God of Life

Chapter 425: White House?

With Wang Yan's sensitivity, he realized that it was not good almost instantly.

What are your eyes?

Thinking about it?

As the saying goes, "Lin Jinxi must have a stream", the wisdom of ancient sages is always so profound.

To explain in vernacular: Cross the forest and find the source of the water, there must be a pit.

Jian, the cliff of water also.

The gurgling stream looks beautiful, but in fact it is very easy to stumble and countless people.

With Wang Yan's temperament, seeing the pit will hide far away, even if there is a box.

But today is different, because of the benefits of others, and just after the atmosphere has been installed, what weirdness must be followed, otherwise, how will it be mixed in the future?

As soon as he mentioned his pants and gritted his teeth, he made up his mind: "Really, you will arrange it, and today I will accompany you to the end!"

Xu Jiao was happy and immediately picked up his mobile phone: "I call Yeye and Fangjie!"

Newly greeted the waiter to pay: "Beauty, checkout!"

Seeing the excitement of the two of them, Wang Dashao felt even more sudden.

"Why are all girls? Should they call Jianwu?"

Xu Jiao immediately glared his eyes: "Why do you call them? It's enough to have you with me, I can't believe those goods!"

Feelings I am quite face-to-face with you?

Although it was a kind of praise, Wang Yan couldn't be more happy.

However, the two of them are just a lot of nonsense, belonging to the type of Bai Fumei looking for stimulation, not much lethality.

Most of them thought about it, and felt that their ability to hold money should be calm.

At most, it’s the soldiers who cover up the enemy’s waters.

Simply no longer speaking, waiting for them to arrange.

Twitter to call someone, then drive straight to the destination.

The place was quite far away. The location shown on the navigation was Shimen Road. Wang Yan had never been there before. It was completely strange.

The two cars stopped at the side door of a building. Wang Yan raised his head and saw a familiar sign—the bear child above Want Want Sianbei.


Come to drink milk? !

The young man wondered when he got out of the car, but the two of them did not mean to get out of the car.

Xu Jiao did not drive his own car, sitting in the first new limited edition Parame.

Is it familiar?

Yes, that's right, the one Wang Yan threw in the Star City, some time ago he found someone and transported it to Modu.

Wang Yan was really daring to lend, and Chuxin was really daring to pull back. The two joined together and settled the matter in three sentences.

However, the new car did not drive the car in vain, and today it is a one-time payment of the prosperity.

If it weren’t for her good words every day, Xu Jiao would never bring Wang Yan to play — to tell the truth, they didn’t lack money at all.

Can you make up 50 million by yourself, and ask your parents for 50 million, is it difficult?

The game where my sisters earn some pocket money brings Wang Yan to an outsider, which means that "appreciating" the word alone is not enough.

Wang Yan didn't want to understand at this time, but sooner or later he would react.

Returning to the topic, Chu Xin and Xu Jiao did not rush to get off, waiting for Liu Ye and Sister Fang, Wang Yan simply looked around and wanted to see the situation.

This is the side of the building, semi-closed, not connected to the road outside, covered in greenery, quiet and quiet.

There are many luxury cars parked nearby, BBA is the basic model, and sports cars are not rare.

The side door is not big, there is no business plaque hanging, certainly not a place to eat.

That is... a private club?

Wang Yanzheng was thinking about it. Liu Ye and Sister Fang drove a Cayenne and squeaked to the side of the road.

"Sister Ye, Sister Fang!"

Wang Yan said hello for the first time: "Sister Ye, why didn't you open Rafa?"

Liu Ye looked weird and smiled: "It's inconvenient today. If you want to play, make an appointment and you will toss around in the racing field."

This is very annoying. It is impossible for you to touch it if you don’t care about it.

There are so many members in the club, and the relationship is supposed to be good. How many people have been to Liu Ye's Rafa?

It's less than twenty.

But the thoughts of the young and old were all taken away by the meaningful smile. The alarm in his heart blew and blew, and listened carefully, all three words: Yali Butterfly!

Chu Xin and Xu Jiao got off the bus and merged with Night Sister Fang, with an excited expression and flushed face.

Wang finally began to consider the question of whether to run or not. He was hesitating, and the new one shyly held his hand: "Brother Wang, you want to cover me..."


More and more interesting Hey!

I cover you... is there Longtan Tiger Cave?

Stretching his head is also a knife, and shrinking his head is also a knife. Brother will not believe it, how can it drip!

With the utmost composure, Wang Yan followed the old horses who knew the way-Sister Fang rushed to the front, Lao Ma No. 1, Ye Jie was in a stable mood, Lao Ma No. 2.

Xu Jiao was a little imaginary, but more excited, the pony crossed the river.

The new sister... is trembling, more so than Wang Yan.

Enter through the side door, take the elevator to the 23rd floor, and finally come to the destination of this trip.

The door is very low-key, with a large LOGO on the side of the hall door. It is a square, white background, letter W and H intertwined artistic logo. The bottom line is English: WHITEHORSE.

White House? !

I go, the tone is really big!

The nervous Wang Dao did not take a closer look, and regarded the horse as a house at a glance, which fully exposed the essence of Haswan.

Entering the gate, the two little brothers at the front desk said hello sweetly: "Welcome VIPs!"

sweet? !

Wang Dashao thought that he might feel wrong.

Immediately afterwards, a male manager greeted him, and when he saw Wang Yan, he was embarrassed.

"Hello VIPs, that... Do you have a membership card for this club? Or just want to sing and sing?"

Fang sister Niu, who started, coaxed and waved his hand: "I know your rules. That's my sister's boyfriend. Anyway, the rest will come as normal. I have your drill V."

The manager gave a sigh of relief and his expression returned to respect: "Please be inside the VIP."

Chuxin's probe followed Wang Yan's brain and looked around, curious.

But in fact, only looking at the decoration, this is just a KTV that will be enough to be luxurious, and there is nothing special about it.

What is Jinbi brilliant?

There are so many occasions where Wang Yan has been to the magnificent scenes.

However, when a group of people sat down in a large box, Sister Fang threw a drill card to the manager and asked for "the best." After the manager turned on the intercom and started shaking, the situation began to become wonderful.

The door opened, and a group of stylishly dressed men came in.

The males walked up to the coffee table, lined up, bowed in unison.

"Hello, VIPs!"


Wang Dashao finally understood what was going on. Suddenly, tears did not fall.

I'm a big director, big producer, big screenwriter, big boss, big god, big bird, and god. You two let me accompany you to the duck shop? !

If the referral spreads...

Brother's new nickname is "Meng Su can't avoid zero demon?" !


Wang Yan slapped it on Chuxin's shoulder, pulled it into his arms, and hugged it tightly.

Sister, I'm afraid!

Chuxin: My sister is more afraid!

His body was tight and planted into Wang Yan's arms like a wood. He didn't say anything at the beginning, and the fist clenched.

At this moment, the eyes of several male accompaniments showed a strong light of disappointment.

However, the expression control ability of these buddies is very good, still politely smiling, continue to watch the remaining three female classmates eagerly.

And their standing is very interesting.

Hands clenched fists down the lower abdomen, straightened shoulders, trying to tighten muscles, thin shirts were bulging.

Gee, everyone is bigger than usual...

Wang Yan calmed down and watched each other carefully.

There is a man in a red suit with diamond earrings on his ears, a Korean-style floral male hairstyle, and a huge show.

There is a man in a black shirt that doesn't fasten well, and has huge chest muscles.

There is a handsome and tragic, Jianmei star eyes.

The most eye-catching is an obvious hybrid, white skin, deep outline, and bluish eyes.

The young man swept around, and his heart was burning.

MMP, more than half are handsomer than me!

Not only handsome, but all are higher than Wang Yan, 180 is the benchmark, the strongest guy is probably not 190.

Sister Fang shined her eyes, swept around, and picked out the mixed race.

Liu Ye himself was neutral enough, but he was in love with the big girl who was a neutral girl.

Xu Jiao hesitated for a while and won the contest.

The three Donald Ducks immediately walked to their respective golden mothers, the others bowed the ball and the manager stayed to order.

"Three distinguished guests, you ordered the special-grade business companions in our shop, so you are not charged per station, but you are charged by the hour, 2888 per hour. You can see the extra tip.

In addition, the low alcohol consumption of the room is followed by the business class. Each of them has a low alcohol consumption of 28888. After drinking enough alcohol, the room is used for a limited time, and the low consumption of the room is automatically covered. The remaining service staff is 1000 tips...

You can see it? "

Wang Yan silently calculated the price, and withered.

Just thinking about going to be a duckling in the morning, I was worried about whether I could sell 50,000 for one night, but now I am being taught to be a human being-why do people sell more than 50,000? !

There are 30,000 Taiwanese fees for 10 hours, and another 30,000 for low consumption. Can't we introduce less than Taiwanese fees?

What about tipping?

Add up to over 100,000!

I just don’t know what percentage can be raised...

Huh? !

and many more!

I wonder what this thing does? !

Mental illness!

It only took Wang Dashao to figure it out-I was a super hero!

Hey, I blame these unreliable friends for what they are doing.

The young man squinted, Sister Fang had already started, playing a rogue with a half-blooded chin: "Girl, come and give him a smile!"

The mixed-race smiled like a sunshine: "Yeah, what kind of wine do we drink?"

Lying trough, real reality!

Sister Fang waved her hand with great pride: "One set of dragon, one set of red wine and one set of beer, you can do the snacks!"

The manager Yahuazi laughed: "The fruit plate snacks are presented by our store, VIPs wait a moment!"

Wang Yante opened the wine list curiously, swept his eyes, and was startled again.

The Shenlong set is 6 bottles of spades A gold, priced at 88888, and the bit club bars are 50% more expensive!

Wine sets and beer sets are even more pitted. They are not expensive at all. They are more than 20,000 yuan, but the actual value is equal to shit.

Chu Xin quietly asked him: "Wang Gege, is it a loss?"

Wang Yanyi said with awe-inspiring: "How can it be a loss to spend money for a hobby? They are all my sisters, and I certainly respect your hobbies!"

Chuxin laughed loudly, and his eyes were dripping with water: "Just you're going to flatter!"

Sister Jiao laughed: "Good boy, so good! Do you want to order one for you too? Sister treats!"

Sister Fang Liu Ye immediately coaxed: "You must try more when you are young. Come on, show your courage!"

No, I counsel!

Wang Yan immediately pulled Chu Xin's arm silently, holding her hand around her waist in her bewildered expression, and then leaned against the bird in her arms.

"Sister, just use it, don't be polite to me!"

Sister Fang was stunned for a while, then burst into laughter, almost not crazy.

Instead, the new face was blushed with a big blush, and he hurriedly shook his hands, snapping Wang Yan several times.

However, her face was red, her eyes were charming, she had no lethality, and she seemed very satisfied.

As soon as the wine came up, the atmosphere in the room exploded.

Those three buddies really persuaded them to drink and sip, and lowered and lowered themselves, coaxing Fang sisters to be super happy.

Wang Yan felt incredible when he looked around.

Especially for a while, Half-Blood didn't know how to make Fang Sister dissatisfied, and snapped her mouth up, Wang Yan thought that she would turn her face. As a result, Half-Blood coaxed, and the two suddenly cuddled together...

Mom, will play!

After the wine arrived at the place, Sister Fang, Sister Ye and even Xu Jiao all showed sturdy fighting power.

Jiao Jie, who came for the first time, adapts very quickly, and a meal of life makes the coach more desperate, but does not let him move himself. It is simply playing between the palms.

How to spend it can not be written, it is definitely a master anyway.

Sister Jiao's body is already domineering, and her face is not ugly, not enough to meet Wang Yan's standard, but in the rich woman can be regarded as a big beauty.

The coach was cheaper than he thought he had found, and he almost didn't hold back.

In contrast, Wang Yan and Chuxin are just too good, basically drinking and chatting to watch the fun.

The limit is to hug your arms and chat with your ears.

"It turns out that Athens is like this..." Chu Xin sighed softly.

Wang Yanxiao asked: "Why do you suddenly want to come here to play?"

"A lot of elder sisters in the circle like to play this kind. I haven't heard them talk about it. I'm curious, so I found a chance to see it!"

Chuxin's attitude was above all with a natural sense, and he didn't take everything in front of him seriously.

Wang Yan became more curious: "Do you know many big sisters who like to come here?"

Chu Xinchong pouted next to him: "Don't you know they know?"

Really... three elder sisters, one is playing crazy than one.

Wang Yan laughed dumbly.

Chuxin sighed again: "When people have money, they only have more troubles.

None of the older sisters I know have a happy marriage. Men can never control their desires when they are rich, either a mistress or a play.

When a woman has money, she wants to love, but if she has no love, she has money.

Retaliation will result in resignation, either cheating or playing ducks.

Tell me, why are people so tired when they live? "

Wang Dashao was speechless.

You have only lived for more than 20 years. What do you want? If you haven’t eaten a bitter, dare to quarrel and be tired?

Throwing you into a desert island for two years as a savager, you can cure any problems.

But there is one thing that she did not say wrongly-rich and unable to control desire, it is indeed terrible.

Spiritual emptiness in the light, expansion and abnormal.

It may be that she has lived in this circle since childhood and has seen too much unhappiness. She has a serious pessimistic tendency, and she has a great lack of trust in men’s love. , Wang Yan suddenly did not want to tease her.

"New sister, your words make me a little ashamed. My dream is to have three wives and four concubines. I have been guarding a woman for a lifetime. Now I can't imagine..."

Wang Yan jokingly revealed her heart and clicked on her.

I am such a person, did not intend to lie to you, let's be friends.

When the new expression changed, the mood was not so beautiful.

But instead of scolding Wang Yan, she gave understanding.

"Normal, how old are you, and have little experience to remember. Those 50- to 60-year-old Microsoft old men are still dying, and I haven't been surprised."

Fugui's face turned black.

You said I would not accept it if I had less experience. I just asked for quality but not quantity.

And the young man discovered another thing: She especially loves to be mature.

I really can't see it, I don't know if I can see it, anyway, it feels normal to see everything.

This attitude is not normal in itself.

Wang Yan knows that his thoughts are not good, and strives to control not to be cruel-it is one thing to be able to control it, and it is another thing to be considered reasonable.

With a rush of wine, Wang Yan took advantage of the strength of the wine and joked with her again.

"New sister, if you have no money at home, you may be a perfect lover."

In fact, Wang Yan's original intention was to remind that being a person should not be too numb or too assimilated by the environment. You should always have your own ideas and persistence.

As a result, I was slightly surprised for a while, looked up at Wang Yan for a few moments, and muttered in a small voice: "Then you must continue to work hard..."


Wang Yan didn't hear a word, and he asked in a loud voice.

"It's nothing."

He shook his head at the beginning, his expression gradually froze, and his thoughts fluttered.


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