God of Shuratan

Chapter 2386: Legend token

Chapter 2386 Legendary Token

Soon, the strong of the Death Alliance entered the headquarters of the Julanzong.

"Friends of Dao Lan, many of your great Lan Sects have not increased their strength. It would be a big loss to fight the enemy like this! Many of our teams still have a lot of places. Let us give you some of the places. Right."

"People still belong to your Julian Sect."

"But what about the resources you have to pay? After all, you also know that we spent a lot of resources to obtain these silver tokens!"

Yan Wansheng smiled authentically.

Sect Master Julian is annoyed, their people have joined the team of the strong in the Death Alliance, can they still be regarded as members of their Julian Sect?

Yan Wansheng is asking for both man and money!

But in the face of the strength of the Death Alliance, Sect Master Julian knew that he had no choice at all!

In just ten minutes, a large number of strong players from the Julanzong joined the Death Alliance teams one by one, some even joined the golden team, a small number of strong like Julanzong master and even joined the super team with Yan Wansheng as the captain!

In this situation, even if the Julanzong wants to rebel against the Death Alliance in the future, it will be very difficult. Unless Yan Wansheng dies, the Julan Sect Master cannot join the rest of the team.

——Or a team token with a higher level than the super team token appears!

According to rumors, there is such a token, but there is only one!

In the endless years, this token has not been exposed. It is rumored that this token can be recognized by millions of strong, and the strength of all strong can increase by 50%. The strong man can also freely enter the prison of life and death in the hundred realms!

In addition, as long as a strong person obtains that token and uses it, there will be no more warm season and frozen season in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison!

Permanent warm season!

It is equivalent to the powerhouse who owns that piece of token. There is a high probability that he can control the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison. Here, hundreds of worlds have invested a lot of resources. The resources on the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison are no better than the four-star world. Poor resources!

It is also because there are so many resources here, even the five-star world is staring at it!

Even for a long time, this side is dominated by the five-star world, and it is the channel to harvest the rest of the world. The four-star world also supports it, because the four-star world can often harvest a lot of resources, although their harvest will be less than the five-star world!

If the warm season here is permanent, the value here will be further enhanced.

"The Death Alliance actually has 1,600 silver teams!"

"Isn't the Reaper League a hundred silver teams before? Why suddenly there are 1,500 silver teams?"

"The strength has increased so much, it's not that the Death Alliance dared to fight the Holy Alliance. The current strength of the Holy Alliance must be much lower than the Death Alliance!"


The Death Alliance has clearly demonstrated its strength on the Julanzong side. In a short time, news about the Death Alliance has spread in the Hundred Realms Life and Death Prison.

Some forces originally planned to form an alliance with the Holy Alliance, but hesitated at this time!

If the strength of the Holy Alliance is much worse than the Death Alliance, it is not a wise choice to form an alliance with the Holy Alliance.

"Damn it!"

When the news reached the Holy Alliance, Rains vomited blood with anger, and the strength of the Death Alliance must have been improved in a short time.

In this regard, Team Silver is much stronger than their Holy Alliance!

Their Holy Alliance has only a hundred silver teams, which can only increase tens of thousands of people by 20%; the Death Alliance can increase more than one million people by 20%, which makes the Death Alliance more attractive to other forces. A lot!

What's even more frightening is that after the Death Alliance has annexed the rest of the forces, there may be more silver teams appearing. The Death Alliance has strong support, but the Holy Alliance does not!

"Leader, we must also hurry up to form alliances with some forces, otherwise the strength of the Death Alliance will soar, and we will be widened!"


One by one, the Holy Alliance made suggestions.

The Holy Alliance took action immediately, and it didn't take long for the high-level experts of the Holy Alliance to approach a powerful force, and there were one and a hundred thousand powerful members of the Holy Alliance in their space treasure.

"come out!"

They made a large number of strong people appear outside.

Rains came to the front, and he raised his voice: "Hall Master Demon Venerable, this seat wants to form an alliance with your Hall of Demon Venerable, I don't know what you want?"

The Demon Sovereign Hall was originally ranked seventh, but some time ago, the strength of the palace owner was reduced a bit. Now it is ranked eighth, and the relationship with the Holy Alliance has been still good.

"Welcome fellow Taoists."

"Holy lord, I'm really sorry, the hall master is not there, the deputy hall master, and the ninety-five percent of the powerhouse of our Demon Venerable Hall are not there!"

An elder of the Demon Zun Hall took the other people to the outside of the sect.


Rains frowned.

The elder arched his hands and said, "Holy leader, I am personally very happy to form an alliance with the holy alliance, but I can't do this. The holy lord strictly ordered that our Demon Sovereign Hall Neutral is not participating in any forces' struggle now!"

"Hall Lord said, the Holy Alliance or Death Alliance wanted to occupy the headquarters of our Demon Venerable Hall, so they bombed the headquarters, and then fell to the other side."

Raines had a dark face, and the people in the Demon Sovereign Hall actually did that.

No one was in the sect, and they threatened to explode the sect. It would be useless for them to enter the Hall of the Demon Venerable.

"You should persuade you the lord at that time!"

"let's go!"

Rains took the people and left quickly. He didn't want to delay here at the moment, but hoped to reach the rest of the powerful forces soon, and see if he could swallow the other powerful forces.

If the news here spreads, the other powerful forces may also follow suit.

In less than ten minutes, Raines reached another powerful force at the fastest speed, but the result was the same. Most of the strong people here are not in the headquarters, and only a few strong people in the headquarters maintain the most formation. Basic defense!

This basic defense will definitely not be able to resist Raines and the others for long, but it will definitely be fine to resist for more than ten seconds!

This time is already long enough for the strong inside to destroy many things, they have no opinion on taking over a ruin!

"Leader, let's go to Cangyu Divine Empire or Hydra!"

"Yes, most of the weaker forces are hiding, and there may not be a force like Hydra!"

Rains rushed to the Cangyu Divine Empire, but the news from the Demon Venerable Hall had already spread here.

Cangyu Shenchao took the same approach.

Four-fifths of the strong in Cangyu Shen Dynasty were not in the headquarters, and only one-fifth were left, and their attitude was relatively tough.

As long as the powerhouses of the Holy Alliance come in chaos and they fight to the end, the Cangyu God Dynasty will also fall to the Death Alliance!

Rains' face was extremely ugly, he wanted to order an attack, but in the end he endured it, and the consequences of letting a force like Cangyu God fall to the Death Alliance would be serious.

"Leader, it seems that it is very difficult to forcibly annex some forces, and these forces have all learned their skills!"

"We may only be able to attract some strong people to join us by improving the treatment!"

"We definitely have an advantage in this regard."

"Our Holy Alliance should have been richer, and the Death Alliance has already spent five hundred immortal coins!"

The Holy Alliance has a strong way.

Rains nodded, raising the treatment, it should be able to attract many powerful people to join their sacred alliance!

"Leader, in addition to this, we have to find a way to obtain the Silver Team Token, even the Golden Team Token, and the Super Team Token, otherwise more powerhouses are likely to flow to the Death Alliance, and the gap will continue to widen!"

Another strong person said.

Lei Tian Ensi frowned.

This is not easy!

The chance of killing the beasts and exploding the team token is very low, and it takes time to enter some secret places to find the team token or something.

And the efficiency of so many powerhouses in the Holy Alliance entering a secret realm is very low.

Entering different secret realms separately, the efficiency is high, but the security is greatly reduced, and it is dead if discovered by the strong of the Death Alliance!

"It would be great if Venerable Wuji was not from the Death Alliance."

Rains secretly said in his heart that if the opponent and their holy alliance do not have strong hatred, they may still buy the team token from Venerable Wuji!


"Another 500 Silver Team Tokens?"

Raines was worried, and Yan Wansheng was very happy. One of his subordinates gave another five hundred silver team tokens!

But the price has risen, one fifty trillion Tianzun coin.

Five hundred yuan is two hundred and fifty immortal coins!

After struggling for a while, Yan Wansheng still used a lot of resources obtained from the Julanzong, plus a lot of resources collected internally to pay.

If this money is not given, he estimates that the Holy Alliance will soon receive strong support, and it may even get the golden team token!

This is definitely not the time to turn your face with Venerable Wuji.


"250 million Tianzun coins."

"Is it the Death Temple, or the Holy Alliance has got many Silver Team tokens?"

The other powerhouses quickly noticed the abnormality in the trading tower, and the trading quota of 250 million Tianzun coins was very scary.

The Holy Alliance naturally discovered it.

Rains was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Why doesn't the other party cooperate with their Holy Alliance, and always cooperate with the Death Alliance?

The Death Alliance got another five hundred silver teams. The pressure on their holy alliance is too great, and the strong people who want to join their holy alliance will definitely be greatly reduced!

"Everyone, you must already know this good news."

"Our Reaper Alliance has won another five hundred silver team tokens."

"Soon our Reaper Alliance will have 500 more silver teams. If you want to join our Reaper Alliance or cooperate with our Reaper Alliance, hurry up!"

There was no movement in the Holy Alliance. The Death Alliance announced the news soon, and it showed 500 silver tokens in public.

Suddenly, many vacillating powerhouses quickly joined the Death Alliance. In just ten days, the Death Alliance powerhouses increased by hundreds of thousands!

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