God of Shuratan

Chapter 2363: Surprise and trouble!


Immortal blood entered Baiyao's body, and the undead cells in Baiyao's body went crazy. They desperately absorbed the power of the undead blood.

Qin Yang monitored Bei Yao's situation and could clearly feel that the undead cells in Bei Yao's body had become stronger!

And as time passed, some of Bei Yao's own cells gradually transformed into immortal cells!

The powerhouse with half-step control level has only a few drops to dozens of immortal blood, which shows that the power contained in immortal blood is extremely terrifying.

A drop of immortal blood is enough to feed many of the undead cells in Bei Yao, and it can make her produce many more undead cells.

These new undead cells originally belonged to Bei Yao, and they are more compatible with Bei Yao. Each of them brings more benefits to Bei Yao!

In the past two years, time has accelerated for tens of millions of years, and Bei Yao's body gradually calmed down.

The number of undead cells in her body has tripled, and the new undead cells accounted for two-thirds of the total.

"My husband, I don't have any problems."

"It feels pretty good."

Bei Yao opened her eyes and said with joy, she could feel that her strength had increased a lot, especially her recovery ability had increased a lot!

And Bei Yao feels that she can still recognize a top treasure now, and adding a top treasure can increase her natural strength a lot.

"My husband, I think I can still recognize a powerful treasure from the Lord."

Bei Yao said.

Qin Yang smiled and said with a voice transmission: "Bei Yao, but I have no plans to let you recognize the Lord now as a powerful treasure! You recognize the Lord now, you can only recognize the Lord a treasure of the Five Great Perfection level, but if you change Be stronger, you might be able to recognize the treasure of the master's half-step control level by then!"

"Offensive half-step control level treasures are estimated to be difficult, but defensive half-step control level treasures are very promising!"

"We will definitely get immortal blood in the future, and a suitable half-step control level treasure will definitely be available too!"

Baiyao's eyes lit up. If he could obtain a treasure with a half-step control level, his strength would definitely rise a lot!

"Husband, listen to you."

"But if the treasure suits you, upgrade you first!"

"Husband, do you now fuse immortal blood? I will protect you!"

Bei Yao said in a voice transmission.


Qin Yang said that he had received three drops of immortal blood before, one of which was suitable for Bei Yao, and the other two were suitable for him.

If two drops of immortal blood are merged, the strength is stronger, Qin Yang estimates that the prisoner's recognition of the Lord can be much deeper, and it can become stronger!

Prisoner Tian is now turned into armor to provide defense, but Prisoner Tian is not a pure defensive treasure.

Prisoner's main role is to catch the strong!

Imprison the strong!

Qin Yang and Prisoner had an appointment. As long as his strength could rise, Prisoner would not deliberately resist, and would deepen his recognition of the Lord, allowing him to gain more authority!

As a high-level realm, anyway, for Prison Tian, ​​even if Qin Yang lived for hundreds of billions of years, it would be a short time for him. There is no need to break his words!

If he has more permissions, Qin Yang may be able to change Prisoner from the defense state to the offensive state at any time, so that he can have a strong defense if he wants a strong defense, and when he needs offensive power, Prisoner can provide a powerful attack power. !

"Husband, I will pay attention to the situation of those strong in special training."

"You can practice with peace of mind."

Bei Yao said with a smile.

Qin Yang quickly entered the treasure of time, a drop of immortal blood entered Qin Yang's body, as if dripping into hot oil, the undead cells in his body immediately boiled, and his body had ten times more undead cells, absorbing immortal blood. Is much faster.

In less than half a year, the first drop of immortal blood was absorbed.

Qin Yang let the second drop of immortal blood fuse again.

After most of this drop of immortal blood was absorbed, some cells in his body finally began to transform into immortal cells.

—— There are ten times more undead cells in Qin Yang's body, but the force consumed by new undead cells is much more than that of feeding one undead cell, so two drops of immortal blood can completely feed the original undead cells. of!

Every undead cell in the body became stronger, and they gave Qin Yang a more powerful recovery ability. Qin Yang could clearly feel that the pressure on him from the Hongmeng Sword was greatly reduced!

If Qin Yang is a computer, each powerful treasure is a large program. Immortal cells have become stronger, which is equivalent to Qin Yang's upgrade of the CPU and memory. This will even be one or two more large programs. The procedure is also fine.

The original program can also move more smoothly.

"Prisoner, the fit has improved, and the degree of recognition has improved, is there any benefit?"

Qin Yang sent the message to Prisoner Tian.

Prisoner said indifferently: "The defense has been doubled. If you want to transform into an attack form to increase your attack, you can, but you can only transform it once a day. In addition, there is an extra small space, you can usually enter the small space, or let The others enter, it is not easy to be located inside."

Qin Yang's eyes lit up.

Three major benefits!

And the three benefits are extremely good.

Especially the small extra space!

Prisoner is an advanced realm device, he said it is not easy to be located, it must be quite difficult to be located!

Qin Yang was actually a little worried about this.

Venerable Nether released the words before, if the secret enemy makes another move, he will use a powerful treasure to find the enemy. Such a treasure must be a treasure of the half-step control level. He does not want to be found by such a treasure or controlled by a half-step. Level of treasure attack!

With such a function, Prisoner usually hides inside to practice, which is much safer!

The rest of the strong are inside, and even if someone makes trouble, the possibility of rushing out of the prison without his permission is extremely low!

Although the space treasures Qin Yang currently uses are still good, but under the circumstances of letting go of the strength of the strong inside, there are 30 or 50 strong shots that can completely destroy his space ring, and tens of thousands of strong, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not Some spies or something!

"Prisoner, where is the small space and how small is it?"

Qin Yang asked quickly.

If this space is too small, it may be enough for him to hide in it, and its practicality will be greatly reduced!

"I will guide your divine sense in."

Prisoner Tian said quietly, and soon Qin Yang's divine sense entered a space within the prisoner's day. As soon as the divine sense entered it, Qin Yang found that the space inside was extremely stable.

Even if you recruit tens of thousands of strong people to break out at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to tear the space here.

"This is what you call a small space?"

Qin Yang was dumbfounded and authentic.

This space is about the size of a galaxy.

And it's not a small galaxy like the solar system, but a large galaxy like the Milky Way, with an area no smaller than the Qingyan Region!

Prisoner said indifferently: "This small space is a cage, used to imprison the weakest realm master!"

"Qin Yang, there is a small problem you need to understand."

"Although it is a little broken now, there are still 81 strong men imprisoned in the remaining cages."

"The weakest of them is the one-star realm master, the master of the low-level one-star world, and the strongest one is the seven-star realm master."

Qin Yang took a breath.

In the prison sky, eighty-one world masters were actually imprisoned!

And among them were the Seven-Star Realm Master, the Seven-Star World, which was a high-level world. In that case, Prison Heaven was at least an 8-Star Realm Tool.

"Prisoner Tian, ​​do you think this is a problem?"

Qin Yang was nervous and authentic.

Eighty-one realm masters were in the prison sky, and Qin Yang felt a hairy heart.

Prison Tian said quietly: "You don't have to worry too much. There is no problem for the time being. They won't run out! But as you become more aware of the Lord, their seals will loosen a little, and weaker ones may be with you. meet!"

Qin Yang had a bitter face. He is now the master of Prison Heaven. The powerhouse masters have been imprisoned for a long time. He does not believe that they will have a good attitude towards him when they come out!

"Prisoner, is there any way to remedy it?"

Prisoner Tiandao: "You can find a way to obtain the remaining world artifacts, and I can devour the power of the remaining world artifacts to repair myself, so as to make the seal stronger."

"Are half-step palm-level treasures useful?"

"What do you mean?"

Qin Yang sighed, are the world weapons so easy to get?

It’s better to enter this place, and there may be a chance to get the boundary device. If he doesn’t get here, where does he get the boundary device from?

"Prisoner, why didn't you say this before."

Prison Tian said indifferently: "What's the use of saying these before? You couldn't get a boundary tool before, and the degree of master recognition was very low before! Now the degree of master recognition has increased from 5% to 10%, although it is still Initially recognize the master's level, but it is much better than before!"

"The degree of recognition is so low."

Qin Yang couldn't believe it, but thinking that Prisoner might be an eight-star advanced realm weapon, it seemed normal that the degree of master recognition was so low.

"Your strength is too weak."

Prisoner is not polite and authentic.

Qin Yang didn't have a half-step control level, and he was still far away from the One Star Realm Master!

Qin Yang curled his lips, his improvement was already fast!

"Prisoner Tian, ​​you have eighty-one realm masters in your custody. Did they lose their realm? Is it not easy for the stronger realm master to escape?"

Prisoner Tiandao: "Most of them have lost their boundary weapons, and there are still ten or twenty possessing boundary weapons, but I can't swallow the power of their boundary weapons. If you kill them, I can swallow the power of their boundary weapons. "

"The stronger the world master, the harder it is to come out."

"At present, it is impossible for them to come out in trillions of years, but if your strength increases, their speed of coming out will also be much faster!"

"If they hide special means, they may come out earlier."

Qin Yang frowned, it seemed that while his strength was improving, he must try his best to get a boundary tool to repair the prisoner sky.

"Prisoner, the surprise you gave me today is really big."

Qin Yang sighed.

The strength has been improved, the big benefits have been obtained, and he also knows the big trouble.

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