constant panic.

Shi Yan was slightly better. He and Luo Hao had not been together for a long time, and they had not yet established a deep relationship. Although the three of them died, he was far from grief-stricken and could still remain calm.

However, Luo Hao's death still made him feel a little regretful. After all, Luo Hao had been really good to him these days, training him with the gravity field every night. He naturally knew that Luo Hao's release of the gravity field every night required a lot of energy. Luo Hao could do this to him, and he accepted this favor.

Especially when he heard that Luo Hao's death was related to the Mo family, he felt that he should take some responsibility.

Silently memorizing the three major forces, Anming, Fang, and Mercenaries, Shi Yan made up his mind and decided to take bloody revenge on these three forces in the coming day.

However, after glancing at Diyalan and Mu Yudie, Shi Yan frowned slightly. The two women looked lifeless, with despair on their faces, as if they had no fighting spirit.

He knew that the deaths of Luo Hao and the other three people were a huge blow to the two women, but this place was still some distance away from the Merchant Alliance. If the two women didn't have any fighting spirit at this time, they would definitely not be able to escape this disaster!

After pondering for a while, Shi Yan felt that he should do something. After staring at the two women for a while, he gradually came up with an idea...

The hollow part of this ancient tree happens to allow three people to sit down cross-legged. However, when the three people sit down cross-legged, there are only small gaps between each other's legs. Even if they are close, they can feel the pain from each other's legs. Uploaded heat.

It turned out that Shi Yan's legs were contracted together, so that they were completely separated from the two women by a small gap.


Shi Yan spread his legs slightly, and his left leg naturally pressed against Diyalan's right leg, and his right leg naturally pressed against Mu Yudie's left leg. He could clearly feel that one of the two women's thighs was strong and toned. One is plump and soft, and the touch is worth savoring.

Shi Yan's little move seemed unintentional, but both women had some reactions.

Diyalan raised her head and glared at him, but didn't say much.

But Mu Yudie was obviously a little embarrassed, her face turned red, and she moved her left leg quietly, trying to keep some distance from Shi Yan's right leg.

But every time she moved a little distance, Shi Yan occupied it without any courtesy and leaned against her left leg again.

After three times, Mu Yudie felt angry. She knew that Shi Yan was deliberately taking advantage of her, but she was helpless. She blushed with embarrassment and secretly gritted her teeth and cursed Shi Yan for being a bastard.

However, after Shi Yan made such a fuss, the sadness in Mu Yudie's heart quietly disappeared. She only remembered cursing Shi Yan bitterly, but she temporarily forgot about the tragic death of Luo Hao and his group.

Diyalan's bright eyes took in Shi Yan's little movements without missing a beat. She seemed to see something. Not only did she not stop him, but she also looked at Mu Yudie strangely, as if she was saying that Mu Yudie was making a fuss.

Under Diyalan's gaze, Mu Yudie felt ashamed, her face turned even redder, her mouth puffed out and she was secretly angry, and she rolled her eyes at Shi Yan beside her.

Shi Yan closed his eyes, as if all the small movements were unintentional, and he breathed evenly, as if he had fallen asleep early.

"Pretend! Pretend hard! When I recover, I won't settle the score with you!" Mu Yudie gritted her teeth gently, feeling the heat of Shi Yan's thighs. Even her neck was red, and she could only curse over and over again in her heart.

Of course Shi Yan didn't sleep.

He closed his eyes and savored the different touches of the two women's thighs, comparing them secretly in his mind.

Diyalan's thighs were toned, while Mu Yudie's thighs were plump but full of elasticity. Each had its own merits. After comparing them for a while, Shi Yan felt that both of them had very good thighs, and the wonderful feeling was almost the same.

After comparing like this for a while, he gradually became distraught, and the most primitive desire in his heart seemed to be touched.

In the acupuncture points in the body, strands of negative power were quietly released, amplifying Shi Yan's desire little by little...

His breathing began to quicken quietly, but there were no bloodthirsty or crazy thoughts in his heart, only the purest desire for possession. The more suppressed that desire was, the more difficult it seemed to be to control it.

Shi Yan gradually lost...

Mu Yudie suddenly woke up and whispered: "Sister Lan, there is something wrong with this guy. It seems like he is going to be the same as before."

Shi Yan was breathing rapidly, sweat stains appeared on his forehead, and his body was shaking slightly, as if he was trying to control something.

The two girls, Diyalan and Mu Yudie, were close to him with their legs and feet. Diyalan also noticed the abnormality on his body.

After staring at Shi Yan for a while, Diyalan blushed and said softly: "It's different from before. He used to want to kill people, but now he does, but..."

"What is it?" Mu Yudie was surprised.

"He wants to eat people now..." Diyalan replied, feeling a little embarrassed and grumbling without going into details.

"Eating people?" Mu Yudie's expression changed, and she exclaimed in shock: "This is even more serious! How could it be like this? Will he be like a monster? Sister Lan, will he eat us both? This should what to do?"

She obviously didn't hear the true meaning of Diyalan's words.

"Damn girl, what are you thinking about?" Diyalan spat, with an awkward expression: "He is going into heat."

Mu Yudie was startled, and then she understood. Her pretty face was so red that it was almost bleeding, and she hesitated: "Sister Lan, I, I will play the piano to help him relieve his pain. Do you, do you want to go out and hide? I, I also want to go out for a while..."

"Well, I'll take you out." Diyalan nodded, her beautiful eyes flashing, and she was about to fly up.

Right now!

Shi Yan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, and he hugged Diyalan like a wild beast.

The tree hole was not spacious. After Diyalan was hugged, his delicate body was pressed against the tree wall, making it impossible to escape even if she wanted to.

"Asshole! Let me go!" Diyalan screamed, "Damn girl, help me pull him away! Quick!"

Mu Yudie looked panicked and reached out to pull Shi Yan, but Shi Yan stood there as motionless as a rock. No matter how hard she pulled, Shi Yan did not move at all.

Diyalan was extremely exhausted that day and her energy had not yet recovered. She couldn't struggle under Shi Yan's strong embrace.

"Chi!" The sound of clothes tearing was a bit harsh in the lonely tree hole.

Diyalan felt a chill in her buttocks and immediately realized that the leather skirt under her waist was no longer there. Before she could react, a big hand had already reached into her buttocks and started to rub it hard.

"Asshole!" Diyalan lowered her voice and screamed, and said to Mu Yudie: "Quick! Stop him, this guy is blinded by desire."

"I, I can't stop him." Mu Yudie shouted in panic as she hit Shi Yan on the back hard.

"Hmm..." The buttock groove was violated by the fingers. Diyalan felt her legs were weak and couldn't help but moan. Her struggling hands gradually lost strength.

Mu Yudie was stunned, blushed, and whispered: "Sister Lan, what is your name?"

"I didn't scream, why don't you think of a solution quickly, oh..." Diyalan felt that her resistance was getting weaker and weaker, and even her voice gradually became strange.

"Sister Lan, come, it's too late." Mu Yudie stammered, her beautiful eyes filled with fear.

"What, why is it too late?" Diyalan was stunned.

The next moment, she felt a hard object suddenly appeared in her body. Her delicate body trembled, and Diyalan immediately realized that her resistance had failed.

A strange feeling suddenly spread from her body, gradually overwhelming her reason...

Hey, that’s all, that’s all, I don’t know if I can still live tomorrow, so I’ll just take it as an advantage...

The violent impacts broke down her physical and psychological defenses. Diyalan covered her mouth with one hand, and under the impact, she let out a soft "woo woo".

Mu Yudie's pretty face was full of panic, and she stared blankly at the two people's passionate movements.

In front of her, Shi Yan was invading Diyalan with all his strength. Under Shi Yan's aggression, Diyalan obviously had little resistance and gradually became lost. She also took the initiative to thrust her hips and cooperated with Shi Yan. Actions.

"You, you, both of you..."

Mu Yudie's pretty face almost oozed blood. She watched the two people standing and moving in a small space. This hot scene deeply impacted her cognition.

Mu Yudie stood there blankly, not knowing what to do.

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