God of Shuratan

Chapter 2313: Monster Night Family Clan

Qin Yang waited outside soon.

During the activation of the Blood Armor Burning Soul Array, the mighty blood envelops one hundred thousand li, and the three hundred blood armour guards work together, and there is a great danger in the battle!

Outside the formation, there are strong people peeping, but no strong people try to break into the formation.

"grown ups!"

Seeing that Qin Yang and the others appeared, the figure of the three hundred blood armor guards instantly arrived in front of Qin Yang, and they bowed on one knee and saluted respectfully.

Killed the high level of the Yaoye family and was poisoned again. They have only one way, which is to be loyal to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang glanced across the three hundred blood armor guards.

He nodded in satisfaction.

"Get up and talk about the outside situation."

Qin Yang was plain and authentic.

The leader of the Three Hundred Guards was an emperor-level figure named Cang Ao. He stood up and respectfully said: "My lord, there is nothing special outside. We set up a blockade, and there are no strong ones. There are just some people watching nearby. "

"The Yaoye family announced that it was granted a clan and hid in the family secret."

Qin Yang squinted. Did the Yaoye family simply hide?

The Yaoye family is very powerful and has a profound background. Even if the Lord Yaoye dies, some people will die here, but the Yaoye family still has extremely strong strength. It is enough to gather the strong family members, and it will not be the family member. To the point!

The Feng Clan will break many alliances and many cooperations, which will greatly damage the Monster Night Family.

"You should be clear about how many powerhouses at the Tianzun level are in the Monster Night Clan!"

Qin Yang said quietly.

Cang Ao hurriedly said: "Returning to my lord's words, there should be thirty or forty Heavenly Sovereign level powerhouses in the Monster Night Clan, and there are also many Heavenly God level and Heavenly Sage level powerhouses, as well as a powerful army, and two thousand and five. Hundred Blood Armor Guards."

"Black Armored Army."

"In addition, it is said that the ancestral land of the Yaoye family has powerful zombies."

"The ancestral land of the Yaoye family is special. The powerful and powerful are buried in the ancestral land and can be transformed into powerful zombies."

"The ancestral land of the Monster Night Clan may have top-level zombies!"

Qin Yang looked calm, not too surprised.

Venerable Demon Ye has a very long time, and before him, there were a few powerful people in the Demon Ye family. Can the ancestral land of the Demon Ye family be simple?

"The monster night clan is a clan, the ancestral land is dangerous, I'm afraid there is the idea of ​​killing me in the ancestral land."

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

"Thirty or forty Celestials, two thousand and five hundred blood armor guards, and one hundred thousand black armor troops. There may be many powerful zombies, husbands, and monster night families. They are so powerful. If they are a clan, we don’t need it for now. You can take your time to deal with them."

Luo Lingna looked at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang frowned slightly: "If the Monster Night Family wants to attract us, there will definitely be action at that time! Maybe there will be action already by now!"

"Is there anything unusual about Human Race recently?"

Qin Yang looked at Cang Ao.

Cang Ao hurriedly said, "My lord, there are some circumstances, I don't know if it is an abnormal situation for you."


"Yes, my lord!"

"My lord, half a year ago, a family of the human race was destroyed, and then within half a year, some human forces were wiped out, but these forces are not strong, just some small and medium forces, and the most powerful ones are the emperor-level characters!"

Qin Yang said in a deep voice, "Is it impossible to find out who the murderer is?"

"Yes, my lord."

"There are powerful figures on the human side who conducted investigations, but there was no result."

Su Xiyu frowned and looked at Qin Yang: "Husband, could it be the powerhouse of the Yaoye family did it to attract us to the Yaoye family?"

Qin Yang shook his head: "Not necessarily."

"It is entirely possible that the powerhouses of other forces did it, but the purpose is definitely to attract us to the Monster Night Family!"

"The Demon Ye Family is strong, and the ancestral land of the Demon Ye Family is their turf, and they have a good place over there!"

Xiao Jun Wan said: "It is very likely that the person who did it was a very powerful person. Even if we rush over, it is not easy to find the murderer!"

"We have a lot of enemies, but the major forces gave money before, and now it is the Monster Night Family that clearly broke the rules!"

"Regardless of whether it was killed by the strongest of the Monster Night Family, we must deal with the Monster Night Family, otherwise there will definitely be actions against the Human Race."

Qin Yang nodded.

Bei Yao said: "Husband, there may be more than the strong men of the Yaoye family, there may be other enemies waiting for us over there, and it is now Longtan Tiger Den!"

Qin Yang frowned secretly, this possibility is not low!

The guardian clan, the Black Spirit clan, the snake clan, and the relatives of Venerable Yaoxian all wanted to kill him. Among the seven great lords, at least two wanted to kill him. If they can be forced to the ancestral land of the Yaoye clan, The rest of the forces are probably happy to help!

"Palace Lord, if we go directly, we will follow their wishes too much. I don't think this is appropriate."

Xing Jiang said, "They have their rhythm, we have to have our own rhythm, we can't follow their rhythm!"

Qin Yang nodded lightly, followed the enemy's rhythm, and was led by the nose by the enemy. This was really not good!

"Cang Ao, you continue to guard here."

"For the time being, let no one enter it!"

Qin Yang ordered, after finishing speaking, he quickly took Luo Lingna and the others away.

After half an hour, Qin Yang had already left a long way, and with his strength, he could be sure that there was no strong person tracking him.

"Xing Jiang is right, we can't be led by the nose!"

"Jun Wan, you need to perform a task!"

Qin Yang glanced over Luo Lingna, the other girls except Ye Xinlian, Xiao Junwan and their eight eyes lit up, and they finally could do their best!

"Jun Wan, eight of you, act in groups of four."

"Attack the powerhouses of all races at will, not for the snake, black spirit, fox, etc.!"

"You can kill some evil-doing forces. Generally, you can kill the strong. Don't let people get the handle!"

Qin Yang ordered.

Xiao Junwan and the others are acting outside. It is unrealistic to increase their strength. It won't take long for the effect of increase, but their strength is enough!

Eight girls have more than 27,000 attacks and more than 30,000 defenses!

Proper absolute strength.

Four people act together, which is equivalent to four superpowers acting together, so the probability of accident is very low and very low!

"Husband, do you need to be so cautious? We can act in pairs."

Xiao Jun said gently.

Qin Yang shook his head, "For safety's sake, you should still act in groups of four, so that you are not afraid even if you encounter the most powerful!"

"It's not about how many forces you need to kill every day. There is no need to divide into four groups to increase efficiency!"

"By the way, you think of ways to get more resources!"

There is no doubt that killing people and ransacking homes is a good way to get money.

Xiao Junwan and the others nodded.

Xiao Jun said: "Husband, we will try our best to kill strong men who are malicious to our human race, husband, eldest sister, Xiaolian, you have to be careful when you go to the top of the city!"

Qin Yang smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, our strength has improved a lot in the battle mystery, and Xing Jiang's strength has also improved a lot."

Qin Yang smiled.

Soon Xiao Junwan and the others left, Qin Yang and the others quickly rushed to the top city, Ye Lao, Venerable Primal Chaos, and all their top-level figures are here.

Qin Yang and the others entered the city, and immediately Venerable Chaos and them all got news.

"Brother Chaos, something is wrong, Qin Yang didn't go to the Monster Night Clan."

Venerable Hei Ming sent the message to Venerable Chaos.

"Qin Yang will go!"

Venerable Chaos sent the message lightly.

In the next second, Venerable Chaos sent a message to one of his confidants: "Destroy some human forces and let our spies in the Yaoye family participate in the action, accidentally revealing their identity, and the action can be more brutal. !"

"My lord, we have already destroyed the door before, do we have to be more brutal?"

"Not bad!"

Venerable Chaos looked indifferent, his place on Tianzun Island and the position of Chaos Clan on Tianzun Island could not allow Qin Yang and the others to shake!

In the past six months, some forces of the Human Race have been destroyed, and some of them are indeed done by the strong of the Monster Night Family, but more are not!

"Senior Promise, please call the shots for us!"

"Senior Promise, our Song family is destroyed!"

"Senior Wuji, our sect has been destroyed, ask Senior Wuji to be fair for us!"


As soon as Qin Yang arrived at the Manor, before entering, many people rushed over, and they knelt to the ground begging.

Many human forces were destroyed, many people died, and some of these forces survived.

After all, not everyone stays in the sect!

They knew that it was impossible for them to take revenge, so they rushed to the top city.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "Everyone, some human forces have been destroyed. This seat has already been aware of this. The tenth most powerful person has been selected, and the allocation of absolute resources will end. This seat must be strictly investigated and will be given to you at that time. A fairness!"

"My lord, but the enemy is still in action lately, there will definitely be forces involved."

"Friend Wuji, it must have been done by the Monster Night Family!"

There are other strong human races around rushing over, and they all spoke.

Although these forces haven't had any trouble for the time being, they are also afraid and hope that Qin Yang will take the time to solve the Monster Night Family!

Qin Yang frowned and said: "Everyone, your feelings are understandable, but this matter may not be done by the Monster Night family. Moreover, it is inconvenient for you to leave the Extreme City now to deal with this aspect of the matter! "

"Everyone, let's go away!"

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