God of Shuratan

Chapter 2032: The promotion of everyone!

"Leader Qin, are we really one person and two?"

Xing Jiangdao, he didn't dare to take it directly, and so did the others.

Qin Yang nodded: "Of course, so many treasures, I can't use it by myself, and the rise of the human race is not my business alone. You can reach the ninth eternal stage, and you can reach the half-step heaven level. The cultivation base, the qualifications are not bad, you should contribute!"

Xing Jiang took a deep breath and solemnly said, "Leader Qin, I will sell this old one to you, leader of Qin, even if leader of Qin asks me to die at that time, I will not have a word of nonsense!"

"me too!"

"Add me!"

The rest of the powerhouse spoke one after another.

The help Qin Yang brought to them was so great that they completely broke through their imagination.

Qin Yang said quietly: "I hope you remember what I said today, I will not let any of you die meaninglessly, but if someone needs to sacrifice in the future, I hope you don't shrink back!"


All the powerhouses said in unison, and soon they began to flee the treasures. After half an hour, they finished the selection and each of them picked two treasures.

"Now everyone enters the treasure of time and starts to let them identify, and at the same time absorb and digest the energy and experience gained before."

Qin Yang said.

More than a hundred powerful people have entered the time circle, and the time circle quickly consumes the time spar, but Qin Yang has obtained a lot of time spar from the golden dragon city, and there is no problem in holding it for a period of time.

In a blink of an eye, the second day came, and Qin Yang had planned to go to Sirius Fort the next day, but he somewhat overestimated the digestion speed of some powerful humans.

After all, these powerhouses are not arrogances like Xiang Yi and the others in Golden Dragon City.

After five days, Xiang Yi and the others barely digested it.

"My current combat power should have reached the level of the five-star half-step heavenly path, and most of the powerhouses at the five-star half-step heavenly path level should not be as strong as me."

Xing Jiang came out of the time circle, he was extremely excited.

Xing Jiang had four-star Heavenly Dao-level strength before. He absorbed and digested those attribute energy and returned experience energy. His strength properly reached the 5-star Heavenly Dao level. In addition, he obtained two very good half-step Heavenly Dao level treasures. , His combat power has indeed surpassed the ordinary five-star Heavenly Dao level.

"Xing Jiang, how?"

Qin Yang smiled when he reached Xing Jiang.

"Leader Qin, I feel that my current strength is so strong."

"The most powerful king here, I have the confidence to fight now!"

Xing Jiang quickly saluted.

Among the top ten heavenly kings, only four are at the five-star half-step heavenly path level, and the other six are at the four-star half-step heavenly path level.

Xing Jiang is not particularly clear about which of the four five-star half-step heavenly kings is the most powerful. They rarely fight, but Xing Jiang is confident in his current strength.

"Xing Jiang, your strength will improve in the future."

Qin Yang smiled.

Xing Jiang's heart was very excited, now that he is so strong, and if he improves, it may be difficult to meet the enemy below the level of Heavenly Dao!

"Thank you, leader!"

Xing Jiang respectfully and authentically.

"Everyone is going to leave the time circle."

Qin Yang sent the message to the others, and the other strong men left one after another. Within five minutes, all the strong men left the time circle.

"Your breath explodes one after another!"

Qin Yang instructed, the next one by one the strong will explode, and the strength of all the strong will be greatly improved. The strength of all the ninth-level characters has reached the level of half-step heaven, and the lowest reached the two-star half-step path. level!

——I have obtained attribute energy, experience energy, and two half-step heavenly path level treasures. Such an improvement is normal.

Among the powerhouses of the ninth-level eternal age, about a quarter have reached the level of the half-step heavenly path three changes, and a few have broken through to the half-step heaven path level, and their combat power is approaching the half-step heavenly path four changes!

Outside of Xingjiang, the twenty powerhouses who were originally at the half-step Heavenly Dao level all had the strength of the Heavenly Dao Four Transformation level, and three of them reached the Heavenly Dao Five Transformation level.


Qin Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Although these powerhouses may not be able to reach the level of Heavenly Dao in Jiucheng, they are not bad at the level of Half-Step Heavenly Dao.

In terms of Human Race, many half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses are also needed.

"I will swear allegiance to the leader!"

Including Xing Jiang, all of them knelt down at the same time and shouted in unison.

Now they have reached a point where they absolutely agree with Qin Yang.

Qin Yang frowned and said, "Everyone, don't just kneel at every turn in the future. It's not necessary, and I'm not used to this!"


Xing Jiang and the others said in the same way, and they stood up.

Qin Yang glanced over the more than one hundred powerhouses: "Everyone, you all have a half-step Heavenly Dao level strength now, but if you don’t like to hear, even if your talent potential is increased, your talent potential Not top-notch."

"Even if some of you can reach the level of the Heavenly Dao by then, it will be difficult for your final achievements to reach the Three Changes of the Heavenly Dao!"

Xing Jiang's expression remained unchanged, and they knew that what Qin Yang said was the truth.

They are not too young, and have a lot of time delay.

"Everyone, the rise of the human race depends on you, but our human race also needs top powerhouses, who can reach the level of the four changes of heaven and the five changes of heaven!"

"My plan is to increase the strength of the human race on the Fengtiangu battlefield first, and then establish a human race academy on the Fengtian ancient battlefield. All of you, join the human race academy at that time and try to attract the top human race. Tianjiao is here."

"At that time, I will promote a group of Human Race's Tianjiao, and let people have more Heavenly Dao level powerhouses!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice.

Xing Jiang and the others were very excited. If the Human Race had many more powerful talents at the Heavenly Dao level, the strength of the Human Race would surely increase.

Moreover, the Human Race Academy is their instructor, which means that many of the Heavenly Dao level experts who will appear in the Human Race will be their students.

Even if they can't become the powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao level in the future, if many students of the Heavenly Dao level are taught, it will be a supreme honor.

"Follow the leader's order!"

The strong said the same.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "I will become the Palace Master of the Human Academy by then, but I may not be here for more time, Xing Jiang, you will be mainly responsible then!"


Xing Jiang nodded.

"Okay, everyone is ready to go outside, pay attention to confidentiality!"

Qin Yang said that the next second he went outside with Xing Jiang and all of them.

"Patriarch, the news of all kinds of disgusting people spread from Sirius Castle, saying that the strength of our human race is nothing more than this, just a burst of strength."

"Others say that we are a lot of powerful people who shot together, secretly made traps, and won't win!"

One of Liu Zongran's subordinates reported the news immediately.

Qin Yang and the others didn't respond for a few days, and all kinds of news are now spreading over the Fengtiangu battlefield.

The vast majority of racial powers do not believe that the human race has once again become extremely powerful.

A faint smile appeared on Liu Zongran's face.

The rest of the strong are too.

If they heard such news before, they would have been very emotional, but now they will not.

This is the self-confidence that strong strength brings to them.

Will the Tigers care about gossip about chickens and ducks?

The strength of the human race in the rest of the heavens is still very average, but now on the Fengtian ancient battlefield, the strength of the human race is absolutely top level.


Sirius Fort.

"My Lord Heaven, it has been a few days since the Human Race hasn't moved. I think the Human Race definitely doesn't have that strong strength!"

"My Lord Heaven, it's not a problem for us to gather so many powerful people, I think we have to take action!"

"Yes, Lord Heaven, Brother Langli and the others died. We have been here forever. It's not a problem. Nowadays, although many strong people mock the Human Race, we also laugh at a lot. The Human Race did not move. If it’s cheaper, we’re dead!"

"My lord Heaven, that guy may be good, but he will definitely not have the strength of your lord, and he should have used the secret method and has not recovered yet. If we act, it's better to be earlier!"

Dozens of half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses gathered in the hall, and they all spoke up one after another, and they were all going to Qin Yang and their side to teach Qin Yang a lesson.

With so many strong people gathered, they are confident.

And they really didn't think Qin Yang would be so good.

Wolf Yongchang took a deep breath: "It seems that the strong human race will not take the initiative to come over, if so, let's kill it!"

"Take revenge for the wolves and revenge the prestige of my wolf clan!"

"Gather all the strong and go!"

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