God of Shuratan

Chapter 2033: The wolf clan powerhouse delivered to the door!

"Finally decided to play!"

"My big sword has long been hungry and thirsty haha!"

"On the human side, Xing Jiang's strength is also good. Now that Xing Jiang is in trouble, no one of the other strong will be the opponent of Lord Heaven!"

"Dare to kill the strong men of our wolf clan and let them pay their debts!"

Wolf Yongchang and the others announced the news. Suddenly, many other wolf clan powerhouses were excited, and they had already waited impatiently.

They didn't see Qin Yang beheading the wolf with their own eyes, they didn't believe that there were really more powerful people in the human race.

The vast majority of the strong think that it is the human side that is making ghosts.

Lang Li they died, they were extremely angry.

——It's not that they are all close to Langli and the others, but that Langli and them died, and their grudges were not reported. Now their interests are damaged.

"Everyone, the human race dare to kill the strong man of our wolf race. Today we will go over and let them give us an confession. If we don't give us an confession, we will use the sword in our hands to let them know how powerful our wolf race is! "

Lang Yongjing raised his voice.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Dozens of half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses, three or four million ancient ninth-level powerhouses, more than ten million ancient eighth-level powerhouses, and tens of millions of ancient seven-level powerhouses shouted in unison.

Killing intent overflowing, shocking the world!

There are other strong men near Sirius Fort, and they looked at this side in shock.

"A big deal is going to happen."

"The powerful wolf clan can't help but want to dispatch."

"It's normal. The wolf tribe is dead, and there is probably no strong power in the human tribe. Otherwise, nothing has happened in the past few days."

"It might not be long before we can get the news that Xing Jiang is dead."

Many other powerful people talked about it.

On the Liujiazhai side, Xingjiang and the others also got the news immediately.

Qin Yang said quietly: "I originally planned to take a trip to Sirius Fort. Since they are here, we won't have to take another trip!"

"Leader, your plan is—"

Xing Jiang asked.

The other strong men also looked at Qin Yang.

In the past, the strong human races on the Fengtian Ancient Battlefield were all headed by Xing Jiang, but now they are all headed by Qin Yang, and their most respected person has become Qin Yang.

Xing Jiang also fully agrees with this.

Qin Yang smiled and said: "Look at the reaction of the wolf clan. Lang Li and the others came to provoke. Although they died here, Lang Yongchang and the others have to apologize! If they apologize and compensate, this seat can spare them. Once, otherwise let them stay here!"

"Liu Zongran, many people will die here. I guess you can only change places."

Xing Jiang smiled on their faces one by one.

These words are domineering, Lang Li and the others are dead, Lang Yongchang and the others still have to apologize!

Liu Zongran smiled and said: "Leader, if this place is abolished, it will be abolished. Now that our strength has improved, we can live in a better place."


Many other powerhouses laughed, and Liu Zongran's strength has indeed improved a lot.

Liu Zongran is now four-star half-step Heavenly Dao level, and Liu Yan's strength is now three-star half-step Heavenly Dao level.

In addition, there are two powerhouses in Liujiazhai who have also been half-stepped to the heavenly level.

Five minutes passed.

"Liu Zongran, you wait to die!"

Lang Yongchang and the others came over with great vigor, and a son of Lang Li roared, his eternal ninth-order cultivation base was very angry.

When Lang Li died, his relatives were naturally the most affected.

Qin Yang arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, and there was a square on this side. Lang Li and the others had already reached the square, and a powerful aura burst out of thousands of powerful men.

Many strong people from other races also came, but they did not enter the square.

"Wolf Yongchang is unfair, as everyone knows."

"Your strong wolf clan came to marry the strong human clan, rude first, not as strong as humans, death is normal!"

"We haven't gone to ask you for compensation, what do you mean by coming here!"

Xing Jiang said sharply.

Many strong men's eyes fell on Xing Jiang. Xing Jiang looked normal, but Lang Yongchang and others would never think that Xing Jiang had nothing to do now.

"Xing Jiang, you still dare to ask our wolf clan for compensation?"

Wolf Yongchang said murderously.

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Your wolf clan came to provoke and give compensation if you fail. Isn't it normal?"

"Boy arrogant!"

The wolf clan roars from the strong.

Lang Yongchang grinned and said: "Xing Jiang, who do you want to deceive with this trick? You killed Langli and them in a disgraceful way before. Now you look like nothing has happened and want us all to think you have recovered. You Human race has two top powerhouses?"


"Before, the high probability was that you used the secret technique, and even the help of other powerful people, and killed them. Now you should be close to the exhausted lamp. You are just holding on, wanting everyone to think you are okay, think Protect the strong human race here for a few more years!"

"That little **** by your side has no strength at all, right!"

Many powerful people who came to watch secretly talked about it. They basically agreed with Lang Yongchang's statement that Xing Jiang couldn't get better so quickly!

Moreover, it is not normal for the human race to suddenly emerge a very powerful half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse.

It is normal for the average half-step Heavenly Dao level to have one or two more powers, but it is very difficult for the four-star half-step Heavenly Dao level to be strong, and the five-star half-step Heavenly Dao level to have one.

Xing Jiang said solemnly: "Wolf Yongchang, your wolf clan looks like you are not planning to pay compensation?"

When Wolf Yongchang thought, a big sword appeared in his hand instantly.

"Xing Jiang, you want compensation, ask if we agree with the sword in our hands!"

"We came here today to avenge the wolf and them!"

The other wolf clan powerhouses also took out their weapons one after another, violently killing Qin Yang and the others.

Qin Yang said indifferently, "Wolf Yongchang, if you do, you will have to prepare to die here!"


Wolf Yongchang laughed wildly, "Little bastard, if you have such strength, then you can take our lives!"

"If you don't have the strength, you absolutely can't survive, you can't die!"

"Warriors of the wolf race, kill!"

Lang Yongchang and the others rushed to Qin Yang and them.

In an instant the mountain guarding spirit formation was activated, Lang Yongchang and the others had already entered the spirit mountain. They were inside the formation, and the strong men of the other races were outside the formation. They could no longer see the scene in the formation.


The moment the formation was activated, Qin Yang and the others also shot.

Secretly Qin Yang and the others had already assigned a goal. Qin Yang appeared directly next to Lang Yongchang. He turned Lao Hei into the appearance of a sword, and then Qin Yang grabbed the big sword that Lao He had turned into. Wolf Yongchang's forehead was cut off.

Wolf Yongchang is only a four-star half-step Heavenly Dao level of strength, Qin Yang is enough to fight against four or five ordinary five-star half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses, this sword instantly shattered Wolf Yongchang’s defenses, and Wolf Yongchang’s entire body was captured by Qin Yang. One sword was cut in half.

The soul was naturally shattered by Qin Yang's power.

Wolf Yongchang, the king of heaven, fell instantly!

Qin Yang and his team have more than one hundred powerhouses at the half-step Heavenly Dao level, and each of them has the strength of the three-star half-step Heavenly Dao level. In total, Lang Yongchang and others have only a few dozen half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses. Qin Yang and the others There is more to two against one.

Xing Jiang and the rest of the powerhouses are two to deal with one, and most of their goals are only one-star and half-step Heavenly Dao level cultivation base.

There is no suspense at all.

In an instant, all the half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses that the wolf race came over were all beheaded!


"Do not!"

The ninth-order eternal, eighth-order, and seventh-order powerful men who came from the wolf clan showed horror in their eyes, and they were all shocked.

They originally planned to form a powerful battle formation with the half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses from the wolf clan.

As a result, the battle formation has not yet formed, and all their half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses are dead!

How to fight this!


Qin Yang and the others weren't idle after beheading the target. They culled the powerful people of the seventh, eighth, and ninth orders in the shortest time.

Moreover, Qin Yang had developed a half-step Heavenly Dao level formation!

The formation is a phantom formation, which has no influence on the strong on their own side. The strong on the wolf clan are all strongly affected, and many of their weapons have been slashed towards their companions!

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