God of Shuratan

Chapter 2312: Ten thousand times increase!

"I accept your allegiance!"

Qin Yang said indifferently, he waved his hand and appeared in front of the kneeling three hundred blood armor guards.

The blood armor guards quickly took the medicine.

"Thank you, sir!"

Qin Yang said: "The medicinal pill just given to you can protect you for three years. After three years, those who perform poorly will not get the pill again!"

"I will swear my allegiance to your lord!"

Three hundred blood armor guards roared in unison.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "You stay here first, the battle secret is temporarily closed, and those who have already entered let them come out!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Get up!"

The blood armor guard got up, and soon a small team of blood armor guards entered the battle secret realm, and many people were practicing.

Upon receiving the notice, many strong people were dissatisfied and did not want to come out.

But after knowing that Qin Yang had already arrived, and that the members of the Monster Night Clan had been slaughtered, all those people hurriedly came out of it.

Even if they had a good background, they didn't dare to challenge Qin Yang.

What should I do if Qin Yang kills a chicken and frightens the monkey?

"If there is a situation, let me know in time!"

Qin Yang said, after he finished speaking, he entered the battle secret realm.

With these three hundred blood armor guards, Qin Yang believed that they would not betray and return to the Monster Night Clan, they would not be so stupid.

They just killed the senior members of the Monster Night Family.

This will return to the Monster Night Clan, even if nothing happens temporarily, it will definitely be liquidated in the future!

Besides, Qin Yang and Luo Lingna are both absolute tops, and the Monster Night family has no tops, and it might be a better choice to follow Qin Yang!

"All seize the time to practice."

Qin Yang smiled and said, Luo Lingna and the others, Xing Jiang and the others have all appeared right now, and Xing Jiang also needs to improve their combat experience!

"Yes, Palace Lord!"

Xing Jiang and the others said in unison, Luo Lingna and the others just smiled and nodded.

The battle mystery is very big, the inside is big and small, there are many bubbles, the bigger the bubble, the stronger the ability to simulate the enemy, and the charge will be higher!

The same battle scroll can be practiced for ten years in a small bubble, but it may be ten and a half months in a big bubble!

Soon Xing Jiang and the others entered some medium-sized bubbles, which were barely enough with their strength.

Qin Yang and Luo Lingna all entered large bubbles, each with a diameter of more than one million kilometers!

There are only a dozen such bubbles in the battle secret realm!

"A random simulation!"

Qin Yang said.

How to use the Battle Secret Realm Qin Yang knows that the Battle Secret Realm can simulate the powerhouses who have fought in it, but for one thing, it can only simulate those who have not appeared in it for a hundred billion years. Such characters are basically dead!

If possible, Qin Yang would like to imitate Venerable Chaos and the others, but this cannot be done.

Immediately, countless spots of light gathered in front of Qin Yang, and a strong tiger clan appeared in front of Qin Yang, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

Once, this strong man was an absolute top, he has fought here, and there are detailed records in the battle secret territory!


The simulated tiger clan powerhouse did not talk nonsense with Qin Yang at all, he immediately killed Qin Yang!

"Good job!"

Qin Yang greeted the simulated tiger clan powerhouse in an instant. He didn't use any forbidden techniques, but his strength was also stronger than this tiger clan powerhouse. This tiger clan powerhouse was defeated by him!

"Against simulation!"

Qin Yang ordered that the second Jue Dian was simulated in the blink of an eye, and this time the simulated Jue Dian was a strong human race.

Still a big beauty.

But Qin Yang attacked without mercy!

Facing two extremes at the same time, Qin Yang's pressure was greatly increased. In the end, Qin Yang barely defeated these two extremes, but he himself was on the verge of death!

The third simulated peak quickly killed Qin Yang!

Two minutes later, Qin Yang reappeared and came back to life.

The death just now is certainly not the real death!

"The combat experience has increased a lot!"

After resurrecting, Qin Yang felt a lot of combat experience in his mind. Qin Yang knew how much combat experience he could normally get in the battle just now. I am afraid that the combat experience he gained at this time was ten thousand times!

"Lao Ye said that the combat experience here is one hundred times to ten thousand times. With my talent, it really is ten thousand times the experience!"

Qin Yang was overjoyed.

There is a lot of combat experience gained in life and death battles, and the combat experience gained in every battle will be extremely terrifying!

"Lingna and the others don't know how many multiples it is."

"If you want to use their talents, they should not be too low!"

Qin Yang secretly said in his heart.

Luo Lingna and the others are now very strong!

With the six-star cultivation base of the Celestial Venerable, their basic combat power is close to 11,000, their attack power is more than 27,000, and their defense power is more than 30,000. Such data is already at the top level, and the weaker such as the Holy Light may not be The opponent of any of them!

And this is their strength without an increase.

After nine years of training, Qin Yang's fit with the Supreme Dharma Seal has of course greatly improved. He alone can increase the rate by 50% alone, and at the same time increase the rate of Luo Lingna and the others, it can also reach 30%!

Even if they are not enjoying the increase alone, they only increase by 30%, each of Luo Lingna and the others have an attack power of more than 35,000, and a defense power of nearly 40,000!

Lorina and the others can be simulated and challenged!

There will be a lot of combat experience gained.

As time passed day by day, Qin Yang and the others were immersed in the battle, and every battle they could get a lot of combat experience, this feeling was very refreshing!

Of course, as Qin Yang and the others spent more and more time in the battle secrets, their gains continued to decrease.

When one year passed, Qin Yang and the others had gained less than one-tenth of the combat experience they had gained in each battle!

It's not that the battle secrets are not strong, but they have become stronger!

In the beginning, they can improve in many aspects, but they have already made up for it in many aspects!

"End the battle!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, the ten-year period is approaching, and the combat experience is also lacking, they have to return to the top city!

Soon Qin Yang retreated from the bubble.

"Lingna, you are going to end the battle."

Qin Yang sent Luo Lingna and the others, and also sent Xing Jiang the same.

Soon Lorina and the others came out of the fight one by one, with thick smiles on their faces.

"Lingna, how many times have you gained combat experience?"

Qin Yang asked with a smile.

"I am eight thousand times."

Lorina smiled, this multiple is very high!

Xiao Junwan and the rest of the women also spoke up, their strength talents were similar to Luo Lingna, and the increase was about 8,000 times.

Xingjiang and the others have reached 6,000 times more and two or three thousand times less!

The increase in combat experience here is at least one hundred times, and Xing Jiang and the others have at least two to three thousand times, which is very good. Many people at the Heavenly Sovereign level will not have such a high increase here.

The vast majority of the powerhouses who entered this area have actually increased by less than 500 times!

"It seems that each of you has improved a lot."

Qin Yang swept his gaze and smiled. Whether it was Luo Lingna or Xing Jiang, he felt much stronger!

If Lorina and the others were iron before, then this would have been tempered into steel!

The data of attack power and defense power has not changed much, but now Qin Yang and the others feel that their strength has increased by at least half.

Qin Yang's words, he feels that he can now fight two of his previous selves!

At the very beginning, he was on the verge of death when he fought two extremes. Later, Qin Yang could play against four extremes of similar strength at the same time!

——During the battle, each other did not use the forbidden technique, and did not explode. In reality, if you face the four extremes, Qin Yang will not be afraid, but if you want to kill the four extremes, it’s not possible, he also Don't dare to mess around like that.

What should I do if the other party is playing hard?

"My husband, I feel that this place is much less helpful to us."

"If I stay here for another year, I guess there will be no gain at all!"

Lorina said.

Qin Yang nodded slightly, they had too many multiples of combat experience, if only a few hundred times to a thousand times, then there will be a lot of gains in ten years!

"Let's go, this battle secret is temporarily unable to support us to continue practicing here for a year!"

Qin Yang smiled and said.

Each of Qin Yang's cultivation base was high, and each of them had a high multiplier. Although it was only one year, it consumed enormous energy in the battle secret.

In the past, the Battle Secret Realm Monster Night Clan also controlled the number of people who entered. The time of entry, 100 million years of consumption may not necessarily be the same as Qin Yang's consumption this year!

The most powerful person is here, and often only simulates a supreme challenge.

In the later period, Qin Yang simulated four extremes, and sometimes even simulated five extremes at the same time!

Luo Lingna and the others also simulated three greats at the same time!

This consumes super fast!

But for Qin Yang and the others, their strength has improved a lot in a short time, and they don't have time to spend a long time here!

"Convergence, prepare to go out!"

Qin Yang commanded that no strong people came in this year to disturb, but what would happen outside is hard to say.

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