God of Music

Chapter 110

33 – Do this, do not you? (2) “The release date will be the end of July or early August.”

“I think in early August.”

“Is it a title song?”

OK. I want to go out with another concept for this album. I heard that CEO Kang-yoon knew the composer called Muse … ”

CEO Chu Man-ji was in a good mood. He looked around and looked around the office. He wanted to know quickly that the composer called Muse, he kept looking around.

Kang-yoon replied that he knew it.

“Muse is our composition team. The song is in USA and the arrangement is in charge. These two people are collectively called Muse. ”

Excellent. So, Lee Jae-hoon told Lee Kang-yoon composition in the broadcast. So this story should be with Kang-yoon CEO. ”

Four CEO Chu Man-ji resumed his posture. The nervousness of the side was tense and he listened. It was time for an authentic story to come.

First, Kang-yoon asked.

“What is the album concept?”

“Yeah. As a cheerleader concept, I want to go to a bright atmosphere for summer. ”

“So far DIATEEN and the concept is very different. DIATEEN is cute and has a mixed Unnie image. ”

“Thanks to that, there was a mix of male fans and female fans. Right exactly. I tried to make a completely different concept from the past and the company could not make songs that fit the concept. ”

CEO Chu Man-ji walked lightly. I did not like something.

Kang-yoon heard his words and immediately understood his intentions.

‘I’m going to pull the EDDIOS stake.’ It was clear that I was thinking of pushing EDDIOS, who is not paying any attention to the domestic market because of the power of USA. EDDIOS is based on a male fan called Uncle Fan. Half of them still have not reached any EDDIOS fan club yet. EDDIOS created the word “Uncle fan”.

Chu Man-ji CEO was obviously looking to bring their stake in this album.

Kang-yoon was troubled. EDDIOS and much more. But it is ridiculous to miss the opportunity now because of the past.

“May I come and talk for a moment?”

“How long will it take?”

“It will be ten minutes. I will not let you wait long. ”

Clear right. I’ll wait. ”

Kang-yoon woke up and went out. Lee Hyun-ji took over Chu Man-ji CEO. Lee Hyun-ji talked with CEO Chu Man-ji on behalf of Kang-yoon.

‘Do this, do not you?’ Kang-yoon, who had been on the rooftop for a while, struggled to wrap his head. Hee-yoon had no reason to refuse. The problem was Kang-yoon, himself.

‘When I live, everything is fine. I’m sorry. ‘ I know that EDDIOS is suffering in the USA. Kang-yoon was the first to know how stupid it is to enter the USA. The USA and Korea are not one of the two things that make a difference from race to culture. The more I thought about how fool I was to get into the USA market without understanding it properly.

If the seat is empty, someone will fill it. This is also true of the music industry. DIEDEN is looking for a room after the last few years of EDDIOS. However, I was just surprised to receive a request to make a song that would be a weapon.

‘But it’s work.’ Kang-yoon called Hee-yoon. Hee-yoon’s voice came to me several times.

– Uh, Oppa.

“Hee-yoon’a. Is it a house? ”

– Huh. It’s night. I’m working on it.

Hee-yoon told the synthesizer. Oppa could not believe it, but it was his intention to reassure him.

Kang-yoon briefly said after asking for help.

“The song came in and contacted me.”

Songs I have a lot of requests these days. -Which is? “DIATEEN.”

– What? That EDDIOS rival? Hee-yoon was surprised and loud. She also knew that Kang-yoon planned EDDIOS. The planner received a request from a rival … .

“I have not accepted it yet, but I think I should do it.”

Really? Did you come up with the album concept? Hee-yoon naturally asked about work. She was already a composition. Whatever it was, it was a job. A lawyer is a distinction.

“I’m a cheerleader. The atmosphere is light and exciting. I do not know, but I think choreography is the way to go. ”

– Oh oh. Men will be excited. Should I write lyrics? “I do not know that. I think it ‘s better to ask the team to write lyrics there. I do not think I can get in.

– If you can not do it, let’s go over it. You should make money.

“Oh dear. I’m really good. ”

– It’s an Oppa business. I should help you make a lot of money.

Kang-yoon felt a peculiarity at the end of his strong brother. When I first started singing, it was like I used to sneer, but now it is a solid axis. If you thought you had this genius, you should have known it. It was a little regret.

Kang-yoon finished the call and went into the office. In the office, Lee Hyun-ji and Chu Man-ji CEO were having a chat with each other.

“I do not see Mr. Kang.”

“Sukyeong? Trainee went down here together to look around. ”

Ah… Ji-min seems to have gone with him. ”

Kang-yoon immediately sat in the seat. And I just talked about it.

“Please leave it to us. I will do my best if you believe me. ”

At the end of Kang-yoon, CEO Chu Man-ji satisfied and reached out his hand.

“I will leave it up to you.”

“That’s for me.”

And in earnest conditions began to come. There was no problem with the amount of large-scale disappearance. CEO Chu Man-ji said he would delegate composition, arrangement and lyrics. Kang-yoon said he would do his best. The problem came later.

“We have our choreography choreography, so this part of Kang-yoon will not have to worry about you.”

Although the composition influenced choreography, Kang-yoon nodded his head.

Clear right. Just tell me bit. ”

“16 bit is so fast, please let me feel a bit faster with 8 bits.”

“Do you need anything more?”

“I’ll tell you more about that later. This is the current condition. ”

There was nothing more necessary. CEO Chu Man-ji, who was overdue, got up from his desk and called to call the Kang Syeong-gyeong. Soon he was in the studio and came to the office.

Let’s go.

Four Kang-yoon sent them off the company.

Chu Man-ji CEO once again asked the song, and left the company to talk.

“CEO. Are you sure? ”

“What do you mean?”

Lee Hyun-ji carefully asked, seeing the departing Chu Man-ji’s car.

“DIATEEN’s song request. It will affect EDDIOS. ”

Understood. I am now CEO of World Entertainment. This request will bring a big profit to the Company. EDDIOS was formerly Planning Team Leader for MG Entertainment. Do not you have to do your best in your place? ”

Fair point. But my appetite is used. ”

“I also ironic. There is a realization. If you have done so well, you can do well with management … . That Ramyeon rival would not have given me a chance to catch this opportunity. ”

Kang-yoon thought about the directors of MG Entertainment who sent EDDIOS to USA. It was unpleasant to see children like their children being pushed. And this situation did not feel good.

Lee Hyun-ji said a word that he knew his feelings.

“Such a ridiculous Company, I’ll eat it later.”

Four It was a light horse to switch the atmosphere. But there was something bones. On the door of Kang-yoon, she stressed again.

“Gig MG Entertainment, the big, big-ass idiots. We are all eaten by the hard-boiled tower collapsing. how was it? “Ha ha ha ha ha. Is that so? It’s not bad. ”

In a word of her, Kang-yoon laughed greatly. It was a pleasant thing to think about. Of course, I knew right now that it was impossible. It is several times more than a few times. Though it is ridiculous, thoughts are not sin.

I feel a little relaxed thoughts.

“I wish I could.”

Kang-yoon shrugged and turned. I dream of someday that day will come.




“How was your company?”

In the car returning to the Company, CEO Chu Man-ji asked the bouncer.

“It was neat. There was a band practice room in studio. ”

“How many trainees were there?”

“There was a girl who showed me.”

“It would be a burden to have a few trainees in that small company. It would be hard to make a group. What do you think? Have you seen your skills? ”

“I’ve been listening to training for a while, but I’ve been practicing for a while. I did not practice singing strangely … ”

“I’ll take a beginner and practice it. Well, who wants to go to a small agency like that? I’m going to be big. ”

CEO Chu Man-ji laughed. Trainees are attracted to large agencies as job-seekers are attracted to large corporations. The psychology that wants a stable environment is the same law.

“Kim Jae-hoon is there, and Lee Kang-yoon is not a place for people to see because of his humanity, but he’s still suffering from growing pain. Agreed. We are ready to play and get ready for the song, Gyeong-jin. ”

“Yes, CEO.”

“You put a pillar in your nose.”

Ah what the hell… Disliked The cars they took so headed for the company.

——————————- “Boring routine – burning and roaring – I’ll fly somewhere -”

Lee Hyun-ah’s voice was spreading coolly in the World Entertainment’s practice room. Lee Hyun-ah sang the microphone and microphone stand as usual and sang with cool performances. Next to her, the second cha-hye hit the bass with her head waving, and Chung-gyu churned out the distortion of the electric guitar.

‘Hmm… . Is it still easy? But today there were more guests in the practice room. It was Park So-yeon. She was concentrating on singing with her head.

Lee Hyun-ah came up with a sweat on the forehead after the song was over.

“Good song?”

Lee Hyun-ah handed the score and praised Park So-yeon for singing.

“Is not it okay?”

“Are you saying melody? Maybe it’s okay. But I feel like I’m winding in my ears? Well, how do you hear it? But I feel different from my back. So it is not only convenient. Good song.”

“Thank you, good luck.”

Park So-yeon took a sigh of relief. After hearing Kang-yoon’s advice, he did not eat rice for a few days, and it was the result of repeatedly revising it. And he ran away without making a makeup and gave it to Lee Hyun-ah. I was really glad that the results were not bad.

“Did you show it to Kang-yoon Oppa?”

“First time. Oppa gave me a guide. I modified it accordingly and added my thoughts later. ”

“no wonder. I like the song. Do you give me this? ”

“Umm . . . I’ll think about it. ”

What… Are you bouncing? ”

Hahaha Park So-yeon played his tongue playfully. Actually, she was grateful if White Moonlight called. Lee Hyun-ah had thought as Lee Hyun-ah. She looked at the score and said to everyone.

“How would you like to call this at the rock festival?”

Lee Cha-hee first answered that he wanted to sing at the rock festival.

“I agree.”

Jung Chan-kyu and Kim Jin-dae all agreed on her consent. There was no disagreement. Rather, it was Park So-yeon.

“Wait a minute. Rampeon Rampeon That’s what he says in Goyang, right? It’s a big event. ”

As Park So-yeon’s eyes turned blue, Kim Jin-dae teased her.

Sy! Rockman Son will be all together? Afterwards. We So-yeon will be debut big? ”

Oh. From Wait! Do not you have to tell Kang-yoon Oppa? ”

“Oppa will not do the opposite? I do not mind if I sing this much. ”

Lee Hyun-ah confidently showed Park So-yeon’s shoulders a little flat.

o . . . Is that so? Of course I do. Do not worry. ”

“Woo … ”

Park So-yeon put his hands on the pounding chest.

His song is called in front of millions of people. The more I thought about it, the harder it was.

‘Hee-yoon is a composition too.’ She was already budding her mind as a rival to Hee-yoon.

——————————– World Entertainment’s performance hall was under construction right now. Now the sound work was under way. Soundproofing works on the ceiling and work to block light on the windows were in full swing.

Kang-yoon was watching Lee Hyun-ji at the entrance of the theater.

“It’s not progressing fast.”

Lee Hyun-ji shook his head as he did not like the slow progress. But Kang-yoon said she was okay.

“Stronger is better. If the construction is poor, I have to do my job twice. ”

“Even so … . Ew, It seems to be slow. Is it because of my money? ”

Hahaha In fact, I am. ”

The two people looked around the performance hall under construction. The construction supervisor approached them and told me how construction is proceeding. Kang-yoon had a rough explanation and went to see what he saw right away. I did not want to hold on to those who should be faithful to my job.

Lee Hyun-ji said.

“The facility is definitely better than the surrounding theaters. Now we have a venue rental business. ”

“I think so. First, indie bands will be used mainly. ”

“What do you want to do as a government official? I have to do it because there are surrounding theaters. ”

Kang-yoon shook his head.

“I talked about it last time, but the venues around the venue are too expensive. It is also the cause of banding in Hongdae. I am going to lower the rates. ”

“I would be hated around the time I did.”

Lee Hyun-ji said anxiously. The surrounding venues have already collapsed. But it was not good to go away alone altogether.

But Kang-yoon was firm.

“It ‘s because of the expensive government that made the hall. And I want to give people who want to sing. It is enough to make a small profit on the operating cost. ”

“What?” Nevertheless… Nearby venues will pay off. It’s a chicken game. ”

Kang-yoon responded calmly that he was not worried.

Sure. I got it from the White Moonlight venue anyway. And we can expect the rise of the image of us who paid the first time to the government. And if the auditoriums all go down together, I wonder if I can expect to activate the under stage too? ”

“I wish it would, but the process is going to be tough. They are not fools either. ”

I knew Kang-yoon’s idea well, but Lee Hyun-ji still did not hide his worries. But Kang-yoon was firm. I said once again that there is no compromise here.

“I think the answer is simple. Focus. If you think of many complications, you miss something important. ”

“…Yes. Well, good. Those teeth will take care of it. Actually, I do not like it because I think it’s eating the kids who do not see the expensive theater. after. I think I will join in order to market this. ”

Hahaha The two of them went out to the theater with a pleasant smile.

So, World Entertainment ‘s exclusive venue was getting ready.

——————————- 33 – Do this, do not you? (2) The End

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