God of Shuratan

Chapter 2385: Bleach Alliance Expansion

Chapter 2385 Death Alliance Expansion

In half a minute, the strong enough for the Holy Alliance will destroy most of the valuable things.

They eventually chose to blew themselves.

After doing these things, it is impossible for the strong who surrendered to the Death Alliance to forgive them lightly. Surrendering in the past is suffering, and the family will also be affected by that time!


Yan Wansheng roared angrily.

There was fire in his eyes!

My own headquarters has been destroyed, and if I want to occupy the headquarters of the Holy Alliance, the headquarters of the Holy Alliance has also been destroyed!

It takes a lot of energy and resources to rebuild such a powerful headquarters.

Even if they settled the Shenguang Fortress and the Holy Alliance headquarters, they didn't get many resources at this time.

There are no treasures in the tens of thousands of powerful space treasures in the headquarters of the Holy Alliance. They have recognized the treasures of the Lord, and basically all of them are damaged and their value is greatly reduced!


In the distance, Reins, the leader of the Holy Alliance, was even more angry, his eyes were cracked, his eyes seemed to eat people!

Just now, thousands of his super team died. These people were originally guarded at the headquarters of the Holy Alliance!

They died, no doubt the headquarters fell!

The best result is the destruction of the headquarters.

The worse result is that the headquarters has fallen into the hands of the Death Alliance!

"Everyone, the headquarters is lost!"

"Thousands of strong super teams guarded in the headquarters died, and the rest of the strong guards guarded at the headquarters are probably also in trouble!"

Rains told the rest of the strong in the Holy Alliance, and they were all furious.

There are not only tens of thousands of people in the headquarters, but also the great interests of their Holy Alliance. The loss of the headquarters is extremely serious for their Holy Alliance.

"Leader, how can the Death Alliance be so fast?"

"Yeah, lord, we still have tens of thousands of people left. Even if the powerhouses of the Death Alliance rush over as quickly as possible, we should be able to arrive in time."

"The strength of the Reaper Alliance powerhouse is likely to be higher than we estimated!"

Many strong people in the Holy Alliance talked.

They are not far from the headquarters at the moment. If the Death Alliance did not have so many silver teams, they might really arrive in time!

The Holy Alliance has more strong guards in the headquarters, and the defense of the Holy Alliance headquarters is stronger!

"Everyone, no matter what the situation in the Death Alliance is now, get ready for a **** battle!"

Rains said murderously.

He continued to advance at the fastest speed and could soon return to the sect.

Less than two minutes later, Rains arrived at the headquarters of the Holy Alliance, which had become a ruin, full of death.

The powerhouse of the Death Alliance is no longer there.

The power of the Death Alliance is even more powerful, but they have already used the forbidden technique, and the cost of siege is not low. At this time, it will not be much cheaper to fight with the power of the Holy Alliance. When the rest of the situation recovers, then the Holy Alliance will be restored. Contest is better!


"Damn beast!"

The rest of the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance appeared outside, and they were all mad!

Many of the tens of thousands of people staying here have a good relationship with them, and some are even their relatives, but at this moment they are all dead!

"Friend Raines, let's not invade each other for a while?"

"Otherwise, if you destroy one of our strongholds and I destroy one of yours, everyone will suffer a huge loss!"

Yan Wansheng's voice sounded in Rains's mind.

"Yan Wansheng, you must be broken into pieces!"

Raines preached angrily.

From afar, Yan Wansheng said indifferently: "Fearer of Daoist Raines, as long as you have such strength, you are free!"

"Friends of Daoist Raines, your Holy Alliance moves a stronghold of our Death Alliance, and our Death Alliance will destroy your equivalent stronghold!"


After Yan Wansheng went away quickly, Rains considered whether to curse Yan Wansheng remotely, but in the end he didn't do anything.

It's impossible to kill someone like Yan Wansheng so easily!

"The Reaper League headquarters was destroyed."

"The headquarters of the Holy Alliance is destroyed!"

The two pieces of news spread across the entire realm of life and death at an extremely fast speed. Upon receiving the news, the powerhouses of the remaining forces were shocked.

The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance have been at war recently. It's not surprising that they are in conflict, but the powerhouses of the rest of the forces did not expect them to be so big all at once!

Mutual actually destroyed each other's headquarters.

And forced many strong opponents to blew themselves up.

This is a blood feud!

Although the Death Alliance and the Holy Alliance have been rivals since ancient times, there are not many times when they have been so fierce, and they have been so fierce after decades!


"Tsk tut, good job!"

Qin Yang's face was full of smiles.

Although not many people died on both sides, tens of thousands were killed anyway, and the headquarters were destroyed. This hatred is already great!

But this is far from enough for Qin Yang!

The Death Alliance and the Holy Alliance still have to continue to do it.

Without pressure, how could they buy something from him?

In the trading tower, with the opening of the battle between the Holy Alliance and the Reaper Alliance, the price of the team's tokens has risen a lot. The silver token is 50 trillion yuan, which has risen to sixty-five trillion yuan. The gold token has risen to seven trillion!

Super team tokens, eight trillion!

Don't be too expensive, no one has sold it at such a price, only silver tokens have sporadic transactions.

Qin Yang went to a stronghold in the Death Alliance.

"These five hundred silver tokens, one forty trillion Tianzun coins, the price of the silver team tokens has risen!"

"Hurry up and deliver things to your leader."

Qin Yang disappeared after speaking.

The strong from the Reaper Alliance's stronghold hurriedly took the time to send five hundred silver team tokens to Yan Wansheng. It didn't take long for a transaction for two hundred immortal coins to appear in the trading tower.

The purchase amount of the Death Alliance in Qin Yang has reached five hundred immortal coins, and there is a lot of pressure on them.

Originally, if they harvested a lot from the Holy Alliance, their financial pressure would be much reduced, but I didn't expect to harvest much at all!

The most recent two hundred immortal coins, the rest of the death alliance has supported a lot, otherwise Yan Wansheng can't get it out!

—— Yan Wansheng has a bounding device, this kind of thing is extremely valuable, but it is impossible to take it out if it is not a last resort!

"Leader, when we buy like this, the other party is getting fatter and fatter."

"Will it be—"

The Reaper Alliance has some worries.

Yan Wansheng said solemnly: "If we don't buy, the other party will definitely find the Holy Alliance, we have no choice!"

"Don't worry too much. We practitioners still depend on our own strength. The opponent's strength cannot be stronger than ours!"

Several powerhouses in the Death Alliance nodded, but they were confident about this.

They are masters from the five-star forces.

"Let the stronger players join the team quickly, and then we have to annex the remaining small and medium forces to quickly expand our strength!"


Of the one and a few hundred thousand strong players gathered in the Death Alliance, 900,000 of them joined the Silver Team, tens of thousands of Super Teams, tens of thousands of Gold Teams, and many just joined the Bronze Team, or even not joined the team at all.

Qin Yang's five hundred silver tokens can increase the strength of the Death Alliance a lot!

Soon, the Grim Reaper Alliance added another five hundred silver teams, bringing the total to one thousand six hundred, which is very tyrannical!

Yan Wansheng went directly to the headquarters of the seventh-ranked force. This force is ranked higher than the Survivor League, and is still very strong. With more than 200,000 strong players, there are also two golden teams!

This force has tended to support the Holy Alliance in the past!

"come out!"

With Yan Wansheng's thoughts moved, one hundred and a hundred thousand powerful members of the Death Alliance appeared, and the aura exuding one by one was very powerful.

Not long ago, the forbidden technique was used, and it was not enough to deal with forces like the Holy Alliance, but there was no problem with dealing with such forces.

"The head of Ju Lan, I heard that your Ju Lan Sect intends to form an alliance with our Death Alliance. I wonder if this is the case?"

Yan Wansheng raised his voice.

His voice entered the sect.

The powerhouse of Julanzong quickly checked the teleportation array, and as a result, the teleportation array could not be used, and they were trapped in the headquarters!

The Julanzong has more than 200,000 strong members, but the headquarters is only eighty to ninety thousand.

And many of them did not even join the Bronze team, and did not gain any increase in strength!


Sect Master Ju Lan cursed secretly in his heart.

"Sect Master Julan, our Death Alliance now has 1,600 silver teams. If you don't want to join, we don't force it. If you want to join, this seat is still very happy!"

Yan Wansheng said indifferently.


A large number of strong men in the Julan Sect took a breath. There are about 1,600 Silver Teams. What is this concept?

The Holy Alliance and the Death Alliance, aren't there only a hundred silver teams?

Even if there are hidden, a silver team of one thousand six hundred is too exaggerated!

"Could it be that--"

Soon some strong people thought of those three huge transactions. If the transaction was for the Silver Team token, it would make sense!

Why the Death Alliance attacked the Holy Alliance at this time also made sense.

"Leader Yan, our Julan Sect does have such an idea."

"I also hope that Leader Yan will not dislike it!"

Sect Master Ju Lan squeezed out a big smile on his face, they are less than 100,000 people, and one and a hundred thousand people in the Death Alliance are outside the sect. As long as he dares to say a "no", a large number of powerful people in the Death Alliance will definitely do it. Let them die immediately!

"Haha, Sect Master of Julan said quickly."

"Trouble with Sect Master Julian to open the barrier, we will be allies in the future!"

Yan Wansheng laughed.

There are also individual powerhouses from the other forces on the Julanzong. They are shocked, and the Julanzong is so allied with the Death Alliance!

Or not alliance, but annexation!

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