God of Killing

Chapter 46 A glance from afar

Half a month later, Tianyue City.

Shi Yan, Han Zhong and a group of Shi family guards escorted the goods purchased from Youji Town and took advantage of the earth dragon to enter the city unhurriedly.

Shi Yan and Han Zhong walked in front of the team, muttering all the way.

"Old Han, it's getting late today, shall we go home tomorrow? After entering the city later, how about we find a place to rest first?" Shi Yan said with a calm expression.

"Brother Yan, where are you going to rest?" Han Zhong chuckled, with an ambiguous expression on his face, "Tianyun City is the largest city in the Merchant Alliance, with a population of millions. There are better places to have fun than on our way. The small cities we pass through are much more upscale.”

"Old Han, since you are familiar with it, just lead the way."

"I'm afraid I don't have enough crystal coins. Hey, the consumption in some places is very high."

"Old Han, are you trying to trick me again? The last time you drank at the 'Dark Fragrance Pavilion', you pretended to be drunk afterwards. I already advanced the payment once. What? You want to repeat the same trick?"

"...Ahem, I was really drunk that time, and you unjustly accused me to death!"

"I don't care about that. Anyway, if you don't bleed this time, I'll ask Han Fengbo for comment when you get back."

"No! Brother Yan, I beg! Can't I please?" Han Zhong sighed with a sad face: "It's not like you don't know my eldest brother's temper. If he knows about my things, he will beat me to death. No. Hey, is it easy for me to come out? I work hard for the family and don’t even have enough money for entertainment..."

"Then it's agreed, you'll treat me tonight." Shi Yan turned around and shouted to the Shi family warriors behind him: "Brothers, have you heard this?"

"I heard!"

The seven Shi family warriors shouted loudly together, looking excited.

"Let's go."

In just half a month, Shi Yan became close with Han Zhong and those Shi family warriors.

Shi Yan didn't have the airs of a young master. He usually fucked big shots with a lot of wine and meat. He was good at eating, drinking and having fun. He also had no taboos when it came to women. He was never timid in the brothel. Sometimes when he saw the pretty girl he liked, he was even more beautiful than her. Han Zhong, the evil spirit in lust, must be able to let go.

Along the way, the two of them visited many entertainment venues together. Every time, either Shi Yan spent money or Han Zhong was slaughtered, and they never let the guards spend money.

In a short period of time, Shi Yan won the recognition of Han Zhong and these guards.

Han Zhong felt that he had a similar affinity with Shi Yan, and repeatedly praised Shi Yan for being enlightened. As his level improved, his whole person became completely different.

On the way, Shi Yan concealed most of his encounters in the dark forest. He only said that he found a vermilion fruit in the ancient cave he was exploring. After eating three of that fruit, he obtained the essence, and Awakened the Shi family's petrified martial spirit.

He omitted everything about the blood pool, the immortal martial spirit, and the mysterious martial spirit. He didn't even say a word about the meeting with Mo Yanyu and the entanglement with Mu Yudie. He omitted everything that could be omitted.

Although Han Zhong was surprised by what happened to Shi Yan, he did not persist in asking questions. He just felt that Shi Yan was really lucky. After eating the fruit, his brain also became enlightened.

In the past half month, Shi Yan finally had a thorough understanding of the Shi family's situation through Han Zhong.

The owner of his body left him a lot of memories, but most of these memories were related to the ancient relics and ancient texts that the person studied.

He didn't get too many memories of the Shi family. Fortunately, Han Zhong wasn't wary of him at all, and told Shi Yan everything he wanted to know when they went to the brothel several times to have fun together.

After Han Zhong and Shi Yan fooled around together several times, he felt more and more that Shi Yan had a bad temper towards him. Not only did he clearly explain the Shi family's business and power distribution, but he also told Shi Yan many common senses about martial arts training without reservation, so that Shi Yan learned a lot of warrior knowledge that was unclear before.

For example, after a warrior suddenly reaches the state of Nirvana, a "sea of ​​consciousness" can be formed. Once the "sea of ​​consciousness" is completed, the warrior can achieve a wonderful connection with the martial soul through the "sea of ​​consciousness" and then combine the essence and martial soul to perform Secret techniques to achieve even more incredible results.

Another example is the characteristics and weaknesses of various martial spirits, the various martial spirits that appear in the Merchant Alliance, the Fire Empire, and the Divine Blessing Empire. Which martial spirit is the most powerful, what are the weaknesses, and how to restrain them.

Although Han Zhong is a lustful person, he is very serious about martial arts training.

He also knew all kinds of information that warriors should know. From his narration, Shi Yan finally had a more comprehensive understanding of the powerful existence of warriors for the first time. He also understood the differences between the various realms of warriors before a hundred tribulations. Make it clear.

Han Zhong himself only has the cultivation level of the Hundred Calamity Realm. He cannot understand the subtleties of various realms after the Hundred Calamity, so he directly avoids it. Only the knowledge that he thinks he can explain clearly will be discussed.

And these are exactly what Shi Yan needs most at the moment.

The soul lingers in the dream and leads the building.

Shi Yan and Han Zhong, together with four warriors from the Shi family, were drinking and having fun in a large wing on the third floor.

In the center of the quaint side room, there is a one-meter-high square table. There is a dazzling array of wine and delicacies on the table, and a soft carpet is spread under the square table.

Shi Yan, Han Zhong and others sat on those carpets, holding the young girl in cool clothes in their arms, shouting loudly, punching and playing dice, having a great time.

"Old Han, drink!" Shi Yan shouted.

Han Zhong was dejected and willing to admit defeat. He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and rubbed it on the plump breasts of the girl in his arms. Then he picked up the dice again and hummed: "This hand is stained. I’m definitely going to win this one.”

"Hehe, if you count it as light, both of my hands are full of light." Shi Yan grinned, put both hands into the lapel of the girl in his arms, and said with a smile: "Qiuxiang, your place is so big, you think I am Will he always be older than him?"

Qiuxiang has fair skin, plump breasts, and a pair of watery eyes, full of arousal. She said shyly: "Young Master Yan is really bad. He keeps bullying others like this."

"You can also bully me." Shi Yan smiled, took a sip of strong wine, and urged: "Old Han, why are you dawdling? Why don't you throw it?"

"...Yin Kui and Jiu Shan are nearby. The Yin Qi on these two people is too strong. I can feel it at such a close distance." Han Zhong frowned and pushed the girl in his arms away. Quietly came to the window of the wing.

He opened the window a little, took a look outside with the help of the red lantern, and said, "Sure enough, Bei Mingce is here. Yin Kui and Jiu Shan never leave Bei Mingce. If they are here, Bei Mingce must be here too."

Hearing that Bei Mingce was nearby, Shi Yan's heart moved and he immediately thought of Mu Yudie and Diyalan.

After hesitating for a moment, he also moved closer to the window, opened the window a little more, and looked coldly at the team on the street.

This is a team of about thirty people. At the front of the team, Bei Mingce is riding a snow-white Lingxiao horse. With a faint smile on his lips, he is talking to someone in the sedan on Dilong.

When the curtain in the sedan was opened from time to time, Mu Yudie's ethereal and beautiful face would suddenly appear.

Diyalan rode a war horse covered in black armor. Her hot body rose and fell gently with the footsteps of the war horse. There was a hint of sadness in her eyebrows, which made her a little listless.

Only when Bei Mingce asked questions, she forced a smile, and she didn't seem to be interested in talking.

Two old men, one fat and one thin, with extremely yin energy on their bodies, both rode black-armored war horses and followed Bei Mingce silently. Their eyes were slightly squinted, as if they were closing their eyes to rest.

Shi Yan opened the window a little and looked at the area dozens of meters away. The two old men suddenly became alert and turned their heads to look this way.

Two cold yin energy seemed to be revealed from the eyes of the two old men. Tens of meters apart, Shi Yan felt a chill all over his body and his heart was filled with horror.

The two old men seemed to know Han Zhong. When they found Han Zhong at the window, they nodded slightly, and the coldness in their eyes subsided slightly.

Under the gaze of the two old men, Han Zhongping's playful smile in the past was gone. He looked solemn and clasped his fists at the window, saluting as a junior.

The two old men nodded again, and immediately stopped paying attention to Han Zhong. They turned around and continued to rest with their eyes closed. Their slightly narrowed eyes were facing Bei Mingce's back.

The Beiming family's team did not stop and continued to move forward leisurely on the street.

On the not spacious streets, there were also warriors who came to have fun, but when these people discovered that the oncoming team was actually from the Beiming family, they stepped aside with awe and did not dare to complain. .

The street that should have seemed crowded, because of the crowd's initiative to give way, actually made a way for the Beiming family's team, which was enough for their team to move forward unimpeded.

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