God of Shuratan

Chapter 2364: It's a showdown, I am not one of the Big Four!

Soon, Qin Yang transferred all sixty-five thousand subordinates to the internal space of Prison Sky.

And this time Qin Yang brought them all together.

"Everyone, gather!"

There is no need for Qin Yang to say, there is a strong team immediately, and in a short time, a neat phalanx appeared in front of Qin Yang!

Bei Yao has practiced for two years, and Qin Yang has practiced for another year. The least of these sixty-five thousand strong people have been specially trained for three years!

All of them are practicing to the death. After so long, the effect is remarkable.

It is definitely an iron army!

"Everyone, gather everyone today and let you know one thing!"

Qin Yang swept his gaze over Shen Sheng, and the sixty-five thousand strong all stared at Qin Yang.

"This seat, Venerable Wuji!"

"It's not what you think, it's one of the other Big Four!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, many powerhouses showed surprise in their eyes, but many powerhouses were not surprised. They already had some doubts about it!

If Qin Yang is one of the Big Four, they have been training without any tasks for so long?

Qin Yang costs three times as much every year!

After a few years, their expenditure on this aspect has not been low, and it is not a problem to keep them from performing their tasks.

"Everyone, there are currently five superpowers in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison, and we will be the sixth superpower by then!"

"But someone feels disappointed and wants to quit?"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, all the strong were silent.

How to exit?

At this moment, stand up and say you want to quit, shake the military's mind, and die.

Besides, they all killed the strong hydra together, and let the strong hydra know that they can still live when they withdraw?

And the treatment Qin Yang gave them made them very satisfied!

There are already sixty-five thousand strong, strong, and the momentum of development is quite fierce!

"Very good, it seems that everyone still agrees with this seat."

"Our power is the Wuji Sect, and this seat is the Sect Master of the Promise Sect. You can just call this Sect Master!"

Qin Yang said with a smile on his face.

"Let's see the master!"

Sixty-five thousand strong men knelt down at the same time and shouted in unison.

The sound is shaking!

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Get up, you all have been training for a lot of time before, but you have sealed your strength before, and you need to unblock your strength in battle formation coordination, and you will unblock your strength in the next time. Get training in this area!"


Everyone said in unison, and it didn't take long for the 65,000 strong to unblock their strength.

The overall momentum has increased countless times than just now!

Qin Yang whispered: "Everyone, I am the master of Wujimen, and Bei Yao is the deputy master of Wujimen. Wujimen will still need the rest of the senior management at that time, and the senior management will be paid more. I hope you will work harder one by one. ! In the next time, this seat announces that some people who performed well in the previous year will join the super team!"

With that, the traction force drew thousands of people to the front of the others.


Qin Yang smiled and said, he took out the Super Team Token, and these thousands of people happily quickly put their soul aura into the Super Team Token, wisps of colorful light entered their bodies, and their strength quickly increased a lot. .

After these people joined, the number of strong people who joined the super team has reached 20,000!

Their strength is relatively strong!

"We swear allegiance to the sect master!"

Thousands of newly joined experts knelt down and said loudly.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Please, if you perform well, you will have the chance to join the super team! I hope you will continue to work hard and perform well in the future. In the future, you can become the captain of the golden team, with more resources, and the chance of leaving the prison of life and death. It will be much higher too!"

Qin Yang said that three gold tokens appeared in his hand.

"Everyone, in addition to Beiyao's deputy sect owner who owns a gold token, there are also three gold tokens in this seat. We can develop at least three golden teams by then. Our strength will never be the bottom of the next few superpowers. !"

Many strong men stared at the three golden tokens with scorching eyes and became the captain of the golden team. There is no doubt that their power will increase a lot!

——The powerhouse who joined the super team, and then let the gold token recognize the master, the increase is still calculated by the super team 40%!

"Sect Master, is this place a secret realm or a treasure space?"

"Will there be any problem with so many of us training here?"

There are strong hands.

Qin Yang said indifferently, "This is the treasure space of this seat. You can safely and boldly train in it!"

Many strong eyes showed shock.

There are so many of them, even a half-step control level space treasure can't contain it!

They will smash the treasure space!

If it is really a treasure space, then this treasure owned by Qin Yang should be a realm weapon, and those who own a realm weapon are all big brothers!

"Thank you for the sect master, we will try our best to train!"

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Train well. As long as anyone can support this seat for half an hour at that time, this seat will directly mention him as the deputy master!"

Many strong men are immediately eager to try.

A large number of powerhouses who have joined the Promise Gate have not seen Qin Yang make a move, and many of the powerhouses who have joined are very strong.

All of them joined the Super Team, and with the same increase of 40%, many powerhouses felt that their strength might not be worse than Qin Yang.

Even if it is worse, many strong people feel that it can't last half an hour?

"Sect Master, can you challenge now?"

"Sect Master, I have this idea too!"

"The doorkeeper--"

In a short time, many strong people spoke.

Qin Yang said quietly: "There is no time to fight with so many of you in this seat. Set up the God of War list. You can challenge each other. Every year, the top ten of the God of War list can challenge this seat. If you can't even enter the top ten, don't think about it. too much!"


A large number of strong people said in unison, and their eyes showed excitement.

"The God of War list has a hundred!"

"As long as you are on the God of War list, the reward will be doubled, the top ten, the reward will double!"

Qin Yang announced.

After Qin Yang finished speaking, many strong people were shocked.

The powerful ones were originally paid higher, and Qin Yang gave them three times. This treatment is excellent. If it enters the top ten, it will be nine times as high as before. This income is before the spike!

These powerhouses have felt what is meant by rich wealth.

They estimated that Qin Yang was probably from the five-star world, and should come from the top forces in the five-star world!

"The top ten on the God of War list, I want one!"

"I want one too!"

"A little girl, don't grab me."

Many strong people spoke, and a terrifying aura burst out of the strong people who spoke.

Some strong guys originally planned to hide their points and paddling, so that they have a higher chance of surviving if they encounter problems in the future. Nowadays, you can't paddle!

The top ten benefits of God of War are too great!


Qin Yang waved his hand, a huge stone tablet appeared, and hundreds of names appeared on it.

The person above is someone who Qin Yang thinks is good.

"Everyone, I will give you a random row first. For the time being, these people's remuneration will not increase. The remuneration will increase. Starting a month later, you will increase your income for as long as you stay on the God of War list!"

"For example, if you stay in the top ten for half a year but do not enter the top ten, your income doubles in that six months! If you are in the top ten for half a year, and the rest of the time is just not in the top ten on the God of War list, your income will double in half a year and triple in half a year. income!"

"Next to you, you can challenge each other, but the training must not be abandoned, otherwise the performance will be poor and the income may increase, but then you will lose the qualification to become the captain of the golden team!"

Qin Yang disappeared after speaking.

"I challenge you!"

"Let's practice!"

As soon as Qin Yang left, ten powerhouses immediately jumped out to challenge the top ten powerhouses. There would be a lot of benefits if they could enter the top ten.



The strong who were challenged immediately took the battle. Since Qin Yang selected them to enter the God of War list, their strength is naturally very strong, and they are not afraid to fight!

Soon the top ten teams were killed in pairs.

The rest of the powerhouses took the second place and began to challenge the rest of the God of War list. It didn't take long for a hundred pairs of powerhouses to challenge.

"The space is so stable!"

"Yes, the space doesn't look like it can't bear it."

"It's definitely a realm space!"

Many strong people secretly talked about the challenge of a hundred against the strong, and it has no effect on this space. You must know that all of them have absolute strength!

Even if the Five Heavenly Paths became Great Perfection level space treasures, if so many powerful people killed them, they would definitely collapse immediately.

"Everyone, let's freely combine for battle formation training!"


The rest of the strong who did not challenge in pairs soon started training in battle formations, with a few dozen people in the battle formation and a few hundred people in the more battle formation.

With the training of the previous years, many of them are familiar with each other, so there is no problem with training, but if you want to have good results, you need more training!

When battle formations were formed, and even many battle formations were fighting against each other, the hearts of a large number of strong men were even more shocked.

The space is still extremely stable!

Even if it is a boundary tool, if the master's strength is not good, the space inside may not be stable, and it is difficult to withstand the pressure brought by so many of them!

In their opinion, this world implement should have a deep recognition of the master, which means that Qin Yang's strength must also be very strong.

Weak strength is difficult to get the recognition of the realm, even if the master is reluctantly recognized, it will be difficult to improve the fit afterwards!

How do these people know that Qin Yang's recognition of this treasure is actually only 10%.

The stability of space is not about the degree of recognition, but that this prisoner is strong enough!

"For several years, the Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance should not be as powerful as they have been investigated, and they can absorb a new wave of powerhouses."

"Tianhu Gang also has to deal with it."

"Bei Yao has never killed a few strong men, and my ranking has dropped to four or five hundred, so I have to improve a bit!"

Qin Yang muttered in his heart.

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