God of Music

Chapter 109

33 – Do you do this, do not you? (1) ——————————– the god of music 33 – Do this, do not you? ——————————– “It’s not too bad to be here. Would you like to play a little here? ”

How? Kim Jae-hoon was curious about Kang-yoon’s work. Kim Jae-hoon also knew the song. So the work of Kang-yoon came more interesting. He wanted Kang-yoon to make a first impression on his staff. Kang-yoon was worried and found more sound combinations.

But when I played the sound, the light became darker.

‘Uh …’ On dark gray Kang-yoon shook his head unconsciously. Kim Jae-hoon shook his head as if it was not this.

“I think it’s better.”

Yeah, right. let’s try again.”

Kang-yoon synthesized the sound again. The notes in various colors harmonized in front of him. Then the gray that was produced by the first performance gradually disappeared and the white light was made. However, the gray light still remained a little bit, which made Kang-yoon feel sad.

“Are you okay?”

Kim Jae-hoon, who did not know it, was pleased with the song, but Kang-yoon shook his head.

“It would be awkward to get the lyrics in the back. I have to make sure your voice gets along well. Oh wait – can I record a little sound? ”

Kang-yoon plugged the microphone and gave it to him. I switched the synthesizer to piano and hit the G-note.


Okay Kim Jae-hoon recorded the sound and Kang-yoon made the sound. I searched for a sound that matched his frequency.

“Bro, I’ll sleep first. I have a schedule … ”

Really? After all, time was too late, and Kim Jae-hoon went to bed without seeing the end.

Next day Kim Jae-hoon, rubbing his sleepy eyes, went to wash his hands for washing. But the door of Kang-yoon was open. As I passed by, Kang-yoon was still sitting in front of the computer.

Type Kim Jae-hoon went into the room. Kang-yoon looked at him with tired eyes.

“…You are up. ”

“Yeah. Have not you slept so far? ”

“Well, time has already come to this. It is still over. Well, I’m the day off. I’m fine.

Kang-yoon got up from his seat and stretched. I woke up screaming that my body was stiff when I woke up in a few hours.

“The first half is perfect now. Listen once. ”

Kang-yoon played the song right away. Starting with brass, the bursting accompaniment quickly drove Kim Jae-hoon into the air. He was immersed in the sound of 20 seconds or so.

The accompaniment was cut off when the voice of his voice was heard.

“Something is bad. I wish I had heard more. ”

“I do not have time, so I’ll play the back later. I’ll have to sleep. ”

Kang-yoon lied in bed right away, no longer able to stand. Then I fell asleep with a coloring tone.

“I work that day and at night … That’s great, Brother. ”

Kim Jae-hoon shrugged and shook his head.

He was a great person in many ways.

——————————- He autographs a contract to buy a building, and Kang-yoon shakes hands with the building owner.

“Do you come in right away?”

“I’m going to go in a week. I have to do construction work too, and I have a lot of work to do. ”

Clear right. Even though it is an old building, its location is good. I hope you write well in the future. ”

The building owner called Kang-yoon to write well, saying that it is a building with lots of attachment and went out of office.

At the end of the contract, Lee Hyun-ji said it felt like something was over.

Ah… It feels like something happens one by one. ”

“But I sought it more easily than I thought. I thought I could get it by the fall. ”

“The CEO told me to buy even if it was difficult.”

Hahaha Kang-yoon laughed hysterically. I was not sure if I could find it in this condition, but I pushed it when there was room for money.

“Ely. I thought Jae-hoon made some money and made some money, but … I should wear my waistband again. Please think of me as I live here. These days my waist size is one inch smaller. ”

“Was not it original 24?”

Yoink! How did you know that? I have not shown you? ”

The atmosphere of both was very bright. The feeling of accomplishing something gave pleasure that was incomparable to anything, and they knew that they would enjoy it.

Lee Hyun-ji deposits the balance date, and the story about the performance concludes.

A few days later, in the name of World Entertainment, Lee Hyun-ji paid a fortune. The confirmation of the registration of the register in advance and confirmation of the procedure such as the tax were finished. There were a lot of things to do when buying a building.

So, a concert hall was created in the name of World Entertainment in Yeonnam-dong near Hongik University.

After completing all the procedures, Kang-yoon came to Lee Hyun-ji and the moonlight members to see the concert hall.

“…It is wide and wide. ”

Lee Hyun-ah admired the space on the first and second floors. The space was quite wide because it was open to the second floor.

“I guess the original performance was not the goal. It looks like it was a commercial shop for the purpose of business, but the location was so good that I bought it. ”

“I do. It’s not that far from the train station, and I will come to a lot of people if I know it well. ”

Lee Hyun-ah walked forward. The sound was loud and wide. She looked up at the sound of the ringing. Kang-yoon said whether he knew the idea.

“I’m going to do the sound work properly. The club venues in these areas were often narrow and the sound construction was a mess. I will make a good theater even if I pay money. ”

“Oh oh. Are you expecting? ”

Lee Hyun-ah has been impressed by his thoughts. The band members who were with her were also very good in her face.

Lee Hyun-ji said to them in a calm tone.

“The performance hall will go into operation from next week. I want to use the third and fourth floors as the waiting room for the performers. I’m going to make this building itself a small venue. ”

“…I’m not kidding. ”

Lee Hyun-ah swallowed the saliva. I was worried that I would have to put a strain on my agency that does not have many Star. Lee Hyun-ji answered calmly whether he knew the idea.

“This venue is an investment for you. Did you hear it first? Every week you will be performing here. It would be difficult if there was no achievement in laying down such a plate. ”

Its Yes.”

Unlike Kang-yoon’s words, Lee Hyun-ji’s words were burdened. I felt a sense of responsibility. Kang-yoon did not even speak to her words.

Lee Hyun-ah, who had been thinking for a while, said heavily.

“Do not worry, Director Unnie. This investment, I will never regret it. ”

“Yeah, I’ll look forward to it.”

Lee Hyun-ji turned from them and headed for a place where the broadcasting room would be built. It meant leaving Kang-yoon behind.

Anyway. Let’s all listen to your story. ”

Four Lee Hyun-ji’s heavy story, the atmosphere of the White Moonlight has subsided a little. Everyone quietly followed Kang-yoon’s back.

Kang-yoon stood in front of the stage where the stage opened. There was nothing in front of him yet. Kang-yoon told them about the facility.

“There’ll be a mid-range speaker out there. I want to reduce the number of monitors if possible. I want the stage clean. ”

“Would not it be nice to have one for each instrument?”

Kim Jin-dae agreed with Kang-yoon at the end.

Sy! I have to. If possible, replace it with a headset or ear microphone. It would be better if it was expensive. But I have to think about the performances of other team members, so I have to do it? ”

“Yeah. I think it’s okay if you have plenty of channel mixer monitor speakers. ”

Cha Cha replied. Kang-yoon thought it was right.

Kang-yoon, along with White Moonlight, heard what they needed at the stage. The personal instruments were all there anyway. Only drums and amps were needed. I decided to buy it because there are other bands that I need to play at any time.

I talked about it so time went by.

Lee Hyun-ji came down from the broadcasting room and looked around the 3rd and 4th floors.

“Let’s go now.”

Lee Hyun-ji took the lead and everyone followed her.

In the van going home, Kang-yoon turned and asked the White Moonlight team members.

“What should I say when I have to name the performance hall?”

“Your name?”

Lee Hyun-ah shook his head saying that he was weak. Everyone struggled to decide the name of the performance hall and hit their heads.

At that time, Lee Hyun-ji, who caught the steering wheel, threw it at him unconsciously.

“How about Luna?”


When Kang-yoon showed curiosity, Lee Hyun-ji kept on talking.

“Luna is the goddess of the moon. White Moonlight, Luna. Goddesses. Does not it seem to be related to something? ”

“Yes. How about this? ”

I like it.

Kim Jin-dae seemed to prefer something, and he wondered if he was a cafe name, but everyone agreed.

The way back to the Company.

So World Entertainment’s new venue, Lunas was born.

——————————- CEO Chu Man-ji of Yunle Entertainment recently laughed.

The five – member Girl Group DIATEEN was very well influenced by the absence of EDDIOS, and other entertainers continued to rise as well. Thanks to the company’s stock price was the upper limit of the day. Shareholders and directors have reached a peak in their eyes.

But CEO Chu Man-ji was sadly disappointed.

‘Oh, EDDIOS … I have to push the EDDIOS down. ‘ In the CEO ‘s room, he was holding his head while watching the entertainment portal. The portal analyzes the attractiveness of EDDIOS and DIATEEN, comparing DIATEEN leader Kang Sye Kyung with EDDIOS leader Jung Min-ah.

‘Why is Seok Kyung Lee the second guy?’ The article was 55:45, with Jung Min-ah predominating. Compared with the previous 80:20, 70:30 and much better results.

The problem was a comment under the article. Jung Min-ah Comment Most people were sympathetic to Jung Min-ah so they could be called a unit. There is a favorable story about DIATEEN, but there are many words that I feel sorry for Kang Syeong-Kyung when Jung Min-ah is attached. Especially, it was regrettable that the second man was saying that he could not follow the dance.

But he was cold.

‘It’s because of the strong character that EDDIOS has captured. The dance is Jung Min-ah, the song Han Joo-yeon, and the charming Lilie. A month or two difference is really hard. I do not think there’s much difference in my ability … This is a marketing push. ”

EDDIOS’s debut, MG Entertainment’s marketing was really powerful. It was no exaggeration to say that the best fandom of the past Girl Group was made at that time. I did not get to the front of the fandom, but I got a bit of a share from the side, so I came up with this, and if I hit the front, it would have been a completely forgotten group. That early EDDIOS was powerful.

However, when the moon is full, it is tilting. While EDDIOS has been in the USA for a long time, the fans have disappeared and gradually been forgotten. It would have been good if there was a performance from USA. But now the MG Entertainment directors have not been thinking about bringing them to Korea at all.

‘Are you thinking about not signing a new contract? I have heard that there is a new girl group, but I doubt it will be as powerful as EDDIOS. Did they demand that they be unbelievable? I do not know. ‘ Company It is not possible to know the internal situation, but it was opportunity for DIATEEN. He turned off the Internet. I pressed the call button.

“One secretary. I ask him to come up with a custom in the practice room. ”

OK I’ve Got It After a while, a woman of purple short cut hair came in with a knocking sound.

“sit down.”

She greeted Chu Man-ji CEO and sat down.

“Three gentlemen. Do you practice well? ”

“Yeah. It’s a comeback soon. Everyone is doing well. ”

“Now everyone is good to know.”

He asked for practice. The woman with short curt hair, Kang Sye-kyung talked about the situation, talking about how members are staying.

Chu Man-ji CEO, who has been up-to-date for a while, talked about Yong Gun in earnest.

“The title song, why do not we get it from another time?”

“Where else?”

Kang Syeong-kyun looked up. Until now all the title songs of DIATEEN have been made by the compositions of Company. She did not even question her on her own Star day. But there is an external composition.

“Are you going to change?”

Bianhua Well, yes. I have a composition coming up these days. Have you heard? Muse. ”

“Yeah. Of course I know. Are you talking about composition from Korea Star? It’s famous nowadays … Thanks to him, Jay Han won the internet, and … ”

“The Internet was a bit of an uproar. I have received a lot of commissions this time. But I think that if you still see the silence, you are getting a lot of body. I think it’s the idea to raise the ransom … Anyway, I heard World Entertainment called Kim Jae-hoon.

I feel good, and I think it would be ok to take one song this time. If you like the song, you have to invest. Let’s go together tomorrow. ”

Four Chu Man-ji, CEO, called her again when the intimidated bull was about to leave.

“Three gentlemen.”

Four Do you have any more? ”

“This time to comeback when I put a little filler in the nose.”

“Eek ?! Why My nose is high. Disliked “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.”

When Chu Man-ji CEO giggled and laughed, Kang Sye-kyung frowned, not to joke like that.

——————————– “Here is a list of primary equipment purchases. There are a lot of things that are not in the country, so you’ll have to check out a lot. ”

“I do not know sound equipment …”

Jung Hye-jin had anxious eyes when Kang-yoon saw the order given. However, Kang-yoon taught foreign sound sites, blogs, and so on.

“Here are some places to order. Please compare the prices and order the customs dated arrival date. If you can not do it, you will have to come in until mid August. Thank you very much. ”

Four Jung Hye-jin also sighed deeply that difficult things had come in. Kang-yoon added a word to her that she knew her mind.

“I’ll give you a bonus for your vacation after this.”

“Please leave!”

Where in the eyes of her strength was the flame burning with the will to work.

Kang-yoon, who finished his work in the office, was going down to the studio. Lee Hyun-ji came in. Behind her, there were two guests.

“CEO. The guest is here. ”

guest Kang-yoon was a small-eyed man who was torn to dry skin. Behind him was a woman of purple hair who looked like an entertainer.

“Huh, it was really Kang-yoon. No, this is your CEO now. Seeing you here. Good day.

“CEO Chu Man-ji?”

Kang-yoon rose from his seat and held the hand of CEO Chu Man-ji. It was an unexpected visit, but he was hit by a guest.

Jung Hye-jin brought out the coffee and four people sat on the sofa.

The first words came from Chu Man-ji CEO.

“I heard that you were practicing, and I did not send any flowers afterwards. This is an example. ”

No. Flowers. ”

Kang-yoon shook his head, saying it was okay. He wondered about the purpose of CEO Chu Man-ji. Soon after the brief episode, Chu Man-ji’s goal came out.

“I want to buy a song of Muse.”

“Who is the song to sing?”

CEO Chu Man-ji pointed at the woman next to him.

“DIATEEN is a song that the kids will sing. I’ve been wanting to see the composition of these compositions. I heard that you can meet here. ”

The song of DIATEEN. Even if he did not intend to, he would ask the EDDIOS competitor to sing his own hand.

Kang-yoon felt a strange feeling in this situation.

33 – Do you do this, do not you? (1) The End

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