God of Killing

Chapter 45 Changes

As soon as Xiao Fengxian left, Han Zhong's demeanor immediately became much more natural.

After adjusting his clothes slightly, Han Zhong sat down opposite Shi Yan's table, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then said: "Master Yan, where are the guards with you?"

"They're all dead." There was no strangeness on Shi Yan's face, and he explained casually: "The monsters in the dark forest suddenly went crazy and chased warriors everywhere. In order to protect me, they... all sacrificed."

Han Zhong looked at him with a surprised look on his face and said with strange eyes, "I know a little bit about the situation over there. Master Yan is lucky to be able to escape."

He had long received the news of the thunder-winged silver wolf's rage. He originally thought he wouldn't be able to wait for Shi Yan this time, so he was planning to go back to deliver the work in a month and a half. Who would have expected that Shi Yan would be carefree and alive from the dark forest? Walked out.

The situation in the dark forest was so chaotic that even some warriors who were not highly skilled in cultivation were killed. However, Shi Yan, a nerd, could survive. This was really incredible, and he had to be surprised.

Han Zhong was not interested in the original owner of Shi Yan's body.

Because that guy doesn't practice martial arts and is too pedantic, he likes to study in fields that the Shi family is not interested in. In the Shi family, that guy has always been a marginalized figure, and he is not suitable for people like Han Zhong.

If he hadn't happened to be working in this area on this trip and received orders from Shi Jian, he wouldn't have come to wait for Shi Yan at all.

"Well, you are indeed lucky." Shi Yan nodded with a smile and said calmly: "Uncle Han, when will we set off to return to the family?"

"It depends on Master Yan. I want to leave immediately. I still have something to explain to the head of the family in person. If I hadn't waited for Master Yan, I should have gone back." Han Zhong was stunned for a moment before saying.

While speaking, Han Zhong couldn't help but look at Shi Yan seriously. He really didn't pay attention to it before, but after taking a closer look, he gradually saw something...

Shi Yan is now a little thinner than before, and his originally round face has become more angular, giving him a stoic and masculine aura.

Sitting there naturally, Shi Yan's back was straight and his body was like a sharp sword, giving people the illusion of being sharp.

——This is just a change in appearance.

In the past, Shi Yan would only become energetic when he was exploring ancient literature and monuments, but his eyes were slack and he always looked listless on weekdays.

But at this moment, Shi Yan's eyes were deep, and there were occasional flashes of light in his pupils, as if he had been thinking about something, giving people a strange feeling that nothing could be hidden from him.

"Uncle Han, let me ask you something." Under Han Zhong's gaze, Shi Yan calmly said, "There seems to be a lot of peace in the stone forest. Do you know what's going on?"

"Oh, that's because someone from Beiming's family passed by. It was said that Beiming's family was going to pick up someone in Stone Forest. Those guys who were hanging out in Stone Forest all ran away with their tails between their legs when they heard that people from Beiming's family were there. "

"Beiming family, who took the lead?" Shi Yan vaguely knew.

"It's Bei Mingce."

Han Zhong answered, and then suddenly cursed: "I heard that boy broke through to the realm of a hundred tribulations half a year ago. Damn, he is only twenty-five years old! He still has twin martial arts spirits, so damn crazy! I'm so crazy You are forty-five years old, and you have only reached the second level of heaven for a hundred tribulations. How can you still let people mess with you?"

Twenty-five, the realm of the first level of a hundred tribulations, twin martial souls...

Shi Yan had a sullen face and suddenly realized that Bei Mingce was probably the "noble man" that Mu Yudie wanted to introduce to him.

This person is so young, has such talent and realm, and behind him is the Beiming family, the first family in the merchant alliance. No wonder Mu Yudie and Diyalan made such a decision.

With a cold light shining in his eyes, Shi Yan remained silent and sneered in his heart: Twenty-five years old, in the realm of a hundred calamities, with two martial souls, are they very powerful?

Not necessarily!

He is a madman who has broken through from the first level of the acquired world to the third level of the innate world in just two months!

Not only did he have two martial spirits, petrification and immortality, but also a mysterious martial spirit that was even more evil and weird. After such a comparison, he suddenly found that he was much more terrifying than Bei Mingce.

Time, I just need some time to completely surpass Bei Mingce! Shi Yan said secretly.

"Master Yan, you, do you have essence in your body?"

Han Zhong's eyes suddenly lit up, he stared at Shi Yan, and said solemnly: "I noticed that there was essence flowing in your body just now...and it was very strong! Master Yan, what is going on?"

Shi Yan took a deep breath, suppressed a trace of anger in his heart, and said: "Well, I do have essence in my body, and I can be considered a warrior now."

"That kind of state?" Han Zhong asked anxiously.



Business Alliance, Tianyun City, Shi Family, Trial Field.

The Shi family's training ground covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, with many ancient trees and various strange rocks transplanted...

In the training ground, there are also specially opened mud areas, sand areas, pools, and wooden houses...

There are shelters everywhere, intricate and many different scenes, allowing Shi Jiaerlang to engage in actual combat on various terrains.

Here, Shi Jiaerlang can learn to adapt to various environments and become familiar with fighting methods in all terrains.

At this time, in the center of the training ground, there was a huge diamond-shaped testing jade crystal. A third-generation son of a famous stone family lined up to walk towards the testing jade crystal, and pressed his hand on the testing jade crystal to release the essence. , to determine the accurate state of cultivation.

"Shi Tianluo, twenty-one years old, second heaven the day after tomorrow!"

"Shi Tianxiao, twenty-five years old, innate to the first level!"

"Shi Tianling, twenty-seven years old, third level of heaven the day after tomorrow!"

"Shi Tianke, twenty years old, second level innate!"

"Shi Tianmi, nineteen years old, innate to the third level of heaven!"


Han Feng squinted his eyes and stood next to the jade crystal test. When he saw the son of the Shi family leaving after releasing his essence, he shouted in a deep voice.

Following Han Feng's voice, the second and third generation elders of the famous Shi family around him had different expressions, ranging from happy to frustrated.

"Second brother, your little boy is really ambitious, he actually broke through the first level again." Shi Kuo looked a little unconvinced, and hummed: "Tian Ke, this little bastard, has been slacking off recently, it seems I want to give him a beating. Got it!"

"Third brother, Tian Ke has worked hard enough. I recently saw him practicing hard in the gravity room during the middle of the night. Don't put too much pressure on him, otherwise it will be counterproductive." Shi Gang comforted him.

"Tianshi, work harder and strive to enter the realm of human status as soon as possible." Shi Tie said in a loud voice, with a bit of pride in his eyes.

Shi Tie and Shi Jian are brothers, Shi Gang and Shi Kuo are his sons, and Shi Tianyun is Shi Gang's son and his grandson. He was naturally happy to see Shi Tianyun succeed.

The position of the head of the Shi family is determined by his level of cultivation. When he lost to his eldest brother Shi Jian, he felt a little dissatisfied. He also expected Shi Tianyun, his grandson, to live up to his expectations and keep Shi Tianxiao suppressed by Shi Jian. Going down.

The Shi family's petrified martial arts are somewhat special. Most children born to one parent will inherit the martial arts from the first two children.

The third child can hardly inherit.

Because of this, each Shi family usually only has two children.

Even the head of the family, Shi Jian, only had two children - Shi Dang and Shi Qing.

Shi Dang has two daughters and a son, namely Shi Tianling and Shi Tianxiao.

Shi Qing and Yang Hai gave birth to a son, Shi Yan.

Therefore, Shi Tianling, Shi Tianxiao and Shi Yan can be regarded as Shi Jian's biological grandchildren, while Shi Tianyun, Shi Tianluo and Shi Tianke are Shi Tie's biological grandchildren.

The Shi family brothers and sisters actually have a very good relationship, and they all work hard to make the family strong.

However, no matter how good the relationship is, there is still a sense of comparison. For example, Shi Tie, because he lost to his eldest brother Shi Jian back then, has always wanted to win back some face in the generation of his descendants.

In his son's generation, because Shi Dang was too strong and firmly suppressed his sons Shi Gang and Shi Kuo, he had long since given up.

Fortunately, his grandson's generation is more competitive. Shi Tianyun and Shi Tianke are both better than Shi Tianxiao, so he often likes to feel proud when his grandson's generation is tested, but there is no ill intention.

Yang Hai and Shi Dang stood together and were whispering to Shi Dang about the recent situation in the mine. When Shi Tie shouted, Shi Dang laughed dumbly: "Another opportunity for my second uncle to show off." After a pause, He glanced at Shi Tianxiao beside him and cursed: "You bastard, you know how to embarrass me, dad."

"Well, I'm not the most embarrassed..." Shi Tianxiao shrank his head and looked pitiful.

When he said this, the smile on Yang Hai's face turned bitter, and he sighed to Shi Dang: "Compared to that bastard in my family, you can be satisfied. At least Tian Xiao is still a warrior, but that bastard Shi Yan knows that he is outside all day long. I'm just messing around, I haven't come back yet, I don't know how much trouble this trip will bring me."

"Ha, that's true." Shi Dang suddenly felt much better.

The training ground was full of direct descendants of the Shi family, and it was very lively.

At this moment, a goshawk descended from the sky and landed on the shoulder of the head of the family, Shi Jian.

Shi Jian took out a tied gray brocade bag from Goshawk's feet, took out the letter, opened it casually, and read the contents with a frown.

None of the people present were outsiders, so he didn't shy away from anything.


After just one glance, Shi Jian couldn't help but exclaimed, his face full of disbelieving surprise.

Everyone in the venue, after being stunned for a moment, all fell silent and looked at the head of the family, Shi Jian, feeling a little strange in their hearts, wondering why Shi Jian was so out of his mind.

"Brother, what's going on?" Shi Tie frowned and shouted, "Isn't it the Mo family who has started to cause trouble again? Damn it, it seems like if we don't give them a hard time, they won't be able to remember their surnames! "

"No." Shi Jian put down the letter and said with bright eyes and surprise on his face: "Han Zhong has found that boy Shi Yan."

"How about that bastard?" After hearing this, Yang Hai finally felt relieved and asked with a fierce look on his face, as if he wanted to settle accounts with Shi Yan.

"That boy has become a warrior..." Shi Jian looked strange, and the corner of his mouth twitched, as if he was suppressing the joy in his heart.

"Huh?" Shi Tie couldn't help shouting: "He's seventeen years old, why did he suddenly think of practicing?"

After a pause, he sighed softly and truly felt sorry for Shi Yan: "Hey, it's a pity that it's too late. I only started practicing at the age of seventeen. I guess I won't have any big development in this life. What did this brat do already? If he had been practicing since childhood, even if he did not have the martial spirit of my Shi family, he would at least be able to enter the realm of the second and third innate heavens now."

"That boy is now in the realm of the Third Heaven!" Shi Jian's eyes flashed brightly and he said loudly.

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