God of Life

Chapter 424: Danger

"I haven't asked for advice. What does uncle call?"

Wang Dashao's polite opening not only means respect, but also means officially entering a business state.

Xu Jiao is too loud and feels very amateurish when he chooses to use words. Wouldn’t anyone who has learned economics use words in front of the “position”?

This kind of person is not necessarily bad, but the probability of being unreliable is extremely high, and if he does not understand clearly, Wang Yan does not dare to mix it up.

"Xu Haichao!"

Xu Jiao reported his father's name with carelessness, and then spread his hand: "It's useless to ask, if you don't have anyone in the family doing finance, you should never have heard of it."

Wang Yan recalled that he really had no impression-in fact, he only knew one Xu Xiang about the big guy who engaged in private equity.

"Sister Jiao, can you talk about private equity carefully? I am very interested."

Wang Dashao's studious attitude coaxed Xu Jiao very happy.

Xu Jiao patiently started from the beginning and opened a door to a new world for Wang Yan.

"There are about 8,000 private equity funds in the Yangtze River Delta with a management scale of 4.1 trillion yuan, which is 100 billion more than the total capital of the Imperial Capital and Guangdong and Guangxi.

You laypeople may think that private equity is speculation in stocks and futures, but it is not.

Domestic private equity is very diverse. Private equity securities make all kinds of marketable securities, private equity investments in various non-public equity, private equity venture capital against angel funds and VC, and finally the rest of the mess.

I don’t know much about professional knowledge, but I am familiar with the stories in the circle.

The statistics on private placements generally exclude Ning Broadcasting, because Ning Broadcasting can be compared with the entire Zhejiang Province, and it is similar to the size of the Western Xinjiang Autonomous Region, so it has been treated separately.

The reason is naturally because of the prestigious civil squads.

And there are more than ten private equity pioneers who have promoted the establishment and development of the Death Squad, and there are two surnames Xu..."

Hearing this, Wang Yan suddenly realized.

"Xu Xiang and Uncle?"

As a result, Xu Jiao smiled and shook his head: "NONONO."


"First of all, the buddy whose real name is Xu Qiang has been put in custody and was tried last month."

Xu Jiao leaned back slowly, and used his gossip skills to create a powerful gangster aura.

"Secondly, the other is named Xu Haiou. He has an older brother and a younger sister who are both engaged in finance. The older brother used to work in Ningbo and later went to the sea to do private equity business. The younger sister is not convenient to talk about..."

Wang Yan finally understood that Xu Jiao's father may have been another big brother in the past, but now he is a private equity big brother.

For the part related to Ningbo, the water may be deep and muddy, and Wang Yan does not want to investigate.

What really matters is that Xu Jiao has the ability to make money in the market.

Next, I heard her tell many stories and gossip in the private equity circle. Under the clever guidance of Wang Yan, she finally talked about dry goods.

"The domestic financial market is basically a zero-sum game, you know?"

Wang Yan nodded.

The basic concept is certainly no problem, not only for professional reasons, but also the young master is also a master of learning and reading.

Xu Jiaojiao continued: "Trillions of leeks are cut off every year-I'm not talking about the market value in the stock market, but the money that is flowing in and out of 800, most of this money is retail, and a small half is institutions. of.

Some people are cut, and naturally some people earn money.

So can you make big money in the market?

The answer is yes.

Who is making money?

The most profitable is state-owned assets, followed by deep-seated brokerage bank insurance, and again large and small private equity institutions.

The method of making money is very simple, just one: poor use of good information.

And now, there is a very clear message that gives my old man a 70% certainty to judge the megatrends in the future.

The specific situation is not convenient to tell you, in fact, I am also confused, anyway, my sister will tell you straight-

Qicheng is sure, whether you play it or not. "

Is Qicheng's grasp low?

Wang Yan is someone who really understands probability theory and understands what it means.

One thing has a 70% probability of success, and a 30% probability of failure, then it must be done.

It doesn't matter if you lose, stop the loss in time, and then look for the next opportunity, sooner or later will become Buffett.

Therefore, this is worth doing.

So, the next important point is...

"Sister Jiao, why would you help me?"

Wang Yan asked straightforwardly, younger age is often an advantage, depending on whether it will be used.

Xu Jiao's answer is also straightforward, and his attitude is very relaxed.

"First of all, there are a lot of opponents this time, so don’t worry about not making enough money.

Secondly, by pulling you in, I can control the position even lower and reduce the risk.

The operation style of my old man is particularly fierce, but after all, I am just an amateur player.

In the end, you have to split up according to the rules. I can’t play with you. "

As soon as Xu Jiao talked about collecting money, Wang Yan relaxed.

Seeking wealth is the best result. I am afraid that there is no desire or desire on the bright side.

If I were greedy for me and smashed tens of millions to ask for help, how uncomfortable was Brother?

The new sister can be discussed, sister Jiao... a little bit unable to go down.

"Yes, how about the rules in the circle?"


Xu Jiao raised three fingers with great carelessness: "I am not responsible for losing money, and I take 30% of my profits."

It's very simple, Jie Nima's ruthless than grabbing money!

In fact, Wang Yan has never seen anything more ruthless. In a similar situation, it is not unusual to take 50% of profits.

The new student was afraid of Wang Yan’s unwillingness, and specifically explained: "Brother, Jiao Jiao has given you a face. Some of the club members are willing to come up with more shares, and Jiao Jiao is too lazy to take them to play.

"I understand, thank you Sister Jiao!"

Wang Yan nodded sincerely and raised his glass to Xu Jiao.

In fact, this matter is easy to understand. People have information, talents and background. If you are not willing to make your friend, why not make less money?

Xu Jiao really looked up to Wang Yan, but he was still a bit crazy.

"Brother Che Shen, what you are doing now is not very eye-catching. What is the point of engaging in live-streaming movies? But sister thinks that you are a man of skill, and the future is definitely not ordinary. Come, toast, wish us friendship Forever!"

Very good, complete motivation.

First, Wang Yan's investment can reduce Xu Jiao's risk and make more secure money.

Second, on this basis, Wang Yan's share is another piece of additional income.

Thirdly, the quality of the young masters is very impressive.

Whether handsome or not is not the point at all. Temperament, demeanor, ability, and wrist are all worthy of optimism.

Xu Jiao and Li Yixu are a bit similar. If they are not capable enough, they will not invest in industry and invest in capable talents.

Wang Yan clarified Xu Jiao's thoughts, no worries in his heart, cheers to his heart's content.

"Sister Jiao, Wang Ting Entertainment and Wang Ting Pictures are very important layouts for me, but they are not careers.

I am 20 years old this year and have a lot of time to toss and find a real career.

My friends are both my solid backing and my comrades who walk with me and share the glory. It is far more cherishable than money. I like your toast very much. Come and wish us friendship forever! "

Wang Yan did not have a word to thank but expressed more.

Sincerity, frankness, lofty ambition, aggressiveness, good at sketching good prospects, can hardly be more perfect.

Xu Jiao snapped the table and shouted loudly: "Fine talk! You speak better than my old man. Let's have another drink!"

Miss Chuxin couldn't help but look at Wang Yan, but he didn't dare to lock it on his face all the time.

Drink another glass of wine and the rest will be simple.

Wang Yan paid 50 million in cash. On the 4th, it was the first working day after the New Year’s holiday. Before that, it was transferred to Xu Jiao.

How much you can earn is not good for the time being. The advantage is that it is short and fast, and the operating cycle will not exceed one month.

Don't look at Wang Dashao's hard mouth. Whatever "20 or 30 million worth is not worth mentioning" is actually bragging.

If 30 million can be picked up, many problems can be solved.

At the very least, you can get [Property Modifier] by adding breath salary.

As for where to find these 50 million...

Wang Yan decided to swipe.

Recharge to the official account of Wang Ting Entertainment, and then let Wang Ting Entertainment transfer out the same amount of cash, which is a little financially problematic, but not big.

However, the interest-free period of this money is only about 30 days, and it cannot be controlled to the 50-day limit.

As for the possible losses, most of them are affordable.

The most extreme situation is nothing more than to ask Miss He to take a soft loan, as long as the modifier is not lost, nothing else.

After everything is settled, the three are very happy.

Wang Yan does not need to mention that Xu Jiao is both profitable and humane, and is in a good mood.

The new beginning is the most interesting, and it has obviously not benefited, but it is just happy for Wang Yan, but the result is the most hi.

"Next, next, gogogo, stinky brother!"

"Today you are the master, I will sacrifice my life!"

Wang Dashao called a pride, then Xu Jiao and Chu Xin looked at each other, licking their lips, and the expression suddenly became a little dangerous.


"A gentleman?"

Huh? !

What are you doing? !


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